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Sr. Devops/aws Engineer Resume

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Atlanta, G


  • 8+ years of experience in designing, deploying, configuring, and maintaining systems. System administration, Software configuration management(SCM), Build & Release management, DevOps with focus on Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment, Cloud administration.
  • Managing all aspects of the software configuration management process including code compilation, packaging, deployment, release methodology and application configurations with remote execution to ensure zero downtime and shortened deployment cycles via automated deployments.
  • Experience working with Amazon Cloud Administration which includes services like: EC2, S3, EBS, VPC, ELB, SNS, RDS, IAM, Route 53, Auto scaling, Cloud Front, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation, OPS Work, Security Groups.
  • Expertise in creating functions and assigning roles in AWS Lambda to run python scripts to perform event driven processing.
  • Created complex Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies for delegated administration within AWS.
  • Experience in managing networks, Security groups and NACLs in VPC to increase security.
  • Managing storage in AWS using Elastic Black Storage, S3, Glacier. Created volumes and configured snapshots.
  • Experience in dealing with WindowsAzureIaaS - Virtual Networks, Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, Resource Groups, Express Route, Traffic Manager, VPN, Load Balancing, Application Gateways, Auto-Scaling.
  • Expertise in designing and configuringAzureVirtual Networks (VNets), subnets,Azurenetwork settings, DHCP address blocks, DNS settings, security policies and routing.
  • Deployed applications on multiple web servers, maintained Load balancing, high availability by using Azure platform. Build & automate infrastructure deployments in Azure cloud using PowerShell.
  • Experience in setting up OpenStack (Nova, Swift, Cinder, Neutron, Horizon, Keystone, & Glance) on single node and multimode platform.
  • Build infrastructure as a code using TerraformandCloudFormation Templates.
  • Experience working with monitoring tools like Cloud Watch, Nagios, Grafana, Newrelic, AppDynamics and Splunk.
  • Experience in using Docker, Kubernetes andOpenShiftto manage micro services for development of continuous integration and continuous deliverypipelines.
  • Build Docker images; create build and deployment configurations to deploy applications on Openshift.
  • Experience in using Kubernetes to provide a platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts.
  • Configured, monitored and distributed multi-platform servers using Chef. Defined Chef Server and workstation to manage and configure nodes.
  • Setting up and maintenance of automated environment using Chef Recipes & Cookbooks within Azure environment.
  • Deployed and configuredChefServer andChefSolo including bootstrapping ofChefclient nodes for provisioning; Created roles, cookbooks, recipes, and data bags for serverconfiguration, deployment, and app stack build outs.
  • Experience in installing, configuring and managing AnsibleCentralized Server and creating the playbooks to support various middleware application servers.
  • Involved in configuring theAnsibletower as a configuration management tool to automate repetitive tasks.
  • Experience working withPuppet EnterpriseandPuppet Open Source. Installed, configured, upgraded and managedPuppet master, agents & Databases
  • Analyze and improve SDLC lifecycle workflows, standards, processes, quality assurance, testing & change control procedures.
  • In-depth knowledge of Jenkins/Hudson Continuous Integration Server, Installation, Configuration, Design & Administration. Expertise in Automation, Release Management & Dashboard Configuration.
  • Troubleshoot build issues in Jenkins, performance and generating metrics on master's performance along with jobs usage and no. of builds being run.
  • Planning and gathering the requirements for setting up TFS environments for environment-based migration and up gradation.
  • Extensive experience with software Build automation and standardization tools like ANT, Maven.
  • Efficient experience in using Nexus and Artifactory Repository managers for Maven builds.
  • Code quality, code inspection using SonarQube, PMD which detects bugs and security vulnerabilities.
  • Experience in working with version control tools like Subversion, GIT, Team Foundation Server, Visual Source Safe.
  • Experience in utilizing Atlassian products such as Bit Bucket, JIRA and Confluence.
  • Experienced in installing and maintaining different application and web servers like Web Sphere, Web logic, Apache Tomcat, Ngnix, WebLogic and JBoss.
  • Extensive experience in installing, configuring, troubleshooting, maintaining, and support on Red hat Linux, CentOS, SUSE and Ubuntu, Windows and Solaris environments.
  • Automated daily manual tasks by running Cron Jobs using bash scripts that report events that need to be monitored.
  • Experience in writing scripts in shell(bash), Perl, Python, Ruby.
  • Experience in working with virtualization technologies VMware, Hyper-V.
  • Expertise in Querying RDBMS, such as Oracle, MYSQL and SQL Server by using SQL for data integrity.
  • Experience in using REMEDY, Bugtracker and JIRA issue tracking tools for tracking defects and changes for change management.
  • Experience in handling Windows server 2003,2008/2008R2 domain network, configuring and maintaining Active Directory services.
  • Experience in server build using Kickstart, PXE, Jumpstart and manual installation Methods.
  • Troubleshooting network related issues using packet capturing software such as IPtables, TCP wrappers, Netstat, traceroute.
  • Experience in configuring network services such as DNS, NFS, SMTP, NTP, DHCP, LDAP, SAMBA, FTP, remote access, security management and security trouble shooting skills.


