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Sr. Ios Developer Resume

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Islandia, NY


  • 6 years of experience in IT sector in designing and developing high - end enterprise level Web, Windows and Mobile Applications including 6 years of expertise in mobile application development.
  • Development (iPhone/ iPad) using objective-C, Xcode (4.X, 5.X, 6.X, 7.3), iOS (3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0,8.0,9.0) and Cocoa Touch.
  • Good working experience on both Objective-C and Swift 3.0.
  • Expert in making efficient use of Interface Builder, storyboard and navigation controller in building the Applications.
  • Complete understanding of iPhone/iPad/iPod architecture and various versions of iPhone
  • Software Development Kit (SDK) that includes Xcode, UIKit, MapKit, WebKit, Instruments, iPhone simulator and Third Party frameworks.
  • Design and build advanced applications for the Android platform.
  • Proficient in Core Frameworks: Core Data, Core Graphics, Core Location, Quartz Core, Address Book, Event Kit, etc.
  • Worked MDM
  • Integrated libraries written in objective - C to Swift code base.
  • Extensively worked on Closures in Swift.
  • Thorough understanding of COCOA design patterns, MVC architecture and other concepts like Delegation and Protocols.
  • Expertise in creating and Customizing Views, Table Views, Tab Bars and Navigation Bars which are some basic functionality in a MultiView Application.
  • Experienced in working with various data parsing forms to dynamically display data on iPhone/iPad such as XML and JSON.
  • Proficiency with memory management - Manual Retain Release (MRR) and Automatic ReferenceCounting (ARC).
  • Rich awareness of Agile Development Methodologies (SCRUM), Object Oriented Analysis& Design (OOAD), Design Patterns and Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Complete comprehension in adding Animation for smooth transitioning between UIViews andbetter user experience.
  • Used XCTest for testing apps.
  • Experience working with tools JIRA project and issue tracking software by Atlassian.
  • Experience in creating and extracting data from database and displaying on iPhone usingSQLite3 and Core Data.
  • Track record of designing and implementing flexible solutions which support frequent UI and functionality changes.
  • Trained in Development, Testing, Troubleshooting and Debugging of the application.
  • Clear knowledge in Testing and Distribution of the App in the AppStore.
  • Established and maintained working relationship with management, clients and Team members.
  • Strong Analytical and Problem solving skills; excellent communication and presentation skills; efficient decision making skills and excellent team player.
  • Experience working with in-app purchase application for the iPhone/iPad along with distinct marketing based applications enhancing sharing through social networks and email.
  • Worked on Web Development Technologies like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, AJAX, XML and XSL/XSLT.
  • Good Knowledge in PL/SQL & Relational Database (RDBMS) Concepts, creation of Database Triggers, Views, Packages, Stored Procedures and Functions.
  • Extensively worked with various Cocoa design patterns and Java design patterns across various projects.
  • Experience with Google mobile service provider API and MapKit framework.
  • Strong commitment to organizational work ethics, value based decision-making and managerial skills.


iOS Applications: Objective-C, Swift and Cocoa development for iPhone and iPad devices in Xcode Interface builder UIKit, Cocoa touch, Core Data

Software: iOS 4/5/6/7/8/9, Xcode 3.0/4.0/5.0/6.0/6.1.3/6.4/7.3, OS X 10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8/10.10, ASP.Net with Visual Studio 2005/ 2008, Microsoft Office suite

Programming Languages: C, C++, Objective-C, Swift 3.0, Java

Front End: HTML 4/5, CSS 2/3. JavaScript, jQuery library, XML, XSLT, AJAX, AngularJS

Databases: MySQL, SQL plus, PL/SQL, SQL server 2005/2008, SQL Cipher, SQLite with Core iOS sandbox, building, and database in iOS sandbox

Operating Systems: MAC OS, Windows, Linux, UNIX

Tools: Xcode 3.0/4.0/5.0/6.0,7.3 Visual studio 2005, Dreamweaver, Notepad ++, MS Visio, Visual Studio, Eclipse, RAD IDE, JIRA

Version Control: Visual SourceSafe (VSS), SVN, GitHub, Source Tree.


Confidential, Islandia, NY

Sr. iOS developer


  • Involved in understanding the business, current process and requirements.
  • Worked on Swift 3.0
  • Worked with the project manager to support project plans and appropriate resource and time allocation.
  • Worked extensively onTableViewControllerand madecustomized table view cellsaccording to the client.
  • Worked extensively onCollectionViewController.
  • Extensively used AFNetworking framework for retrieving data through RESTful APIs.
  • Integrated various RESTful and SOAP services which consumes HTTP/S, JSON and XML.
  • Worked on scanning business cards and determining all the fields using third party framework
  • Extensively used CocoaPods a dependency manager for scaling projects for iPhone and iPad app.
  • Implemented login functionality by checking data input by user with data stored in databaseusing Web Services
  • Developed the code in object oriented manner for optimal code re-usability.
  • Implemented Core Graphics and Core Animation to draw customized UI on the screen
  • Implemented multiple UIGestureRecognizers for user input functionality
  • Workd on React Native.
  • Worked on Xamarin for cross plaform support.
  • Developed Thumbnail Image functionality for the selected File or Folder on iPhone/iPad
  • Designed custom pickerview that shows ‘n’ columns of data with spinning wheel animationusing Gradients.
  • Integrated CA APP EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS which reports performance, crashes and sessions.
  • Worked on MangoDB and DynamoDB
  • Worked on Angular JS and Cordova for cross platform support.
  • Participated in code review using Git branches and Stash pull requests
  • Worked with Core Data to save users favorite items
  • Designed application screen layout based on wireframes from in-house graphic design team
  • Managed data and memory management from streamlining code and using various debugging tests
  • Implemented using Automatic Reference Counting (ARC).
  • Created the complete design and UI of the app using UIKit framework for both portrait andlandscape mode.
  • Developed custom spinners and custom alert views that can be used throughout the application.
  • Redesigned several screens including default application landing screen as per newer Wireframes.
  • Developed critical tools for this project like customized NavigationBar, PageControl and scrollview.

