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Sr. Ios Consultant Resume

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  • Having 10+ years of professional experience in Mobile Application Development (iOS, Android Windows Phone 7, Palm, Symbian)
  • 5+years of experience with iOS applications (Objective C & swift)
  • 3+ years of experience in Swift 2.3, 3, 3. 2 and Objective - C interoperability
  • 1+ years of experience in RxSwift, RxCocoa, ReSwift
  • Experience in Agile Development
  • Experience with Location technologies (Geofencing, iBeacon, GPS-Navigation, BLE), Push Notification technologies


Programming Languages: C, C++, C#, Objective C, Swift, .Net technologies, Silverlight, Cocoa Touch frameworks, VC++ (Win32 API, MFC, COM, Socket programming).

Development Software: XCode IDE, Interface Builder and Performance Analysis tool, Instrument tool, Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, Xamarin Studio, Microsoft Platform Builder, Eclipse IDE, Metrowerks CodeWarrior, Hot sync, Palm Desktop, QXDM, QPST, RSD lite, Radiocomm

iOS Frameworks: Core Data, Core Foundation, Core Graphics, Core Location, Core Media, Core Text, Foundation, Image IO, MapKit, Message UI, Media Player, QuartzCore, System Configuration, UIKit

ThirdPartyFrameworks: AFNetworking,Tesseract,OCR,iOS,WIDCOMMSDK,Crashlytics,(Fabric), AFNetworking,XCGLogger,ObjectMapper,SwiftyJson,FlurrySDK,DKImagePickerController,RxSwift,RxCocoa,ReSwift,Moya/RxSwift,ObjectMapper,GoogleTagManager,GoogleIDFASupport,RealmSwift,OHHTTPStubs/Swift,SwiftyJSON,OpenUDID,AppDynamicsAgent,Dip,JWTDecode,FileBrowser,AWSCognito,AWSLambda,AWSS3,RxSwiftExt,Quick,Kiwi,Nimble,KIF,XCTest-Gherkin,RxBlocking

Source Control: Git, AccuRev 6.0, Clear Case, Visual Source Safe, TFS 2012, ClearDDTS

Design Patterns: Singleton. MVC,MVVM, Decorator, Adapter, Facade. Observer and, Memento


Confidential, OH

Sr. iOS Consultant


  • Responsible for developing Apple pay and photo estimate feature.
  • Worked on consuming AWS Amazon cognito (Lambda initialize & finalize), to Upload photos and videos in Amazon s3.
  • Worked on compression techniques to compress photo images and videos.
  • Worked on Native application using Objective-C, Swift, IOS SDK
  • Designed and Developed API’s in Core SDK Static Frameworks.
  • Web server communication and JSON Parsing part with Core data communication.
  • Involved in the new feature analyzation, design and development of modules using Swift 3.0.
  • Responsible for writing unit test by using Nimble/XCTest-/Quick/KIF framework
  • Responsible for UI automation and Build process by using iOS fastlane tools
  • Responsible for ClaimStation RestFul API design and development
  • Responsible for Bing Authentication and Amazon Upload process design
  • Responsible for image/video compression implementation for claimstogo feature.
  • Responsible for writing mock network response implementation for UI and Unit Test.
  • Responsible for Dependency injection implementation for by using DIP Framework

Environment: iOS7,8,9,10,11,Swift3,3.2,XCode,DK Image Picker Controller, RxSwift, RxCocoa, ReSwift,Moya/Rx Swift,Object Mapper,Google Tag

