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Full Stack Java Developer Resume

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Mountain View, CA


  • Java/J2EEFullStackDeveloper with 8+ Years of experience on Enterpriseapplications, Distributed ApplicationDevelopment, Client/ServerApplications, Servletscommunication, Internet/Intranet based database applications and developing, testing and implementing application environment.
  • Strong in the complete SoftwareDevelopmentLifeCycle (SDLC) including requirements definition, design, programming / testing and implementation of major systems.
  • Certified OracleJavaSE6Programmer (OCPJP6).
  • Ability to assimilate new technologies very quickly and apply that knowledge to the fast growing and ever changing markets of Information Technology.
  • Experience in J2EETechnologies (Servlets, JSP, JDBC, EJB, JNDI, and JMS) and participated in the designing and developing of Software using Agile and Waterfall methodologies.
  • Experience in UserExperience (UX) design and development, UserInteractive (UI) WebPages and visually appealing User Interfaces using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, SASS, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular - JS and React-JS.
  • Experienced in developing and implementing web applications using Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, JSF, HTML5, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, and jQuery, CSS3, XML, JDBC and JNDI.
  • Expertise in development and deployment of multi-tiered web based enterprise applications using J2EE technologies like Servlets 3.0/2.5, JSP 1.1/2.0, Struts 2.0, JMS, Hibernate 3.0/4.0, Spring 3.0/4.0, JDBC, JNDI, JSF, AngularJS, JavaBeans and Webservices (SOAP, Rest)
  • Knowledge of J2EE design patterns like MVC, FrontController, Factory, AbstractFactory, CommandPattern, Singleton, SessionFacade, TransferObject, BusinessDelegate and DataAccessObject etc.
  • Expertise in MVCarchitectureWebFrameworkStruts2.0, Spring4.0 (DependencyInjection, DataAccessObjects, MVCFramework and SpringWebFlow) and know how to use Spring Framework in business layer for DependencyInjection, AOP, SpringMVC, transaction management and used Hibernate as a persistence layer that use the POJOs to represent the persistence database.
  • Good Exposure to ServiceOrientedArchitecture (SOA) such as WebServices and hands on experience in developing and registering web services using JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, SAAJ, JAX-RS, SOAP, RESTful, WSDL, UDDI registry.
  • Experience in configuring and deploying the web applications on WebLogic, WebSphere and JBoss Application Servers including hands on experience in using TomcatwebServer.
  • Expertise in developing XML documents with XSD validations, SAX and DOMparsers to parse the data held in XML documents and experience in other XML related technologies like DTD, XSL, XSLT, XPATH, JAXB, and JAXP.
  • Expertise in using JavaIDEtools of RationalApplicationDeveloper (RAD), WebSphereApplicationDeveloper (WSAD), EclipseEE3.0/3.2, WebLogicWorkshop, RSA 7.0 and NetBeans to develop dynamic web applications.
  • Expertise in Bootstrap, AngularJS and NodeJS (Express, Mongoose, Body-Parser, Sequelize, HTTP, Filesystem, BrowserSync etc.), and used Log4j for logging.
  • Hands-on experience working with source control tools such as CVS, ClearCase, SVN, Git and SurroundSCM.
  • Experienced in the deployment of the ear and jars using Jenkins, ANT, Maven deploy tools and performing other configuration changes for setting up the application in the integration testing environment.
  • Created and presented materials for Groovy, UnitTesting, the Gradle build framework and others.
  • Work Experience with testing tools and applications such as JUnit, Mockito, FireBug, FirePoster, and SoapUI and performed Unit testing, integrated testing, and closely worked with QA team in preparation of Test plans.
  • Proficient in RDBMS concepts like writing SQLQueries, Functions, StoredProcedures and PL/SQL Packages and have knowledge on NoSQL Databases MongoDB and CouchDB.
  • Expertise in using OracleSQL Developer GUI (GraphicalUserInterface) tool for database development, browse database objects, implement and edit SQL as well PL/SQL statements.
  • Complete understanding of Agile/SCRUM with the ability to conduct SCRUM meetings, co-ordinate team activities in a strict-deadline driven environment and maintain excellent client communication.
  • Good exposure in interacting with clients and solving application environment issues and can communicate TEMPeffectively with people at different levels including stakeholders, internal teams and the senior management.


ProgrammingLanguages: Java, C, VB.Net, PL/SQL.

FrameworkandTools: Hibernate 3.0/3.2, GWT (Google Web Toolkit), Struts 2.0, Spring 3.x/4.0, iBatis 3.1.0.

J2EETechnologies: JDBC 4.0, Servlets 2.4, JSP 1.1/2.0, EJB 3.0, JSTL 1.1, Java Beans.

