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Sr. Ui Developer Resume

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Boston, MA


  • Over 8+ years of extensive experience in IT industry as Front - End UI Developerwith web based applications and UI applications in various domains. experience in application and web development with emphasis on HTML/HTML5, XHTML, DHTML, XML, CSS 2/3, AJAX, JSON, DOM, DOJO, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular.js, Angular2, Angular 4, react.js, Redux, Node.js, Express.js, Babel.js, WebPack. and .NET Technology.
  • Expertise in developing front-end systems withJavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3and MVC frameworks such as Angular JS, Backbone JS etc.
  • Extensive experience in developing Web based applications and Client/Server applications using C#, ASP.NET (4.0/3.5/3.0/2.0/1.1), Classic ASP, ADO.Net, XML, HTML, XHTML, JavaScript, AJAX and CSS, Kendo UI, Adobe Photoshop, etc.
  • Expertise in client scripting language and serve side scripting languages like JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, DOJO, bootstrap, Node.js, Angular.js, Angular2/4,backbone.js, React.js, ExtJS, Action Script, JSF and JSP.
  • Used High charts and d3js for creating Graphs and charts for payments section and implemented the filtering functionality for the graphs.
  • Expertise in writing WLST scripts using Python for starting, stopping servers, Node managers and deploying applications.
  • Experience in Software Development Life-Cycle (SDLC) preparing Requirement Specification documents, design documents, Test cases and Analysis, User Training documents and Technical Help documents
  • Strong knowledge in cross browser compatibility issues and W3C standards. Good Knowledge in using Dojo Components and integrating back-end applications with AJAX driven web 2.0 front-end using OO JavaScript framework.
  • Developed a pixel perfect Accessible UI App in Angular using Angular material UI component framework, Web pack, Gulp, NodeJS, Karma/Jasmine for Unit Testing (Reason we used Angular Material was because it implements Google Material Design and components are close to Hamlet Specs)
  • Experience on working with CSS Backgrounds, CSS Layouts, CSS Positioning, CSS Animations, CSS Text, CSS Borders, CSS Margin, CSS Padding, CSS Table, Pseudo Classes and Pseudo Elements
  • Good Understanding of Document Object Model (DOM) and DOM Functions.
  • Experienced with implementing different features of Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Extensive experience as web developer with a strong background working on open source technologies, including JSP, PHP, HTML, CSS, MySQL, JavaScript, Flash, Photo shop.
  • Strong Experience in database design using PL/SQL to write Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers and strong experience in writing complex queries, using Oracle 8i/9i/10g/11g, DB2, SQL Server and MySQL.
  • Experience in using Web Services like SOAP protocol in JAXWS and RESTFUL web services Proficient in Object Oriented Design/Development (OOD), Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), Model View Control (MVC) design pattern.
  • Design and implement security system for GISdata access
  • Experienced in developing web applications using MVC & MVVC Architecture.
  • Following Test-Driven Development (TDD) programming technique to write clean code and test the functionalities.
  • Experience in using testing Tools JUnit, Selenium, Cucumber/chai and Gherkins.
  • Experience working on scalable environment using Agile/SCRUM methodologies.
  • Extensive experience in developing web page quickly and effectively using JQuery, HTML5, CSS3and in making web pages cross browser compatible and resolving cross browser compatibility issues.
  • Ability to develop optimum and user-friendly web solutions and provide web, graphic and interactive programming.
  • Effective problem-solving skills, outstanding interpersonal skills, good in written and verbal communication.
  • Ability to work independently as well as within a team environment. Driven to meet deadlines. Motivated to produce robust, high-performance software
  • Proficient in adapting and applying new technologies.
  • Ability to work independently and in a team environment.


Web Development: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, AJAX, XML and PHP,DHTML, XML, XSL, XSLT, JSTL,Struts 1.x/2.0, SOAP, Ajax, jQuery, JSON, JSF, Oracle

Frameworks: AngularJS (versions 1.5, 1.6), Angular 2/4, Ionic 3, Typescript, Bootstrap, ReactJS, Redux, BackboneJS, NodeJS, Struts 1.2, MVC Architecture.

Application Servers: Tomcat Apache Server, Oracle Web Logic Server, MSSQL Server Management Studio

Databases: SQL Server2012, Oracle 8i, 10g/11g, MYSQL, MSSQL, Cassandra, MongoDB, Apache Kafka.

