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Web Application Developer Resume

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Irving, TX


  • Around 8+years of professional experience in developing User Interface(UI) Applications and web applications using HTML 4.0/5, CSS2/CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, RWD, JSON, XHTML and XML.
  • Strongwebdevelopment skills withweb2.0 framework including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript framework JQuery and AJAX.
  • Used NodeJS, AngularJSMVC Frameworks in the development of the web applications.
  • Experienced in building cross browser compatibility applications using AngularJS and NodeJS.
  • Expert understanding of user interface design principles, product build cycle and working within a cross - functional team under tight deadlines.
  • Expert at creating HTML and CSS pages based on wireframes, mockups, and interactive prototypes.
  • Experience with working in java script framework like JQuery, ReactJS, AngularJS and NodeJS.
  • Experience in working with the Document Object Model (DOM) and DOM Functions.
  • Implemented Presentation layer using CSS Framework, AngularJS, HTML5.
  • Excellent experience with Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process.
  • Developed Application to asses JSON and XML from Restful web service from consumer side using JavaScript and AngularJS
  • Developed the front-end web page by using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, taking advantage of the frameworks AngularJS.
  • Experience in developing Web applications using RWD, Bootstrap, JQuery and Knockouts.
  • Good Working Experience and understanding with Firebug for Mozilla and IE Developer Toolbar for Internet Explorer, Web Inspector for Safari, Developer Toolbar for Chrome.
  • Experienced in various Text-Editors like Web Storm, Notepad++, Sublime Text, Eclipse, Brackets, and Microsoft Visual Studio Code.
  • Experience working on Frameworks like Bootstrap, Angular.js,Backbone.js, Node.js.
  • UseNODEPackage Manager (NPM) to manage the modules and used it to install useful tools such as Grunt.
  • Experience in creating test suites using jasmine and worked on tools like npm (nodepackage manager), Bower, Grunt.
  • Experience in using Web Services like SOAP protocol in JAXWS and RESTFUL web services.
  • Experience with multiple Servers like Apache Tomcat, IBM Web Sphere, Web Logic and JBoss.
  • Strong Experience in designing and developing the business web applications by "Hand-Coding" on W3C standards.
  • Strong Experience in database design using PL/SQL to write Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers and strong experience in writing complex queries, using Oracle, and MySQL.
  • Experience in Working Java Environments based on Hibernate, Spring, Frameworks.
  • Built rich prototypes and applications using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, JSON, AngularJS and Bootstrap with Oracle database
  • Experience in using Karma, Jasmine for testing JavaScript.
  • Extensive experience in Core Java Technologies such as Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, Collections.
  • Experience on Angular 2 for web application Performances purpose
  • Significant experience in Responsive Web Design (RWD).
  • Developed basic IOS, android and windows applications.
  • Experience in Agile development (XP, TDD and Waterfall) methodologies.
  • Experience in Web Services like SOAP, WSDL and good Knowledge in SOA.
  • Effective problem solving, analytical skills and technical troubleshooting skills
  • Excellent written, verbal and personal communication skills.


Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, HTML5, CSS2, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, AJAX, Grunt, REST API, RWD, REDUX, Validations, Media Queries, Bootstrap

Frameworks: AngularJS, NodeJS, ReactJS.

Languages: C, C++, Java, Python, J2EE.

Publishing Tools: Adobe PageMaker, MS Office.

Applications and Tools: Eclipse IDE, NetBeans, Brackets, Dreamweaver, Sublime Text, Microsoft Visual Studio, Notepad++, Edit Plus.

CSS Processor: SASS, LESS.

Debugging Tools: Firebug, Bugzilla, JIRA.

Operating Systems: Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000/98/95, Mac OS, LINUX, UNIX.

Servers: Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, XAMPP, IBM WebSphere, putty.

Databases: Oracle (PL & SQL), MySQL, ORACLE, Mongo DB.

Version Control: GitHub, SVN.

Testing Tools: Jasmine.

SDLC s: Agile, Waterfall and Scrum.


