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Ui/ux Developer Resume

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Torrance, CA


  • Around 7 years of experience inWeb Development, designing User Interface (UI) applications and professional web applications using HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, J Query, Ajax, JSON and XML with experience in teh software development life cycle.
  • Extensive experience in designing web applications with teh help of HTML/5, XHTML, JavaScript, CSS/3, SASS, DOM, j Query, AJAX, Typescript, Vanilla JS, Angular, Vue.Js,Backbone JS and ReactJS.
  • Well versed with Software Development Life Cycle process which includes designing, developing, testing and implementation.
  • Wrote stored procedures, created WCF services, developed server side logics, controller and implemented rich web pages with Ember.js and J Query
  • Having strong knowledge on React JS, Node JS, Backbone JS, Dust JS, and Require JS.
  • Created visualizations using D3.js, Chart.js and High charts library for TEMPeffectively demonstrating and analyzing data.
  • Experience applying teh latest development approaches including MVC framework in teh browser, event - driven applications using Ajax, Object Oriented (OO) JavaScript, JSON, and XML.
  • Expertise in maintains websites, software and understanding and modifying existing code.
  • Extensive Knowledge in developing single-page applications (SPAs) using various JavaScript frameworks like Angular, Backbone.js, and Node.js
  • Deploy and administer WordPress ecommerce site and multiple marketing blogs
  • Having good knowledge in Responsive web design and Redux.
  • Experience working with testing tools like Firebug, Firebug Lite, Chrome or Safari web inspectors and IE Developer Toolbar.
  • Superior verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills with both technical and non-technical audiences.
  • Rendered teh analyzed data in responsive and intuitive dashboard Stack using Angular Js, d3.js and HTML5 canvas.
  • Designing Web UI and implementing front-end/back-end using Embers Js, Node JS, TrackJSand Java for demo
  • Expertise in developing web page quickly and TEMPeffectively using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Vanilla JS, j Query
  • Educational background in Computer Science/Engineering
  • Have good understanding about network protocols like TCP, Sockets and UDP.
  • Demonstrated ability to complete high-end projects in deadline-oriented environments.
  • Able to TEMPeffectively communicate with wide range of clients and coworkers.
  • Capable of quickly learning and delivering solutions as an individual and as part of a team.


Technologies: HTML4/5, XHTML, CSS2/3, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, JSON, Bootstrap, DOM

Frameworks: Angular JS, Angular 2, React JS, Redux,ES6, Node JS,Vuejs, Backbone JS, D3.js, Web pack

IDE’s: Net Beans, Visual Studio, Notepad++, Edit plus, Sublime, Web Storm, SVN

Work Flow: Responsive Web Design, Single Page App

Methodologies: Agile, Scrum, Waterfall.

Tools: Grunt, Gulp, Jasmine, Karma


Confidential - Torrance, CA

UI/UX Developer


  • Extensively used Angular JS, JavaScript, j Query UI and j Query to provide UI functionality.
  • Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using Angular JS 1.4, Ajax, JavaScript, LESS, SASS and Bootstrap
  • Worked on some of teh new features ofAngular4 like new if else syntax, ng-templates, form validators, Router etc.Updated teh application with new features ofAngular4.
  • Designed and developed teh login portal using frameworkVue jsalong with HTML5, CSS3 and Type Script.
  • Developed mobile web application using native JavaScript and Angular JS by using existing hybrid Mobile application code base.
  • Enhanced legacy application by building new components in Angular 4 and Typescript with REST wrapper around teh existing backend java services as well as various enterprise web services integration.
  • Worked on D3 library to implement charts and line graphs.
  • Web application development for backend system using Angular and Node.js with cutting edge
  • Designed and developed teh login portal using frameworkalong with HTML5, CSS3 and T Angular2 type Script.
  • Moved existing VueJs controllers and services toVue jscomponents for more responsive and less dependency
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided byAngular4 with reference to Angular 2
  • ImplementedAngular4component router for navigation.
  • Experience in Using D3's animation capabilities, which are built to enhance teh data visualizations with transitions
  • Experienced in implementation and testing of distributed systems in domains like ecommerce, Industry systems and financial systems.
  • Used Selectors, Events, AJAX and Dom Manipulation using components inAngular4for updating content on DOM nodes.
  • Worked withAngular.js routers, forms, modules, DOM, events, expressions, controllers, filters and Http Request.
  • Single Page Applications (SPA) usingReact JSand implementing React routers
  • Always provide constructive suggestions for change from UI/UX point of view.
  • Designing Responsive Web pages using media queries and Twitter Bootstrap
  • Working in Zeplin design comps developing HTML/JS/CSS based web sites, including testing and debugging cross-browser
  • Created Responsive Web Design Development for teh webpages which are having integrated Restful web services and WebAPIs.
  • Used date-format and moment packages inNode.JSto save teh timestamp in database converting into GMT.
  • Implemented mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps for teh interactions between Redux and React.
  • Developed a front-end web application for E-commerce platform using HTML 5, CSS3, React.js, Redux, ES6 and NPM
  • Working in Agile / SCRUM project methodologies, including best practices for source code management, JIRA and GIT.
  • Working experience with Typescript new features block scope, type restrictions, decorators, arrow functions, classes, interfaces, modules (import and exports)
  • Working with NPM commands and using package.json for managing dependencies and dev-dependencies of node js applications
  • Experience in synchronous data-flow in teh application using Redux. Built a cross-browser graphics library using SVG and Canvas
  • UsedReact JSto build teh UI components, developed filters to display different dimension of data and font size modifiers
  • Redesigning of teh website with everything from contact page to landing page all usingReact JS.
  • For Responsive Web design using Bootstrap to build grids, layouts and components. Also using Bootstrap for components like dropdown menus, navigation bar, alerts, and labels
  • Maintaining teh source code management by following best practices of JIRA and Bit Bucket
  • Using web scripting languages like NodeJS for interaction between client side and server side technologies
  • Maintaining teh website by performance optimization (HTTP Profiling, Page Speed, etc.) including SEO, bundling and minification
  • Using Agile methodology for teh software development which consists of daily Stand up's, Sprint Planning's, Grooming etc.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, ES6 JavaScript, Angular2/4, React.JS, Redux, Node.JS,NPM,D3 Ajax, JSON, Agile, Web API, Typescript,, Bit Bucket, GitHub, Vue js,Responsive Design,, Mobile Based Application Design (iOS and Android)

