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Mobile App Developer Resume

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Chicago, IL


  • About 8 year's experience as iOS & Android Developer in analyzing, designing and developing iOS (iPhone, iPad),based enterprise applications/apps using Swift, Objective C, Interface Builder, Xcode 6, iOS SDK, Storyboards, AutoLayout,Instruments, Push Notifications (APNS), TestFlight, Facebook SDK, PhoneGap, Titanium Rhomobile, Twitter, Zbar, Google Maps, Parse, Core Location, Location Based Services, MapKit, Webkit, Static Libraries, Custom Framework, Application Preferences, Accelerometer, Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, Web Services, GCD, NSOperation, Foundation Framework, UIKit Framework, Four Square APIs.
  • Solid experience in mobile application development with expertise in latest trends, best patterns and practices.
  • Experience of SDLC (Agile, RUP, Iterative, SCRUM) including SRS, Design & Analysis, Development, Implementation, Build, Deployment, Version Control, Testing & Post implementation, UAT, migration and conversion of existed project.
  • Proficient in using cloud - based databases, Firebase, MongoDB for storing data for Android and iOS mobile applications.
  • Worked on Integrating Facebook, twitter, Gmail, LinkedIn API for fetching the user contacts.
  • Implemented custom calendar UI (day, month, Week) and Event triggering Using Event KitFramework.
  • Experience in working on Low Energy Bluetooth and Notification Manager (Push Notifications).
  • Ability to work in a fast, agile and nimble environment with frequent change.
  • Working knowledge of Google Script in building web apps and automate tasks.
  • Efficient in creating Test cases and performed data validation and process testing for application moving into production.
  • Hands on experience in debugging, bug fixing, analyzing the crash reports and providing the technical solutions for various challenges and requirements in application complexities.
  • Expert programming in Apple SWIFT and Objective-C for iOS 10.x/9.x/8.0/7.0/6.1/5.1
  • Experienced in all aspects of iPhone, iPad app development including designing all types of screen sizes and orientations.
  • Expertise in iOS design patterns (MVC, Delegation, Target-action and Slide-out Navigation), Cocoa design patterns and concepts like delegation, protocols and categories.
  • Extensive experience in using Cocoa Touch framework in iOS mobile applications development.
  • Design Patterns used - Model View Controller (MVC), Observer (Notifications, KVO), Decorator (Categories,Delegates) FacadePattern, Delegation, Target-action, Class Cluster, Adapter, Memento (NSUserDefaults, NSCoding) Command Pattern (NSInvocation, ForwardNSInvocation, NSProxy).
  • Experience in Creating & Maintaining Database objects like Tables, Indexes, Views, Synonyms, Object types & Collections.
  • In-depth knowledge of MVC architecture, Cocoa design patterns & concepts like delegation, protocols & categories.
  • Experience in Code signing, App Store submission, creating iTunes Store content & App release to App Store using Application Loader.
  • Worked on almost all basic controls UI Buttons, UITouch, UIImage, UI Labels, UISegmentedView, UIPickerView, UITextView, UITextField, UITableViewController, UIView Animations, CATransition, 3D Animations.
  • Expertise in creating and custom UIViews, Customizing Views, Table Views, Tab Bars, Scroll Bars, Navigation Bars and Segmented Control which are some basic functionality in a Multi-View Application.
  • Good knowledge on App Distribution (Ad-hoc, Drop box and Appaloosa-Store) and Deployment/Updates to App Store, Google Play and their Guide lines
  • Tested the application for memory leaks and relevant bugs, fixed the leaks, and deployed on different Smart phone firmware's to validate the application stability.
  • Extensive programming experience in AndroidSDK based application development.
  • Hands-on experience supporting multiple versions of AndroidSDKs, screen resolutions and device types (Responsive design).
  • Extensive experience in developing Android applications in Android studio and AndroidSDK based application development.
  • Expertise with audio features, video features, graphics design, interactive design and animation.
  • In-depth knowledge of Androidframework, application development, memory management, audio-video codecs, and binary streaming as well as mobile application development using Titanium SDK.
  • Expertise in SOA, Web services, XML Parsing, JSON, and Hybrid-app using Phonegap.
  • Proficient with common Android framework APIs(Location, Camera, Notifications, MapAPI).
  • Expert knowledge in designing and developing adaptive UI components, widget for android phones, tablets using.
  • Notifications, Adapters, Content Provider, Services, XMLParsing, SQLite.


