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Application Developer Resume

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  • Over 14 years of experience in developing Microsoft.NET based applications using SQL Server, ASP.Net, C#, MVC, OWIN, Web API 2, Dappr.NET, Entity Framework, LINQ, JQUERY, XML JavaScript, HTML and Windows Workflow Foundation.
  • Experience of developing interactive applications in various JavaScript frameworks including AngularJS, NodeJs, Vue.JS, Jquery and ExtJS.
  • Hands on experience of working Boostrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Vuetify, and material design frontend layout frameworks for AngularJS and VueJS. Experience of building interactive dashboards using javascript libraries includes HighCharts, D3, and Flowcharts.
  • 3+ years’ experience with SITECORE .NET CMS and implementation of multi - site business websites and micro sites under one CMS.
  • Experience of programming of ASP.NET WebAPI 2 REST services and WCF SOAP web services
  • Hands on experience of implementing Singe Sign on with SAML, WS-FED and OAuth2 using ADFS 3.0 and Kentor Auth Services
  • 3.5 years’ experience of Dimensional Modeling, Data warehousing and ETL designing and programming using Pentaho ETL Tools. Hands on experience of designing and implementation of OLAP cubes for business reporting and programming of Mondrian OLAP server.
  • In depth knowledge of Microsoft Reporting Services to develop custom reports, drill down reports, parameterized reports and various dashboards based on KPIs


Programming Languages: C#.NET, PHP, Javascript, TSQL

Databases Technologies: SQL Server 2005/2008/2012, MySQL, Dimensional Modeling, OLAP Cubes, Kimball BUS Architecture for Data Warehousing

Web Technologies: ASP.NET, MVC, MVVM, PHP, Classic ASP, Web Services, WCF, HTML/DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, REST Webservices

Web Servers: IIS 5.0/6.0/7.0, LAMP

Markup Languages: XML, XSD, XSLT, XPath, XQuery, XHTML.

Libraries / Frameworks: Telerik .NET suite, Dapper, ENTITY FRAMEWORK, ASP.NET MVC 4 Framework, ComponentART ASP.NET suite, jQuery, Ext JS, HighCharts, Bootstrap 3.0, AngularJS, NodeJS, D3.jsWeb CMS / CRM



Application Developer


  • Lead engineer of Student Online application which allows prospected students to register online. The application is built on ASP.NET MVC & Web API 2 with frontend being on AngularJS and later moved to Vuejs 2. It is a multi-step web app which allows prospected students to apply for admissions in the school, it enforces company’s admission workflow and allows prospects to provide only relevant information with correct documentation and provides status updates to prospects after submission. It is fully integrated with company’s main student information CRM and Lead Management system using different API’s.
  • Lead engineer for integration API's developed in ASP.NET Web API 2 & WCF SOAP to allow Ellucian Powercampus CRM to integrate with third party software. These API’s allows third party payment integration, registration of new students and various other student centric functionalities from external client applications.
  • Lead engineer of back office web application developed in ASP.NET MVC 5, WEB API 2 and SQL Server. This application features include centralized textbooks repository to be used by the company and its associated partners, an electronic workflow to allow textbook changes and allows different stakeholders to collaborate on such change requests. The application enforces electronic workflows for Compliance department to enforce company policy changes and collaboration. The application also provides a complete faculty management system, and many other back office utilities.
  • Lead architect and implementation engineer of Data warehouse based on Kimball BUS architecture using Pentaho ETL and Business Intelligence suite with SQL Server 2012. The project consisted of development of dimensional database and ETL jobs for up to 10 different business processes to consolidate data from a dozen different systems. It also involved development of Microsoft .NET application to perform extraction of data from Google Analytics and Leads management system used by the company.
  • Lead implementation engineer of Pentaho Business intelligence suite and developer of OLAP cubes for the Mondrian OLAP server. These OLAP cubes fulfil the reporting requirements across the whole organization and feed many different dashboards used by management.
  • Lead engineer in developing the main Website of the company using Sitecore CMS based on ASP.NET and SQL Server. Development of various micro websites within Sitecore CMS for different marketing campaigns.
  • Programming of interactive dashboards built on top of Javascript libraries AnguarJS/HighCharts and Web Api2 and Pentaho CTE Tools.
  • Development of reports in Microsoft Reporting Services including pivot table reports, business process reports, drill down reports and dashboards