IDE's and Tools: Photoshop CS6, Dreamweaver CS6, Flash CS6, Visual Studio, Eclipse IDE, NetBeans, Web Strom, Firebug, Developer Tools, Edit Plus, JSfiddle, Web Storm, Sublime text, Eclipse, Apana, Notepad++

Programming Languages: C#, .NET, SQL, Python, JavaScript

Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10, MS-DOS, Unix

Protocols: TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, and SOAP.

Version controls: TFS, Git, SVN, Visual Source Safe.

Reporting Tools: SQL Server Reporting Services, Crystal Reports.

Testing Tools: Selenium, Cucumber, Gherkins, Chai, Nunit and Junit


Confidential, Boston, MA

Sr. UI Developer


  • Used Angular2/4, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS for front end web designing.
  • Programmed standards complaint HTML5 and CSS3 working with jQuery library modules and JavaScript framework libraries.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by Angular 2.
  • Updated the application with new features of Angular 4. Worked on some of the new features of Angular 4 like new if else syntax, ng-templates, form validators, Router etc.
  • Involved in a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) based approach to UI Development.
  • Coding, styling, testing of reusable JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5 widgets / libraries for complex UI controls.
  • Used ExpressJSas backend MVC framework to manage server operations.
  • Experience in making Responsive web pages using Angular material and media queries.
  • Created HTML navigation menu that is role-based menu items changes dynamically, derived from the database in the form of XML.
  • Created Dynamic web pages using forms, filters, expressions and data binding.
  • Used Web pack to build Typescript modules. Developed application in PaaS environment.
  • Created primary ioniccomponents including lists, grids, cards, and other mobile optimized controls.Rewrote existing CSS to form adaptive and responsive layouts for mobile UI.
  • Developed forms using HTML5 and web pages using CSS3.0
  • JSON model objects are used as request/response content type for server communication.
  • Solid experience with Responsive Web Design (RWD) with involvement in several web application development projects.
  • Enabled validation on forms across application and notify users of invalid input.
  • Collaborated Sass to keep large style sheets well-organized, and to generate aggregated style sheets.
  • Configured Web packto execute linters, magnifiers, pre/post-processors, tests, transpires, etc. based on build target.
  • Used Node JS to run Web packtasks and build properly the project.
  • Developed SQL Queries to run against database in Microsoft SQL Server for the application.
  • Built HTML templates for high traffic and complex data driven websites.
  • Extensively used NPM and Bower to manage JavaScript dependencies.
  • Designed various tables required for the project in Oracle 11g database and used the Stored Procedures in the application.
  • Software is built as a web app on Node.js, CSS is compiled with LESS and HTML template.
  • Knowledge in using version control systems Subversion such as (SVN) and GitHub.
  • Worked in scrum process attending daily stand up and completing tasks in sprints.
  • Implemented JavaScript source code and embedded nested event handling logic using jQuery event handlers and call back functions.
  • Designed, developed, tested and certified GISapplications software and systems functionality.
  • Created interactive web applications based on the ESRI JavaScript API. Theapplication fused finished geospatial products with underlying vector data.
  • Used Dreamweaver, Photoshop CS6, Flex for implementing application and designing graphics and images.
  • Following Test-Driven Development (TDD) programming technique to write clean code and test the functionalities.
  • Responsible for creating the screens with table-less designs meeting W3C standard.
  • Good understanding of REST API's extensive experience of integrating web services via Ajax using JavaScript, jQuery and Angular.js.
  • Tested cross browser functionality and fixed major layout bugs for supported browsers including IE9.
  • Co-ordinate with BA to discuss about the project details and also interacted with off-shore teams. Mentored junior developer in the team.
  • Worked closely with the QA team in resolving defects.Experience in Unit testing and implemented test cases for applications using testing frameworks like Jasmine, Junit etc.

Environment: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript Angular.js, Typescript, Angular2, Angular4, Bootstrap, AJAX, jQuery, MySQL, NPM,Oracle 11g, Eclipse, JSON, Rest Web Services, Junit, SASS and PaaS, SVN and GitHub.