WebServices: SOAP, RESTful, Jersey.

WebTechnologies: J2EE 1.4, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS, Node JS, Express JS, AJAX, JQuery, XML, REST, Log4j 1.2.

IDETools: Eclipse, NetBeans, Sublime Text, IntelliJ IDEA, JDeveloper, Microsoft Visual Studio, Dev C C++, Android Studio, SQL Developer.

BuildTools: Apache Ant 1.6, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Docker, AWS, JIRA.

TestingTools: Junit, Mockito, Jasmine.

WebServers: Apache Tomcat 6/7, Jetty.

ApplicationServers: JBOSS, Web-Logic 10.3, IBM Web-Sphere.

Databases: Oracle, MySQL, MS-SQL Server, MongoDB, Cassandra

DatabaseTools: SQL Plus, MySQL, SQL Developer

Design/ Versioncontrol: SVN, GIT, CVS, Clear Case

OperatingSystems: Linux, UNIX, Windows NT, Windows.


Confidential, Mountain View CA

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Created reusable components used across various modules using React-JS, React-DOM, Bootstrap and JSX.
  • Used various NPM modules like Watchify, Babilify, Browserify, Http-Fetch, Body-Parser, Express etc. To create the application.
  • Involved in creating REST services using Node-JS, Express-JS, Mongoose, and Body-ParserNPM modules.
  • Used SpringFramework at BusinessTier and uses spring container for initializing services and used SpringCoreAnnotations for DependencyInjection such as Bean, Component, Repository, Auto-wired etc.
  • Followed Reflux architecture in creating the actions, stores and controller components for callbacks.
  • Developed the ReactWebUI components using AtomIDE and made backend REST calls using watwg-fetch.
  • Used SpringFramework with Hibernate to map to Oracle database and mapping using Hibernate Annotations.
  • Used BootstrapCSS for dialogs, tabs, date picker, model pop up's and advanced components to implement UI model.
  • Create, edit and maintain sites implementing responsive design & themes using front-end development frameworks including Bootstrap.
  • Developed the DAO layer for the existing applications using spring, Hibernate and developed various business logic and reports using HQL and HibernateCriteria.
  • Consumed restful web services using apache HttpClient for the data coming from external systems.
  • Interacting with the offshore team to assist them in the development and help them understand the requirements and performed Code Reviews.
  • Experience in upgrading and migrating various versions of Mongo database on different platforms. Designed and developed custom Mongo applications specific to clients' needs.
  • Developed Spring JMS message listeners to consume JMS messages from queues and used spring transaction management to manage the transactions in the application.
  • Involved in setting up the application to run on AWS environment on multiple EC2 instances with ELB's using Jenkins.
  • Validating the Application by Deploying and testing on JBoss Server.
  • Responsible for maintaining the code quality, coding and implementation standards by code reviews.
  • Created various unit test cases and integration tests for the DAO, Service, and Controller components using JUnit, DbUnit and SpringTestsupport.
  • Updated legacy Ant build infrastructure to new Gradle based build system, enabling more robust test, build and release procedures.
  • Integration testing, bugs fixing, handling change requests and code reviews.
  • Reviewing the DatabaseSchemas across the different domain. Worked on the Integration of the Code and deliver the build to UAT Team.

Environment: Java 1.6, Junit 4, JBoss 7, Oracle 10g, HTML, JSP, JavaScript, React-JS, Node-JS, Mongo-db, Spring, Hibernate, Eclipse, Atom, Restful Web services, Gradle, Junit, log4j, JavaScript, Subversion, Jenkins, AWS.

