Sr.ui Devloper Resume
Washington, DC
- 7 plus years of Front - end Web Application Development experience with technologies using HTML 4.0/5,XHTML, DHTML, CSS2/CSS3, DOM, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, Angular JS 1 and 2 versions, ExtJS, AJAX, JSON, Grunt, Eclipse, Bower, Backbone.JS, Node Js, React Js, Require JS, XML, Java, JSP Servelets, Apache Tomcat, XML and ASP.NET.
- Extensive programming experience in writing web application programs covering front-end /UI JQuery and AJAX for building richly interactive high performance web applications.
- In React Js developed efficient updating of HTML document when data changes and it’s a Single Page Application.
- Extensive knowledge in developing applications in a Single Page Applications (SPAs) using various JavaScript frameworks like Angular JS, Backbone.js.
- Expert in script loading and a contributer to the AMD specification in Require JS.
- Created an internal browser based text editor using html, css, java script, Backbone.Js.
- Developed responsive applications using Bootstrap.JS and Node.JS, D3.JS which allowed the same application to be optimized for both mobile and desktop resolutions.
- In Node Js developed intensive web applications like video streaming sites and single page applications
- Wrote several Angular components using controllers, services, directives and filters.
- Worked with several React elements, React node and React components in React Dom Technology(React JS).
- Strong experience in working on JavaScript environment like MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node).
- Experience in designing web applications employing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques and Search Engine Strategies (SES).
- Experience of working on CSS Preprocessors like LESS and SASS along with JavaScript task runners like GruntJS.
- Developed features to build based on Mustache in Handlerbars JS.
- Provided multiple script solutions using PHP, mySQL and javascript.
- Experience in creating rich interactive web pages and implementing animations in it using YUI utilities.
- Good Experience using Bootstrap for Responsive Web Design (RWD) and CSS media Queries.
- Deep understanding of Object Oriented JavaScript programming and JavaScript MVC framework.
- Extensive experience in Development, Implementation and testing in various application architectures,including E-Commerce, B2B, Distributed Applications, Internet /Intranet.
- Significant expertise in web development tools like APTANA STUDIO, Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator, SpringTool Suite, Eclipse, Notepad++, Web Matrix, Brackets and Firebug.
- Experience in Agile methodologies such as Extreme Programming, Waterfall Model and Test Driven Development.
- Expertise in MySQL and have a significant experience in Linux.
- Ability to apply W3C web standards with great skills in achieving the best cross-browser user experience forsake of long-term user retention and engagement.
- Responsible for checking cross browser compatibility and hence worked on different browsers like MozillaFirefox, Google chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer.
- Strong experience on REST Web Services, Application of HTTP based RESTful APIs.
- Experience in implementing cross-browser style-sheets and using Angular UI components like GRID.
- Performed unit testing using Jasmine and Karma, along with integration testing Chrome Inspector to fix bugsand worked closely with QA.
- Having very good experience using Scaffolding tools like GIT, SVN and Grunt,Team foundation Server and Visual Source Safe.
- Application development experience in E-Commerce to develop the site more attractive and powerful.
- Strong knowledge in Document Object Model and DOM functions.
- Write unit tests and automated integration tests using Protractor.
- Professional understanding of System development life cycle (SDLC) as well as various phases such as Analysis/Design, Development and Testing.
Languages: JavaScript, XHTML/HTML5, CSS2/CSS3, SASS, JSON, XML, asp/aspx Python,XML, Ruby on rails,Java,C++, C and Apache Tomcat.
Application Servers: HTTP and Apache Tomcat.
Databases: Oracle 9i/10g/11g, MS SQL Server 2005/2008, MySQL,SQLite.
Frameworks and Tools: Angular Js,Backbone Js,J QUERY and JSON.
Web Services: SOAP and REST.
Build Tools / OS: Unix, Windows, Linux .
Confidential, Washington,DC
Sr.UI Devloper
- Developed Single Page Applications using Angular JS MVC Framework and RESTful services.
- Involved in Customer Accounts, Transactions, Rewards, billing and transfer modules.
- Developed the Responsive Web Design using CSS Bootstrap and Media Queries.