Confidential, Jersey City, NJ

Sr. UI Developer


  • Involvement in all stages of Software development life cycle including Analysis, Development, Implementation, Testing and Support.
  • Developed custom AngularJS directives to build custom reusable components to use across the application pages.
  • Created Cross-Browser compatible and standards-compliant CSS-based page layouts.
  • Involved in development of User Interface using HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, ExtJS, AJAX and JSON.
  • Developed web application using JavaScript framework AngularJS.
  • Wrote python script that uses Front Arena API to update additional information such as client code and fund code on portfolios and trades.
  • Used Angular.js1.4 JavaScript framework to bind data to HTML using expressions.
  • Created reusable templates and style sheets based on UI standards and guidelines, performed functional tasks using specifications and wireframes.
  • Extensively used Debugging Cascading Style Sheets to change the styles now and in the future.
  • Designed and implemented the UI with extensive use of JavaScript, JSON and Ajax.
  • Worked extensively with HTML5/HTML in designing and updating web-based applications
  • Developed the jQuery widget with functionality of progressively enhancing the look and feel of web page
  • Working on Multiple AWS instances, set the security groups, Elastic Load Balancer and AMIs, Auto scaling to design cost effective, fault tolerant and highly available systems.
  • Utilized NPM scripts for build and test environments in a Node.js application.
  • Wrote Python scripts to parse XML documents and load the data in database.
  • Did Cross - Browser coding, for making pages compatible will all browsers.
  • Worked with Angular.jsfor creating own HTML elements for building a companied Web site which is an open Source Project.
  • Coordinate with Interface Design Architects for meeting accessibility standards at code level.
  • Used Handlerbar.jsas the template engine and Require.jsas the module loader; Wrote templates, block helpers and partials wherever necessary.
  • Used Web Services like REST and SOAP for transmission of large blocks of XML data over HTTP.
  • Used JSON format in web services and API’s to provide public data.
  • Used GIT for version control and JIRA for defect tracking.
  • Configured the logic monitor collections to setup the dashboards and alerts for Cassandrain logic monitor.
  • Built a high-performance, real-time data processing pipeline using distributed system using Apache Storm, Kafka and Cassandra for fetching the real time stock details from various sources and fed in to deep neural networks.
  • Good Knowledge on NoSQL databases MongoDB & Hbase. Installed and configured MongoDBfor dev and test environments.
  • Wrote Cloud Formation templates and deployed AWS resources using it.
  • Experience in working with open source automated testing tool such as Selenium and Qunit.
  • Created and enhanced numerous test scripts to handle changes in the objects, in the tested application's GUI and in the testing environment using SeleniumWebDriver.
  • Design and build UIs on Server Platform in team environment.
  • Participate in the team on agile development cycle. Followed SCRUM methodology.
  • Used JavaScript and jQuery for validating the input given to the user interface.
  • Worked on various two different projects writing HTML, CSS and JavaScript based on provided designs to get web sites and web applications built within a team atmosphere.
  • Involved in documenting the details related to Changes occurring in the system, following the Quality Processes.
  • Played a key role in the project guiding the team members and coordinated with direct customers.

Environment:HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Python, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, Angular JS, Ext JS, Node.js, QUNIT,AWS,Selenium, Apache Kafka, Strom, Loadash, MongoDB, Agile, GIT.

