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Android Developer Resume

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  • Highly skilled IT professional around 8 years of experience and expertise in AndroidApplication development, testing and deployment of both Native and Hybrid Applications.
  • Experience in using fragments, Networking, Activity workflow, Action Bar Navigation, Menu designs, Native Development Kit and view controls and loaders.
  • Good Programming Skills and Hands on experience in developingAndroidEnterprise Applications for mobiles and tablets usingAndroidSDK and ADT tools.
  • Active experience in developingAndroidApplications using Java andAndroidAPIs (Animation and Graphics, Data Storage, Multimedia, Connectivity, Location and sensors).
  • Experience in delivering products using object - oriented software engineering.
  • Worked with Activities, AsyncTask, Intents, Services, Location Manager, Toast notifications, Dialogs, and SQLite Database.
  • Experience on scanning and generation of QR code using Google libraries.
  • Strong experience in programming, deploying, configuring, fine-tuning and administering middle-tier popular J2EE Application Servers like Apache Tomcat.
  • Worked with most of the Android UI components like List View, Grid View, View pager, and Adapter
  • Used SCRUM-Agile, waterfall model, software development method for managing application developments and used MVC, MVP, object-oriented design for design patterns.
  • Adopt with design patterns: MVC, Singleton, Adapter, Command, Observer, and Builder.
  • Experience in developing an application with HTTP, REST, JSON, XML s backend
  • Experience in testing using debugging tools like JUnit, adblogcat, DDMS.
  • Web and front end developer specializing in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript also experienced with Bootstrap, API s, FTP and Project Management.
  • Expertise in building of source code, troubleshooting build/configuration/integration issues, communicating and resolving source code related issues between various teams of the project.
  • Proficient inAndroidapplication framework: Activities, Intents, Services, and Content Provider.
  • Strong experience withAndroidFramework APIs such as Phone Gap, RgoogleMaps, Camera, Resource Manager, Notification Manager, Content Providers, Contact Manager, Telephony API and REST APIs.
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal and quick learning skills with strong presentation skills and ability to interact with people at all levels.
  • Innovative thinking and contributing new ideas to make apps better in terms of functions and customer friendliness.


Web Technologies: HTML, XML, DHTML, XSL, XSLT, JavaScript, Node.js, SAX, SOAP.

Build Tool: Android Studio with Gradle and Maven, Ant, Eclipse with ADT

IDE &Testing: Tools

Operating System: Unix, Sun Solaris, Linux and Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/7.

Languages: C, C++, Visual Basic, PL/SQL, JAVA, PEARL, Python.

Databases: Oracle 11g/10g, SQL Server 2005/2008 and Sybase, My SQL, MS-Access, DB2, SQLITE.

Servers: WebSphere 7.0,WebLogic 11,Jboss Tomcat 4.x/5.x

Software Packages: MS Office 2010, MS Visio, MS Front Page.

Project Management: MS Project, Resource and Project Plans, Estimation, Code Delivery, Coordination

Source Control: Sub-Version (SVN), Clear Case, CVS/PVS and VSS (Visual Source Safe), Git-Hub.

Framework: Apache Axis, SOAP, WSDL, REST, JAX-RS, JAX-WS


Android Developer

Confidential, MD


  • Worked with Android Studio and the latest Android SDK using Nougat in developing an enterprise level mobile application.
  • Design, Develop, and test web based mobile applications.
  • Implemented material design concepts like recycler view, toolbar and card view.
  • Updated Geo-location with latest Google API’s such as snapshot API, Geocodoing API to improve the location service.
  • Implemented working with public API's such as Facebook, GCM, Twitter.
  • Extensively worked on memory leaks, push notifications, content providers, data offline storage, accounts and sync on Android.
  • Used design patterns like factory, singleton, builder, adapter etc.
  • Effectively used Volley, Picasso, AsyncTask, Loaders, and other common libraries to improve on current application performance
  • Maintained applications, including bug fixes, performance enhancements and runtime production support.
  • Worked on Offline ID cards and also UI related work on Dashboard such as hugs.
  • Leveraged Google Cloud Messaging to send notifications for real time offers and discounts.
  • Prepared high and low level design documents for the business modules for future references and updates.
  • Involved in the meetings where I had to present the demo of the current working app with higher level executives.

Environment: Android SDK, Android 7.0(Nougat), SQLite, Android Studio, XML Web service, JDK 1.8, Log cat, GIT (version control), DDMS console, Jenkins, JSON.

Android Developer

Confidential, Chicago, IL


  • Developed UI for most of the modules in the application using List View, Grid View, View Pager and Tab Navigation, Expandable Button, Custom Button, Custom Edit Text, Spinner.
  • Worked with Android Studio and the latest Android SDK using lollipop in developing an enterprise level mobile application.
  • Implemented Spinner for implementing option to choose from dropdown list.
  • Using Gradle to build the project.
  • Integrated search widgets to perform search through their collections, load recent search and supports voice based search.
  • Worked on UI related features such as Action Bar, Dialogs, and Toasts.
  • Used Android Studio to develop the screens for the application using MVC design pattern.
  • Developed User Interface for the app using UI Components like view flipper, custom views, image views, buttons, dialog boxes.
  • Implemented services using GSON library and part of design team in architecture of Web services.
  • Responsible for debugging and troubleshooting the web application.
  • Worked on the application landscape variation including development, testing and production and set up and configured SQLite database.
  • Worked on Jenkins to generate the builds for QA and developers for testing purpose.
  • Used GIT for version control of code for distributed revision control
  • Extensively used Agile Methodologies
  • Coded test programs and evaluated existing engineering processes.
  • Designed and configured database and backend applications and programs.
  • Performed research to explore and identify new technological platforms.