Confidential - Plano, TX

Web UI developer


  • Excellent experience in implementing UI components usingReact JSalong with Redux Framework and ES 6 JS with Strong experience in developing Redux forms with react life cycle
  • Used React JS andNode.JSto structure JavaScript code in an MVC (Model, View, and Controller)
  • Used web pack, ES6, React API, Redux-promises, Ajax
  • Creating components, reducers, actions and containers for teh project to make teh webpage accessible in simple way and waive off teh load on coding
  • Working side-by-side with Photoshop design comps developing HTML/JS/CSS based web sites, including testing and debugging cross-browser.
  • Involved in finding out teh bugs, broken links and missing images etc. and rectifying them.
  • Used GIT for version control and JIRA for defect tracking.
  • Degree in Design/Web Development Focus preferred Android/iOS mobile UI/UX
  • Making use of JSP, HTML, and XML for teh designing teh GUI framework and presentation stratum. Confirming teh validations of teh customers with teh help of JavaScript.
  • Deep experience with JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 (Bootstrap, Media Queries), j Query UI plugin. Skilled in creating
  • Writing native JavaScript from scratch, DOM manipulation for teh website portal implementable on devices like Mobile, Tablet and Desktop.
  • Experience in synchronous data-flow in teh application using Redux.
  • Used web scripting languages like Node JS and Yarn for interaction between client side and server side technologies.
  • Used debugging tools such as Chrome Dev tools, Firebug, HTTP Tracing, stepping through code / breakpoints, etc.
  • Understanding and working on teh Content Management System of teh company on Word Press, Drupal and Joomla.
  • Maintained teh website by site tuning and performance optimization (HTTP Profiling, Page Speed, etc.) including SEO, bundling and magnification.
  • Worked in Agile Environment, which include daily Stand up's, Sprint Planning's, Grooming etc.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.JS, Node.JS, Ajax, JSON, Agile, Web API, Redux, Adobe Photoshop, Apache, GitHub, Responsive Design, Sublime Text3 and Atom IDE, Mobile Based Application Design (iOS and Android), Chrome, Firefox, Edge.

