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Front End Ui Developer Resume

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  • About 6+ years of professional experience in User Interface Analysis, Design, Development of various Internet Applications and web applications with extensive experience in building front - end technologies.
  • Android app developer with 3+ years of experience using Eclipse and Android Studio.
  • Strong understanding and experienced with all the phases of SDLC and agile development methodologies including SCRUM, involved in daily SCRUM meetings to keep track of the ongoing project status and issues.
  • Expertise in building Single Page Applications using frameworks like Angular.js, JQuery, Node.js to develop valid code.
  • Experience integrating with various Databases & Client-Server applications in iOS and Android.
  • Proficient understanding of modern JS frameworks such as AngularJS2 and jQuery.
  • Strong expertise in Front End UI design tools like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, Angular.JS, Backbone.JS, Node.JS.
  • Experience in Node JS, Angular JS, React JS, Java script, JQuery, D3 charts, Ionic
  • Extensive experience in developing web page quickly and effectively using jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Web Design, Bootstrap and experience in making web pages Cross Browser Compatible
  • Experience in AngularJS, Nodejs, React js, Require js,Backbonejs,structural framework for dynamic web apps and ionic frame work.
  • Extensive use of Node JS, Express JS, and Mongo DB along with Mongoose.JS to create server side applications.
  • Experience in working with third party web services APIs and Web Services using AJAX and JQUERY.
  • Experience using AJAX to create interactive web applications, mainly focusing at increasing performance.
  • Worked on Ionic frame work to develop the hybrid applications for both Android and iOS by using HTML and CSS.
  • Experience in AngularJS structural framework for dynamic web apps.
  • Experience with Angular2/4 in creating components, template syntax, pipes, reactive Forms Validation and directives with uses of ECMAScript 2016 (ES6).
  • Implement modules into Node JS to integrate with designs and requirements.
  • Used Node JS to run Web pack tasks and build properly the project.
  • Experienced in using web design tools like Bootstrap.
  • Built backend REST API with Node JS, Express.JS.
  • Strong experience in using control systems like GIT, SVN and Git-Hub.
  • Good experience with Agile development.
  • Working knowledge in UI development process such as Analysis, Development and Testing, and associated methodologies.
  • Professional experience of using JIRA and following Agile/Scrum development process, and in-depth understanding in software development life cycle (SDLC) including requirements analysis, design, testing, implementation, and maintenance.
  • Worked on different browsers like Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google chrome and dealt extensively with the cross browser compatibility.
  • Experience in bug tracking tool JIRA and code integration and deployment tool JENKINS.
  • Experience in JavaScript Unit Testing tools like Mocha and Jasmine along with browser testing tools like Firebug, Firebug Lite, Chrome Developer tools, safari web inspectors and IE Developer Tools.


Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, XML, XSL, XSLT, SOAP, Restful web services Java Script, jQuery, Ajax, AngularJS 2/4,Angularjs 1.5,Vue.Js, PHP 4.4,AWS,MongoDB,Bootstrap,ReactJS,Node.js,Require.js,Ext.js

Operating systems: Android SDK 5.1,6.0, iOS SDK,Linux & MS-Windows NT, Windows XP

Development IDE/ Tools: Eclipse,Android Studio, NetBeans, Sublime, Visual Studio, WebStorm 11,ATOM.

Debuggers and other tools: Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, MS Office, Jira, Firebug, Chrome Developers Tool, Windows Movie Maker, Firebug Lite, Google Chrome Web Debugger

