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Sr. Devops/aws Engineer Resume

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  • Over 8 Years of experience in IT industry with imperative concentration on Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google cloud), Build & Release, DevOps, Linux and Network Administration.
  • Designed, configured and managed public/private cloud infrastructures utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) like EC2, Elastic Load - balancers, Elastic Container Service (Docker Containers), S3, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Front, Elastic File System, RDS, DynamoDB, DMS, VPC, Direct Connect, Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation, IAM, EMR and Elastic Search.
  • Expertise in working on Multiple AWS instances, set the security groups, Elastic Load Balancer and AMIs, Auto scaling to design cost effective, fault tolerant and highly available systems.
  • Accomplished in creating configuredAWSIAM and Security Group in Public and Private Subnets in VPC and CreatedAWSRoute53 to route traffic between different regions.
  • Experience in performance tuning and query optimization in AWS Redshift.
  • Worked on setting up the life cycle policies to back the data fromAWSS3 toAWSGlacier, Worked with variousAWS, EC2 and S3 CLI tools.
  • Build infrastructure as a code using tools like Terraform and Cloud Formation Templates.
  • Experience on usingAWSLambda, running scripts/code snippets in response to events occurring inAWSCloud and maintaining it.
  • Strong Experience on Administration and Troubleshooting of Azure IAAS Components (VM, Storage, VNET, OMS, NSG, Site to Site VPN, RBAC, Load Balancers, Availability Sets).
  • Proficient in Azure Development, worked on Azure web application, App services, Azure storage, Azure SQL Database, Virtual Machines, Fabric controller, Azure AD, Azure search, and Notification hub.
  • Expertise in Microsoft Azure Cloud Services (PaaS & IaaS), Application Insights, Document DB, Internet of Things (IoT), Azure Monitoring, Key Vault, Visual Studio Online (VSO) and SQL Azure.
  • Sound knowledge in migrating on premise to Windows Azure using Azure Site Recovery and Azure backups.
  • Good understanding with other technologies like Google Cloud Platform and Open stack.
  • Planned, developed & maintained Infrastructure as code using CI/CD deployments using Terraform.
  • Expertise in implementing DevOps culture through CI/CD tools like Repos, Jenkins, Code Deploy, Code Pipeline, Maven, and configuration management tools like Chef, Puppet & Ansible. Had set up staging and production environments for CI workflow.
  • Hands on experience on automating various infrastructure activities like Continuous Deployment, Application Server setup, Stack monitoring using Ansible playbooks and on Integrating Ansible with Run deck and Jenkins.
  • Implemented and rolled out proof of concepts for logging management (ELK, Logentries, Sumologic), writing Chef code to deploy these solutions, mocking up dashboards and prototyping example queries of high-value searches.