Confidential, Missouri

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Designed various UI screens required for the ticket information and bookings. Used StrutsMVC at presentation layers. Development front-end content using JSP, Servlets, DHTML, JavaScript, CSS, HTML.
  • Implemented SpringBeans using IOC and Transaction management features to handle the transactions and business logic. Integrated the Struts framework and the spring framework together.
  • Extensive use of StrutsFramework for Controller components and View components.
  • Created and maintained Simulator using SpringSourceToolSuite.
  • Developing application using SpringMVC, DependencyInjection to improve usability and flexibility. Used spring, JDBCTemplate and implemented DAODesignPattern to connect and retrieving data. Developed the application using the Stripes framework and worked as a part of developing most of the action bean classes.
  • Constructed database objects like Packages, Procedures, Functions, Batches, SQLQueries, Views, Indexes, and Exceptions using Toad. Wrote PL/SQL stored procedures for Oracle database.
  • Implemented DataAccessLayer using Ibatis, developed POJO's mapped to the relational tables in database using Ibatis mapping files. Worked on Oracle as the backend database and used Ibatis to automate the mapping between the SQLDatabases and the JavaObjects.
  • Created SOAP web service for sending payment processing informational data to third company. Followed top down approach to implement SOAP based web services. Tested SOAP web services using SOAPUI.
  • Used JavaMailing or MessagingService (JMS) API's for mailing detailed notifications depending upon the success and failure once the backend process is complete and for mailing administrator of any system related problems.
  • Configured Web-Logic Application Server and participated in structured code reviews / walkthroughs. Support installation of application releases into production as directed.
  • Used Jira for tracking bugs and used Gradle with Jenkins for building and deploying the application to multiple environments and created DailyRollingLog using Log4j.
  • Used MicrosoftVisualExplorer for AgileMethodology and Used NetBeansIDE. Used TOAD for database query testing, in the process of optimizing the queries.
  • Developed Junit test cases for test coverage of the application and Implemented Unit and Integration test cases with JUNIT Framework based on FunctionalFlow.
  • Worked on Construction (Changes in Code), Unit testing and TestResult. Responsible for unit testing and integration testing, bugs fixing, handling change requests.

Environment: J2EE, JSP, Servlets, DHTML, Java Script, CSS, HTML, Spring, Struts, ibatis, SOAP based Web-Services, Oracle, PL/SQL, Toad 9.6.1, JUnit, jQuery, Oracle, PL/SQL, SQL Navigator, SVN, Gradle 2.4and WebLogic Server.

Confidential, MA

Java/ J2EE Developer


  • UI Implementation with Struts, JavaScript, StrutsValidation framework on MyEclipseIDE. Applied Struts features like Tiles and Validation framework. Designed and implemented Struts (MVCParadigm) components such as ActionMapping, Actionclass, Dispatchactionclass, ActionFormbean, and a form set for validation.
  • UI Implementation with Struts, JavaScript, StrutsValidation framework on MyEclipseIDE. Applied Struts features like Tiles and Validation framework. Designed and implemented Struts (MVCParadigm) components such as ActionMapping, Actionclass, Dispatchactionclass, ActionFormbean, and a form set for validation.
  • Implemented MVCarchitecture by using Struts/Swings to send and receive the data from front-end to business layer. Integrated the Struts and Hibernate to achieve Objectrelationalmapping. Used apache struts to develop the web-based components and implemented DAO.
  • Leveraged struts-validations, struts-beans tag libraries. Used strutsActionServlet to route the request to corresponding Action Classes. Developed Actionforms, Action classes using Struts framework to handle user requests and Implemented StrutsBeanTags, LogicalTags and DisplayTags in JSPs.
  • Involved in the development modules using Flex3.0, ActionScript and integrating with J2EE layer using BlazeDS and SpringMVC frame work. Involved in development of server side modules using SpringMVC, SpringIOC, SpringAOP, and AspectJ.
  • Developed application using Struts, JSP, JSTL and AJAX on the presentation layer, the business layer is built using spring and the persistent layer uses Hibernate.
  • Developed stored procedures, triggers, functions for the application. Analyzed the DAO and persistence layers to extract the data manipulation information for various transactions.
  • Identified the Web-Services (SOAP), topics (TIBCOEMS/JMS) /queues (MQ's), underlying databases and other automation areas that will be impacted with the new software development and develop a test automation framework.
  • Involved in designing data schema and development of SOAP web services with Axis implementation and REST web services with JAX-RS. Consumed SOAP and REST web services to get the persisted data from different databases.
  • Configured Struts-config. XML for actionmappings. Involved in implementing the Message OrientedMiddleware for Asynchronous communication in Enterprise application.
  • Used Subversion for version control management and consistently produced high quality code through disciplined and rigorous unit testing (JUnit). Used Jira for tracking bugs. Used Maven script for building and deploying the application.
  • Involved in implementing ValueObjectPattern, MVC&FactoryPattern.
  • Worked with Tibco and Ecommerce as a part of checkout flow. Deployed application on JBOSSApplication server.
  • Experience evaluating user requests for new programs or modified program components to determine feasibility, cost and time required, compatibility with current systems, and computer capabilities.

Environment: Java, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Spring MVC, java script, Spring Security, OAUTH2, Spring ORM, Hibernate, Micro-Services, SOAP,RESTful, Eclipse,Mockito, Jenkins, JMS, JSP, XSLT, XML, Unix Shell Scripts, SQL, RabbitMQ,Web-Sphere, Maven, Log4j, JUnit, JIRA, GIT, Agile.