Confidential, TX

Lead iOS Developer


  • Responsible for core iOS native application development for new feature functionalities, capabilities.
  • Migrating Objective-C Code to Swift.
  • Network Stack(consuming RESTFulAPI),CoreData stack, Geobased survey algorithm using CoreLocation, parsing JSON,logging mechanism written in swift 2.3
  • Responsible for developing new technologies on Geolocation services including but not limited to geo fences, Points of interests, and geo processing for iOS native platform
  • Implemented push notifications capabilities for Apple platform, to reliably inform the users of available notices when significant events occur.
  • Implemented build server setup using Jenkins and continuous integration with Apple enterprise account and developer account.
  • Developed wrapper on swift based XCGLogger to debug crash on production/debug build using Crashalertics (CLSLogv.CLSNSLogv) for iOS system log and Xcode Console log
  • Developed Local notification logs to test Geofencing Survey
  • Developed POC for ibeacon Broadcasting and Detecting ibeacon
  • Developed POC for iOS QR reader
  • Developed POC for Phone Verification system using Twilio
  • NSURLSession network traffic logs added to Restful Logging API/File
  • Developed NSURLSession Queueable network request mechanism
  • Core Data was used to store user location data
  • OS RESTful API Web Services were integrated in the iOS apps to access and parse
  • JSON formatted data by using swift -Object Mapper and SwiftyJson iOS Beta Testing (Test Flight) was done prior to deployment and release of ALL mobile app builds. In addition, third-party testing software“Hockey App” was used by anonymous testers to rigorously test for performance and functionality prior to deployment
  • Implemented UniversalLinks-Associated Domains
  • Implemented localization and Internationalisation.
  • Corelocation used for Geo based surveys.
  • Downloaded iOS certificates for signing and provisioning of devices prior to app deployment to internal proprietary enterprise after extensive testing and create automated ipa file for AppStore Submission
  • Integrated Flurry Analytics service
  • Writing unit tests using XCTest.
  • Support the maintenance and bug fixes for the mobile iOS applications
  • Serve as the team’s lead solution engineer on the iOS native application architecture, design and development

Environment: Xcode iOS 7,8,9,10,Objective-C,Swift 2.3,3.0, Storyboard, Size Class, Auto layout,HockeyAPP,Crashlytics(Fabric),AFNetworking,XCGLogger,SwiftyJson,ObjectMapper,FlurrySDK,REST API,Testflight,Hockeyapp,github

Confidential, TX

Senior Mobility Software Consultant


  • Responsible for all aspects of project, from UI design to code implementation.
  • Programmed UI for iOS application using interface builder with XIBs, Storyboards and custom views using UI Kit.
  • Designed and Developed API framework to communicate the backend server
  • Developed the Report Module for Clinician App.
  • Data models and Core data creations.
  • Designed and built signup and login pages using HTML5 and JavaScript.
  • Used Xamarin Studio for developing iOS Apps in C# (call any native platform APIs directly from C#)
  • Used Xcode and Objective - C to develop the Program Controller App
  • Implemented methods using Objective C and swift.
  • BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy APIs) used to communicate between iPAD and medical device

Environment: Xcode 5.1.1 iOS 7, Objective-C,Storyboard, Autolayout, ClearQuest, Agile, CoreData framework, MFMailComposeViewController, UI Activity View Controller, Xamarin Studio(4.2.3), C#,Accurev (6.0)

Confidential, OK

Senior Mobility Software Consultant


  • Responsible for all aspects of project, from UI design to code implementation.
  • Developed the web service to connect with backend SAP system
  • Implemented the geo lock
  • Converted the application from iOS6 to iOS7 compatible

Environment: Xcode 4.6.3/5.0 iOS6.1/7, Objective-C, Storyboard, Autolayout, CoreData framework, CoreLocationFramework, Microsoft Visual Studio, C#, SOAP and REST web services, JSON(NSJSONSerialization)

Confidential, OK

Senior Mobility Software Consultant


  • Responsible for all aspects of project, from UI design to code implementation.
  • Used image to text conversion algorithm (OCR) to retrieve the carrier name since there is no public API available in iOS to find current carrier.
  • Converted the application from iOS6 to iOS7 compatible.

Environment: Xcode 4.6.3/5.0, iOS 6.1/7.0 SDK, Objective-C, Storyboard, Auto layout MediaPlayer framework,CoreLocation framework,CoreData framework,System Configuration framework, Github


Software Consultant


  • Responsible for App Store Review Guidelines and App Submission process
  • Responsible for all aspects of project, from UI design to code implementation.
  • Signed the cold build with Confidential distribution certificate and Host the application for internal testing

Environment: Xcode 4.2, iOS 4.3 SDK, Objective-C, Apple Push Notification service, Microsoft Visual Studio, C#, Silverlight, Windows Phone 7 SDK

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