- Implemented account creation module as a Single Page Application using Angular js along with Angular validation.
- Created Angular JS controllers, factories, filters, routers and services.
- Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery.
- Bootstrap for Accordion, Carousel, Modal Dialogs, tabs, and date picker involved in Page Layouts.
- Implemented for a validation using JavaScript and Regular Expressions
- Involved in development of commonly used angular components across teams such as customer directives for grid, pagination, conditional validations.
- Involved in Creating and Consuming RESTful Services using NodeJS and Express Framework.
- Involved in File Manipulations, File Uploads using Node JS.
- Involved in Consuming RESTful Services using Angular $http Service.
- Worked on the modernization of a legacy and outsourced UI. Technologies used were Backbone.JS, Require JS and JQuery.
- Developed DOM and builded various models to view by using events in Backnone JS.
- Developed large applications with data that changes over time by using React JS.
- Displayed data by using JSX in Depth, JSX Spread attributes and JSX gotchas using React JS.
- Worked with the browser by virtual DOM and component life cycle like Mounting,Updating and Unmounting in React JS.
- Involved with all stages of Software Development Lifecycle using Agile Methodology.
- Expertised on REPL terminal in Node js
- Developed Mobile themes, forms,lists and events for mobile applications which is based on J Query .
- Wrote extensive unit tests using automated TDD tasks.
- Uses GitHub for the Version control.
- Expert at creating functional specifications with visual design mockups in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Flash.
- Created the logos, images and icons that were used across multiple pages using Adobe Photoshop.
- Developed UI components for email and link sharing of documents and files for a Content. Management System using Backbone.JSand jQuery.
- Created required templates and reusable style sheets based on UI standards and company's requirements.
- Worked on cross browser compatibility issues and execute unit test cases using QUnit.
Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Node.JS, React JS GIT, Ajax, JSON, Express, REST,MySQL, Eclipse, WebStorm.
Confidential, Northbrook,IL.
Sr.UI Developer.
- Developed the application based on MVC architechture.
- Developed mobile cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing AngularJS, javascriptAPI.
- Involved in developing EJB's for the business logic and deploying them in Apache tomcat.
- Used AngularJs to implement rich functionality in various pages like form validation, grid, search, sort, pagination, multi-selection, tags-input, advanced directives, authentication, unit tests, slide pages, users switch etc.
- Involved in the creation of interface to manage user menu and Bulk update of Attributes using angular.js,backbone.js,node.js Require.js, EXTJS and JQuery.
- Dojo uses some loader plugins, loader plugin APIs are still in draft mode for AMD. So while some modules from Dojo can be used with RequireJS.
- Front-end web development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
- Worked with browser to develop Tooling Integration,Cloning elements, Animations, two binding helpers,Mutliple and reusable compenents in React JS.
- Built on Node.jswith Express,Backbone.js, Handlebars and PhoneGap.
- Experienced in working with Iterative Agile Programming methodologies, Waterfall methodologies, Scrum, and Test-driven development (TDD)
- Implemented client-side MVC and MVVM in the application using Angular JS single page application architecture.
- Strong hands-on experience on Test Driven Development(TDD) using Jasmine.
- Worked in a Visual studio environment using advanced UI web development techniques.
- Lead UI development of automotive auctioning web application for car dealerships.
- Involve in writing Test Driven Development writing test ases and Bug fixing.
- Actively participated on small development team to deliver regular updates to project manager.
- Developed Date Time Picker using Object Oriented JavaScript extensively.
- Familiar in writing Custom Directives in Angular Js, making use of Modules and Filters objects according to the application requirement.
- Used AJAX module to handle RESTful calls to enable communication between view components and servers.
- Created and optimized graphic prototype websites and applications interfaces using HTML and CSS.
- Developed and rengineered web pages using HTML5, JavaScript, DOM, JSON, jQuery and AJAX.
- Developed Single page application and structured the JavaScript code using Angular JS.
- Involved in the implementation of open- source web application frameworks like Bootstrap and Angular Js.
- Defined new validations through Angular JS for the form field validation implemented through HTML and Used AJAX, JSON to send request to the server to check the functionality of the website.
- Successfully executed all the test cases and fixed any bugs/issues identified during the test cycle.
