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Devops Engineer / Application Engineer Resume

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Columbus, OH


  • Experience inDevOps, Build, Release and Configuration Management on Linux and Windows platforms.
  • Good understanding of the principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM) in Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall methodologies.
  • Experience in installation, configuration, Deployment and management of enterprise applications using WebSphere Application server.
  • Implemented Continuous Integration and Continuous deployment using various CI Tools like Jenkins, and Sonatype Nexus.
  • Experience in Installation and Configurations of WebSphere, Tomcat and Various J2EE Servers
  • Experienced in containerization with Docker and creating Docker Images.
  • Configured and Installed Docker on the base operating systems to create self - environment for dev teams and containerization of Env’s delivery for releases.
  • Knowledge and expertise on all aspects of Chef concepts like chef server, workstations, Nodes, chef clients and various components like super market, kitchen.
  • Experienced in writing the chef cookbooks and recipes to automate middleware installations and deployment activities.
  • Creating and Managing Custom AMI's, created AMI tags and modified AMI permissions in AWS.
  • Used Nagiosas a monitoring tool to identify and resolve infrastructure problems before they affect critical processes and also worked on NagiosEvent handlers in case of automatic restart of failed applications and services.
  • Maintained over multiple jobs in Jenkins from different Application teams in parallel.Integrated GIT into Jenkins to automate the code check-out process.
  • Promoting the artifacts into the Artifacts Repository Managers like JfrogArtifactory and Nexus.
  • Wrote and maintained scripts in Maven to create JAR, WAR, EAR artifacts and other build automation tasks.
  • Ability to work closely with teams, to ensure high quality, timely delivery of builds &releases.
  • Maintained JIRA for tracking and updating project defects and tasks.
  • UsedKubernetesfor automated deployments, scaling and management of containerized applications across clusters of hosts, deploy, load balance, scale and manage Docker containers with multiple namespace versions.
  • Proficient with Java and .Net build &Releaseapplicationsand knowledge on using Splunk tool for data logging
  • Experience in administering, troubleshooting and Implementing Release management methodologies to support buildand deployment process and manage development tools for software development groups and work towards meet and define SLA's.


Operating System: Windows, Linux,Unix.

Build Tools: Ant, Maven.

CI / CD Tools: Hudson/Jenkins, XL Release, Chef, Puppet.

SCM: SVN (Subversion), GIT (Github), Atlassian Stash.

Tools: Jira,Docker, kubernetes, Confluence, Nagios, Nexus.

Middleware: Apache Tomcat 5.1/6.1, and IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Cloud Computing: Amazon EC2, VPC, ELB, EBS, SNS, Cloud Watch, S3, Cloud Trail, IAM.


Confidential, Columbus OH

DevOps Engineer / Application Engineer


  • Installed and configured Jenkins for Automating Deployments and providing automation solution.
  • Build scripts using ANT and MAVEN build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to other environments.
  • Worked with Build andreleasemanagement tools like GIT, Bit bucket,XLRelease,Jenkins and Nexus repository
  • Perform Jenkins administration, updating plugins, setting up new projects and debugging build problems.
  • Branching, Merging, Tagging, Release Activities on Version Control Tools GIT.
  • Manage software builds, merges, continuous integrations and automated deployments across all environments, including creation and management of Jenkins and ARM jobs.
  • Created Upstream and Downstream projects to develop the delivery and build pipelines.
  • Perform Jenkins administration, updating plugins, setting up new projects and debugging build problems.
  • Experience in Installing, Configuring, Deployment, Migrating, Performance tuning, Troubleshooting, security, failover and work load management of WebSphere Application Server, Web servers like IBM HTTP, Apache on AIX, Linux environments.
  • Created, Configured and Administered Profiles, Clusters, andNodes for WebSphere Application Server.
  • Performed the package, build, integrate and deployment of enterprise J2EE applications on Web Sphere that involved the creation and editing of EAR, JAR, WAR files.
  • Implemented AWS solutions using EC2, S3, EBS, configuredElastic Load Balancer with EC2 Auto scaling groups, IAM.
  • Experienced in Amazon EC2 setting up instances, Virtual Private Cloud (VPCs), and security groups.
  • Writing Chefcookbooks to manage configurations and automate installation process for webservers and AWS instances.
  • Used Chef Knife, Ohai to create cookbooks and recipes to install packages that automate with Linux.
  • Involved in setting up of Docker and creating new images and getting images from docker hub and performing the builds.
  • Working knowledge with Docker containers for the project.
  • Worked closely with development team and QA team for product releases.
  • Shell Scripting (Bash) onUNIX and Linux to automate administration tasks and deployments.
  • Monitoring and alerting systems byNagios.
  • On-call support 24/7 for troubleshooting production issues.

Environment: GIT, Stash, Jenkins,Docker, WebSphere, Maven, Ant, Putty, Jira, Confluence, ARM, Sonatype Nexus.