Programming/Scripting Languages: Android, Python, C, C++, CSS3, PL/SQL, Java, J2EE, JDBC, swift, kotlin, UNIX Shell scripting, Swift 3.1

Development Tools: Android Studio, JDeveloper, Net Beans 6.X, MS Visual Studio, IBM Worklight, Photoshop, Sublime Text, Atom, IntelliJ IDEA, XCODE, Eclipse, Debuggers

iOS: XCode 8.3 and earlier, Objective C, Swift 3.1, Cocoa pods, Cocoa Touch, BLE and Bluetooth, core data, core animation, AV foundation kit, UI Kit.

Web Technologies: HTML 5.0, AJAX, DHTML, XSL, XSLT 2.0, jQuery, JSP, JavaScript, Servlets, AngularJS, NodeJS, jQuery Mobile, Spring MVC Framework & Hibernate

Web Services: Android SDK, HTTP, Restful Web Services, Google APIs, XML, DOM parsers, SAX parsers, SOAP, JSON

Office Tools: Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Outlook

Database technologies: MySQL, SQLite, Realm Database, SQL Server, Oracle RDBMS, MS Access

Cloud: AWS, Azure.

Third Party Libraries: Picasso, phone gap, Espresso, Volley, ION, OpenGL, Cordova, Dagger, Retrofit, Jackson.

Testing and QA Tools: SDK, Junit, Crashlytics, Espresso, Mockito, DDMS, Logcat, Hudson, Test link, Bugzilla, Quality Center

Package & Version Control Tools: JIRA, Repo, CVS, GIT, VSS, Gerrit, Wireshark

Web/Application Servers: Tomcat 4.1/5.x/7.0/8.x & Apache HTTP Server

Mobile Technologies/Tools: Android Emulator, Trace View, Draw 9-patch, Android SDK, AVD, ADB/DDMS Traceview, logcat, lint and Fastboot and ADT tools Eclipse Addon

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, UNIX, Mac OSX, IOS, VMware, Android


Mobile App Developer

Confidential, Chicago, IL


  • Developed a mobile application in both Android and iOS platforms.
  • Follow up with Agile and scrum methodologies in the project implementation.
  • For Android platforms, used Android Studio as IDE and JSON language to build the application.
  • For iOS platforms, used Xcode as IDE and Swift, Objective-C languages to build the application.
  • Designed and Implemented Views and Layouts for User Interaction.
  • Created interface for android native and hybrid implementation.
  • Performed the UI for the application to support both the portrait and landscape modes.
  • Worked on Loaders to asynchronously loading of data.
  • Used queries and stored procedures to store the data in database.
  • Implemented Core data for persistent storage of user data.
  • Took care of Code Review, Code Fixes, and bug Fixes.
  • Used Android JUnit extension to prepare test cases.
  • Worked on android marshmallow for runtime permission.
  • Developed the code in object oriented manner for better code reuse and created the client codes.
  • Improved the application performance by detecting memory leaks using DDMS.
  • Used GIT for code repository and maintaining current and historic versions of the source code.
  • In Android mobiles, Nexus5X used in the simulator for testing of the application.
  • In iOS mobiles, iPhone6S plus used in the simulator for testing of the application.

Environment: iOS SDK, SWIFT, Android Studio, Android SDK, Xcode, iPhone, iPad, Objective-C, java, Cocoapodsframework, Firebase database, Android simulator, Iphone simulator, Notification manager, Geographical location,Authorization, Notification manager, XML, Gradle build, JSON, JQuery, JQPlot, Custom Framework, Core Location, Instruments, CFNetworking, Categories, Delegates, Secondary Thread, Run Loops, Multithreading-GCD, Java Script,Back grounding, Android Junit, Restful API, GIT, Android Debug Bridge (ADB), Systrace.