Operating Systems: Linux Red Hat (4.x, 5.x, 6.x), Linux Centos, Ubuntu, Unix, Windows XP/VISTA/7/8/10, Windows Server 2003/2008/2012

Version Control Tools: SVN, GIT, TFS, VSS

Web/Application Servers: Web Logic, Apache Tomcat, Web Sphere and JBOSS.

Integration Tools: Jenkins/Hudson and Bamboo.

Build Tools: Maven, ANT and MS Build.

Configuration Tools: Chef, Puppet and Ansible.

Databases: MySQL, MS Access, Dynamo and SQL Server 2012/2008R2/2005

Bug Tracking Tools: JIRA, Remedy, BugTracker.

Scripting: Bash, Perl, Ruby and Python.

Virtualization Tools: Docker, Virtual Box, Hyper-V and VMware.

Monitoring Tools: Nagios, Splunk.

Cloud Platform: Amazon Web Services, Azure, OpenStack, Google

Languages: Java, .Net, PHP and HTML.


Sr. DevOps/AWS Engineer

Confidential, Atlanta, GA


  • Created highly available and scalable infrastructure in AWS cloud by using various AWS services like EC2, S3, ELB, VPC, Route53, IAM.
  • Designed roles and groups for users and resources using AWS Identity Access Management (IAM) for accessing AWS resources.
  • Performed AWS S3 buckets creation, policies, IAM role based polices and customizing the JSON template.
  • Managed storage in AWS using Elastic Black Storage, S3, Glacier. Created Volumes and configured Snapshots.
  • Used Amazon Glacier for archiving data, Amazon RDS to manage, create snapshots, and automate backup of database.
  • Created load balancers(ELB) and used Route53 with failover and latency options for high availability and fault tolerance.
  • Scaling web applications and services developed with Java, .Net, PHP, Node.js, Ruby, Python on servers like Apache, Nginx, IIS using AWS Elastic Bean Stalk.
  • Worked on Terraform for managing the infrastructure through the terminal sessions and executing the scripts and creating alarms and notifications for EC2 instances using Cloud Watch.
  • Involve in maintaining the user accounts (IAM), policies, RDS, DynamoDB, SQS and SNS services in AWS cloud.
  • Created Python scripts to totally automate AWS services, which includes web servers, ELB, Cloud Front distribution, EC2 and Security groups, S3 bucket and application configuration, this script creates stacks, single servers, or joins web servers to stacks.
  • Writing JSON templates for Cloud Formation and Ruby Scripts for chef automation and contributing to our repository on GitHub.
  • Creating and configuring Azure Active Directory services for authenticating application in Azure cloud office 365.
  • Configuring Azure Backup Service for taking backup of Azure VM and data of on premise to Azure.
  • Building and installing servers throughAzureResource Manager Templates(ARM) orAzurePortal.
  • Experience working with the Openshift Enterprise which allows developers to quickly develop, host and scale applications in a self-manage cloud environment.
  • Integrated Docker container orchestration framework using Kubernetes by creating pods, config Maps, deployments.