  • Automated deployment activities in middleware environment which includes portal applications running on Java/AWS using Puppet master and Agent nodes and Integrated Puppet with Apache and Passenger.
  • Handled Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, scale and manage docker containers with multiple name spaced versions.
  • Exposure to Mesos and Marathon environment for application deployments and Docker Containers. Installing of Docker using Docker toolbox, created Docker images using a Docker file. Also, worked on Docker container snapshots, removing images, and managing Docker volumes.
  • Experienced with deployment automation of all the microservices to pull image from the private Docker Registry and deploy to Docker swarm cluster using Ansible.
  • Expertise in setting up (CI/CD) Continuous integration and Deployment Pipeline for J2EE, NodeJS and Python applications as well as Docker Containers using tools such as Jenkins, Anthill pro, Team city, Bamboo and AWS Code Pipeline.
  • Extensive experience in building artefacts for J2EE applications using ANT, Maven, XCODE, and AWS Code Build.
  • Experienced in monitoring servers using Nagios, Data dog, Cloud watch, Splunk.
  • Implemented Kafka security features using SSL without Kerberos, further with more grain-fines security I used to set up Kerberos to have users and groups this will enable more advanced security features.
  • Worked on analysis and visualization of data using ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) and MySQL databases in a Linux (CentOS) environment.
  • Used JIRA as a Change Management/ Work Management/ SCRUM Agile Tool. Deployment and management of many servers via script and Chef, utilizing cloud providers as a direct Jira.
  • Experience in maintaining Atlassian products like JIRA, Confluence, Fisheye, Bamboo, Crowd etc.
  • Expertise in Querying RDBMS such as Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server by using PL/SQL for data integrity and proficient in multiple databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ORACLE, DynamoDB, nosql.
  • Expertise in Python, Perl, shell scripting (ksh, bash), Groovy, Ruby, Yaml to automate administration tasks.
  • Experience on Deployed the Software builds to QA, UAT and Production servers.
  • Experience in System Administration on various platforms which includes Red hat Linux, Solaris, SUSE Linux, CestOS, Windows Environment, VMware ESX/ESXI and VMware vSphere.
  • Experts in creating and managing user accounts, security, rights, disk space and process monitoring in Solaris and Red Hat Linux.
  • Experience on Web servers such as Tomcat 3.x, 4.x, 5.x,6.x, and 7.x & Apache Server 2.x and integrating them with WebLogic 10.x servers.
  • Working knowledge on configuring access lists. Troubleshooting DNS/DHCP issues within the LAN network.
  • Experienced in supporting 24x7 production computing environments, on-call and weekend support.
  • Have the responsibility as a UAT support for the project until the project goes into the production.
  • Experience on Deployed the Software builds to QA, UAT and Production servers.
  • Organized and facilitated project planning, daily stand-up meetings, reviews, retrospectives, sprint, release planning, demos, and other Scrum-related meetings.


