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Ui Developer Resume

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Milpitas, CA


  • 8 years of extensive experience as a User Interface/Front End Developer in developing web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, DOM, JQUERY and Ajax.
  • Expertise in Client Scripting language and server - side scripting languages like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQUERY, JSON, Bootstrap, Angular, GRUNT.
  • Experienced working in AGILE based development environment and participating in Scrum sessions.
  • Developed several web applications that required Responsive Web Design for windows and android phones.
  • Excellent knowledge JavaScript and jQuery to make HTML, DHTML, CSS pages interactive by making pages dynamic from client side. JavaScript whether data is entered in the field or not by doing JavaScript remove lengthy process and decrease burden on the server.
  • Expertise in jQuery for animations, efforts, interactions, DOM manipulation widgets and theming. Extensive experience on implementing the AJAX features using JavaScript and JQUERY.
  • Experienced in Single Page Application (SPA) using Angular.js, created Multiple & Nested Views, Routing, Controllers, Services and Custom Directives.
  • Experience with React.JS for creating user interface and also for the displaying the data and also keeps the interface up-to-date when data changes.
  • Expertise understanding on Vue.js and made reusable and light-weight components, creating single page applications using routes, events distribution and parent chain for parent-child component communication, Event Handling, fetching data RESTful by using third party libraries like axios.
  • Expertise in Angular.js framework including MVC architectures, Created reusable components, different modules, specific controllers, templates, custom directives and custom filters. Angular modules like Angular-animate, Angular-Cookies, Angular-Filter, Angular- Route, Angular-Mocks, Angular - Recourse, Angular-Sanitize, Angular-Touch, and Angular-Bootstrap.
  • To develop and design web pages I worked on html and CSS where I used html5 semantic elements, input fields like email, password, and date in the login pages and to make page style I used CSS3 properties like shadow, border radius, gradients and pseudo classes for efforts.
  • Good experienced in CSS frames works like SASS which is syntactically awesome style sheets features like Variable, Mixins, nesting, import, inherit, operators.
  • Expertise in making pages responsive design with bootstrap framework and CSS media queries, for basic and data format validation.
  • Excellent knowledge in the development of User Experience for web and mobile-based applications.
  • Experience on implementing the AJAX features using JavaScript and JQUERY. Worked on $http service to call the Ajax and get the JSON data from the server.
  • Strong interpersonal abilities with excellent communication skills and ability to work independently within a team environment.
  • Experienced in using Front End editors like Dreamweaver, Notepad++, Sublime Text2, Brackets, NetBeans, Web Storm, Atom, Eclipse.


Web Technologies: HTML, HTML5, XML, XHTML, CSS2, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, Apache

IDE & Tools: Web Storm, Notepad++, NetBeans, Adobe Dreamweaver, Edit Plus, Microsoft Publisher, Eclipse

JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks: JQuery, angular.js, React.js, Vue.js, Node.js.

Publishing Tools: Adobe PageMaker, MS Office.

Wire Frame Tools: Adobe Axure Pro.

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS


Confidential, Milpitas, CA

UI developer


  • Experience working in fast paced Agile Environment. Attended daily stand up meetings and involved in the spring planning.
  • Used to get task from Jira and used GitHub as an version control.
  • Working with React JavaScript library for building User interfaces in this scratch up application.
  • Using React.js V16 created class and functional components to build reusability with JSX resulting in optimized rendering and performance.
  • Used Babel as a transpiler, web pack as the module bundlerin React.js and Redux, ECMAScript 6.
  • Participated with end users and business analyst to understand the business requirements. Involved in the meeting with CX developers.
  • Responsible for design and development of the web pages from mock- ups (PSD).
  • Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, file uploads, validations.
  • Used React.js and Reduxto build the custom UI components, developed filters to display different dimensions of data and font size modifiers.
  • Used React.js props for the communication between parent and child.
  • Implemented React router for building the single page application.
  • Using Redux Maintained states in the stores and dispatched the actions. Created different reducers for the different servicecalls for easy understandable and neat code.
  • Used React-Bootstrap for the styling and making the page responsive and for the layout styling.
  • Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages usingHTML5, CSS3,JavaScriptandReact.js.
  • CSSstyles were developed to preserve the uniformity of all the screens throughout the application and positioning of screen objects.
  • Experienced in developing React components. Used Axios with React.js for making AJAX Calls. Worked on Web pack for build and web pack-dev-server a server.
  • Writing unit test with Jest to ensure robust code quality. Managed the frameworks and libraries withWeb pack.
  • In Agile, I was response for a whole component development, include client requirement, layout design and function reality.
  • Participated in AGILE SCRUM meetings, sprint planning sessions and retrospective meetings during the 2 week sprint cycles.

Environment: HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Redux, SASS, Bootstrap, AJAX, JSON/XML, Git.

