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Ui Developer Resume

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Framingham, MA


Looking forward to work in a team where my experience and knowledge will be an added driving force to win as a team and deliver the best product for the customers.


App servers: Business layer, REST WS, UI Layer, Angular JS, Angular 2, Angular 4, JavaScript, Type Script, jQuery, React JS, HTML 5, CSS 3, BootstrapDatabase Oracle, My Sql

Testing tools: Jmeter, SOAP UI, Fiddler, Oracle SQL developer, Post man

Build tools: Jenkins, Apache MAVEN,NPM, Grunt, Angular CLI, Node, Apache Tomcat 7,IIS

Operating Systems: Linux, Windows and Mac, Unit Testing Frameworks, Karma, Jasmine

IDE: Webstrom, Sublime, Visual studio, Code, Eclipse


Confidential, Framingham, MA

UI Developer


  • Proof of Concept discussions for new features / widgets to implement using Angular 4.
  • UI screens were developed based on wireframes designed in responsive way.
  • Data validations were implemented for critical functionalities using Angular 4 and JavaScript.
  • Latest features involving Audio/Video support for webpages were accomplished using HTML5/CSS3.
  • UI components involving event handling, closures are developed using JavaScript.
  • Utilized various custom components created for form validations and other interactive features across important modules.
  • Advanced JavaScript features were used for global functionalities focusing on the reusability of the components developed.
  • Involved in the UAT Build, Configuration, Integration and Deployment of application activities and coordinating them from offshore team.
  • Worked on Defects/Bug fixes as per Weekly Sprint Planning.
  • Developed Omniture tagging frame work for analytics on multiple pages.
  • Used SCSS Mixins and Partials to reduce the redundant CSS code.
  • Visual Studio Code editor is used for developing UI modules.

Confidential, Round Rock, TX

Front end Developer


  • Played a key role in the analysis and design discussions for the development of File Upload module involving XML where the parsed data exchanges between different layers of the application.
  • Strong working knowledge and experience in AngularJS 1.X development using data - binding, developed controllers, directives, filters and integrated with the backend-services.
  • Extensive use of jQuery framework to complement with AngularJS 1.X as needed in the application.
  • Color scheme of the website and layout design is maintained using HTML, XHTML and CSS.
  • Utilized various JavaScript and jQuery libraries for form validation and other interactive features.
  • Used DOJO widgets along with JSON for object representation during page rendering.
  • Strong working knowledge in using Bootstrap CSS for responsive UI layouts.
  • Employed popular design patterns like DTO, DAO, MVC, and Singleton in the course of development for the E-Commerce application.
  • Worked on JSON for storing and exchanging information between browsers and servers.
  • Worked on supporting the REST web-services and integrating with them for the data exchanges between front end and back end layers.
  • Junit test cases were developed using KARMA for all the services and controllers and performed Peer level testing and code reviews.
  • Analysis and understanding of business requirements and implement the process using Agile (Scrum) methodology.
  • Been involved and worked closely with the Tech team, BA, QA and the Customers in the story pointing sessions and the agile team meetings.
  • Worked on Defects/Bug fixes.

Confidential, Windsor, CT

UI Developer


  • MVC features like controllers, routers in AngularJS and JavaScript were used for developing UI screens to Add vehicle, Edit vehicle modules.
  • New directives for print options from different screens and date picker maskings were implemented for addressing cross browser issues.
  • Implemented Google place for auto-completion of address fields.
  • Log4javascript and log4js UI log utilities were used to override AngularJS 1.X default logs for personalization and other performance tracking details.
  • UI screens were developed based on wireframes designed in responsive way.
  • Twitter Bootstrap plugins and CSS3 media queries were used for better responsive development of the application.
  • Data validations were implemented for critical functionalities using AngularJS 1.X and JavaScript.
  • AJAX and dynamic HTML components for video playing and pdf generations were implemented.
  • For rendering domain-specific layout XML to the web, JavaScript libraries are used.
  • Supported back-end developers for implementing AJAX and dynamic HTML functionalities using jQuery.
  • Supported integration of REST and SOAP web services with front end screens.
  • Used GruntJS for package management.
  • SVN is used for version control and recently migrated to GIT control system.
  • Page loadings were minimized by using sprite images for better image optimization and adjustments along with the usage of content analysis tools.
  • Involved in technical discussions with BA and QA along with JAR sessions.
  • Agile software development practices were followed with JIRA tracking for issues

Confidential, Huntsville, TX

Research Assistant


  • Responsible for development of all UI components of application using HTML, CSS and JQuery.
  • Consumed data from Skype application API using GET and displayed it on front-end using JSON, XML and AJAX.
  • Posted data to API for sending secret messages from one-to-one skype clients within the network.
  • Develop HTML prototypes, such as wireframes, flowcharts, screen mock-ups, and interface design specifications and discussed with team.
  • Used JavaScript when developing page navigation, and form validation.
  • Developed the UI of application to support secret communication between two people using mobile carrier.
  • Implemented text and emoticon steganography for sending ciphered messages.
  • Responsible for testing of the application properly in the different mobile frames and tablet frames.
  • Sound problem-solving skills with the ability to quickly process complex information and present it clearly and simply.


Web Developer


  • Involved in analysis and design of business requirements for the application development.
  • Created web pages in Site Core and validated the HTML code with W3C Validator.
  • Developed dynamic e-mails using JavaScript and hand coding of HTML, XHTML, and CSS.
  • Responsive web application development using HTML, jQuery.
  • Responsible to make sure that look and feel of theUI designs works same in different versions of different browsers (IE 7/8/9, Firefox, Google chrome, Safari, Opera).
  • Actively used XML (documents and transformations) for creating templates with dynamic data from XML file.
  • Defined the site layout and developed Wire-frames using Adobe Illustrator.
  • Involved in Form validation implementations, Layout designs, and mock up screens development.
  • Worked closely for better understanding of functional requirements with BA group.
  • Followed waterfall software development with scrum status meetings, paired programming.
  • Actively participated in discussions with clients on User Acceptance Tests (UAT) and to get the approval from business on the design changes.

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