Operating Systems: UNIX, Linux, Windows, Solaris, Ubuntu

Virtualization Platforms: Virtual Box, Vagrant, VMware, Vagrant

Configuration management: Chef, Puppet, Ansible

CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, Hudson, Bamboo

Application/Web Servers: Oracle Web logic Server 11g, Apache Tomcat, Oracle Application Server 10g BEA WebLogic 8.1/9.2, WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat, IIS

Amazon Web Services: EC2, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto Scaling Services, Glacier, Elastic beanstalk, Cloud Front, Relational Database, Dynamo DB, Virtual Private Cloud, Route 53, Cloud Watch, Identity and Access Management(IAM), EMR, SNS, SQS, Cloud Formation, Lambda. VPN

Scripting Languages: Bash, Perl, Ruby, Shell, Python

Build Tools: Maven, Ant

Cloud platforms: AWS, Azure, Rackspace, Open stack

Logging & Monitoring Tools: Splunk, Log stash, Nagios

Databases: Oracle 10g/11g, Mongo DB, MySQL

Version Controls: Subversion, Git, GitHub

Issue Tracking Tools: Jira, Remedy, Clear Quest


Confidential, Sunnyvale-CA

Sr. DevOps/AWS Engineer


  • Created highly available and scalable infrastructure in AWS cloud by using various AWS services like EC2, S3, ELB, VPC, Route53, IAM.
  • Designed roles and groups for users and resources using AWS Identity Access Management (IAM) for accessing AWS resources.
  • Performed AWS S3 buckets creation, policies, IAM role based polices and customizing the JSON template.
  • Managed storage in AWS using Elastic Black Storage, S3, Glacier. Created Volumes and configured Snapshots.
  • Used Amazon Glacier for archiving data, Amazon RDS to manage, create snapshots, and automate backup of database.
  • Created load balancers(ELB) and used Route53 with failover and latency options for high availability and fault tolerance.
  • Scaling web applications and services developed with Java, .Net, PHP, Node.js, Ruby, Python on servers like Apache, Nginx, IIS using AWS Elastic Bean Stalk.
  • Worked on Terraform for managing the infrastructure through the terminal sessions and executing the scripts and creating alarms and notifications for EC2 instances using Cloud Watch.
  • Involve in maintaining the user accounts (IAM), policies, RDS, DynamoDB, SQS and SNS services in AWS cloud.
  • Created Python scripts to totally automate AWS services, which includes web servers, ELB, Cloud Front distribution, EC2 and Security groups, S3 bucket and application configuration, this script creates stacks, single servers, or joins web servers to stacks.
  • Integrated Docker container orchestration framework using Kubernetes by creating pods, config Maps, deployments.
  • Implemented new Docker container creation process for each GitHub branch. Container gets started using Jenkins as Continuous Integration server.
  • Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm. Created reproducible builds of the Kubernetes applications, managed Kubernetes manifest files and managed releases of Helm packages.
  • Used Docker to virtualize deployment containers and push the code to EC2 cloud using PCF. Built additional Docker Slave nodes for Jenkins using custom built Docker images and instances.
  • Worked on Docker container snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing images, managing directory structures, and managing containers in AWS ECS.
  • Deployed and hosted applications on AWS using Ops Works, automated single click deployment onto AWS using Ansible. Developed automation scripts in YAML using Ansible to deploy and manage Java applications across Linux servers.
  • Worked on Vagrant for configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments
  • Designed the project workflows/pipelines using Jenkins for Continuous Integration and deployment into different Web/Application Servers.
  • Upgrading, administering, plug-in management, and user management and job creation in Jenkins.
  • Used Maven dependency management system to deploy snapshot and release artifacts to Nexus, share artifacts across projects.
  • Experienced in static code analysis tool SonarQube right from setup to configuration in Jenkins and analyzing the different programming languages like Java, C# and JavaScript.
  • Used Python, Perl, Shell scripts in automation and integration.
  • Managed code by maintaining code repository in GIT (Bit Bucket); improve practices of branching and code merge to custom needs of development team.
  • Analyze and resolve compilation and deployment errors related to code development, branching, merging, and building of source code.
  • Monitoring and application analysis using Nagios, Splunk, Prometheus.
  • Used the JIRA for bug tracking, creating the dashboard for issues.
  • Facilitated Scrum ceremonies like Sprint planning, retrospectives, Daily stand-ups, etc.

Environment: AWS, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Chef, Ansible, Nagios, Splunk, SonarQube, Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL, AWS EC2, IAM, S3, VPC, Cloud Watch, ELB, SNS, GIT, GITHUB, Maven, Jenkins, Python, Perl, Shell, Jboss, Tomcat.