Environment: Android SDK, Android 6.0(Marshmallow), SQLite, JAVA, CSS, Java Script, Android Studio, XML Web service, JDK 1.8, Log cat, GIT (version control), Shared Preferences, DDMS console, Jenkins, JSON

Android Developer

Confidential, Atlanta, GA


  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to define, design, and develop new features
  • Collected the requirements with the client and documented the requirements
  • Involved in requirement gathering, UI design and development
  • Implemented functionality based on the business requirements for major releases
  • Extensively tested alpha releases with JUNIT 3 and Robotium.
  • Responsible for developing JUnit Test Case Classes, Test Suite in Integration environment.
  • Regularly followed up with Development Team to discuss discrepancies identified during testing and performance tuning.
  • Supported the design, development, testing and implementation of new business and support applications
  • WorkedonintergradingwithGoogleAPItoprovidetheuserwithdirectionstotheclosestBestBuylocations.
  • Implemented different activities like Products, photoscan, product search Offers, New releases etc.
  • Worked closely with the testing team.
  • Designedscreensrelatedtocategoriesanddetaildescriptionfordifferentsizeddevicesbycustomizingviews as per mockup.
  • Used GIT for project management and version control.
  • Used JSON to fetch data from the server using RESTful web services.
  • Implemented List views for displaying new releases.
  • Provided subsequent releases which included feature changes, enhancements and bug fixes.

Environment: AndroidSDK, EclipseIDE, AndroidAPIs, GoogleAPIs, JNI, J2ME, JDK, UNIX, LINUX, RESTWebservice, JSON, JUNIT 3, SQLite, GPS service, Log cat.


Confidential, Thousand Oaks, CA


  • Conceptualized, designed, developed and deployed anandroidmobile application called " Confidential Medical Info".
  • Gathered requirements to make each activity.
  • Designed class and use case diagram using "UML"
  • Used Java, PHP, MySQL and Xml for coding
  • Designed the UI icons and Buttons using illustrator and Photoshop.
  • Experienced in working with eclipse,Android Studio 2.0 (Android Studio) and API's.
  • Performed unit testing and conducted bug fixing using emulator.
  • Performed testing inandroiddevice.
  • Consumed data from content providers and loading the same into the application.
  • Used data structures in collection frame work to temporarily store the data.
  • Worked with Worked with data persistence techniques using shared preference, SQLite database.
  • Used design patterns like factory, singleton, iterator, adapter etc.
  • Performed data syncing from local database to remote database.
  • Designed preference screen to capture the user’s preferences like font style, font color etc.
  • Consumed RESTful web services and parsed the JSON data to render the data of remote database.
  • Used various optimizing techniques to ensure smooth UI and to improve the efficiency of the app.
  • Handled Application life cycle and various stages of Activity life cycle to persist the data and ensure the consistent UI and best performance in terms of Time complexity and Space complexity.
  • Worked with Bitmap image processing and handled Bitmap related issues like Out Of Memory Exception.

Environment: Java,Android Studio 2.0 (Android Studio), Gradle, Android 5.0, Ubuntu (Linux), Eclipse, XML, PHP, JSON and MySQL.

Android Developer



  • Involved with the end users / business analysts to collect the requirements of the project.
  • Worked extensively with Java and the SDK frameworks.
  • Worked with Xml to extract the data and display it on app.
  • Worked with SQLite for implementing database to store various user data, preferences.
  • Extensively worked with Google APIs to navigate store locations and gets you the directions.
  • Worked on customizing Table views, List views, Tab bars and navigation bars.
  • Worked with implementing and customizing images using Draw 9 Patch tool.
  • Worked on optimizing the application using inbuilt tools such as Monkey Runner, Traceview.
  • Tested the application for relevant bugs, fixed the leaks and deployed on different Android device to validate the application stability.
  • JUnit extension for Android was used to prepare the test cases.
  • Worked on making the app support different screen sizes and configuration.
  • Worked on reviewing and distributing the App to the App Store.

Environment: Java, EclipseADT (8.0.1), XML, JSON, Google API’s, SQLite, JUnit

Java Developer



  • Involved in the Requirements & Analysis from the business team.
  • Created the design documents with use case diagram, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • Implemented the MVC architecture using Apache Struts1.2 Framework.
  • Implemented Action Classes and server side validations for account activity, payment history and Transactions.
  • Implemented views using Struts tags, JSTL2.0 and Expression Language.
  • Implemented Struts Tiles Framework for the views layout.
  • Implemented session beans to handle business logic for fund transfer, loan, credit card & fixed deposit modules.
  • Worked with various core java patterns such as Service Locater and Factory Pattern at the business layer for effective object behaviors.
  • Used JQuery for code development.
  • Experience in Test Driven Development.
  • Worked with JAXB, SAXP and XML Schema for exporting data into XML format and importing data from XML format to data base and JAXB in the web service's request response data marshaling as well as unmarshalling process.
  • Developed Axis2 Web Services.
  • Used multithreading and synchronization process to handle clients.
  • Implemented the web services client to consume the third-party service API for validating credit cards.
  • Used XML Web Services using SOAP to transfer the amount to application that is remote and global to different financial institutions and was involved in testing of web services using SOAPUI.
  • Developed Unit test cases using JUnit.
  • Developed ant scripts and developed builds using Apache ANT.
  • Used Clear Case for source code maintenance.

Environment: J2EE, JDK 1.6, Struts 1.2, JSP, JNDI, Clear Case, HTML, SOAP, JQuery, WSDL, UDDI, JAXB, JAXP,XML Schema (XST), EJB 2.0, ANT,GWT, Java script, JMS, WebLogic App Server 10.0, Rational Rose, WSAD, Oracle 10g.

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