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Sr. Full Stack Developer Resume

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  • Around 10 years of experience in Design, Analysis, Development, Configuration, Testing, Training, Implementation and Maintenance of Software Applications in Web, Desktop and client/server environment.
  • Conscientious, dynamic, determined and result - oriented self-starter wif an analytical approach to problems, enthusiastic in keeping abreast of current technologies.
  • Extensive experience in web application development using classic ASP,ASP.NET (web forms, MVC, MVP, Web API),Window services, WCF, XML, HTML5, Angular JS, Angular 2, JQuery, JavaScript CSS3.0, Bootstrap CSS & foundation CSS, AutoMapper.
  • For Dependency injection used Unity IOC container.
  • Experience in unit test cases using nUnit and Moq.
  • Experience in developing disturbed cache using MemCache.
  • Extensive experience in Windows Azure for deploying projects and synchronizing the database on to Windows Azure.
  • Hands on experience in creating MircoServices.
  • Experience ADO.Net and Entity Frame work, nHibernate for CRUD operations from application .
  • Used Dictionaries, Enumerables, ILists, IQueryable objects in C#
  • Experience in integrating third party components/controls like Telerik controls for UI, Infragistic Controls, Wijmo Controls, EPPlus, and Expert PDF for PDF generation.
  • Good working knowledge of SDLC methodologies like Agile - Scrum.
  • Knowledge on SOLID principal and Design Principal.
  • Knowledge on Data Structures, Algorithms
  • Good knowledge in C, Core Java,


Programming Languages: C#, Visual Basic (VB), Core Java, C

Client Scripting: JavaScript, JQuery, Angular 2/4, TypeScript, AngularJS, RxJS

Web Technologies: MVC, Web API, AJAX, WCF, ASP.NET, Azure

Database: SQL Server, Oracle

Application Tools: Visual Studio, SSIS, SSRS, Entity Framework, nHibernate Framework, Enterprise Library

Styling: CSS, BootStrap

Testing: nUnit, Jasmine


Confidential, NJ

Sr. Full Stack Developer


  • Implemented components using Angular and TypeScript.
  • Implemented lazy loading module on demand in Angular 4.
  • Added routes to both child, parent modules and implemented navigation via the Router Module.
  • Created Customs pipes in Angular
  • Worked wif @Input, @Output decorators to communicate between components in Angular 2.
  • Created Angular services to communicate wif the server using HTTP, Observables and RxJS.
  • Created real-time API dat polls data to connected browsers using WebApi 2 and C#.
  • Implemented Authorization and autantication in Web API
  • Used various LINQ operators to query data sources in C#.
  • Used Entity Frame Work, ADO.Net to retrieve data from DB.
  • Created PL/SQL.
  • Created Windows service/Jobs.

Environment: Angular 2/4, TypeScript, Bootstrap 4, HTML5, CSS, C#, RxJS, SQL Server, LINQ, Entity Frame work, ADO.Net and Agile

Confidential, Parsippany, NJ

Sr. Full Stack Net Developer / Lead


  • Worked on controllers and directives in Angular
  • Implemented ngRoute module and $routeProvider, $location, $routeParams services to setup routing, navigate inside the Angular app.
  • Created and consumed Web API Services.
  • Worked on Master Pages, JQuery, CSS and HTML to design look and feel of the web pages in ASP and ASP.NET, C#.
  • Extensively used Auto mapper for mapping the entity and domain models.
  • Involved coding Work Flow using Stateless
  • Worked wif N-Hibernate code first approach for the data access layer.
  • Used Team Foundation Server (TFS) for source control and version tracking.
  • Extensively used Angular JS framework for the UI in presentation layer.
  • Involved in writing SQL statements and stored procedures by using cursors, indexes for performing different searches
  • Worked on SSRS to generate product data report.
  • Worked on Micro Services .
  • Knowledge on Windows Workflow. Worked on creating, executing, maintaining and implementing workflows.
  • Involved in creating build definitions for the application.
  • Involved in creating SSIS Package to transfer data from legacy application to current application DB
  • Involved in generating Test cases for property and casualty Insurances for Different Levels of Business.

Environment: Angular Js,Web API, nHibernate, C#.Net, MS Visual Studio 2013 wif .NET framework 4.5, SQL Server 2012Windows Azure


Sr. Net Developer


  • Created reusable input control Directives such as date picker and decimal in AngularJS and HTML5.
  • Used $http service for making Ajax calls, to create reusable logic and shared data in AngularJS.
  • Used ngRoute module and $routeProvider, $location, $routeParams services to setup routing, navigate inside the Angular app.
  • Implemented event-based communication between controllers through $on, $broadcast services in AngularJS.
  • Worked wif various decorator and structural directives in AngularJS to perform data binding.
  • Implemented Controllers, Modules and Services to build HTML templates in AngularJS.
  • Created and designed tab menu, nav bars, panels, form controls and the angular app layout using Bootstrap 3.
  • Using Wijmo Grid for Displaying Data in Excel format
  • Implemented Attribute Routing to have more control over the URIs in Web API 2 and return JSON.
  • Implemented IHttpActionResult to return built in action results in Web API 2.
  • Created Asynchronous operations using async, await to get data asynchronously in C#.
  • Implemented Repository pattern using Interfaces and Unity (Dependency Injection) in C#.
  • Worked wif cte’s, views, temp tables, functions, procedures and joins in Sql Server 2012.
  • Implemented agile methodology for the whole application.

Environment: AngularJS, JQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Microsoft SQL Server 2012, WebAPI, SSRS, Entity Framework, C# 4.0, LINQ, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, TFS, Agile


.Net Developer


  • Used the Razor View engine to generate html in MVC 3.
  • Implemented Mediator pattern to publish, subscribe events using Delegates, Events in C#.
  • Implemented ActionResult, PartialViewResult, JSONResult to display Views and Partial Views wif MVC 3.
  • Used Ajax binding, Editor Templates wif Kendo UI Grid and Kendo Dropdown List for ASP.NET MVC.
  • Used JQuery for DOM interaction, handling events and calling MVC action methods asynchronously.
  • Worked on JQuery Ajax methods to load data for the server asynchronously.
  • Worked on WCF services
  • Created various Stored Procedures and Views in SQL Server 2008 and used Entity Framework.

Environment: MVC 3, JQuery, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SSIS, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Entity Framework, WCF, C# 4.0, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0, LINQ, Infragistics, TFS, NUnit

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