Confidential -Charlotte, NC

Front End Developer


  • Developed additional UIComponents using JSF and implemented an asynchronous, AJAX communication (jQuery) based rich client to improve customer experience.
  • Developed the user interface screens using JSF2.0 and Prime faces component library. Also used Rich faces to customize some of the components in XHTML pages.
  • Designed UserInterface using JavaServerFaces (JSF), HTML, CascadingStyleSheets (CSS), and XML. Implemented JSFframework extensively which involves building the whole user Interface components using JSFtabpanels, Panel groups and data tables.
  • Integrated components like partial triggers, calendar, and action/value change listeners with JSF for enhancing the front end GUIlayout.
  • Developed the presentation layer using ModelViewArchitecture implemented by SpringMVC. Managed Spring Core for dependencyinjection/Inversionofcontrol (IOC) and managed the security with the help of SpringSecurity (ACEGI)
  • Tested the web services using SOAPUI and Web Service Explorer. Used SOAP for Web-Services by exchanging XML data between applications over HTTP.
  • Developed the XSL to convert and compare the SOAP to simple XML and vice versa. Developed SOAPWeb-Services for getting information from third party.
  • Developed various EJBs (session and entity beans) for handling business logic and data manipulations from the database. Developed Dataaccessbean and developed EJBs that are used to access data from the database.
  • Used DynamicSQL (DBMS SQL, DBMS DDL) in Functions and Procedures. Created database Triggers to record Insertion, Updating, Deletion and all other audit routines. Responsible for Code Reviews and PL/SQLCodeTuning.
  • Developed Servlets and JavaServerPages (JSP), to route the submittals to the EJBcomponents and render-retrieved information using SessionFacade, ServiceLocator (design pattern)
  • Implemented the business logic under the Servlets and simple Java Bean components to be used under the various modules in the System and developed and database connection using JDBC.
  • Analyzed the existing access system and re-designed it in Oracle8i by developing data validation and load processes using PL/SQLStoredProcedures, Functions, and Triggers to enhance and improve functionality requested by business for reducing manual processing time.
  • Used CVS for version control management and Maven for Build. Deployed an application in Tomcat server.
  • Involved in the overall system's support and maintenance services such as DefectFixing, FeatureEnhancements, Testing and Documentation.

Environment: HTML, CSS, Java Script, JSP, JSF, EJB, spring, SOAP based Web-Services, Eclipse, Tomcat, Oracle 8i, PL/SQL, CVS, Maven, Waterfall.


Software Engineer


  • Involved in architecting various BusinessLayer and Data Management components of multi-tiered web based system over J2EEarchitecture. Responsible for JAVA, J2EE and Groovy coding /development.
  • Actively designed, developed and integrated the Metrics module with all other components. Used Scrum for managing product development.
  • Development using Java, JSP and Servlets on WSAD.
  • Developed the functionality for communicating between the modules mostly involved in VIEW and CONTROLLER section of MVC pattern for CMSproject, it includes HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and AJAX which were used for UI development.
  • Developed StrutsAction and Formclasses to access JavaBeans and UI.
  • Wrote MySQL, SQL stored procedures and functions to manage data, MySQLqueries for necessary requirements, and MySQLtriggers for data automation.
  • Designed and coded highly-available systems/web applications with JavaScript, Node.js. Provided Node.js for architecture. Used Hibernate to access database and perform database updating.
  • Implemented various complex SQL queries and Stored Procedures.
  • Used Spring Core for middle tier development to achieve inversion of control.
  • Wrote SQL queries and stored procedures over server databases using SQL Server and HTML files.
  • Wrote complex queries and mapped database views using DAO in java.
  • Used various CoreJava concepts such as Multi-Threading, ExceptionHandling, CollectionAPIs to implement various features and enhancements. Co-ordination with offshore team on development activities.
  • Developed UseCases, UML diagrams such as SequenceDiagrams, ActivityDiagrams, and ClassDiagrams, for my application modules (Metrics).
  • Developed Web-Services using XML messages that use SOAP. Developed Web-Services for PaymentTransaction and PaymentRelease.
  • Developed the application using RAD as methodology and used Eclipse's features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation and versioncontrol (CVS)
  • Wrote test cases in JUnit for unit testing of classes and implemented the logging using Log4j.
  • Retrieving code from the repository and deploying in Production using ANT.

Environment: Java1.6/1.7, JSP, Eclipse, Servlets, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Git, EJB, Groovy, JNDI, Hibernate, HTML, XML, DHTML, Log4j, Ant, Web Sphere, Oracle, Windows, JSF, JBPM, Scrum, JDBC, Rational Software Architect, Web Services (SOAP/WSDL and REST), JUnit, Maven, SVN, JavaScript, CSS, UNIX.

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