Confidential, San Francisco, CA

UI Developer


  • Experience working in fast paced Agile Environment. Attended daily stand up meetings and involved in the spring planning.
  • Used OOJS which is JavaScript library for working with objects. Features include inheritance, mixins, static inheritance and additional utilities for working with objects and arrays.
  • Experience working with build, code package & source code management such as GIT.
  • Making changes to the existing web application and created components like Role-based navigation menu, Advance search Bar, Create Account.
  • Used React.js as an UI technology for the whole application and used Angular.js ready to used pages along with the application.
  • Using React, redux along with ES6 used to create single page using react router, developed restful calls using react.js third party library axios, developed communication between parent and child..
  • Created Angular directives, services, and controllers for a complete ground up development and migration of existing JavaScript and java web application.
  • Used Angular modules like Angular-animate, Angular-cookies, Angular-Filter, Angular-Mocks, Angular-Resource, Angular-Route, Angular-Sanitize, and Angular-Ui-Bootstrap.
  • Created responsive pages and made the website more user-friendly.
  • Attended meetings with UX team to discuss shortcomings, suggestions, limitations of framework and technical glitches for the given wireframes.
  • Worked with Angular JS Forms, Validations, Modules, Factory Services, DOM, Events, Expressions, Directives, Controllers, filters, Http Request.
  • Created custom directives for re-usable components (multi-field form elements, background file uploads).
  • Worked with the team of architects to gather requirements and enhance the application functionality and add new features.
  • Designed dynamic client-side vanilla JavaScript codes to build web forms and simulate process for a web application, page navigation, and form validation.
  • Given major contribution in client-side coding using Angular.JS framework and specific framework.
  • Maintained Cross Browser compatibility & implement Responsive Web Design using Bootstrap, custom media queries, with brand appropriate styles, colors, animations and font icons etc.
  • Used jQuery plugins for Drag-and-Drop, Widgets, Menus, User Interface and Forms.
  • Expertise in Client Side designing and validations using HTML, DHTML, and JavaScript.
  • Used Ajax, JSON with Jquery for request data and response processing.
  • Finding out the bugs, broken links and missing images etc. and rectifying them.
  • Demonstrated implementation and up-gradation of JavaScript Library.
  • Discussed various ideas/suggestions for the ongoing websites regarding the page layout and creative design.

Environment: - HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3,ECMA Script 6, Vanilla JavaScript, Angular, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, SASS, CSS3, AJAX, RESTful services, Git.

Confidential, Malvern, PA

UI Developer


  • Working with React JavaScript library for building User interfaces.
  • Used React.js to build the UI components, developed filters to display different dimensions of data and font size modifiers.
  • Utilized React to build reusable components with JSX resulting in optimized rendering and performance.
  • Implemented React router for building the single page application.
  • Implemented React component routing using conditional state management methods to render appropriate pages.
  • Used Babel as a transpiler, web pack as the module bundlerin React.js and Redux, ECMAScript 6.
  • Participated with end users and business analyst to understand the business requirements
  • Responsible for design and development of the web pages from mock- ups (PSD).
  • Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages usingHTML5, CSS3,JavaScriptandReact.js.
  • Implementing business logic and rules by writing code for classes and functional methods in Vanilla JavaScriptandReact.js, Redux.
  • CSSstyles were developed in order to preserve the uniformity of all the screens throughout the application and positioning of screen objects.
  • Used Object Oriented Programming concepts to develop UI components that could be reused across the Web Application.
  • Maintained Cross Browser compatibility & implement Responsive Web Design using Bootstrap, custom media queries, with brand appropriate styles.
  • Worked closely with back end team to implementAJAXcall to REST APIs and update dynamic functionality ofHTMLinReact.js, Redux.
  • Being part of a scrum team worked on various functionalities using React.JS and REST API’s. Worked on RESTful Web services using Reactand ReduxStack.
  • Experienced in developing React components. Used Axios with React.js for making AJAX Calls. Worked on Web pack for build and web pack-dev-server a server.
  • Used Bootstrap and Reactto create Controllers to handle events triggered by clients and send request to server.
  • Created web pages using Media Queries and TwitterBootstrapthat cater to Android and IOS web platforms.
  • Developed multiple POCs to create a user transaction grid in React.js.
  • Writing unit test with Jest to ensure robust code quality.
  • Managed the frameworks and libraries withWeb pack.
  • UsedGITto do the coding record and version control.
  • In Agile, I was response for a whole component development, include client requirement, layout design and function reality.
  • Participated in AGILE SCRUM meetings, sprint planning sessions and retrospective meetings during the 2 week sprint cycles.

Environment: HTML, CSS3, Vanilla JavaScript, React.js, Redux, Bootstrap, AJAX, JSON/XML, Git.