Android/IOS Developer

Confidential, CA


  • Involved in doing AGILE practices, attending daily agile (SCRUM) meetings and SPRINT retrospective meetings. Worked with an Agile, Scrum methodology to ensure delivery of high quality work with every iteration.
  • Involved in requirement gathering, UI design and development.
  • Involved in IOS app build (xcode) and deploy to test locally and multiple registered devices.
  • Involved in CoreData Framework using SQLite.
  • Built native IOS and Android applications using Android SDK, IOS SDK in Xamarin.
  • Developed critical tools for this project like Customized Navigation bar, Page control and Scroll view.
  • Worked on Web Service calls, XML and JSON parsing.
  • Linux is supported by a huge Open Source development community that spans continents and companies.
  • Developed Cross-Platform Mobile app using Xamarin Forms with code sharing between all platforms (Android, iOS and Universal Windows apps)
  • Execute ADB commands to test the app on Android platform ( major release components)
  • Performed UI, Regression, Functional and Back end testing for the applications.
  • Web Accessibility testing by using JAWS screen reader.
  • Logged, Tracked, Evaluated and verified the applications test results using Test director to track, analyze and generated reports on them.
  • Implemented Fragments to make the app usable on both Smart phone and tablets.
  • Developed the app to adapt to different orientations and various resolutions (Idpi/mdpi/hdpi) based on the device.
  • Added Omniture and BI events for Tablet.
  • Added parser classes for Tablet which involved parsing JSON feeds.
  • Implemented data caching mechanism.
  • Used Junit for testing.
  • Worked on the "On the Road" section of the app to provide the user information regarding their proximity to the closest Locksmith/Tow, Taxi, Rental Car, Gas Station, and Hotel and also to the closest State Farm Agent.
  • Worked extensively with Objective C and Cocoa frameworks.
  • Worked with UIActionSheets, UITableView, Custom Cells, UIScrollViews, Navigation Controllers, delegates and protocols.
  • Worked with ObjectiveC, Swift and Cocoa frameworks.
  • Worked with Cocoa Frameworks, which includes UIKit, CarPlay, Watch, HomeKit, SiriKit, Foundation, UI Image Picker, and UI Date Picker.
  • Updated backend validations to meet tablet specific requirements.
  • Provided subsequent releases which included feature changes, enhancements and bug fixes.
  • Developed test plans and performed peer reviews of deliverable documents and test cases.
  • Worked on iPhoneSDK and internet connection Protocols.
  • Used a Test-Driven Development (TDD) environment in a Scrum development methodology to provide end to-end development.
  • Used AFNetworking to connect RESTfulAPI services and maintained background image downloads, uploads, chat conversations, and messages from system.
  • Used Google MapsAPI to develop location based services for the App
  • Worked closely with the testing team.
  • Worked on Agile based development model.
  • Familiar with CoreAnimation / UI animation concepts.
  • Worked with GIT to checkout and update the codebase changes.
  • Implemented Accessibility and Localizations on the application.

Environment: iOS 7.1, XCode 6.0/6.3, UI Kit, Cocoa Touch, Foundation, Storyboards, XIBs Auto Layout constraints, Paging, Size Classes, Map Kit, Core Location, iPad, iPhone, Objective-C, JSON, XML, HTML5, CSS3, REST, JavaScript, jQuery, SQLite, Android SDK, Eclipse IDE, Google Maps, AML and SQL Databases, Junit, GPS Services, Xamarin, MK Annotations, GCD, Instruments, Break points, NS Log, LLDB, Agile, SCRUM.

Android Developer

Confidential - Burlington, VT


  • Worked in distinct phases of the project cycle like design, development and testing.
  • Experience in Android/Mobile Architecture and their components like Activities, Fragments, Services, Broadcast Receivers, Content Providers, Intents and Intent Filter, GCM, WebSockets, and Geo-Location.
  • Designed and implemented 4 Android applications: Bluetooth chat window, Tunes your favorite radio station, Inspection Scheduling System.
  • Used GPS provider to quickly find location and navigates the directions to the nearest bank locations.
  • Developed the activities and UI layouts. UML used cases and architecture diagrams.
  • Implemented backend components including Intents, AsyncTask, Services and Web Services.
  • Implemented the web services client to consume the third-party service API (like Picasso, Volley) for validating credit cards
  • Developed the app to adapt to different orientations (Landscape/Portrait) and various resolutions (ldpi/mdpi/hdpi) based on the device.
  • Implemented MotionEvent and Touch Event methods.
  • Active experience in developing Android Applications using Core Java and AndroidAPIs Animation and Graphics, Data Storage, Multimedia, Connectivity, Location and Sensors.
  • Used web views, listviews& populated lists to display the lists.
  • Implemented offline functionality for shopping list to display message. If the user is offline and hasn't been shown the message that day, display the message.
  • Identify stock keeping unit-related issues and then collaborate with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot and deliver the best E-Commerce customer experience across all views.
  • Responsible for consuming the RESTFUL services, getting XML, JSON response and parsing them to get the required information.
  • Participated in developing the UI for the app using WebViews, middleware apps, Buttons, 9-patch images, dialog and Alert dialogs.
  • Built restful API's, from scratch, for the mobile apps. API's type: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. Used latest web services/API's standards for the data.
  • Responsible for the delivery of solution for Retail Channel by Integrating in with the eCommerce Systems
  • SOAP / REST / Socket related to enterprise eCommerce and content management.
  • Pleasant experience in retail industry implementing e-commerce packages and integrating them with sales and inventory systems as an IT Consultant.
  • Integrated location-based services using Google Maps API to display locations of the nearest bank and service centers.
  • As a part of the e-commerce development team, my teammates and I succeeded in commercial web portal for e-commerce.
  • Utilized Shared Preferences to store and maintain user information
  • Used AndroidSDK and EclipseIDE for development.
  • Involved in a team that implemented best of class eCommerce practices that include guided navigation, dynamic promotion, click paths, checkout, personalization, SEO friendly site structure, merchandise rating and reviews, dynamic and rich product imagery, video, wish list, sharing, click to chat, product bundles and cross-sell/up-sell, social integration.
  • Designed light-weight design and used Recycler View instead of List view.
  • Involved in code reviews and peers
  • Used SCRUM-Agile software development method for managing application developments.
  • Worked on the debugging of the application, testing the application in various stages and improving application performance.