  • Implemented new Docker container creation process for each GitHub branch. Container gets started using Jenkins as Continuous Integration server.
  • Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm. Created reproducible builds of the Kubernetes applications, managed Kubernetes manifest files and managed releases of Helm packages.
  • Used Docker to virtualize deployment containers and push the code to EC2 cloud using PCF. Built additional Docker Slave nodes for Jenkins using custom built Docker images and instances.
  • Worked on Docker container snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing images, managing directory structures, and managing containers in AWS ECS.
  • Deployed and hosted applications on AWS using Ops Works, automated single click deployment onto AWS using Chef.
  • Written Terraform templates, Chef cookbooks, recipes and pushed them onto Chef Server for configuring EC2 instances.
  • Responsible for implementing User Activity Reporting modules and log analysis using Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana stack.
  • Bootstrapping instances using Chef and integrating with auto scaling.
  • Developed Chef Recipes for automating the Infrastructure, deployment process.
  • Installed, configured and managed Ansible server and written playbooks to configure various middleware application servers and to automate repetitive tasks.
  • Developed automation scripts in YAML using Ansible to deploy and manage Java applications across Linux servers.
  • Worked on Vagrant for configure lightweight, reproducible, and portable development environments
  • Designed the project workflows/pipelines using Jenkins for Continuous Integration and deployment into different Web/Application Servers.
  • Upgrading, administering, plug-in management, and user management and job creation in Jenkins.
  • Used Maven dependency management system to deploy snapshot and release artifacts to Nexus, share artifacts across projects.
  • Performance monitoring and tuning using Datadog.
  • Experienced in static code analysis tool SonarQube right from setup to configuration in Jenkins and analyzing the different programming languages like Java, C# and JavaScript.
  • Used Python, Perl, Shell scripts in automation and integration.
  • Managed code by maintaining code repository in GIT (Bit Bucket); improve practices of branching and code merge to custom needs of development team.
  • Analyze and resolve compilation and deployment errors related to code development, branching, merging, and building of source code.
  • Monitoring and application analysis using Nagios, Splunk.
  • Used the JIRA for bug tracking, creating the dashboard for issues.
  • Facilitated Scrum ceremonies like Sprint planning, retrospectives, Daily stand-ups, etc.

Environment: AWS, Azure, Terraform, Cloud Formation, Docker, Kubernetes, Openshift, Chef, Ansible, Nagios, Splunk, SonarQube, Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL, AWS EC2, IAM, S3, VPC, Cloud Watch, ELB, SNS, GIT, GITHUB, Maven, Jenkins, Python, Perl, Shell, Jboss, Tomcat.

