Front End Engineer Resume
3.00/5 (Submit Your Rating)
New York, NY
Proficient/Regularly Use: JavaScript (including jQuery, AngularJS), HTML (XHTML/HTML5), CSS (CSS/CSS3)
Intermediate/Occasionally Use: PHP, SQL, ASP/ASP.NETMVC4, version control (TFS, SVN, Git), CSS Preprocessors (SASS, LESS), MySQL, Photoshop
Novice/Rarely Use: underscore.js, Backbone.js, YUI, Grunt, WordPress, JSP, XSL/XSLT, Flash, Actionscript
Front End Engineer
Confidential, New York, NY
- Develop client - side functionality and cross-browser user interface layout and interaction for internal and customer-facing applications.
- Recent projects include asset management application for uploading and managing image and video assets; user and account management application for administer application access and usage; and ongoing development and enhancement of existing applications for booking and managing online ad campaigns and for generating reports.
- Technologies used include JavaScript (including AngularJS, jQuery, underscore.js), HTML5, CSS3 (including LESS);ASP.NET(Web Forms),ASP.NETMVC4, PHP, SQL (MS-SQL, MySQL); Grunt, TFS, SVN.
Freelance Web Developer/Designer
Confidential, New York, NY
- Provided front-end and full-stack development and web & UI design freelance services for clients nationwide.
- Services included front-end and back-end web development; web and application UI design; and project management.Clients included GuiDesign, Alliance Impairment Management, Montefiore Medical Center, Xceed, Walker Interactive, Sugar Ray Leonard Boxing, Razor & Tie, Mig & Co., and Fourth Medium.
- Technologies used include JavaScript, jQuery, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3 (including SASS); PHP, ASP, SQL, MySQL; Photoshop, WordPress, Flash, Actionscript.
Web/UI Designer & Developer
Confidential, Allison Park, PA
- Application UI design and front-end development of the company's SaaS applications: TracDat, an assessment management application for colleges and universities, and iWebfolio, a student portfolio application.
- Designed and developed the company's website.
- Technologies used include HTML/XHTML, JavaScript, YUI, CSS; XSL/XSLT, JSP, ASP, Visual Source Safe.
- Provided web design, development, and multimedia services for Alcoa’s GIS eBusiness team.
- Designed layout and UI for new and redesigned sites for various company business units on the internet, intranet and extranet.Created wireframes, mockups, and interactive prototypes for new and expanded functionality.
- Technologies used include HTML, JavaScript, ASP, SQL; Photoshop, Flash, Director.
Web Developer
Confidential, Warrendale, PA
- Designed and developed websites for the company and its affiliates.
- Developed an online healthcare careers classified site as a benefit to organization members.
- Technologies used include: HTML, JavaScript, Photoshop, ASP