Ios App Developer Resume
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- More than 2 years in iOS App development using Swift
- 8 years’ experience in video software development specialized in microprocessor - based firmware in real time embedded environments and Windows/Unix applications.
- Proficient in C and C++. Proven track record to design, develop, test and deliver firmware, software applications and customized solutions.
- Strong analytic skills and understanding of data structure, algorithm, Object-Oriented programming.
- Excellent troubleshooting skills able to analyze source code and review hardware design to find out root cause of issue.
Programming Languages: C, C++, ARM Assembler, C#, Swift, Java, Perl
Communication protocol: UART, I2C, USB
Testing/Debugging Tools: Cadence Palladium XP emulator, JTAG, in circuit debugger, QuantumData HDMI analyzer
Development Tools: Visual DSP, QM UML state machine, AVR, Greenhill, ARMCC, Visual Studio, XCODE, GCC, Kakadu, JIRA
Microprocessor: ARM7, Blackfin, 8051
iOS App Developer
- Designed and implemented firmware on System on Chip(SOC) by configuring complex system which has wavelet engine, entropy codecs, internal DMA engine and memory system functional blocks, scheduling events, implementing JPGEG2000 packet header encode/decode algorithm, apply rate control algorithm and construct/parse code stream. It provided a complete precinct based JPEG 2000 compression and decompression solution.
- Designed and implemented SOC verification tool in C++. The verification tool can accept variable declaration, basic assignment, condition statement, arithmetic and logic operation. Some SOC specific functions such as read/write DMA requests, wait for CMD FIFO acknowledge were also included.
- Design and implemented the initial Beta version of Advantiv™ Video Evaluation Software(AVES). It consists register view, tree view and search view. Register view load and parse device xml files, allow user to read and write register fields value.
- Tree view show register in a tree structure, Search view allow user to search for a specific register. this software was developed in C#. Current version can be found at
- Contributed to HDMI 32x32 Matrix which is on CEDIA show 2014. Using QM modeling UML statemachine tool to develop initial single board 4x4 hdmi switch firmware prototype running on Blackfin microprocessor. Developed backplane control and communication protocols to 8 individual 4x4 boards and host command user interface.
- Developed numerous of software utilities such as image generator using binPacking algorithm, all different file formats(Binary, Ascii, pgm, ppm, bmp) converter, image code block attribute Data analyzer, script(VB format) interpreter tool, memory mbist tool etc.
- Take full responsibility for SOC firmware. Job include fix firmware bug, provide work around for hardware bug, add new feature, provided custom build firmware, run regression test, release and maintenance.
- Provide support for HDMI device driver API, resolved customer critical issue.
Research Assistant
Confidential, Irvine
- Defined heterogeneous FPGA CAD flow from RTL to physical implementation
- Identified capability gaps that existed in current VPR(open source for FPGA place and route CAD tool) software
- Developed additional functionalities to enhance existing VPR code using gcc
- Demonstrated complete CAD flow using industry benchmark circuits
Engineering Intern
- Developed firmware for USB to I2C adapter board based on Cypress chip and PIC microcontroller using CCS compiler.
- Developed firmware that communicates to FPGA using Cypress GPIF interface
- Developed PC host side application (a complete COM DLL) in Microsoft.Net platform to communicate with USB device driver
- Modified Broadband Studio protocol (software for testing all company reference board) so new feature can be adapted
- Developed test script to test performance of reference board