DevOps/AWS Engineer

Confidential, Atlanta, GA


  • Providing infrastructure using AWS EC2, ECS, Cloud Formation, Ansible, AMIs, Docker.
  • Worked with AWS API to manage resources on AWS for services such as EC2, S3, VPC, Cloud Watch, ELB, Auto-scaling and SNS.
  • Extensive use of AWS CLI to automate backups of ephemeral data-stores to S3 buckets, EBS and created custom AMI’s for mission critical production servers as backups.
  • Responsible for creating AWS Identity and Access Management(IAM) groups and Users for improved login authentication and providing security group in both Public and Private Subnets in VPC.
  • Worked with GitHub private repositories and creating S3 backups by enabling versioning and moved objects to Amazon Glacier for archiving purpose.
  • Configured Access for inbound and outbound traffic RDS DB services, DynamoDB tables, EBS volumes to set alarms for notifications or automated actions.
  • Wrote AWS Lambda functions in python for AWS's Lambda which invokes python scripts to perform various transformations and analytics on large data sets
  • Collaborated in the automation of AWS infrastructure via Terraform and Jenkins - software and services configuration via chef cookbooks.
  • Used Security groups, NACLs, Internet Gateways, NAT instances and Route tables to ensure a secure zone for organizations in AWS public cloud.
  • Designed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC, subnets, NAT to ensuresuccessful deployment of Web applications and database templates.
  • Cloud management and monitoring AWS services using Cloud watch.
  • Created scripts in Python, which Integrated with Amazon API to control instance operations.
  • Building and installing servers through AzureResource Manager templates or Azure Portal.
  • Created Docker images using a Dockerfile, worked on Docker container snapshots, removing images and managing docker volumes.
  • Worked on microservices project to build Docker containers and deploy to Dev, UAT and Prod.
  • Deploying and maintaining production environment using AWS EC2 instances and Elastic Container Services with Docker.
  • Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins and GitHub. Jenkins automatically builds a new build, manage, and continuously improve the build infrastructure for global software development.
  • Configured and integrated the servers for different environments to automatically provision and configuration management of Linux instances using CM/ Provisioning tool CHEF, Ansible on AWS.
  • Used Ansible to automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploys critical applications, proactively manages change and well versed with Ansible Playbooks, modules, and roles
  • Implemented Nagios and integrated with Ansible for automatic monitoring of servers.
  • Wrote Ansible Playbooks with Python SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS nodes and tested Playbooks on AWS instances using Python.
  • Worked with Ansible playbooks for virtual and physical instance provisioning, configuration management, patching and software deployment.
  • Used Ansible to manage web applications, environments configuration files, users, mount points and packages.
  • Using Jenkins Amazon Web Services (AWS) Code Deploy plugin to deploy to AWS.
  • Worked on Prometheus for metrics collection and alerting and Grafana to provide visualization of the metrics data
  • Built and deployed Java applications in Jboss using Python scripts, published the release notes for all the releases.
  • Built Automation and Build Pipe Line Development using Jenkins and Maven. Set up build pipelines in Jenkins by using various plugins like Maven plugin, EC2 plugin, SonarQube
  • Created continuous integration system using maven in Jenkins and used Ansible full automation for faster and flawless deployments.
  • Used Jenkins, Build forge for Continuous Integration and deployment into Tomcat Application Server.
  • Setting up Jenkins master, adding the necessary Plugins and adding more slaves to support scalability and agility.
  • Designed the project workflows/pipelines using Jenkins for Continuous Integration and deployment into different Web/Application Servers.
  • Implemented Team Foundation Server as Version Management for Microsoft Technologies.
  • Involved in checking the quality of the code by using SonarQube.
  • Maintained and administered GIT source code repository and GitHub Enterprise.
  • Created branches, tagging, and merging in GIT.
  • Configured GIT with Jenkins and schedule jobs using Poll SCM option.
  • Created ANT and MAVEN pom to automate the build process for the new projects and integrated them with third party tools like Nexus.
  • Configuring Nagios, Splunk monitoring tool for monitoring the server/app status, disk space issues, and log parsing.
  • Installation of RDBMS and NoSQL databases and support such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Aurora, MongoDB.

Environment: Azure, AWS, Cloud Formation, Linux, GIT, GITHUB, Maven, Jenkins, Python, Docker, Chef, Ansible, Nagios, Grafana, Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL, AWS EC2, S3, VPC, Cloud Watch, ELB, SNS, Jboss, Tomcat