Environment: Android Studio, Android SDK 3.2, 4.1, SQLite 3.8, Eclipse IDE 3.5, Android API's, JDK 1.6, XML, JSON, Services and Receivers, Restful API, SQLite, GPS service, Log cat, Windows.

Android Developer

Confidential - Durham, NC


  • Responsible for analyzing the requirements of application, entire Mobile Agent Application android development, testing, stage, deployment, production maintenance and worked as lead android developer.
  • Designed the User Interface with navigation bar, viewpager.
  • Making the Restful Service Calls using Google's Volley Library at the various stages in the app development cycle and parsing the responses back from the web servers according to the application requirement.
  • Integrated the QR Code scanning library into the application for the scanning the policy information.
  • Worked on Android Material Design.
  • Responsible for adding the Reader API, this allows reading the payment card data when agent swipes the card with mobile card reader.
  • Worked with Google Maps AndroidAPI V2 to display the AIL locations with markers using Geocoder.
  • Used Gson, Retrofit and volley libraries to get JSON objects and arrays from server.
  • Worked on android Native.
  • Worked in Test-driven development (TDD).
  • Designed custom dialogs, custom notifications for displaying the generated payment code.
  • Used Gson, Retrofit and volley libraries to get JSON objects and arrays from server.
  • Responsible for storing the Agent ID, Payment code within the app using the Shared Preferences and the insurance information in SQLitedatabase.
  • Registered the Broadcast Receivers for the android system announcements.
  • Designed the Custom Action bar, Custom Progress bar while making service calls.
  • Implemented the mail feature of sending mail with billing information as an attachment.
  • Worked with Application Activity Lifecycle callbacks for providing the security and showing the login screen when the app goes to background.
  • Responsible for adding the update module for checking the latest version of app.
  • Extensively worked on designing the layouts to compatible with multiple screen sizes.
  • Responsible for testing the application in stage, code review fixing the bugs and providing post-production support.

Environment: Money management tool, Mortgage calculator, UI Animations, Eclipse, DDMS,ADB, Dreamweaver, Android SDK, Kitkat-4.0, Android Framework APIs (GPS and Camera), Object Oriented Design, Genymotion emulator.

Java Developer



  • Involved in the feasibility study of the project.
  • Involved in Analysis, Design, Coding and Development of custom Interfaces.
  • Participated in designing the user interface for the application using HTML, DHTML, and JSP.
  • Gathered requirements from the client for designing the Web Pages.
  • Developed the Form Beans and Data Access Layer classes.
  • Involved in writing ClientsideScripts using JavaScripts and ServerSidescripts using Java Beans and used Servlets for handling the business.
  • Involved in writing complex sub-queries and used Oracle for generating on-screen reports.
  • Involved in deploying the application in test environment using Tomcat
  • XML was used to transfer the data between different layers.
  • Deployed EJB Components on WebLogic.
  • Worked on database interaction layer for insertions, updating and retrieval operations on data.
  • Developed front-end screens using JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSON.
  • Implemented Struts MVC design pattern and front controller pattern along with Action Servlet as afront controller for this application.
  • Developed SCM by using the JSP/HTML like one form for each functionality user interface, standard validations using the JavaScript, Servlets used as the controllers for the business logic and business logic using JDBC, XML parsing techniques etc.. UsingMVC.
  • Developed Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality, through which we can run SCM from Oracle Applications.
  • Involved in developing the Routings and configured Routing Program as scheduled the concurrent request.
  • Developed Server-Side components for the business services for creating Items, BOM, Sourcing Rules, and substitute.
  • Involved in raising the Notifications to Oracle Users through Mailing Concept for intimating to start the next process using workflow.
  • Extensively worked on creating the setups for Organizations, Templates, Concurrent Requests, Cross Reference Types, User Creations, assigning responsibilities, creating value sets, Descriptive Flex Fields etc. in Oracle Applications.
  • Used CVS as version control system.

Environment: Java, JDBC, Servlets, Oracle, JSP, XML, UML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, UNIX, CVS and Ionic Framework.

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