Software Engineer


  • Management and Development of company's main Leads management system in PHP and Javascript.
  • Development of performance dashboards in javascript using ExtJs and Highcharts with backend system running on ASP.NET
  • Integration of Leads Management System with company’s internal PeopleSoft CRM system,
  • Planning and Integration with various third party data analytic systems including Targus, Sparkroom, BBB, DoublePositive and many more.
  • Comprehensive analysis of business requirements and recommendations for development life cycle for leads management system.
  • Comprehensive Data Analysis and close observation of trends with Marketing team of the company
  • Reports generation for Marketing team and Online Media Planners using Microsoft Reporting Engine and enhanced dashboards development in custom ASP.NET web application.
  • Development of main web service out of the leads management system to distribute data to external users.


Sitecore CMS Implementation


  • Implementation of high end highly extensible ASP.NET CMS Sitecore to replace the whole web experience of company. Participated in planning, requirements gathering, application designing and programming of Main website, micro websites and landing pages under a single Sitecore CMS instance. Also integrated Sitecore CMS with company’s main student information system.
  • Managed a small team of designer, developer, content editors and tester(s) to execute this project.


Software Engineer / Project Manager


  • Involved in gathering requirements from clients, preparation of SRS document, project execution, management of tasks & tracking and development of various projects.
  • Managed a team of 16 members of developers and designers to develop web applications for various clients.
  • Creation and management of functional and technical specification documents. Actively participated in regular project design, updates and team meetings.
  • Designed and developed the client Web applications in ASP.NET with .NET framework 2.0/3.0/3.5.
  • Development of real estate management system for the client. Utilized telerik ASP.NET controls to build the administrative panel for management of the listings.
  • Development of ecommerce websites built on top of open source PHP ecommerce systems including Magento and XCart.
  • Developed, deployed and maintained various web applications built with ASP.Net, SQL Server, PHP and MySQL
  • Developed installshield installers, internet explorer toolbar and outlook plugins

Environment: .NET C#, SQL Server 2000, ASP.NET, IIS 6.0, .NET Remoting, XML Web Services, JavaScript, CSS, ADO.NET, Windows Service, PHP, MySQL, Visual C++ 6.0, ATL/COM, XUL


Software Engineer / Team Lead


  • Involved in gathering requirements from client, preparation of SRS document, project execution, and management of tasks, tracking and deployment of various projects.
  • Developed two different holiday rental system in ASP.NET for booming real estate businesses of Middle East.
  • Worked as a MySQL and SQL Server backend developer to write stored procedures, triggers and custom functions.
  • Actively participated in deployment of real estate projects on the client server and managed versions of these application(s) throughout my time at Confidential
  • Developed various ecommerce applications in PHP and Smarty Templates. Integrated various payment gateways on various projects including Google Checkout, PayPal Pay flow, Worldpay payment system and more.
  • Developed recurring payment system for based web applications and integrated payment gateway for seamless operations of application.
  • Developed action script based flash magazine application, connected with ASP.NET management systems to allow administrator to create a real time magazine experience for users.

Environment: .NET C#, SQL Server 2000, ASP.NET, IIS 6.0,. XML Web Services, JavaScript, CSS, ADO.NET, XML::XPATH


.NET Developer / VC++ Developer


  • Developed a complete WebMeeting software in Visual C++/C#.NET using Winforms and ASP.NET 1.1
  • Integrated voice and audio system in web meeting system, developed a custom drawing board to allow users to communicate with each other interactively, participated in writing modules to allow users to share their desktop.
  • Developed complete ASP.NET application for web meeting software.
  • Used SQL Server 2000 as database and worked as backend developer to write stored procedures and triggers.
  • Participated in maintenance of existing Visual C++ packet sniffing Application.

Environment: .NET C#, SQL Server 2000, ASP.NET, IIS 6.0, . XML Web Services, JavaScript, CSS, ADO.NET, VC++


VC++ Developer


  • Worked in a team of developers working on a PKI based Adobe Acrobat plugin using Microsoft and third party Cryptography libraries. This plugin allowed users to validate digital signature on the Adobe Acrobat documents and implemented various security features.
  • Developed a PKI based revocation checking desktop application in Visual C++ using Microsoft Cryptography Library on top of MFC library.
  • Developed an Outlook plugin to check digital signatures on incoming emails using Microsoft Cryptography library

Environment: Visual C++, ATL/COM, PKI Cryptography.

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