Sr. Python Developer Resume
Elk Grove, IL
- Over 8 years of IT experience in design, development, testing and implementation of various stand - alone and client-server architecture based enterprise application software using various technologies, analyzing complex business requirements & mapping them to system specifications.
- Experience in developing web-based applications using Python 3.4/2.7, Django 1.9/1.7.
- Experienced in working with various Python IDE’s using PyCharm, PyScripter, Spyder, PyStudio and PyDev.
- Developed web applications and RESTful web services and APIs using Python Flask, Django and PHP.
- Implemented different python libraries Beautiful Soup, numpy, scipy, pytables, matplotlib, python-twitter, Pandas data frame, Pyvmomi, Fabric and urllib2 in various tasks.
- Experience on Web development using HTML4/5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular JS, AJAX, XML and JSON by following W3C standards.
- Extensive development experience in Java, Struts, JSPs, Servlets, taglibs, Hibernate, JDBC, HTML, JavaScript, SQL, XML and JSON.
- Experienced in Design, Development and support of Data warehousing solutions for Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL) mechanisms.
- Experienced in NoSQL technologies like Couch DB Cassandra, Redis and relational databases like Oracle, SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL databases.
- Developed J2EE applications on IDE's like Eclipse, My Eclipse, Google GWT, and Rational Application Developer
- Extensive experience in developing applications using Java API, Swing, HTML 4/5, Flex, JavaScript, CSS2/3, JQuery, JDBC, JSF, JMS, XML.
- Good experience in developing web applications implementing Model View Control architecture using Django web application frameworks.
- Worked on Python Testing frameworks like zope, pytest, nose and Robot framework.
- Leveraging queueing architectures with Rabbit MQ for scalability, performance and building.
- Experience in implementing with server-side technologies with restful API and MVC design patterns with node JS and Django framework.
- Knowledge in working with continuous deployment using Heroku and Jenkins.
- Proficient in writing unit testing code using Unit Test/PyTest and integrating the test code with the build process.
- Experienced in writing SQL Queries, Stored procedures, functions, packages, tables, views and triggers.
- Good knowledge of web services with protocols SOAP, REST.
- Good knowledge of server Apache Tomcat, Web logic.
- Most of the applications were developed with Python, Django, and PostgreSQL using JIRA (Agile) methodology.
- Proficient in developing multi-threaded web services using CherryPy & bottlePy framework.
- Good experience in Shell Scripting, SQL Server, UNIX and Linux, Open stock and Expertise python scripting with focus on DevOps tools, CI/CD and AWS Cloud Architecture.
- Good experience in Hadoop technologies like Apache Spark, Scala, and SparkSQL.
- Well versed with Agile with SCRUM, Waterfall Model and Test-driven development methodologies.
Operating systems: Windows, Linux Ubuntu, UNIX
Frameworks: Django, web2py, Flask, Struts, pylons and CSS Bootstrap
Languages: Java, C, C++, Python 3.3/2.7/2.4, Perl, Ruby
Scripting languages: CSS, AJAX, Java Script, JQuery, PHP, Shell Scripting
Analytics Tools: JMP PRO, SAS, Tableau, UCI NET, Node XL, MVC3
Markup languages: HTML, XML, JSON
Servers: Apache Tomcat, IBM Web sphere, open stock, RESTful web services
Databases: Oracle, My SQL, MongoDB.
IDEs/ Tools: Eclipse, Sublime text, Spyder, Pycharm
Revision Controlling Systems: CVS, Git, SVN
Methodologies & tools: Object Oriented Programming, UML, Agile Scrum
MS office tools: Microsoft Excel (Super user), Microsoft word, Microsoft PowerPoint, PPTPlex
Confidential, Elk Grove, IL
Sr. Python Developer
- Developed entire frontend and backend modules using Python on Django Web Framework.
- GeneratedPythonDjango Forms to record data of online users.
- Developed Python based API (RESTful Web Service) to track the events and perform analysis using Django.
- Utilized python libraries wxPython, numPY, Twisted and matPlotLib.
