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Sr. Angular Js/ Java Ui Developer Resume

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Kansas City, MO


  • Over 8+ years of experience in Enterprise Application and Web Application development with emphasis on front end Technologies, UI/UX designing in different domains.
  • 8+ years of developing experience using web technologies such as HTML, XHTML, DHTML, HTML5, ASP.NET, JavaScript, JSON, CSS, XML, AJAX, and PHP
  • Strong experience in applying design patterns, involved in developing ASP.NET web forms, win forms, 3 - tier applications with a combination of UML and VB.Net
  • Experience on Web Technologies using Angular.js, React.js, HTML4/5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, AJAX, IDE and Tool Eclipse
  • Experience with Angular 2 along with the new ES6 features and typescriptExpertise in developing critical and responsive GUI/frontend components using Struts Tiles, Angular custom directives, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery and AJAXCreate reusable Typescript and ES6 components based architecture provided by Angular 2
  • Experienced in Source Code Control using TFS, GitHub and Stash
  • 3+ Years of experience with web application framework like Angular JS and React JS
  • Experience with Web 2.0 User Interfaces, W3C standards and specifications, and user-centered design principles
  • Expertise in advanced JavaScript libraries and frameworks such as Prototype, AngularJS,ReactJs,NODEJSand Object-Oriented Programming inJS
  • Experience in hand-coding HTML using semantic mark-up, the latest W3C web standards, and CSS layout / positioning
  • 6+ years of experience in designing and presenting multiple concepts and iterations around user interaction models, workflows, wireframes, screen flows, mock-ups and prototypes
  • 5+ years of experience in designing Use Case diagrams, Class diagrams, Flow diagrams, Sequence diagrams using UML technology
  • 5+ years of experience in SQL, MySQL, PL/SQL Database Triggers, Cursors, Packages, Stored procedures, Functions and Exceptions
  • 4+ Years of working experience on CSS pre-compilers like SASS/LESS
  • 4+ years of experience with Twitter Bootstrap and UI Bootstrap
  • Expert in developing Object-Oriented Web applications using MVC architecture
  • Experience in developing Web based applications using LAMP(Linux, PHP, MySQL)
  • Extensive experience in using Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe flash, Dream Weaver, MS Visio and Microsoft Front Page
  • Strong Hold on Object Oriented Programming (OOP’S) Concepts in PHP 5
  • Working experience with MySQL which includes configuration, query optimization, full-text search indexing and de-normalization
  • 5+ years of experience using Action Script and Java Script frameworks like jQuery, DOJO
  • 4+ years of experience using Adobe Creative Suite
  • Experience in working with HTML Controls, Server Controls, Validation Controls, Master Pages and Themes, Web parts, State Management, ASP.NET Security, Configuring and Deployment
  • Experience in working with clients on-site, analyzing software requirements and developing solutions and procedures
  • Strong team builder having excellent analytical skills with capability to handle new technologies


UI Web Technologies: UI Web Technologies: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, SASS, LESS, XHTML, XML, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, Wordpress, Typescript, JSON, Bootstrap, AngularJS 1.x/2.0, React JS, Express JS, Node.js, Web pack.

IDE, Editors: Visual Studio, Notepad++, Sublime, Edit plus, WebStorm, JS fiddle.8725

Database: MS-Access, SQL 2000/2005, PL/SQL, SQL Server 2008-2012, Mongo Db, Mark logic, Couch DB

Browser: All (IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari)

Programming Languages/Technologies: Java Script, JAVA, C, C++, C#, SQL.

Methodologies: Agile, Waterfall.

Certifications: HTML 4, CSS, JavaScript, Microsoft word 2010.

Operating systems: Windows 2000/XP/vista/7,8,10, Mac OS, Linux OS.