Confidential, Glen Allen-VA

Sr. DevOps/AWS Engineer


  • Involved in working on the services of AWS like EC2, Elastic Search, VPC, Subnets, Routing tables, Internet gateways, IAM, Route53, VPC peering, S3, ELB, RDS, Security Groups, CloudWatch, SNS on AWS.
  • Created AWS Launch configurations based on customized AMI to configure auto scaling groups and Implemented AWS solutions using EC2, S3, RDS, AMI, DynamoDB, Route53, Security Groups, EBS, ELB.
  • Managing AWS infrastructure and automation with CLI and API. Working on Inbound and Outbound services with automation Chef. Deployed multiple resources simultaneously, using Cloud Formation templates in AWS.
  • Managing AWS EC2 instances utilizing Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing and Glacier for our QA environments as well as infrastructure servers for GIT and Chef.
  • Designed and developed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create EC2 instances, custom sized VPC, subnets.
  • Wrote shell scripts to automate the process the adding SSH-keys and generate passwords and then integrated the scripts to Jenkins.
  • Used Cloud Front to deliver content from AWS edge locations to users, allowing for further reduction of load on front-end servers.
  • Created functions and assigned roles in AWS Lambda to run python scripts, and AWS Lambda using java to perform event driven processing. Created Lambda jobs and configured Roles using AWS CLI.
  • Used AWS Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, Node.js, Python and Ruby on familiar servers such as Apache, and IIS.
  • Build and configure a virtual data center in the AWS cloud to support Enterprise Data Warehouse hosting including VPC, Public and Private Subnets, Security Groups, Route Tables, Elastic Load Balancer.
  • Managed different infrastructure resources, like physical machines, VMs and even Docker containers using Terraform, support different Cloud service providers like AWS and Digital Ocean.
  • Configuring and managing an ELK stack, setup the Elastic search ELK Stack to collect, search and analyze log files across the servers. Evaluated system logs using ELK software stack.
  • Worked with Red Hat Open Shift Container Platform for Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Used Kubernetes to manage containerized applications using its nodes, Config Maps, selector, Services & deployed application containers as Pods.
  • Built Jenkins pipeline to drive all microservices builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed to Kubernetes, created pods and managed using Kubernetes.
  • Created additional Docker Slave Nodes for Jenkins using custom Docker Images and pulled them to ECR.
  • Wrote Ansible Playbooks with Python SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS nodes and Tested Playbooks on AWS instances using Python. Run Ansible Scripts to Provide Dev Servers.
  • Implemented Ansible to manage all existing servers and automate the build/configuration of new servers.
  • Wrote Chef recipes for various applications and deploying them in AWS using Terraform.
  • Build auto-scaled systems with Docker and Ansible Tower and application level performance monitoring and alerting with an acute sense of what is signal and what is noise.
  • Worked on Prometheus for metrics collection and alerting and Grafanna to provide visualization of the metrics data.
  • Deployed and maintained Chef role-based application servers, including Apache, JBoss, Nginx, and Tomcat.
  • Used Splunk for log analyzing and improving the performance of servers. Wrote several custom Splunk queries for monitoring and alerting.
  • Installed Jenkins on a Linux server & create master-slave configuration to implement multiple parallel builds through a build farm.
  • Developed build and deploy scripts using ANT, MAVEN as build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to other environments.

Environment: AWS (EC2, S3, VPC, ELB, RDS, EBS, Cloud Formation, Cloud watch, Cloud trail, Route 53, AMI, SQS, SNS, Lambda, CLI, CDN), Azure, Terraform, ELK, Docker, Ansible, Chef, Jenkins, ANT, Maven, Git, SVN, Cron, Jira, Bash, Shell, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tomcat, WebLogic, Auto scaling, Route53, DNS, Nagios, RHEL.