- Designed the front-end web pages using HTML, JavaScript, Angular JS (MVC architecture), JQuery and AJAX. Used CSS for better appearance. Writing templates for front end pages where we include HTML pages and JavaScript files.
- Developed the back-end web services usingPythonandDjangoREST framework.
- Wrote Python scripts to parse JSON documents and load the data in database.
- Designed and developed communication between client and server using Secured Web services.
- Successfully migrated the Django database from SQLite to MySQL to Postgres SQL with complete data integrity.
- Handled all the client-side validation using Java script.
- Experienced in writing SQL Queries and implementing stored procedures, functions, packages, tables, views, Cursors, triggers.
- Experienced in using collections inOraclefor manipulating and looping through different user defined objects.
- Developed monitoring and notification tools usingPython.
- WrotePythonroutines to log into the websites and fetch data for selected options.
- Built a new CI pipeline for automation with Git, Jenkins and Maven.
- Used Amazon Elastic Beanstalk with Amazon EC2 instance to deploy Django project into AWS. Configured continuous integration with Jenkins on Amazon EC2.
- Developed and executed User Acceptance Testing portion of test plan.
- Different testing methodologies like unit testing, Integration testing, web application testing, Selenium testing performed.
- ImplementedMultithreadingmodule and complex networking operations like traceroute, SMTP mail server and web server UsingPython.
- Responsible for debugging the project monitored on JIRA (Agile)
- Performed troubleshooting, fixed and deployed manyPythonbug fixes of the two main applications that were a main source of data for both customers and internal customer service team
- UsedPythonto extract weekly bed availability information from XML files using underscore JS.
- Performed efficient delivery of code based on principles of Test Driven Development (TDD) and continuous integration to keep in line with Agile Software Methodology principles.
Environment: Python, MySQL, Django, Flask, PHP, XML, Linux, HTML, Java script, AWS, Jenkins Windows.
Confidential, Chester brook, PA
Python Developer
- Created Python and Bash tools to increase efficiency of call center application system and operations; data conversion scripts, AMQP/RabbitMQ, REST, JSON, and CRUD scripts for API Integration.
- Developed entire frontend and backend modules using Python on Django Web Framework.
- Designed the front end of the application using Python, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JSON and JQuery.
- Used Django Database API's to access database objects.
- Used Python library Beautiful Soup for webscrapping to extract data for building graphs.
- Created UI using JavaScript (Angular.JS and Node.JS) and HTML5/CSS.
- Developed REST services for portal and service components.
- Optimized the code using smart pointers, profilers and C++ Standard template library.
- Developed Web services to allow communication between the applications using REST Web services.
- Implemented multiple high-performance MongoDB replica sets on EC2 with robust reliability.
- Used JavaScript and XML to update a portion of a webpage.
- Develop consumer based features and applications using Python, Django, HTML, Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and pair based programming.
- Rewrite existing Python/Django modules to deliver certain format of data.
- Responsible for debugging the project monitored on JIRA (Agile).
- Wrote Python scripts to parse XML documents and load the data in database.
- Used Python and Django to interface with the jQuery UI and manage the storage and deletion of content.
- Created the environment specific settings for a new deployment and update the deployment specific conditional checks in code base to use specific checks.
- Worked on translation of web pages to different languages as per client requirements.
- Used Celery as task distribution queue and RabbitMQ as messaging broker.
- Worked on deployment of project on to Amazon S3 for Storage.
- Worked on Jenkins continuous integration tool for deployment of project.
- Worked in MySQL database on simple queries and writing Stored Procedures for normalization and renormalization.
- Creating unit test/regression test framework for working/new code
- Using Subversion version control tool to coordinate team-development.
- Responsible for debugging and troubleshooting the web application
Environment: Python 2.7, 2.5, Bash, REST, Django 1.7, 1.5, JavaScript, Angular JS, Backbone JS, Node.js, JQuery, JIRA, Celery, RabbitMQ, Mongo DB, Git.
Confidential, New York City, NY
Python Developer
- Used Django framework in developing web applications to implement the Model View Control architecture.
- Extensively usedPythonmodules such as requests, urllib, urllib2 for web crawling.