Confidential, Kansas City, MO

Sr. Angular Js/ Java UI Developer


  • Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular 2.0, Angular Strap, Ajax and JSON
  • Created custom Single Page Application(SPA) to supplant an inheritance line-of-business web application.
  • Utilized Angular JS assets to access all data, encapsulating URLs and institutionalizing information to interfaces.
  • Actualized AngularJS Controllers to keep up each view information, actualized precise Service calls utilizing Angular Factory
  • Tried all application controllers widely with Jasmine for unit testing
  • Involved in all stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) like application design, development, debugging and testing the applications
  • Used Angular as framework to create a Single Page Application (SPA) which can bind data to specific views and synchronize data with server
  • Developed Angular 2.0 custom directives
  • Composed, created, maintained Application utilizing JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, LESS
  • Extensively used services to access data required for the UI components. Defined security policies and enforced HTTP and SOAP securities
  • Used Routes and Factory validations in Angular
  • Worked with Angular Controllers, services and Factory functions
  • Extensively worked on Rest Services and dependency injection
  • Utilized various JavaScript and jQuery libraries, Ajax for form validation and other interactive features
  • Designed REST APIs that allow effective and low-cost application integration
  • Created various Mixins, Variables, Custom Fonts and Directives in SASS
  • Used ReactJS for building encapsulated components, to pass rich data through app and keep state out of the DOM
  • Developed Slide bar, Popover, Type ahead, Dropdown functionality using Angular Strap
  • Testing the website on multiple browsers with their old as well as latest release
  • Used Grunt to compile Sass files
  • For easy debugging used testing framework Jasmine and Protractor
  • Worked in various version control systems SVN, GIT & TFS
  • Worked in agile/scrum methodologies
  • Used JSON for storing and exchanging information between browsers and servers
  • Worked closely with SQA team in fixing the reported bugs/defects and checking cross platform compatibility
  • Used CSS Sprites to decrease the number of HTTP requests and load time of web pages
  • Been an active player, helped in fixing bugs and carried out troubleshooting

Environment:HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, SASS, Ajax, JSON, REST APIs, Visual Studio, TFS, Angular 2, React JS, Google Charts, Git, Nod JS, Jira, Bootstrap, Jasmine

Confidential - Great Chicago, Illinois

Sr. AngularUI Developer


  • Developed the site layout/user interface from provided design concepts by using standard HTML5/CSS, JQuery practices
  • Developed the Login, Policy and Claims Screens for customers using AJAX, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
  • Used Object Oriented Programming concepts to develop UI components that could be reused across the Web Application
  • Developed responsive applications using Bootstrap which allowed the same application to be optimized for both mobile and desktop resolutions
  • Developed the front-end web pages by using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS 1.X
  • Worked with Project Managers and other members of the Development Team to both develop detailed specification documents with clear project deliverables and timelines, and to ensure timely completion of deliverables
  • Implemented modules intoNodeJSto integrate with designs and requirements
  • Providing a responsive, AJAX-driven design using JavaScript libraries such as JQuery, AngularJS 1.X and Bootstrap using Subversion for version control
  • Worked with UX designers and back-end developers to analyze and enhance the performance of web pages
  • aInvolved in creating a reusable component usingReactJSfor DOM manipulation
  • Developed content pages with CSS3 layout and style markup presentations and also used JavaScript methods and properties
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON,XML and JQuery
  • Created Single Page Application with loading multiple views using route services and adding more user experience to make it more dynamic by using Angular.JS framework
  • Achieved AngularJS Authentication for the application, and stored generated token so that token can be sent with each request to secure resources in Web API
  • Developed multiple POCs to create an interface between Backend to Frontend by using MongoDB, Express JS, AngularJS and Node.js
  • Implemented Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern using AngularJS1.X and developed reusable components with AngularJS custom directives
  • Utilized CSS based design techniques to eliminate table-based layouts and CSS Sprites to improve performance and decrease page load speed
  • Worked in agile/scrum methodologies
  • Compile a system design procedure proposal that meets every requirement and follows agile methodology.
  • Implemented custom validation controls for various forms through AngularJS 1.X custom directives validation controls
  • Implemented User Interface and integrated with backend code, NodeJS as server-side technology
  • Worked on writing extensive unit tests using frameworks and test runners like Jasmine, Karma etc
  • Worked on CSS pre-processors like SASS and LESS

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, XHTML, Angular JS 1.X, Node JS, React JS, BootStrap, JSON, AJAX, MS Office, Visual Studio 2015