Tools/Technologies: iOS 10.2.1, Mac OS X, Objective-C, Swift, Xcode 8.2.1, Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa framework, XML, JSON.

Confidential, Orlando, FL

Sr. iOS developer


  • Worked as part of a team to see projects through from planning to completion for various enterprise clients using the Agile development process.
  • Worked for different frameworks and its integration with app like Maps & Discounts and ACG (Auto Club Group) according to the custom club requirements.
  • Created reusable components that can be applied to iOS applications developed throughout the organization.
  • Worked on components that uses: Navigation/Tab bar controllers, iOS 9 backgrounding API, Core Data, Fetched Results controller, MapKit, JSON and XML parsing, Blocks
  • Worked extensively on Google Maps framework.
  • Modularized Maps & Discounts components to enable third party apps to integrate a Confidential Map in custom iOS UIViewController
  • UI design implementation using both Storyboards and NIB files.
  • Redesigned several screens including default application landing screen as per newer Wireframes.
  • Developed and implemented application designs based on MVC.
  • Designed applications for all types of screen sizes and orientations.
  • Worked on Google Maps API to spot POI’s (Point of interests) based on lat and lan.
  • Used Trello for tracking and gathering information from the team.
  • Added Google Analytics and Tealium tagging in the app for event tracking.
  • Worked with Web-Team for loading web pages in Mobile and Overriding JavaScript Methods for getting callbacks from web pages.
  • Developed application which supports localization for French and German languages.
  • Used Git repository as a version control.
  • Used Restful and Soap APIs to connect to back-end services.
  • Used Source Tree as a Git client for visual interface between Mac and Git.
  • Created deep-linking for launching app and redirect user to certain pages of the app via URL.
  • Worked on UIDocumentInteractionController for sending files between apps.
  • Coordinated with third party design team to develop design for UI
  • MapKit and Core Location frameworks were used to display POI locations on map and find offers closest to user.
  • Parsed server side response with NSJSONSerialization
  • Implemented UI based on documentation and images from in-house graphic design team
  • Created routes and directions on map and shred routes to other apps using UIActivityViewController.
  • Worked on different modules of the app containing Swift compatability with objective - C (mix and match).
  • Designed new screens according to Design Requirements and Wireframes.
  • Worked on Swift.
  • Integrated Maps & Discounts framework in ACG and changed its look and feel.
  • Worked on different modules of the app containing Swift compatability with objective - C (mix and match).
  • Used Swift bridging header to communicate with old Objective-C classes.

Tools/Technologies: iOS 9.3, Mac OS X, Objective-C, Swift, Xcode 7.3, Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa framework, XML, JSON, Google Maps framework.

Confidential, MD

Sr. iOS developer


  • Coordinated the development of the User interface with the UI design team to match the flow of the app for iPhone and iPad.
  • Created the complete design and UI of the app using UIKit framework for both portrait and landscape mode.
  • Worked extensively on Table View Controller and made Customized Table View cells according to the client requirement.
  • Implemented custom UITabBarController & UINavigationController for easy navigation of the app.
  • Implemented Core Graphics and Core Animation to draw customized UI on the screen.
  • Implemented multiple UIGestureRecognizers for user input functionality.
  • Used MapKit and Core Location to enhance user to find nearest Marriott.
  • Developed Thumbnail Image functionality for the selected File or Folder on iPhone/iPad.
  • Designed custom PickerView that shows ‘n’ columns of data with spinning wheel animation using Gradients.
  • Designed and implemented the iCarousel View to display the data.
  • Implemented login functionality by checking data input by user with data stored in database using Web Services.
  • Developed the code in object oriented manner for optimal code re-usability.
  • Participated in code review using Git branches and Stash pull requests.
  • Worked on Restful web services for better management of Resources for app.
  • Integrated third party frameworks (Facebook and Twitter) to allow users to share opinion.
  • Worked in an Agile Scrum development environment with bi-weekly sprints.
  • Fixed bugs when notified or documented by QA in bug tracking system.

Tools/Technologies: iOS 8.0, Mac OS X, Objective-C, Xcode 6.4, Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa framework, XML, JSON, SQLCipher


iOS developer


  • Coordinating every phase of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), starting from Requirements, Design, Development, Testing, Building, Deployment and Product Support.
  • GIT repository was used for version control and Terminal was used to connect and commit to repository
  • Involved in sprint planning and code review sessions
  • Worked on Core data to store user information
  • Developed the code in object oriented manner for optimal code re-usability.
  • Participated in code review using Git branches and Stash pull requests.
  • Worked on Restful web services for better management of Resources for app.
  • Fixed bugs when notified or documented by QA in bug tracking system.
  • Generated custom UITableViewControllers with custom UITableViewCells .
  • Designed custom PickerView that shows ‘n’ columns of data with spinning wheel animation using Gradients.

Tools/Technologies: Mac OSX 10.7.5, Objective C, X- Code 4.6, COCOA TOUCH,SQLite.

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