Confidential, CT

UI Developer


  • Analyze the software requirements to determine feasibility of design within time and cost constrains.
  • Handled all aspects of the web application including maintaining, testing, debugging, deploying and printing.
  • Designed and Developed User Interactive (UI) of Web pages with the help of HTML5, HTML, CSS3, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, React.js, Redux and AJAX.
  • Involved in developing XML, HTML, and JavaScript for client-side presentation and, data validation on the client side with in the forms.
  • Used React.jsin components like JSX, creating React components, Virtual.Developed user interface by using the React.js, Flux for SPA development.Implemented client-side Interface using React.js.
  • Responsible for developing a front-end application using React.jsand Flux architecture for internal team’s productivity use.
  • Experience in client-side languages & frameworks like JavaScript, jQuery, React.js, Redux server-side languages like Node.js.
  • Involved in the creation of interface to manage user menu and Bulk update of Attributes using node.JS, EXTJS and jQuery.
  • Worked with a team of graphic designers to create compelling web site user interface.
  • Excellent experience in implementing Web Service, WCF, REST service which communicate data in a both XML&JSON.
  • Used various libraries of JavaScript like jQuery and node.js to develop User Interface of web pages.
  • Strong Experience in using Data Visualization packages like High charts and D3.js (Data Driven Documents) and worked with canvas and SVG.
  • Experience in developing applications using React.js, Twitter Bootstrap like Grids, Toolbars, Panels, Combo-Box and button etc.
  • Used D3.js to compare sales across the years, when our webpage is interacting with data, By Using D3.js we focused on binding data to DOM elements and, we reused code and add specific functions to our content.
  • Developing web pages by using CSS processors such as SAAS and LESS.
  • Made custom directives to show bar and pie graph for dashboard using d3 JS.
  • Used jQuery High Charts for interactive chartson the web application
  • Used Web Services like REST and SOAP for transmission of large blocks of XML data over HTTP.
  • Used AJAX for implementing dynamic WebPages where the content was fetched via API calls and updated the DOM (JSON Parsing).
  • Involved in development and finalization of initial design of the application and worked with content managers, copywriters and designers to resolve the issues.
  • Wrote Ansible Playbooks with Python SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS nodes and Tested Playbooks on AWS instances using Python. Run Ansible Scripts to Provide Dev Servers.
  • Developed user interface of the web application using HTML, CSS3, and Bootstrap. Wrote custom user defined functions in JavaScript to validate application functionalities/features
  • Wrote application level code to interact with the backend databases (SQL) using C#.
  • Individual contribution in the Implementation of multiple e-commerce solutions based on Hybris E-commerce 5.x. as well as integration of third party systems like payment gateways and Web analytics.
  • Services can be developed in many ways, from using theService Fabric programming modelsto deployingguest executables. Responsible for maintaining versions of source code using Team Foundation Server (TFS) in Service fabric.
  • Developed SQL queries to perform insert, update or delete operation on MySQL database.
  • Designed and implemented a dynamic image rendering web service which is consumed by jQuery and JavaScript.
  • E2E Testing with Cucumber, Protractor frameworks.
  • Worked on Cross-Browser compatibility issues for application supported browsers.

Environment: HTML4/5,CSS2.1/3,JavaScript,jQuery,Python,AWS,AJAX,JSP, DOM, JSON,XML,React.js, Redux, backbone.js, node.js, SQL, Cucumber, Hybris, MySQL, TFS.


Web UI Developer


  • Involved in discussions with the System Analysts to identify the technical requirements.
  • Involved in team meetings with corporate Webmaster’s UI team and end user client for understanding needs in new implementation & Involved in daily team meetings & weekly scrum meetings.
  • Implemented various Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques as metadata, building inbound link, and outbound link text, meaningful title while designing web pages.
  • Developed a single page, mobile-first, cross-device/cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing AngularJS, JavaScript API.
  • Worked one-on-one with client to develop layout, color scheme for his website and implemented it into a final interface design with the HTML/CSS&JavaScript using Dreamweaver CS3.
  • Developed Page layouts, Navigations and presented designs and concepts to the clients and the management to review.
  • Developed the User Interactive web pages in a professional manner with using webtechnologieslikeHTML, XHTML, and CSS as per company’s standards.
  • Created a robust and user-friendly CALL CENTER APPLICATION based onclient requirements.
  • Development the whole application module using technologies such as JavaScript,jQuery and more.
  • Wrote a combination of jQuery plug-in, as well as completely customJavaScript to build a bleeding-edge, AJAX-driven user interface.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON and XML.
  • Tested the developed front end code using Chai/mocha Testing unit.
  • Designed the table less web applications using CSS and with the help of and tags as per W3C standards.
  • Worked with teams where requirements are constantly being implemented, tested and improved.
  • Using Microsoft Technologies for the project development such as Visual Studio 2012, .Net framework 4.5, C# 4.5, SQL Server 2012 and TFS +2012.
  • Design & Develop application using MVC architecture, jQuery, Html 5, Java Script and CSS.
  • Design and implement AJAX service call using Angular JS http.
  • Design layouts and icons with Photoshop for technical specification documents and converts them to HTML prototypes with Web 2.0 standards with compatibility to different browser, platform and accessibility guidelines.
  • Involved in development and deployment using tomcat web server.
  • Used UML diagrams Use Cases, Object, Class, State, Sequence and Collaboration to design the application using Object Oriented analysis and design.
  • Designed and developed dynamic menus using DHTML and CSS.
  • Extensively used JavaScript for client-side validations.
  • Involved in Unit testing.

Environment:Visual Studio 2012, .Net framework 4.5, C# 4.5, SQL Server 2012, HTML,CSS, JavaScript, DHTML,MVC, jQuery, WebLogic6.1, Photoshop, SQL, Windows XP.

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