Confidential, Chicago IL

UI Developer


  • Developed creative solutions for challenging client requirements while working in cross functional team settings, explain technical needs and provide training across departments.
  • Responsible for design and development of the web pages from mockups.
  • Used AngularJS for the logical implementation part at client side for all the applications.
  • Designed CSS based page layouts that are uniform on all screens throughout the application, cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant.
  • Developed CSS3 style sheets to give gradient effects. Developed page layouts, navigation. Applied industry best practices and standards when project requirements were lagging.
  • Used AngularJS to create a Single Page Application (SPA) for the gift card module along with routers, filters, custom directives and controllers.
  • Implemented Mock API using Express framework in Node.js.
  • Developed Mean Stack from scratch including Mongo DB server setup and Express JS server development in Node.js.
  • Produced content pages with CSS3 layout and style markup presentations, Flex box, Animations, and also used Vanilla JavaScript methods and properties.
  • Used Vanilla JavaScript properties like hoisting, Prototypes, Closures, Callbacks, Functions depending on the Business requirements.
  • Designed dynvaamic and browser compatible pages using HTML, XHTML, CSS, jQuery, Angular.JS and JavaScript.
  • My most recent effort was using jQuery, Bootstrap and jQuery in a Play framework to render responsive pages was responsible for developing responsive web pages using techniques like Bootstrap.
  • Developed jQuery methods to support the dynamic nature of the web-site elements like navigation, animation buttons etc.
  • Developed backend web services using Node.jsand stored dependencies using NPM.
  • Added user validations and user permissions by using the Node.js.
  • Used Mongo DB along with Node.js, as a database to store JSON.
  • Responsible for creating web and website based applications using JavaScript, Node.js.
  • Implemented Angular.jsand Node.jsto create some dynamically changing websites.
  • Extensively used Node.jstools like Gulp, Grunt, Web pack; Developed internal CLI applications using Commander Module for application build.
  • Developed backend web services using Node.jsand stored dependencies using NPM.
  • Used Angular $http service extensively to implement front end /user interface features in the application.
  • Involved in using jQuery Validation Plug-in for client-side validation.
  • Worked with JASMINE in testing and performed Unit testing and execution testing utilizing JUNIT.
  • Interacted with business and quality assurance teams to deliver the final product within deadline period.

Environment: HTML5/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Vanilla JavaScript, Angular.JS, Node.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, JSON, AJAX, Git

Confidential, Orlando, FL

UI Developer


  • Analyzed business requirements, participated in the technical design, development, and testing of various modules assigned.
  • Designed the front-end applications, user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies like HTML, XHTML, and CSS.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON, and XML.
  • Worked on cross-browser compatibility issues and fixed the bugs pertaining to various browsers.
  • Used jQuery core library functions for the logical implementation part at client-side for applications.
  • Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality using jQuery.
  • Created, edited and maintained sites, implementing responsive design & themes using front-end development frameworks including Bootstrap.
  • Developed Web API using Node.jsand hosted on multiple load balanced API instances.
  • Developed a single page, mobile-first, cross-device/cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing AngularJS, JavaScript API.
  • Worked with Grunt, Gulp for task runner configurations for minification, watch, jshint, sass compilation, bundling and test runner configurations and make it available as a command.
  • Worked with unit testing of JavaScript applications using Karma, Jasmine.
  • Used bootstrap for responsive webpages. Developed CSS styles to maintain the uniformity of all the screens throughout the application and positioning of screen objects.
  • Used AJAX to request JSON data through third party REST APIs to acquire data of products from the server and to display it in sorted order.
  • Involved in the creation of an interface to manage user menu and bulk update of attributes using Angular.JS.
  • Implemented the design of web pages and provided user roles using JSP, JSTL, HTML, AJAX and Developed Clinical Trials and prescribed information modules using Ajax and JavaScript technologies.
  • Developed Page layouts, Navigation and presented designs and concepts to the clients and the management to review.
  • Implemented various Validation Controls for form validation and implemented custom validation controls with JavaScript and jQuery.
  • Developed several REST web services supporting both XML and JSON to perform tasks.
  • Reviewed input from project teams to perform Independent Verification and Validation of system artifacts and distributed summary reports to the client in the agreed upon time frames.
  • Tested cross-browsers compatibility on a range of projects.
  • Created rapid prototypes of interfaces to be used as blueprints for technical development.

Environment: HTML, CSS, XHTML, AJAX, JSON, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular.JS, JSP, JSTL, XML, REST API.

Confidential, San Francisco, CA

UI Developer


  • Worked closely with UX team, product, marketing to create specs and Designed mockups using Photoshop.
  • Adopted waterfall methodology to develop the project.
  • Designed the front-endapplications, user interactive (UI) web pages with dynamic and browser compatible features using HTML, XHTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery.
  • Developed questionnaires template using HTML input types.
  • Used CSS media types to make the website responsive and mobile first.
  • Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript codes and jQuery to build web forms, page navigation and form validation.
  • Used jQuery to get the Client-side elements effect Hide, Show, Event-Handling and DOM manipulation.
  • Built Dynamic jQuery progress bar to inform user the questionnaire completion progress.
  • Optimized the page loading performance by Minification and code structure adjustment.
  • Used AJAX to send questionnaire result to back-endserver.
  • Solved Cross browser problems against different browsers.
  • Debug the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Nodes using DOM and DOM functions.
  • Used SVN as version control tool.

Environment: HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Adobe Photoshop, SVN.

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