Web/Application Server: Web logic, Web Sphere, Tomcat, JBoss

Web Services: Apache AXIS, SOAP, WSDL

Version Control Tools: CVS, Tortoise SVN, GIT,Git-Hub



Front End UI Developer


  • Experience in reviewing client requirement, creating User Stories, Tasks in HP Agile Manager, Confluence Pages, JIRA following Agile (SCRUM) and Water Fall methodologies.
  • Involved in Requirements gathering and Analysis- understanding the requirements of the client and the flow of the application including MVC application framework.
  • Experience in developing web applications in multiple domain like Bio-Science, E-Commerce & Banking Industries.
  • Designed and Implemented the modern and enhanced development platform using frameworks like Angular 2, Typescript, & NodeJS.
  • Working experience on integrating back-end technologies (Node JS) with JavaScript frameworks (Angular JS, React JS) and JQuery by using AJAX and JSON.
  • Experience in working with NoSQL, MongoDB for handling huge amount of data.
  • Pleasant Experience in ReactJS for creating interactive UI's using One-way data flow, Virtual DOM, JSX, React Native concepts.
  • Used Vue.js events distribution and parent chain for parent-child component communication
  • Expertise in using Angular JS directives, Controllers, Filters, Services, Temples, Events and Injectors.
  • Used angular libraries like ng2-table, ngx-loading, ngui/sticky, ng2-datepicker, angular-calendar, angular2-grid, angular/material, codelyzer, Angular 2 Webpack.
  • Experience with Angular2 & ES6 Features.
  • Knowledge on Typescript, Angular2 for mobile applications, web API and browser clients.
  • Expertise in debugging and troubleshooting existing code using Chrome Developer tools, Firebug, Batarang.
  • Good experience in React JS framework to develop the SPA.
  • Experience in Vue.JSfor building apps and declarative templates with data-binding, created some custom directives in the application.
  • Built on Google Chrome V8 Java script engine, executed using NodeJS library as its very fast.
  • Worked in a team of 5 developers to develop LocationSDK and Mobile Ad Display SDK.
  • Validations provided to some fields using Vue.js.
  • Good experience in using Reacts JS, components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Used React and Redux Stack to create views to hook up models to the DOM and synchronize data with server as a Single Page Application (SPA).
  • New user registration forms are created in HTML5 embedded with PHP 4.4.
  • Extensive use of Node JS, Express JS, and Mongo DB along with Mongoose.JS to create server side applications.
  • Created Quasar reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by Vue.js.
  • Called some restful web service calls for POST, PUT, DELETE and GET methods.
  • Expertise in working on AWS to integrate the Server and Client side code.
  • Managed Amazon Web Services like EC2, S3 bucket, ELB, Auto-Scaling, Elastic Search, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) through AWS Console and API Integration
  • Designed and Developed Various Angular2/4 Component (/ngModule), Services (observable/promises), Directive and Pipes, Used Angular2 CLI commands for productivity and global/generic building blocks.
  • Solid knowledge on using Angular APIs like @angular/http For making HTTP requests, @angular/common Common core things including form validation, @angular/router Routing for our entire app .
  • I have good experience with GIT,JIRA,SLACK and Confluence.
  • Utilized JIRA as the project, software and bug tracking tool.
  • Good experience in Testing (Unit Testing, Regression Testing, System Testing and Sanity Testing)
  • Experienced in handling Version Control Systems like Git,Git-Hub,CVS and Tortoise SVN.

Confidential - SFO, CA

Front End UI Developer


  • MVC features like controllers, routers in AngularJS and JavaScript were used for developing UI screens.
  • Reviewing business requirements and functional designs for application.
  • Designed and developed the agent portal using framework AngularJS 1.5 along with HTML5, CSS3, and TypeScript.
  • Designed business applications using web technologies HTML, XHTML, CSS, VXML, Boot Strap, Java Script, Angular JS 2.0, Ext JS, JQuery and Ajax based on the W3C standards.
  • Created many controllers for each page with dependencies included such as $q, $location, $window, $routeParams and all the services to be used on the controller.
  • New directives for print options from different screens and date picker maskings were implemented for addressing cross browser issues.
  • Implemented Google place for auto-completion of address fields.
  • Log4javascript and log4js UI log utilities were used to override angularJS default logs for personalization and other performance tracking details.
  • UI screens were developed based on wireframes designed in responsive way.
  • Twitter Bootstrap plugins and CSS3 media queries were used for better responsive development of the application.
  • Data validations were implemented for critical functionalities using AngularJS and JavaScript.
  • Worked on Xamarin to develop the hybrid mobile applications for both android and iOS.
  • Used Ionic framework to build the hybrid applications for both android and iOS
  • Developed multiple POCs to create a interface between Backend to Frontend by using MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJs and Node.js
  • AJAX and dynamic HTML components for video playing and pdf generations were implemented.
  • Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop up Screens.
  • For rendering domain-specific layout XML to the web, JavaScript libraries are used.
  • Supported back-end developers for implementing AJAX and dynamic HTML5 functionalities using jQuery.
  • Used Node.js to run Grunt tasks and build properly the project (compile, minify, concat etc.)
  • Have worked on Big data (Spunk enterprise) to generate the Rest API. And integrated that API to Client side code using Node JS, Express JS.
  • Have worked on AWS for fetch the pictures files from AWS to UI.
  • Responsible for creating sketch, wireframe, prototype and visual mockups
  • Managed Web and interactive communication projects from initial consultation through successfully launch with ability to handle various projects at the same time and complete them by given deadline
  • Worked with customers to create an intuitive user interface that are cutting edge and easy to use
  • SVN is used for version control and recently migrated to GIT control system.
  • Page loadings were minimized by using sprite images for better image optimization and adjustments along with the usage of content analysis tools.
  • Involved in technical discussions with BA and QA along with JAR sessions.
  • Agile software development practices were followed with JIRA tracking for issues.

