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Php Developer Resume

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Riverwoods, IL


  • Over 6 years of experience as a Web Developer in developing and designing web applications using Front End technologies JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3 with LAMP technologies PHP and MySQL
  • Experience with JavaScript libraries such as React.js and jQuery. Familiar with JavaScript server side Node.js
  • Pleasant experience with APis manipulating documents and fetching data from server
  • Good knowledge of ES6, ES7, asynchronous, closures, types, recursion, strict mode and prototype
  • Pleasant experience with CSS cascade, box modal, positioning, animations and transitions, flexbox, grid views, pseudo class/element, media queries, advanced selectors. Experience with frameworks Bootstrap and Foundation using CSS pre - processors SASS and LESS.
  • Pleasant experience with MVC, OOP, WordPress and Magento
  • Experience with HTML5 semantic elements, video and audio, canvas, SVG, input types and micro data
  • Excellent understanding of data structures, algorithms, time complexity, big-o-notations, design patterns and principles
  • Experience with JSON, AJAX, Flux, Redux, XML, NPM, Babel, WebPack, GIT
  • Familiar with MERN technologies and the desire to advance in these technologies
  • Expertise in RESTful, SOAP web services to integrate between Application to Application
  • Proficient in using Unit.js testing framework along with Jasmine, Mocha test runners
  • Experience in Version Control tools like GIT, SVN for Source Code version management.
  • Expertise in using bug tracking tools like JIRA.
  • Following Scrum methodology to track the project details and updating the development status every day in the SCRUM.
  • Enthusiastic about meeting new challenges and understanding on new and old technologies, skills concepts, and ideas.
  • Team player, experience working with multiple teams and ability to work on modern technologies in a relatively shorter time
  • Able to adapt to changing priorities and maintain a positive attitude and strong work ethic. Enthusiastic web professional motivated by challenging projects and deadline.
  • Strong Desire to learn and share knowledge with others


  • JavaScript | ES6 | ES7 | jQuery | React.js | AJAX | Flux | Redux | NPM
  • Babel | WebPack | Node.js | Mocha HTML5 | CSS3 | SASS | LESS
  • Media Queries | Bootstrap | Foundation | SVG | Cross-Browser
  • PHP| MySQL | WordPress | LAMP | Magento | MVC | CMS
  • APIs | JSON| XML | GIT | JIRA | SOAP | RESTful | SCRUM | Agile


PHP Developer

Confidential, Riverwoods, IL


  • Involved in Agile/full software development lifecycle. Designing, coding, testing, debugging and support
  • Performed Client-side validation using JavaScript.
  • Involved in developing Front End Programming for Web applications.
  • Designed and Developed front-end UI using HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS, JQUERY.
  • Coding in LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) environment.
  • Worked with Internal Clients for business objectives, project scope and the requirements of the project. Worked on Adobe Dreamweaver to build websites and experience in developing webpages through Drupal.
  • Worked on highly efficient with PHP framework as well as using SOAP services.
  • Designed CSS3 based web pages which were cross-browser compatible.
  • Used Bootstrap CSS for front end design.
  • Created screens with table-less designs meeting W3C standards.
  • Worked with different browsers, namely Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome to verify cross browser compatibility.
  • Experience in working on bootstrap loader global CSS 3 settings and improve the html5 elements style behaviour for the UI display.
  • Worked on MySQL, PL/SQL databases.
  • Enhanced user experience by designing new web features.
  • Implemented custom validation controls for various forms with help of JavaScript validation controls.
  • Involved in user experience sessions and design discussions to enhance the designs and provide input on the layouts.
  • Used GitHub too create a repository and push the code in it.

Environment: Drupal, PHP, MySQL, HTML5, Angular JS, CSS3, AJAX, JavaScript’s, jQuery, SOAP, Hotbanana and Adobe Photoshop.