Confidential, Irving, TX

Web Application Developer


  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Gathering Requirements, Design and Analysis and code development.
  • Coordinated project activities and ensure that all project phases are followed and documented properly.
  • Worked and involved in development, enhancement and testing of the application.
  • Involved in Daily, Weekly project demos of the application to the clients and business team.
  • Used SONAR to manage source code quality and GIT for Version control.
  • Participated in retracting the data from ORACLE and MONGO database in reporting the user created designs to the business team in daily and weekly basis.
  • Developed non-functional HTML, CSS pages from the mock ups and involved in UI review with UI architect and Business Units.
  • Implemented various JavaScript, JQuery UI effects in the application.
  • Used JQuery for creating various widgets, data manipulation, data traversing, form validations, create the content on the fly depend on the user request, implementing Ajax features for the application.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with API’s, Web Services using AJAX, JSON and XML.
  • Used XML Web Services with RESTful web service for transferring data between different applications.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component-based architecture provided by Angular 2.
  • Used Angular 2 as the development framework to build a Single Page Application.
  • Written Angular 2 controllers and directives where the AJAX calls are made to the Backend to fetch the respective data for the template and the directive is linked to the template.
  • Exposure to new features and how to address issues in Angular2.0.
  • Used Angular 2 framework to bind HTML (views) to JavaScript objects (Controllers) and model values.
  • Worked with Angular 2components, form, pipes and services.
  • Worked on debugging JavaScript and HTML code with Firefox, Google Chrome, and JavaScript Debugger Postman.
  • Used DOM functions in manipulating Nodes and used Chrome developer tools for debugging the website.
  • Followed MVC Structure to develop Application.
  • Use JQuery for Data Validation on the client side within the application forms and JQuery plugins for Drag and Drop, widgets, Menus, User Interface and Forms.
  • Used Optimization techniques in existing code.
  • Used JDBC to query, update and maintain Database Servers using SQL queries.
  • Tested the cross browser/platform compatibility issues (IE, Firefox, chrome and Safari) on both Windows and Mac.
  • Tested/De-bugged on browser using JIRA
  • Managed application state using server and client-based State Management options. .

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Angular 2, JQuery, Oracle, NodeJS, MongoDB, Springboot, Java, Jenkins, Eclipse, Gulp, Visual Studio, REST-API, GITHUB, One Stash, Source Tree, JIRA

Confidential, TX

UI Developer


  • Worked with Agile methodology in which performed coding, debugging, and testing.
  • Coded dynamic and browser compatible UI web pages using JavaScript, CSS, HTML, JQuery, AJAX and responsive design in MVC environment.
  • Worked with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) along with RWD to apply different styles to the layouts for varying screen sizes and pixels.
  • Worked with Agile methodology in which performed coding, debugging, and testing.
  • Designed and implemented the User Interface using Google's AngularJS MVC framework (which means JavaScript, HTML, and CSS), JQuery, JSP and AJAX.
  • Reviewed customer feedback about the debugging issues, fixed bugs with HTML5 and JavaScript codes and worked on resolving browser compatibility issues.
  • Participated with SQA team in bug thrashing sessions to discuss and resolve bugs that were reported in JIRA.
  • Developed components to fetch the data from the back end using AJAX.
  • Testing the cross browser compatibility check and thoroughly performed unit testing and integration testing.
  • Used JSP, Servlets, and HTML to create web interfaces. Developed Java Beans and used custom tag libraries for embedding dynamic into JSP pages.
  • Used advanced level ofHTML5, CSS3 Layouts, JavaScript, DOM, JSON, jQuery,
  • Used AJAX extensively to implement front end / user interface features in the applications.
  • Developed a core component of Analytics with AngularJS.
  • Responsible for creating the screens with table less design following W3C standards.
  • Used AngularJS to develop a standalone test application, in scope of future usage of the framework.
  • Defined new validations through AngularJS for the form field validation implemented through HTML5.
  • Generation of light weight representation of the application using ReactJS.
  • Successfully implemented Auto Complete/Auto Suggest functionality using Ajax, JQuery, Web Service call and JSON.
  • Developed Web Services to expose useful functionality to web users through SOAP and REST.
  • Version control through GIT-HUB.
  • Used strong implementation in handling Ajax Request and Response using Java spring and JSON.
  • Creation of reusable UI components which present data that changes over time and development of Single page application using ReactJS.
  • Used AngularJS framework for building web-apps and is highly efficient with PHP framework as well as using Restful services.
  • Used best coding practices and naming conventions while writing code in AngularJS, CSS and HTML.
  • Utilized Angular inbuilt directives for implementation also implemented costumed directives for the one's that is not available.
  • Built on NodeJS with Express,Handlebarsand PhoneGap.
  • Developed dynamic e-mails using JavaScript, and hand coding of HTML and CSS3.
  • Used Angular.js framework to extend the HTML5 template language.
  • Ensured site design integrity and quality control consistency throughout the project’s lifecycle.