DevOps Engineer

Confidential, Charlotte, NC


  • Designed, configured and deployed multiple applications utilizing the Amazon Web Services focusing on high-availability, Auto-Scaling and defined IAM, Security Groups in AWS.
  • Created Amazon AWS EC2 instances for installing, configuring and troubleshooting on various Amazon images like Amazon Linux AMI, RedHat, and Ubuntu.
  • Maintaining cloud infrastructure using AWS EC2, S3, Cloud watch, Cloud Formation, Route 53 and Created monitors, alarms and notifications for EC2 hosts using Cloud Watch.
  • Created automation and deployment templates for relational and non-relational databases including MS SQL, MySQL, Cassandra and MongoDB can be used in AWS RDS.
  • Develop automation and processes to enable teams to deploy, manage, configure, scale, monitor applications in Data Centers and in AWS Cloud.
  • Implemented the Puppet Software setup and configuration from the scratch and deployed the run-list into Puppet-server and bootstrap the Puppet clients remotely. Provided installation & maintenance of Puppet infrastructure and developed Puppet recipe &modules for configuration management.
  • Installed, configured, managed Puppet Master/Agent. Wrote custom Modules and Manifests, downloaded pre-written modules from puppet-forge
  • Deployed cookbooks, recipes using knife tool from Puppet-DK Workstation to Puppet-server.
  • Modified Data Bags, Roles, and Recipes as per requirement.
  • Deployed Puppet, Puppet Dashboard, and PuppetDB for configuration management to existing infrastructure.
  • Implemented Chef for creation of on demand instances and infrastructure using the chef-client and bootstrapping using plugins against AWS EC2 instances.
  • Testing and deployment automation with Docker, Jenkins, and Puppet.
  • Worked on Jenkins, Bamboo to implement Continuous Integration and deployment into Tomcat /WebLogic Application Server.
  • Upgrading, administering, plug-in management, and user management and Job creation in Jenkins
  • Managed build and deployment scripts using RUBY in CHEF, triggered the jobs using Jenkins to move from one environment to across all the environments.
  • Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Jenkins, Chef, Puppet, Maven & Nexus in Linux environment.
  • Used MAVEN and ANT as build tools for the building of deployable artifacts (jar & war) from source code.
  • Experienced in configuring Web Logic servers in a Cluster solution for High Availability, Load balancing and fail over support.
  • Implement Web logic patches, updates, and fixes, support for production environment and Web Logic server hanging and server crash issues.
  • Performed installation, configuration and administration of SVN and migrated code over to GIT in Windows and Linux environment.
  • Coordinating developers with establishing and applying appropriate branching, labeling/naming conventions
  • using Subversion and GIT source control.
  • Worked on SVN&CVS Administration including user management, repo migration, repo creation, repository hook script implementation.
  • Integrated Eclipse IDE with different versioning tools like SVN, CVS, and GIT.
  • Created reports for release services based on JIRA tickets.
  • Administering and configuring NoSQL Databases like Cassandra, MongoDB etc.
  • Maintained JIRA for ticketing, tracking, and updating issues.

Environment: AWS, Linux, SVN, CVS, GIT, ANT, MAVEN, Jenkins, Bamboo, Chef, Puppet, Nexus, JIRA, Docker, MongoDB, Cassandra, Tomcat.

Build & Release Engineer



  • Active member in the release cycle of the product which involved environments like Development, QA, UAT and Production.
  • Strong knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies such as Agile, SCRUM and Waterfall models.
  • Worked on various components of Chef including chef server, workstations, Nodes, configurations of chef-client and writing cookbooks and recipes for Chef and assigning roles to nodes.
  • Configured and integrated the servers for different environments to automatically provision and configuration management using Chef.
  • Designed and implemented fully automated serverbuildwith Jenkins, chef.
  • Configured and maintained Jenkins to implement the CI process and integrated the tool with ANT to schedule the builds.
  • Set up CI (Continuous Integration) for major releases in Jenkins and TeamCity.
  • Setting up Jenkins master, adding the necessary Plugins and adding more slaves to support scalability and agility.
  • Designed the project workflows/pipelines using Jenkins for Continuous Integration and deployment into different Web/Application Servers.
  • Implemented CI for end-to-end automation of all builds and deployments using Bamboo and TeamCity.
  • Implemented continuous integration using Jenkins. Configured security to Jenkins and added multiple nodes for continuous deployments.
  • Used Nexus as artifact repository to publish build related artifacts.
  • Used Apache Tomcat as application server for deploying the artifacts.
  • Worked on ANT and MAVEN Scripts to automate the build process.
  • Built source code and created Dynamic Views and Snapshot views for end users using Maven scripts.
  • Performed all necessary day-to-day Subversion/CVS support for different projects.
  • Responsible for design and maintenance of the Subversion/CVS Repositories, views, and the access control strategies.
  • Responsible for branching and merging the code as per the schedule.
  • Merged release branches to the trunk after the production release and resolved the conflicts during the merge in Subversion.
  • Developed Shell/Bash/Perl Scripts for automation purpose.
  • Deployed the applications to Web Sphere Application Server 5.0/Jboss 4.x.
  • Developed, maintained, and distributed release notes for each scheduled release.
  • Deployed code on WebSphere Application Servers for Production, QA, and Development environments.
  • Used Remedy ticketing system to interact with the team and to solve issues.