Confidential, Dallas, TX

Sr. DevOps Engineer


  • Responsible for using AWS Console and AWS CLI for deploying and operating AWS services specifically VPC, EC2, S3, EBS, IAM, ELB, AMI, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch and Cloud Trail.
  • Created and managed EC2 instances utilizing various AWS services like auto-scaling groups, Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), S3 and Glacier for our QA and UAT environments and infrastructure servers for Chef.
  • Defined AWS Security Groups which acted as virtual firewalls that controlled the traffic allowed to reach one or more AWS EC2 instances.
  • Performed AWS cloud deployments for web applications with Cloud Watch to monitoring and VPC to manage network configurations.
  • Created a virtual data center in the Amazon Web Services cloud to support Enterprise Data Warehouse including Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Public and Private Subnets, Security Groups, Route Tables, Elastic Load Balancer.
  • Used security groups, network ACLs, Internet Gateways, NAT instances and Route tables to build a secure zone environment for organizations in AWS public cloud.
  • Performed Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balance and AMIs and utilized EBS to store persistent data and mitigate failure by using snapshots.
  • Created S3 buckets to back up the files and customized it in JSON format and assign the policies to access the files. For archive files Glacier is used. Worked on IAM to set up user roles with corresponding user and group policies using JSON.
  • Well Versed with Configuring Access for inbound and outbound traffic RDS DB services, Dynamo DB tables.
  • Used Docker as a new level of simplicity to defining and creating applications by encapsulating them in containers.
  • Expertise in setting up Docker Host, Docker Registry, RHEL/ Centos Atomic Host, Docker images (Centos, RHEL and Ubuntu instances). Developed Networking policies for Docker containers.
  • Worked on creation of Docker containers and Docker consoles for managing the application life cycle.
  • Extensively involved in Managing Ubuntu, Linux and Windows virtual servers on AWS EC2 instance by creating Chef Nodes through Open-Source Chef Server.
  • Deployed and configured Chef Server and Chef Solo including bootstrapping of chef client nodes for provisioning.
  • Worked with many different concepts of Chef like Roles, Environments, Data bags, Knife, Chef Server Admin/Organizations.
  • Created Custom Puppet modules for bootstrapping new servers with the required application dependencies and packages.
  • Build the maven artifacts using Jenkins and Deploying into Amazon Cloud Environment by adding Monitoring Metrics to Cloud Watch and the respective Alarms.
  • Used Build Management tools like Maven for writing build.xml and Pom.xml. Have experience on version controls tools and repositories like GIT, SVN, Bitbucket, S3, and Code Commit.
  • Created Instances in Apache Webserver and JBOSS Application server in QA and Production environments.
  • Installed, Configured, Managed Monitoring Tools such as Splunk, Nagios for Resource Monitoring/Network Monitoring/Log Trace Monitoring.
  • Administered Apache and Nginx web servers and queering several RDBMS servers like SQL, MySQL, Aurora for data integrity.
  • Created Jira workflows to automate deployment and for issue tracking. Involved in setting up JIRA as defect tracking system and configured various workflows, customizations and plug-ins for the JIRA bug/issue tracker.

Environment: AWS (EC2, S3, VPC, ELB, RDS, EBS, Cloud Formation, Cloud watch, Cloud trail, Route 53, AMI, SQS, SNS, Lambda, CLI, CDN), ELK, Docker, Chef, Jenkins, ANT, Maven, Git, SVN, Cron, Jira, Bash, Shell, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tomcat, WebLogic, Auto scaling, WebSphere, Route53, DNS, Bamboo Nagios, RHEL.

Confidential, Chicago, IL

DevOps Engineer


  • Monitored software, hardware and/or middleware updates and utilizing technologies like Jenkins/Hudson, Ant, MS Build, and Subversion.
  • Enabled Continuous Delivery through Deployment into several environments of Test, QA, Stress and Production using Jenkins. Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Jenkins, Maven in Linux environment.
  • Set up puppet master, client and wrote scripts to deploy applications on Dev, QA, production environment.
  • Created Puppet manifests, classes and modules to automate system operations. Developed the scripts to push patches, files and maintain configuration drift through the Puppet Tool.
  • Deployed Puppet, Puppet Dashboard, and Puppet DB for configuration management to existing infrastructure.
  • Involved in installing Puppet client on Red hat & Solaris servers for Automation purpose.
  • Involved in Installing Jenkins on a Linux machine and created a master and slave configuration to implement multiple parallel builds through a build farm.
  • Implemented new project builds using Jenkins and Maven as build framework tools, inspected builds in staging environment before rolling out to production environment.
  • Defined dependencies and plugins in Maven pom.xml for various activities and integrated Maven with GIT to manage and deploy project related tags.
  • Implemented GIT Lab for version control of Puppet modules and process documentation.
  • Manage Code Repository by, maintaining code repository in GIT, improve practices of branching and code merge to custom needs of development team.
  • Initiated responsibility for administering the SVN and GIT servers which included install, upgrade, backup, adding users, creating repository/branches, performance tuning, troubleshooting issues and maintenance.
  • Implemented Shell and Perl scripts for release and build automation. Manipulated and automated scripts to suit requirement.

Environment: Puppet, Jenkins, Hudson, ANT, Maven, Git, SVN, Jira, Bash, Shell, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tomcat, WebLogic, Auto scaling, WebSphere, Nagios, RHEL.