Environment: HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, kendo UI, AngularJS, NodeJS, ReactJS, JSP, PHP Frameworks, Handlebars, Bootstrap, AJAX, REST API, Grunt, MS Access, Adobe Flash, MS Office, GIT-HUB.

Confidential, Morristown, NJ

UI Developer


  • Built pages from Photoshop mock-ups using JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, and HTML.
  • Experience on working with CSS Background, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border, CSS margin, CSS padding, CSS table, Pseudo classes, Pseudo elements and CSS behaviours in CSS.
  • Ability to rapidly prototype interface designs in hand-coded validating, standards-compliant, and semantically rich code and be aware of cross-browser compatibility and bugs.
  • Thorough understanding of the differences and bugs in various browsers and browser versions.
  • Understanding of application development lifecycle methodologies.
  • Knowledge of human factors and usability, best practices for interface design
  • Strong communication, analytical and interpersonal skills working within cross-functional teams
  • Deep understanding of JavaScript and the JQuery framework
  • Performed analysis for the client requirements based on the developed detailed design documents.
  • Developed Use Cases, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Data Models.
  • Involved in developing the UI pages using HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, jQuery, Ajax.
  • Followed the Agile and Scrum development methodologies
  • Design and development of Web pages using HTML, CSS including Ajax controls and XML.
  • Integrated the Java code (API) in JSP Pages.
  • Used jQuery core library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the application.
  • Created JSPs and developed the screens as per the file structure.
  • Involved in developing HTML and JavaScript for client side presentation and, data validation on the client side with in the forms.

Environment: HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS/CSS3, MS Excel, UNIX, Confluence, GIT, Node.JS, Visual Studio, MVC, SVN, jQuery, Bootstrap.

Confidential, NJ

UI developer


  • Worked with HTML5, CSS3, XML, JSON, JavaScript, jQuery and jQuery UI for developing user interface.
  • Worked in Scrum Methodology - attended daily stand-ups, Sprint planning, retro and review meetings.
  • Extensively used jQuery - CSS3 Selectors, DOM traversal, manipulation and event handling.
  • Used jQuery UI controls as Accordion, Tabs, Dialog and used jQuery mobile data attributes to create mobile friendly pages.
  • Created custom jQuery plugins for file upload, date control and drag and drop using Client templates.
  • Consumed Rest Web Services through jQuery AJAX calls from front end.
  • Implemented various Validation Controls for form validation and implemented custom validation controls using Object Oriented JavaScript.
  • Specially working with AJAX data consisting of JSON/XML/JSONP responses, parsing the same and presenting on the UI layer.
  • Utilized Modernizer extensively to build HTML5/CSS3 based page layouts that are cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant.
  • Used Mobile-first responsive grid layout using Bootstrap. Extensively used Media Queries, Fluid Layout, Responsive Images and Typography.
  • Debugged the application using Firebug and chrome developer tools to traverse the documents and manipulated.
  • Worked with the team of architects and back-end Developers to gather requirements and enhance the application functionality and added new features.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, jQuery UI, SVN, JSON and AJAX.


Front End Developer


  • Implemented Presentation layer using CSS Framework, Wire-framing, HTML5
  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as requirement gathering, data modeling, analysis, architecture design & development for the project.
  • Involved in the process of analysis, design, and development of the application.
  • DevelopeduserinterfaceusingJSPandJavaScripttosimplifythecomplexitiesofthe application
  • The entire application was developed using MVC based architecture with help of used JavaScript for client-side validations, and AJAX to create interactive front-end GUI.
  • Implemented client side validations using JavaScript.
  • Used Form Based Authentication.
  • Used Web Sphere as the application server for deployment.
  • Performed unit testing on various project modules using Junit framework.
  • Used Apache Ant as build tool.
  • Used IBM Rational Clear Case as version control tool for maintaining source code and project documents.
  • Implemented Log4J for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking.

Environment: JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JUnit, Shell, JQuery, JBOSS, Sublime, CVS.

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