Confidential . Kansas City, MO

Sr. UI Developer


  • Participated in daily stand-ups to monitor and check the progress of tasks assigned to the team members
  • Developed designs in securing the application using form-based authentication using HTML5,XHTML, JavaScript, JQuery, and CSS
  • Worked with the Business Analysts/Product Owners to understand and discuss about the requirements of the web application
  • Participated in Scrum meetings for every two weeks that involves Core Service side developers to discuss about the data workflow and regarding any impediments that occurred during the work progress
  • UsedNodeJSto offer an easy and safe way to build high performance and scalablenetwork application
  • Used Visual Studio to create and assign of tasks/bugs attached with the respective Product Backlog Items (PBIs) along with the time estimation.Implemented Presentation layer using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript framework such as Angular JS 1.X
  • Used AngularJS 1.X best practices, enterprise module patterns, component designs, directives, controllers, services and filters
  • Implemented client-side Interface usingReact JSfor JavaScript templating, function binding, creating quick indexes
  • UsedNode JS for developing I/O intensive single-page web application
  • Developed the web pages that have tables/grids using UI Grid
  • Used UI Bootstrap developed by Angular UI team for Date-picker, Dropdown and Pagination
  • Designing web pages for HTML files that supports AJAX component, Rich design time UI to use AJAX libraries such as Dojo, JQuery
  • Used Karma and Jasmine for running Unit tests and testing the JavaScript code

Environment:HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, XHTML, Angular JS 1.X, Node JS, React JS, UI Bootstrap, KARMA, JASMINE, DOM 3.0, MVVM, MVC, JSON, AJAX, MS Office, TFS 2012, Visual Studio 2013

Confidential, Costa Mesa, CA

Sr. UI Developer


  • Developed web pages using HTML, JavaScript, DOM, JSON, jQuery and AJAX
  • Designed and developed the layouts using CSS3, Box model and HTML
  • Coordinated with the Business Analysts and conducted feedback sessions with the Associates to understand the requirements of the user interface layout of the web application
  • Developed cross browser and multi browser compatible web pages using HTML, CSS3 and JavaScript
  • Debugged the website using Chrome Developer’s tool and manipulated the nodes using DOM functions
  • Created the logos, images and icons that were used across multiple pages using Adobe Photoshop
  • Defined and developed the presentation layer of the application using HTML, CSS3 and Ajax
  • Responsible for track on technologies stack includes Backbone JS, JQuery, Ext JS, LESS, Java, MySQL, Cassandra
  • Produced content pages with CSS3 layout and style markup presentations and used JavaScript methods and properties
  • Used Node JSto run Grunt tasks and build properly the project (compile, minify etc.)
  • Implemented modules into NodeJSto integrate with designs and requirements
  • Implemented User Interface and integrated with backend code,NodeJSas server-sidetechnology
  • Developed the pages that are complaint to W3C and ADA standards
  • Developed Animation Button, Navigation Bars using BootStrap
  • Helped to create a mobile friendly website with BootStrap
  • Used JIRA tool for task assignment, bug tracking and fixture
  • Used JSON for data exchange between client and server
  • Used Ajax to reduce the network load and update only the certain components of the website
  • Actively participated and provided feedback in a constructive and insightful manner during weekly Iterative review meetings to track the progress for each iterative cycle and figure out the issues
  • Ensured site design integrity and quality control consistency throughout the project’s lifecycle
  • Updated the website from time to time for specific requirements
  • Responsible for quality assurance of finished websites including the validation of web forms and links

Environment: HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, XHTML, Node JS, BootStrap, JSON, AJAX, Adobe Photoshop, JIRA, SVN, MS Office, Visual Studio 2010


UI Developer


  • Essentially involved in all phases of SDLC to structure the unformatted requirements
  • Involved in Extensive HTML coding
  • Used advanced level of HTML, JavaScript, CSS and pure CSS layouts (table less layout)
  • Used Dreamweaver CS3 for designing pages
  • Defined and developed the application's presentation layer using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JQuery Scripting
  • Handled all Client side validation, dropdown menus, tab navigation, client side sorting using JavaScript
  • Designed the pages that were compatible with all the browsers
  • Developed fast loading images using Photoshop CS6
  • Involved in JAD sessions with architects, business analysts and project managers to improve the front-end application design and UI
  • Effectively managed content in Team Site Content Management System
  • Developed client's interface in PHP in MVC model using CodeIgniter framework
  • Redesigned pages to improve application design and UI to increase response time
  • Designed Templates and Flow of future pages using Adobe Photoshop CS6
  • Handled all the software releases for UI components. Resolved cross browser compatibility issues
  • Creating cross-browser IE6 compatible and standards-compliant CSS-based page layouts
  • Construct the client-side script to function correctly across all most web browsers
  • Generated project reports and estimated the cost of resources being utilizing in the project
  • Involved in unit testing and integration testing of each module
  • Used Bug tracking tools like JIRA to track the bugs, enhancements, programming fixes

Environment:UML Modeling, ER diagrams, Normalization, PHP, IE, Firefox, Chrome, Wamp Server, HTML, CSS, Photo editors: Photoshop, Fireworks, JavaScript, jQuery, Teamsite CMS

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