- Working with CSS Background, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border,CSS margin, CSSpadding, CSS table, Pseudo classes, Pseudo elements and CSS behaviors in CSS.
- Developed page layouts, navigation and presented designs and concepts to the clients and the management to review.
- Developed Object Oriented JavaScript code and responsible for client side validations using jQuery.
- Created responsive web design using Boot Strap.
- Managed code with unit tests and GitHub.
- Used JIRA for task assignment, bug tracking and fixture.
Confidential, CO
Sr.UI Devloper
- Interacted directly with business analysts to ascertain requirements and defined projects plan documents.
- Designed dynamic and browser compatible webpage usingHTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery.
- Worked on both mobile's responsive web design and Desktop pages.
- Created database tables and manipulated data using MySQL, 9g and 11g Oracle.
- Used JSON to store and access the data in a search pages.
- Developed modules to retrieve data using AJAX calls through jQuery method.
- Applied XML into transferring administration data to the back end.
- Developed the login system using jQuery validation plugin to validate the fields of the user registrant screenand login screen.
- Implemented a lightweight customizable jQuery plugin for styled appearance.
- Resolved Cross Browser Compatible Issues for different versions of IE, Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Opera.
- Achieved responsive effect on internal test website using Bootstrap.
- Debug code by using IE tester, Chrome Inspector, SafariWeb Inspector.
- Test code by usingJasmine testing framework.
- Used GIT as version control application to maintain the update.
- Optimized images for web page display, and feature item slides using Adobe Photoshop.
- Maintained page layouts, navigation, presented designs and concepts to the clients and the managementsto review.
- Cooperated with team members to conduct user research with strong communication, analytical andinterpersonal skills.
- Front-end web development using JavaScript (Angular.js), CSS (CSS3) & HTML5.
- Write unit tests and automated integration tests using Protractor.
- Consume a RESTful API developed by the API team.
- Work on a large-scale application that gives business users the ability to create custom apps without knowing how to code.
Environment: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, JSON, SQL, SVN, Bootstrap, Photoshop, XML,ECLIPSE, MAVEN, TOMCAT.
Jr UI devolper
- Involved in understanding the functional specifications of the project.
- Involved in developing JSP pages for the web tier and validating the client data using JavaScript.
- Developed connection components using JDBC.
- Designed Screens using HTML and images.
- Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) was used to maintain uniform look across different pages.
- Involved in creating Unit Test plans and executing the same.
- Deployed web modules in Tomcat web server.
- Worked in a Java environment using advanced UI web development techniques.
- Worked with an Agile (Scrum) Development Team to deliver regular updates to client.
Environment: Java, JSP, J2EE, Servlets, Java Beans, HTML, JavaScript, JDeveloper, Apache Tomcat,Webserver, Oracle, JDBC, XML.
Java Developer
- Involved in designing, developing, deploying, testing of web service component using Java web service-2.0 on java Boss server .
- Developed java based applications on Spring tool suite which is completely based on eclipse and connected it to JDBC in oder to work with SQL.
- Developed hibernate Mapping files and hibernate configuration to persist data to databases.
- Good exposure to Java web services like JSON and SOAP.
- Written code for creating java files and JSP servelets which is based on Eclipse, Spring tool suite, Hibernate and Maven.
- Developed presentation layer using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
- Developed front end UI screens for multiple projects and worked with multiple teams concurrently, being mindful of all deadlines.
- Used Ruby on Rails Web Application framework for building web pages.
- Developed custom web forms a JavaScript.
- Used simple XML to build/process xml documents.
- Worked with the design of the templates and skins in CSS.
- Upload the code and do necessary changes and test the application in server, if needed then fix the bugsand test again.
- Create lead generation applications that make multiple API calls (via AJAX) for form validation.
- Work with an Agile (Scrum) Development Team to deliver regular updates to business team.
Environment: HTML, XHTML, DHTML, CSS2, AJAX, JQuery, JavaScript, Windows, Ruby on Rails, SQL Server, Eclipse, Servlets, JSF, JSP Servelets, Apache Tomcat, Spring Tool Suite, Adobe Dreamweaver and Net Beans IDE.