Confidential, Philadelphia, PA

UI Developer


  • Worked in a team, involved in developing theUI, layout and front-end programming (HTML) for a web application that matches requirements of teh client.
  • Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using Ajax, JavaScript, LESS, SASS, and Bootstrap
  • Worked on teh application developed using HTML5, CSS3, Dust.JS, React JS, Backbone.JS and JSON. Used Angular JS to create custom directives for navigation bar, sidebar filters for Customer data, strict filters for exact match search and other re-usable sections.
  • Experienced with Angular JS framework including MVC architectures, different modules, specific controllers, templates, custom directives and custom filters and used Angular JS for dependency injections.
  • Working with Bootstrap Components, which are written in Angular JS using Angular-UI components.
  • Angular JSFactory, Services & Providers created for different modules of Users, Groups, and System & Entities etc.
  • Developed teh charting system for teh dashboard using Angular-NVD3-Directives.
  • Client Side code was written inNode JS, BackboneJSand Server Side Code were developed using MVC4.
  • Extensively used mobile web application using native JavaScript and Kracken.JS by using existing hybrid Mobile application code base in iOS and Android device.
  • Created teh Application using Node.jslibraries NPM, gulp directories to generate desired view and flux to root teh URL's properly.
  • Developed teh search engine and performance optimized front-end (HTML, CSS, and JS) for business and ecommerce Website.
  • Implemented generating teh verification hash code using crypto package onNode.JSand Added user validations and user permissions by using theNode.js.
  • Web application development for backend system using Node.js with cutting edge.
  • Involved in Enhancement of existing application utilizingReact.js, created HTML, CSS, navigation menu that is role based menu items changes dynamically, derived from teh database in teh form of XML.
  • Worked with technologies such as j Query and Ajax to make teh website more attractive and user-friendly.
  • Created design mock-ups and wireframes using Adobe Photoshop CS6
  • Integrated teh UI code with Backend, Used JSON for data exchange between teh client and server by using web API.
  • Used GIT for version control, Rally, and JIRA for defect tracking.
  • Used "git stash", to store teh changes to teh running project and involved in Code review sessions.
  • Involved in UI Testing which is generally testing teh graphical user interfaces, how teh user interacts with teh application, testing application elements like fonts, layouts, buttons, images, colors etc.
  • Retrieval of data using SQL from Oracle database by using HTML5, Dust.JS, and coded j Query components.
  • Involved in implementing teh UI to support all teh major browsers.
  • Worked in Agile Environment, which includes daily Stand up's, Sprint Planning’s etc.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.JS, Backbone.JS, Require.JS, Angular.JS, Ajax, JSON, J Query, Web API, Agile, Karma, Jasmine, Adobe Photoshop, JIRA, Responsive Design.


UI Developer


  • Participated in Software Development Life -Cycle (SDLC) preparing Requirement Specification documents, design documents, Test cases and Analysis, User Training documents and Technical Help documents.
  • Used advanced level of HTML, JavaScript, CSS and pure CSS layouts.
  • Used RWD (Responsive Web Design) techniques to enhance user’s behavior based on screen-size.
  • Produced content pages with CSS layout and style markup presentations and used JavaScript methods and properties.
  • Used Nesting, Variable and Mixing features of SASS preprocessor to keep teh code neat and to enhance pace of teh project.
  • Used AJAX extensively to implement front end/ user interface in teh application.
  • Successfully implemented Auto Complete/ Auto Suggest functionality using AJAX, jQuery, Web service call and JSON.
  • Developed complex, usable, attractive, and cross-browser web interfaces that account for speed, file size, readability, and accessibility.
  • Used Handlebars, Mustacheand Underscore for Backbone templates.
  • Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript codes to build web forms and simulate process for web Application, page navigation and form validation.
  • Developed a fully functional prototype application using j Query and connecting to a REST-ful server on a different domain.
  • Handled AJAX call functionality and dynamic data parsing from XML and JSON data file.
  • Design.
  • Debugged teh application using Firebug to traverse teh documents and manipulated teh nodes using DOM and DOM Functions.
  • Utilized Angular JS framework for form validation by throwing errors or confirmation dialogs in intuitive way to teh user.
  • Utilized Angular inbuilt directives for implementation also implemented costumed directives for teh one that is not available.
  • Developed an Angular.JS workflow manager leveraging Angular-UI’s state router for flexible configuration and management of multi-step user input flows.
  • Performed Unit testing on various project modules using Junit framework and version control Through GIT.

Environment: HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript, Bootstrap, j query, Node JS, Angular JS


Jr Developer


  • Developed UI using HTML, CSS, jQuery, AJAX and JSON JavaScript validations and XML.
  • Designed XML files for maintaining contents like video, images, audio and display them in flash application.
  • Used to update HTML pages jQuery, AJAX via JSON Response.
  • Implemented chained select plugin for jQuery with JSON processing and callback features, chain multiple selects with ease.
  • Used advanced JavaScript concepts to validate input fields using regular expressions.
  • Used Content Management System (CMS) for teh dynamic configuration of teh header and footer of teh web application.
  • Responsible for developing, editing, publishing, and managing content on teh external web pages an internal layout.
  • Implemented various validation controls for form validation and implemented custom validation controls with JavaScript validation controls.
  • Played a significant role in integrating teh UI with backend service used spring, Hibernate. Java and SQL.
  • Developing teh web applications using core concept (Threading and collection).
  • Created Functional point estimation and responsible for designing user interface using core Java.
  • Developed teh backend applications using core concept (Data structure like collection).
  • Used spring Transaction Management. Used spring core for DI.
  • Participated in bug tracking sessions to discuss and resolve bugs with developers.
  • Designed web pages and used applications that meet business and user goals through a positive user experience.
  • Implemented test cases and performed unit testing.
  • Performed comprehensive test plans for system, regression testing, creation and maintenance of test cases, and test data.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JSP, XHTML

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