PHP Developer

Confidential, Chicago, IL


  • Responsible for both back-end programming in PHP and front-end functionality using JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery libraries, and other technologies.
  • Designed databases and structures for various Web sites.
  • Involved with Zend module development and customization.
  • Worked on PHP5, HTML/CSS, Ajax/JavaScript (JQuery, ExtJS, etc.), SVN, GIT and MySQL and Apache, demonstrating vast LAMP architecture experience.
  • Properly documented and gave support to clients to maintain and up- date their sites per the roadmaps they provided.
  • Demonstrated excellent written and verbal communication skills as well as presentation skills.
  • Expert PHP Development utilizing Zend, Cake PHP, CodeIgniter and Symphony frameworks.
  • Implemented AJAX and JQUERY on front-end to make the web page more dynamic.
  • Created DOM for datasets. Worked with datasets in JSON format. The datasets are collected from back end server PHP file using API and these datasets are then rendered on front end using JavaScript, HTML, DHTML and CSS.
  • Developed PHP based server-side API using Zend framework and implemented MVC architecture.
  • Created front end interface using object-oriented JavaScript and AJAX with API the front-end interface can interact with server-side PHP code which is called by using REST API through AJAX. The JSON data sets returned are then rendered in appropriate format such as pdf, xls, csv and charts.
  • Strong expertise in Web Application development using PHP with OOPs, CVS, SVN, MySQL, MS SQL Server 2008/2005/2000, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, CSS, Flash ActionScript 3.0 and XML.
  • Created Web back-end user interfaces to new and existing databases utilizing PHP and MySQL/Oracle databases.
  • Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery AJAX and JSON.
  • Worked with symphony, design patterns like singleton pattern, registry pattern and model -view-controller pattern in Zend framework.
  • Created XML scheme to be used with charts using JavaScript. In trend reports subscribers can generate charts from Any chart like Pie chart, Bar chart and other chart types using data collected from the MYSQL database
  • Created DOM for datasets. Worked with datasets in JSON format. The datasets are collected from back end server PHP file using API and these datasets are then rendered on front end using JavaScript, HTML, DHTML and CSS.
  • Helped to design and implement architectures on AWS cloud for customers Provided managed services, on-call support to production systems.
  • Developed PHP based server-side API using Zend framework and implemented MVC architecture
  • Created Drupal modules for Activity log and Service Reporting System.
  • Experience on media consulting with adobe photoshop, macromedia freehand
  • Created front end interface using object-oriented JavaScript and AJAX XHR with API the front-end interface can interact with server-side PHP code which is called by using REST API through AJAX. The JSON data sets returned are then rendered in appropriate format such as pdf, xls, csv and charts
  • Worked with LAMP stack, NOC and IT operations.
  • Used Java Servlets, JSPs, AJAX, XML, HTML and CSS for developing the Web component of the application.
  • Worked on an open-source CMS Drupal to build website using Drupal.
  • Modified the source code according to the requirement using Joomla.

Environment: PHP5, Linux, Apache, MySQL, LAMP, Wordpress, Magento, HTML, Ajax, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, and Git.

Web Developer

Confidential, Naperville, IL


  • Developing JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, PHP and MySQL ecommerce web applications according to project requirements.
  • Extract and manipulate data from 3 different applications with PHP, JavaScript, JSON
  • Called the RESTful web services calls for POST, PUT, DELETE and GET methods
  • Used SASS - variables, operations and Mixins and compiled them to CSS.
  • Integrated with back end code PHP for highly interactive AJAX based applications.
  • Working with CSS backgrounds, positioning, grid views, flexbox layout, combinators, pseudo-class/element, advanced selectors, animations and behaviors.
  • Developed login/registration/edit of user profile integration with web sites based on 5 user role using PHP and MySQL, AJAX and JSON.
  • Used JIRA as the bug tracking system to track and maintain the history of bugs/issues on everyday basis.
  • Weekly direct meetings with the client to discuss the project progress, and establish together the best solutions
  • Involved in daily SCRUM meetings to keep track of the project status.

Environment: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, JSON, AJAX, jQuery, React.js, WordPress, SVG, Adobe Illustrator, DOM, LAMP, ATOM, CodeKit, Gitlab, MacOS, SCRUM, Agile

Web Developer

Confidential, Fenton, MO


  • Worked with PHP and CMS WordPress, Drupal and Magento
  • Used advanced JavaScript to manipulatind documents and fetching data from server, filters, sorting and reduce
  • Implemented CSS Box Model and styled web pages using CSS preprocessor SASS and implemented Mix ins, functions, custom grid systems.
  • Implemented Twitter bootstrap and CSS Media Queries concepts to make the web application responsive to mobile and tablet screens.
  • Worked with React Js components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Expertise in creating Custom Reusable React Components Library
  • Working with ECMA Script 6 features. For build of JSX and ES2015(ES6) used Babel, webpack
  • Involved in developing the UI view pages using HTML5 semantic tags. Used HTML5 layouts with React JS components.
  • Used Ajax with JSON and PHP for asynchronous execution.
  • Developed database connection and SQL Queries to create dynamic content on web pages.
  • Built complex desktop - style UI using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and AJAX including configuration wizards and interactive reports

Environment: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, React, PHP5, MYSQL, WordPress, Drupal, JSON, Bootstrap, CMS, AJAX, Linux, SOAP, XML, MVC, DOM, Adobe Photoshop, LAMP, Flux, Redux, NPM, Babel, WebPack, GIT Responsive, Cross-Browser, SEO on Page, SVG, API, RESTful

Web Developer

Confidential, Chicago, IL


  • Magento development, theme customization, responsive theme, extensions installation & Custom extension.
  • Created Web back-end user interfaces to new and existing databases utilizing PHP and MySQL databases.
  • The JSON data collections are returned and then rendered in appropriate format such as pdf, XLS, csv and charts.
  • Worked with LAMP stack, NOC and IT operations
  • Designed layouts using JavaScript, HTML, CSS3 and Bootstrap.
  • Used JavaScript and jQyery for user interactivity for making the websites dynamic.
  • Designed and developed websites from wireframes with perfect pixels.
  • Involved in daily SCRUM meetings to keep track of the project status.

Environment: PHP5, MYSQL, Magento, WordPress, JSON, SCRUM, Agile, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, CMS, AJAX, HTML5, CSS3, Linux, SOAP, XML, MVC, DOM, Adobe Photoshop, LAMP.

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