Environment: Linux, SVN, ANT, MAVEN, Jenkins, Bamboo, shell, Jboss, Tomcat, Chef, Websphere, TeamCity, Remedy, Python.

Linux Administrator



  • Installation, Configuration and Administration of RedHat Linux 5.x/6.X, Solaris 10, CentOS, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Debian, Fedora comprising of testing, tuning, upgrading and loading patches, troubleshooting both physical and virtual server issues.
  • Scripting using bash, perl and python to automate administrative tasks.
  • Designing and building the infrastructure as per the business requirement.
  • System builds, server builds, install, upgrades, patches, migration, troubleshooting, security, backup, disaster recovery, performance monitoring and fine-tuning on Red Hat Linux systems.
  • Created user, rpm packages and patch management & configuration implementations.
  • Install and configure DHCP, DNS (BIND, MS), web (Apache, IIS), mail (SMTP, IMAP, POP3), and file servers on Linux servers.
  • Created users, manage user permissions, & File System quota on Linux machines
  • Mounting file system, NFS configuration and administration.
  • Troubleshooting network related issues using packet capturing software such as IPtables, TCP wrappers, Netstat, traceroute.
  • Configured inbound and outbound firewall rules to secure the traffic flow.
  • Used Samba server file sharing between windows and linux servers through CIFS protocol.
  • Installation and configuration Veritas Net Backup on Sun/Linux Severs
  • Developed automated processes that run daily to check disk usage and perform cleanup of file systems on UNIX environments using shell scripting and CRON.
  • Created bash, perl & python scripts to automate various systems administration tasks.
  • Installed and maintained webservers such as Jboss 4.x, Apache HTTP server.
  • Working with linux utilities: KICKSTART, SSH, FTP, Quota Management wrappers.
  • Installation of Firewall checkpoint, configured IP filter to protect network communication.
  • Installation and maintenance of database servers MySQL, Oracle 9i/10g, PostgreSQL.

Environment: Linux, Redhat, Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, Solaris, bash, Python, Veritas, Jboss, Firewall, Apache, IIS

System Administrator



  • Perform daily system monitoring, verifying the integrity and availability of all hardware, server resources, systems.
  • Install new / rebuild existing servers and configure hardware, peripherals, services, settings.
  • Setting up of network environments using TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, configuring proxies, monitor LAN/WAN network communication.
  • Install and configure Windows server 2003,2008 domain network.
  • Configured and maintained Active Directory services. Creating GPO objects in Active Directory Domain Services with settings related to Audit, Event log size, User Account Control, User Rights, Windows Firewall, Internet communication, Security.
  • Root Cause & System Log Analysis and reporting problems with the help of Event Logs.
  • Installation and configuration of VMware vCenter, Esxi. vSphere client and web client to access vCenter to administer the vSphere environment
  • VMware cluster management and configuring high availability feature to meet the work load.
  • Design and supported NAS services to multiple clients.
  • Installation and administration of MSSQL2005/2008, running scripts to update the schema and data.
  • Maintaining ticket management solution hosted through bugtracker and IIS.
  • Maintained DMZ network to protect internal network using WatchGuard.
  • Configuration and maintenance of RAID levels for data protection.
  • Implemented password security policy through active directory.
  • Analyzed logs, tracked, and resolved complex software/hardware, networking connectivity issues.
  • Hands on experience in performing system administration for Linux distributions such as Debian, CentOS, Fedora, Redhat Enterprise Linux.
  • Responsible for creating virtual machines and installing Redhat Enterprise Linux, CentOS and Ubuntu on it.
  • Create file systems and providing access permissions, backup, and recovery policy.
  • Wrote PowerShell & PowerCLI scripts for the teams use with customers that have been heavily utilized thus saving much time.

Environment: Windows XP/7/2003/2008, Debian, CentOS, Fedora, RedHat, Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, Powershell, vMware, MSSQL, Jboss, DMZ, WatchGuard, IIS, Bugtracker

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