Release/Build Engineer


  • Installed, configured and administered Jenkins CI tool on Linux machines.
  • Configuration Management (SCM) tools like Subversion (SVN), GIT. Setup Jenkins Build server and maintenance.
  • Experience in User Management and Plug-in Management for Jenkins to automate the daily process.
  • Worked in creating WebSphere Application Server Clustered Environments and handling Load Balancing for QA, UAT and Production.
  • Automated Linux production server setup using Puppet scripts. Designed and implemented Puppet-based configuration management system for all new Linux machines (physical and virtual).
  • Managed the Maven Repository using Nexus tool to automate the build process and used the same to share the snapshots and releases of internal projects and SVN repositories for branching, merging, and tagging.
  • Created Maven shell scripts for build and release activities in QA, Staging, and Production environments.
  • Integrate GIT into Jenkins to automate the code check-out process. Performed all necessary day-to-day Subversion/GIT support for different projects.
  • Responsible for design and maintenance of the Stash GIT Repositories, views, and the access control strategies. Written Perl script to monitor and notify team about the Rsync updates.
  • Developed and maintained UNIX/Perl/ANT scripts for Java/J2EE build and release tasks.
  • Implemented Release schedules, communicated the Release status, created Roll Out Plans, tracked the Project Milestones, prepared the reports and chaired the Release calls and worked for a Jira Application.
  • Deployed Enterprise Application Archive (EAR), Web Application Archive (WAR), Staging and Production environments. Modified ANT scripts to build the JAR's, Class files, WAR files and EAR files from VOB's.
  • Strong ability to troubleshoot any issues generated while building, deploying and in production support. Good Interpersonal Skills, team-working attitude, takes initiatives and very proactive in solving problems and providing best solutions. Good knowledge on ITIL Process and have worked on coordinating releases across the projects.

Environment: Linux (RHEL, CentOS), Puppet, Jenkins, Hudson, ANT, Maven, Git, SVN, Puppet, Jira, Bash, Shell, Perl, Python, Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere, JBOSS, Nagios, RHEL.


Linux System Administrator


  • Responsible for the implementation and maintenance of less complex network management software.
  • Researching analyzing and implementing software patches or any hardware changes to fix any network deficiencies.
  • Maintained and monitored all of company's servers operating system and application patch level, disk space and memory usage, user activities on day-to-day basis.
  • Installations of HP Open view, monitoring tool, in more than 300 servers. Attended calls related to customer queries and complaints, offered solutions to them.
  • Worked with DBA team for database performance issues, network related issue on Linux / Unix Servers and with vendors for hardware related issues.
  • Installing, Configuring and maintaining VMware ESX Environments and implemented VMware ESXi 4.0/4.1 host servers with vSphere client and configured HBAs & ISCSI SAN storage.
  • Developed the build scripts using ANT and MAVEN as the build tools for the creation of the build artifacts like war or ear files.
  • Created and maintain build automation shell, manage building fixes, merges, release cuts as needed, Written scripts for environment changes in Bash and Perl for WebSphere mapping modules to the enterprise application.
  • Configured and resolved LAN, WAN and TCP/IP issue and generated reports to show the Resource Utilization, User / CPU / Network Load.
  • Managed shared NFS files system, mounting and unmounting NFS server, NFS client on remote machine, sharing remote file folder, starting and stopping the NFS services.
  • Configuration and administration of Web (Apache), DHCP and FTP Servers in Linux and Solaris servers. Supported the backup environments running VERITAS Net Backup.
  • Worked with Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) like authorizing all Users and computers in windows domain type network and assigning and enforcing security policies.

Environment: Linux(RHEL), Solaris, VMware, Bash, Perl, WebSphere, Web Apache, DHCP, FTP, Active Directory, ANT, Maven, NFS Server, HP Open View, UNIX.

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