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Sr. Software Web Developer Resume

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New York, NY


  • Over 6 years’ experience in building Web Applications using latest technologies following Waterfall and Agile Methodologies
  • Expertise in front - end frameworks and technologies including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, NodeJS and JS Frameworks.
  • Experience in developing Web-centric applications using XML, Angular.js, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver and IIS.
  • Working Expertise in Software Development lifecycle including design, development, execution, testing and delivery
  • Experience wif AWS Cloud and Restful Web APIs
  • Experience on implementing Ajax feature using JavaScript and jQuery
  • Built application platform foundation to support migration from client-server product lines to enterprise Architectures and servers.
  • Used SVN, GIT for version control.
  • Created Mobile Web Solutions using Responsive Web Design (RWD), Twitter Boot Strap and JQUERY MOBILE.
  • Knowledge of developing wif and customizing open source applications such as WordPress, Joomla.
  • Developed Web 2.0 Apps using core jQuery wif JavaScript and Ajax
  • Used Angular JS to develop UI for search products
  • Knowledge and experience in using various jQuery UI controls and related Event handlers
  • Experience in applications development using Object Oriented Analysis and design (OOA/OOD) principles
  • Used teh latest HTML5 elements for video playback, content rendering using semantic tags such as article, section etc.
  • Ability to adjust and apply technical noledge in a dynamic environment using Agile development principles
  • Experience in using Project management tools like Jira and TFS
  • Worked wif teh team of architects and back-end Developers to gather requirements and enhance teh application functionality and add new features


Programming Languages: JavaScript, Java, python

Web Development: HTML, CSS, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, AngularJS, GIT, Node.js, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Ajax, Node.js, Automatic task runner (Gulp.js), AWS Cloud, REST APIs, PHP

Debugging Tools: Firebug, Browser Developer tools

Databases: SQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, Apache Hadoop2.9.0

IDEs: Eclipse, NetBeans, Pycharm, IntelliJ

Operating System: Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8, MAC OS X, Linux

Build Tools: Jenkins, Grunt, Gulp


Sr. Software Web Developer

Confidential, New York, NY


  • Worked on Confidential & Confidential CIQ Web Applications project to provide clients wif Market intelligence data,
  • Enterprise-level Responsive application design and development for web and mobile deployment using technologies like AngularJS 2.0, jQuery, Node.js, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, AJAX and JSON.
  • Understanding teh Domain Knowledge for teh Product, Requirements and Design Documents
  • Heavily focused on utilizing JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS and various JavaScript libraries including AngularJS 2.0
  • Followed agile methodologies to achieve day to day tasks including Backlog Grooming, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrums and Retrospectives.
  • Continue to educate and expand my noledge through conferences, online training, self-learning and other available resources.
  • Used Chrome and Fiddler, teh data and networking debugging and inspecting tools to better understanding teh data flow and visualize teh accuracy and performance.
  • Used routing feature of angular to build a single page application.
  • Redesigned user interface HTML frameworks wif Bootstrap and CSS styling.
  • Designed and Developed Web application using CSS preprocessors (SASS)
  • Worked wif NodeJS Preprocessing tools like GulpJS and GruntJS

Environment: AngularJS 2.0, HTML/HTML5, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, XML, XHTML, Bootstrap, AJAX, JSON, Node JS, GulpJS, GruntJS

Web Developer

Confidential, Buffalo, NY


  • Developed, tested and maintained University Library Web Portal using technologies like AngularJS 2.0, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax
  • Continue to educate and expand my noledge through conferences, online training and other available resources.
  • System administration, management and installation of LAMP environment. Installation of required libraries for web development projects.
  • Debugged REST services using Fiddler and Postman
  • Writing test driven code using automated task runners like Gulpjs, Nodejs, npm.
  • Maintaining code using version control GIT.
  • Worked on adding custom analytics to teh site
  • Extensively worked on creating cross-browser compatible interfaces to support IE, Firefox.
  • Published and modified website content using content management system.
  • Designed and developed database using Microsoft Access and MySQL
  • Code deployment was done using Unix command line interface

Environment: HTML, CSS, JS, Angular 2.0, jQuery, JSON, REST Web Services, Ajax, Nodejs, Unix, WSDL, Apache Axis, Web logic 9.1, SOAP, Log4j, ANT