- Used Pandas library for statistics Analysis &Numpy for Numerical analysis.
- Experienced in WAMP (Windows, Apache, MYSQL, Python) Architecture.
- Created entire application usingPython, Django, MySql and Linux.
- Designed and developed the presentation layer using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and AJAX.
- Experience in writing Sub Queries, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Cursors, and Functions on MySql and PostgreSQL database.
- Developed a fully automated continuous integration system using Git, Gerrit, Jenkins, MySql and custom tools developed inPythonand Bash.
- Experience in managing MongoDB environment from availability, performance and scalability perspectives.
- Used JQuery libraries for all client-side JavaScript manipulations.
- Involved in Developing a Restful service usingPythonFlask framework.
- Managed, developed, and designed a dashboard control panel for customers and Administrators using Django, OracleDB, PostgreSQL, and VMWare API calls.
- Lock mechanisms were implemented and the functionality of multithreading has been used.
- Anticipated potential parts of failure (database, communication points, file system errors).
- Developed GUI using webapp2 for dynamically displaying the test block documentation and other features ofPythoncode using a web browser.
- Deployed the application in UAT and Production Web Sphere environment.
- Handled potential points of failure through error handling and communication of failure.
- Developed the required XML Schema documents and implemented the framework for parsing XML documents.
- Created Windows CE application for reading RFID tags using WJR7000 RFID radio module with C# in Visual Studio 2008.
- Managed large datasets using Panda data frames and MySql.
- Implemented configuration changes for data models.
- Experienced with full software development life-cycle, architecting scalable platforms, object oriented programming, database design and agile methodologies.
Environment: Python 2.7, MySql, Linux, HTML, XHTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript, Apache Web Server, Django 1.4
Confidential, St. Petersburg, FL
Python Developer
- Designed the front end of the application using Python, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JSON and JQuery. Worked on backend of the application.
- Used the Django Framework to develop the application.
- Developed views and templates with Python and Django's view controller and templating language to create a user-friendly website interface.
- Developed and tested many features for dashboard using Python, Bootstrap, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Used Pandas library for statistics Analysis.
- Tweaked existing Web Services with RESTFUL.
- Implemented web applications in Flask frame works following MVC architecture.
- Worked on front end frame works like CSS Bootstrap for development of Web applications.
- Involved in deployment of project using AWS.
- Involved in development of Web Services using SOAP for sending and getting data from the external interface in the XML format.
- Special skills in developing user friendly, simple yet effective web based applications.
- Deployed the project into Heroku using GIT version control system.
- Worked in MySQL database on simple queries and writing Stored Procedures for normalization and renormalization.
- Used many regular expressions to match the pattern with the existing one.
- Build SQL queries for performing various CRUD operations like create, update, read and delete.
- Skilled in using Collections in Python for manipulating and looping through different user defined objects.
- Developed Python/Django application for Google Analytics aggregation and reporting.
- Performed Unit testing, Integration testing, web application testing.
- Taken part in entire lifecycle of the projects including Design, Development, and Deployment, Testing and Implementation and support.
- Worked in development of applications especially in UNIX environment and familiar with all its commands.
Environment: Python 2.7, Django 1.4, REST, HTML5, CSS, Puppet, XML, Angular JS, Backbone JS, JQuery, CSS Bootstrap, Mongo DB, RESTFUL, GitHub, AWS, Linux, Shell Scripting.
Python Developer
- Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modelling, analysis, design and development.
- Design, develop, test, deploy and maintain the website.
- Designed and developed the UI of the website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Developed entire front-end and backend modules using Python on Django Web Framework.
- Designed and developed data management system using MySQL.
- Rewrite existing Python/Django module to deliver certain format of data.
- Used Django Database API’s to access database objects.
- Wrote python scripts to parse XML documents and load the data in database.
- Using Subversion version control tool to coordinate team-development.
- Responsible for debugging and troubleshooting the web application.
- Generated Use case diagrams, Activity flow diagrams, Class diagrams and Object diagrams in the design phase.
Environment: Python, Django, Shell scripting, PL/SQL, Oracle, SVN, Quality Center, Windows, Perl.