Environment: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS 1.5,NodeJS GruntJS,MongoDB, Bootstrap, JSON, Ajax,AWS, dynamic HTML, Agile methodology.


Front End UI Developer


  • Understanding of business requirements, analyzing and implementing the process using Agile (Scrum) methodology.
  • Developed the presentation layer using HTML5, XML, XSLT, CSS, and AJAX.
  • Worked on pop up screens, image sliders, and dropdown menus on web pages using JavaScript, CSS3, jQuery, and AJAX to make UI functional.
  • Existing JavaScript code conversion into MVC pattern using AngularJS framework.
  • Single page applications were built using AngularJS.
  • Used AngularJS Directives like ng-app, ng-model, ng-repeat, ng-show, ng-hide, ng-controller, ng-route etcs.
  • Involved in writing jQuery-based Ajax requests to call the web service/APIs to fetch the data and populate on the UI.
  • Updated the DOM nodes and elements using selectors and attributes implementation
  • Strong experience working on different browsers like safari, Internet explorer, Firefox and Google chrome.
  • Worked extensively on designing CSS based page layouts that are cross-browser compatible.
  • Extensively used JavaScript, jQuery libraries, bootstrap, AJAX for form validation and other interactive features.
  • Using responsive design and media queries, created responsive web pages for critical modules
  • To interact with the servers for information, calls were triggered using AJAX and jQuery.
  • Design concepts were prototyped rapidly including data visualization.
  • Designed, developed and maintained a rich data-driven application using Backbone.js.
  • Working experience on React.js so as to support the underlying data changes in a rapid way.
  • Experience in the complete product life cycle stages as plan, prototype, code and test in an agile, continuous integration and automated testsing environment.
  • Good Experience in using test driven JS tools like Jasmine and Karma.
  • JIRA tool was used for bug tracking.
  • Lead discussions with BA’s for better understanding of the design requirements for application modules.
  • Involved in daily scrum to discuss the design and work progress.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, AJAX, jQuery, XML, XSL, JIRA, Jasmine, Karma, React.js, Backbone.js, Bootstrap.


UI Developer


  • Designed the class diagrams and sequence diagrams using Microsoft Visio.
  • Developed the UI Screens using HTML5, DHTML, XML, and JavaScript, jQuery Custom-tags, JSTL DOM Layout, Ajax and CSS.
  • Client side validations are developed using jQuery and JavaScript.
  • CSS based page layouts that are cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant were developed.
  • Responsible for the color scheme of the website, overall layout design using HTML, XHTML and CSS.
  • Implemented AJAX methodologies for required page update for improving the efficiency of the page load of the application.
  • XML, XSLT and XPATH were used for cross platform information parsing.
  • Designed graphics using Fireworks and Adobe Photoshop.
  • AJAX scripts were used to improve the performance of the page.
  • Involved in designing wire-frames and process work flow of the application.
  • Extensively used/modified jQuery to perform AJAX calls for creating interactive web pages on JSON response.
  • Played active role in Analysis, Design, Coding and Development of customized application interfaces.
  • Designed the presentation layer and GUI framework for the view part of the application written using JSP and client-side validations were done using JavaScript.
  • Designed applications were tested using debugging tools like Firebugs/IE Developer Tools when deployed in different available browsers.
  • Dreamweaver and Adobe Flash are used for designing new HTML pages
  • Testing of the product: Unit Testing, Module Testing, Integration Testing and Regression Testing.
  • To track and maintain the history of bugs/issues on everyday basis, Bugzilla is used.

Environment: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, XML, XSLT, DHTML, Photoshop, Adobe Flash, Usability Testing, Microsoft Visio, Agile methodology.

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