Software Web Developer

Confidential, Cheektowaga, NY


  • Developed interactive interfaces using HTML, JS, Angular JS 2.0, CSS
  • Designed user cases for UI requirements. Prototyped UI design using Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk Inventor
  • Used CSS for rewriting stylesheets
  • Collaborated wif other programmers
  • Side project done on data mining of skin cells Gene data:
  • Implement clustering algorithms to find clusters of genes that exhibit similar expression profiles: Used K-means, Distributed K-means, Hierarchical Agglomerative clustering wif Single Link (Min), and density-based clustering.
  • Implemented (TEMPPrincipal component analysis), SVD (singular value decomposition and t-SNE (t-distributed stochastic embedding) in python to get teh two-dimensional data points and visualize teh result using 3D scatter plots.
  • Validate clustering results using teh following methods:
  • Rand Index and Jaccard Coefficient for comparing teh clustering results of teh aforementioned clustering algorithms
  • Visualize data sets and clustering results by using TEMPPrincipal Component Analysis (PCA).
  • Single-node apache Hadoop 2.9.0 cluster to implement MapReduce K-means on teh gene data set.

Environment: HTML, JS, Angular JS 2.0, CSS, Hadoop, python, Django, Aws, Data caching, Agile

Web Developer

Confidential, NY


  • Involved in designing and implementing Web2.0 Rich UI for teh Self-service Application using jQuery Ajax framework and Widget based JavaScript programmed model.
  • Developed teh UI Screens using HTML5, DHTML, XML, AngularJS, JavaScript’ Confidential, Ajax, jQuery Custom-tags, JSTL DOM Layout and CSS3.
  • Developed teh administrative UI using Angular Js.
  • Designed Frontend wif in object oriented JavaScript Framework like Node.js.
  • Created websites for devices using Responsive design.
  • Written Ajax driven JSON consuming JavaScript functions to save User selections such as radio button, drop-down menu selections into a cookie.
  • Used jQuery to traverse through a DOM tree and manipulated teh nodes in teh tree.
  • Used jQuery plugins for Widgets, Menus, User Interface and Forms.

Environment: JS, Angular 2.0, jQuery, JSON, Node Js, Ajax, Oracle, WebLogic 9.1, Data Caching, WSDL, Apache Axis, Oracle 10g, WebLogic 9.1, SOAP, Log4j, ANT, Subversion, Linux

Web Developer

Confidential, Melville, NY


  • Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular 1.0 and 2.0, AJAX and JSON
  • Used JavaScript, jQuery for user interactions in pages.
  • Worked on creating responsive website for smart devices using responsive design and media queries.
  • Used jQuery Ajax for service calls on pages to interact wif teh server for information.
  • Rapid prototyping of design concepts.
  • Utilized various JavaScript and jQuery libraries, AJAX for form validation and other interactive features.
  • Involved in designing and developing teh JSON, XML Objects wif MySQL.
  • Used Ajax, JSON to send request to teh server to check teh functionality of teh websites.
  • Using complex Object-Oriented concepts in improving teh performance of teh websites.
  • Created forms to collect and validate data from teh user in HTML and JavaScript.
  • Used supervised method SVM and unsupervised Bayesian network machine learning method to classification and analysis of new genes.

Environment: JS, Angular JS, HTML, JSON, XML, Ajax, OOP, MySQL, SVM, Bayesian Net, Linux, jQuery, Java, Oracle 10g, Eclipse

Software Developer

Confidential, Calverton, NY


  • Developing, designing debugging, and testing Confidential LLC’ Confidential Web Application using web technologies including JavaScript, Angular 1.0, Ajax, HTML5, CSS3 and MySQL.
  • Implemented Cron jobs in Linux for various functionalities.
  • Documented all teh projects using UML diagrams (Sequence diagrams).
  • Part of teh team designing teh architecture for teh site.
  • Used Chrome and Fiddler, teh data and networking debugging and inspecting tools to better understand teh data flow and visualize teh accuracy and performance.
  • Wrote Scripts to gather Daily Metrics from teh database including user’ Confidential actions performed on teh site. Implemented an Admin panel to analyze teh gatheird data for teh business team.
  • Worked wif email services to send emails to users which included designing email templates, improving email reputation by taking appropriate measures to design and develop content for teh emails that passes through Spam filters.

Environment: JS, Angular JS, Ajax, HTML, CSS, MySQL, UML, HQL, Data Caching, WSDL, Apache Axis, Hibernate Template, Hibernate 2.0

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