Confidential, Burlington VT

DevOps Engineer


  • Experience in managing Source control Systems like GIT.
  • Used Maven as a build tools on java projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code.
  • Installed and configured Jenkins for Continuous Integration. Responsible for the Plugin Management, User Management and END-END build and deploy setup-using Jenkins and XLR.
  • Develop and configure of Continuous Integration (CI) scripts for releases and Enhancing/Maintaining to suite the request from teams across the organization using Jenkins.
  • Used Jenkins & chef to perform automated CI Builds and Deployments
  • Responsible for the effective Delivery of capabilities supporting ITIL Processes and ITSM Tools utilizing industry best practices.
  • Evaluated and designed the software and the infrastructure for the Firm-wide private container cloud solution based onKubernetes, Swarm, Docker, and Python
  • Developing scripts (recipes in chef/ playbooks in puppet) for automatic deployment of servers and managing configuration files though Chef.
  • Used Ant and Python Scripts to Automate the Build and deployment process to the web services and Used Service deploy command for building the web services.
  • Implemented and configured Nagios for continuous monitoring of applications in the production environment and enabled notifications
  • Monitoring each service deployment and validating the services across all environments.
  • Worked in Cross-Platform environments like UNIX and Windows.
  • Getting approvals from all the Managerial Group, Quality Assurance Group and Deployment Group, which are included in the HP Service Management System Ticketing Tool for all the Production Releases.
  • Provided assistance for the smooth phases of release for emergency and expedite releases by getting the director level approval and coordinating with different Teams.
  • Working with change order with current Release and implement them in the production.

Environment: GIT, Maven, Ant, Chef, Python,Puppet, Nagios, Tomcat,Jira, IBM WebSphere


Build Release Engineer


  • For on boarding existing application, performing Knowledge transition from Development team to SCM team on build and deployment process.
  • Used Ant and Maven as a Build Tools on Java Projects for the Development of Build Artifacts on the Source Code.
  • After complete of the scripts development and process setup, execute the builds and deployments on different environments based on weekly scheduled build calendar.
  • Extensive use of maven for building and packaging source code to war and jar packages using pom.xml files and Jenkins for continuous integration process.
  • Integrated GIT into Jenkins to automate the code check-out process.
  • Worked on GitHub on a daily basis for as a version control tool.Perform administrator activities for the GIT and maintain access control smooth and functioning.
  • Used Ant for writing Build.xml for building JAVA/J2EE applications later on migrated to Maven.
  • Responsible for Plugin Management in Jenkins.
  • Performed merges for each build from Development Branch to Integration Branch.
  • Setting up and installing dedicated Jenkins servers for each project.
  • Develop and configure of Continuous Integration (CI) scripts for releases and Enhancing/Maintaining to suite the request from teams across the organization using Jenkins.
  • Involved in installing and configurationof Jenkins/Hudson as a continuous integration server on Unix/Linux.
  • Configure the setup for every release on the regular basis for product teams to perform integration testing.

Environment: Ant, Maven,Tomcat, Jenkins, SVN, Apache Tomcatand Linux/Sun.


Release Engineer


  • Release Engineer for a team that involved different development teams and multiple simultaneous software releases.
  • Developed and implemented SoftwareReleaseManagement strategies for various applications according to the agile process.
  • Participated in weeklyreleasemeetings with Technology stakeholders to identify and mitigate potential risks associated with the releases.
  • Imported and managed multiple corporate applications into Subversion (SVN).
  • Involved in creating newBuildDefinitions, creating and updatingBuildProcess Templates for new releases and new requirements.
  • Involved in all projects that move to production and work closely with the Data Center, Development, Quality Assurance and Management teams to ensure cross communication and confirmed approval of all production changes
  • Provided end-user training for all Subversion (SVN) users to effectively use the tool.
  • Developedbuildand deployment scripts using ANT/Maven asbuildtools and Jenkins as automation tool to move from one environment to other environments.
  • Built and Deployed Java/J2EE to a web application server in an Agile continuous integration environment and also automated the whole process.
  • Created and maintained the Shell/Perl deployment scripts for web application servers.
  • Developed shell scripts for automation of thebuildandreleaseprocess.
  • Involved in tweaking the existing ANT files in case of errors or changes in the project requirements.
  • Perform periodic system audits on all environments to ensure that only controlled versions of software reside all environments.
  • Responsible for the development and maintenance of processes and associated scripts/tools for automatedbuild, testing and deployment of the products to various developments.
  • Managed Maven project dependencies by creating parent-child relationships between projects.
  • Jenkins is used as a continuous integration tool for automation of daily process.
  • Installed, Configured and Managed Nexus repository manager for dependency management between different projects.
  • Integrated JIRA and Subversion using Pre-commit hooks to ensure the process is followed and automated JIRA tasks using JIRA CLI.

Environment: ANT, Subversion, Maven, Jenkins, JIRA, JAVA/J2EE, Shell Script, Nexus.

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