Ui Developer Resume
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New York, NY
- Passionate UI/Front End developer with 5 years of experience in designing and developing user friendly, cross browser websites, and user interface (UI) applications using HTML5/HTML, CSS3/CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, Angular 2.0, React.js, jQuery, Bootstrap, AJAX and JSON.
- Experience in building Single Page Applications (SPAs) using AngularJS framework.
- Solid noledge of AngularJS components including Providers, Directives and Filters, and proficient in creating modules, controllers, custom directives, factories, services, and customizable filters.
- Hands - on experience in using Angular UI Router to create the routing structure for different pages, and data parsing and transmission between different states of the application.
- Strong Experience in dealing with CSS Animations, Backgrounds, Layouts, Positioning, Text, Border, Padding and CSS Box Model.
- Experience with optimization and CSS3 Code Reduction using CSS Preprocessors like LESS and SASS.
- Practical experience in Document Object Model (DOM), DOM manipulations and DOM functions.
- Excellent experience in consuming Restful Web services with AJAX call and updating dynamic functionality of HTML in JavaScript, jQuery and AngularJS.
- Understanding and pleasant experience with Object Oriented Design/Development (OOD), Model View Control (MVC) design pattern and Test-Driven Development (TDD).
- Unit testing experience with Jasmine and Karma.
- Familiar with popular browsers development and debugging tools including Developer Tools for Chrome and IE Developer Toolbar for Internet Explorer.
- Familiar with task runners Gulp & Grunt, command-line tool Node Package Manager (NPM), and module bundler webpack.
- Experience in working with different Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) like Oracle and MySQL, and NoSQL database MongoDB.
- Some experience in Lodash and D3.js, and good noledge on ECMAScript 6 (ES6) and Typescript.
- Well-versed in all phases of SDLC, waterfall & Agile (Scrum) development methodologies.
- Experience in text editors and IDEs like Sublime, Notepad++, WebStorm, Eclipse and Visual Studio.
- Familiar with version control tools like GIT and SVN.
Web Development: Expert (5 years) JavaScript, HTML5/HTML, CSS3/CSS Advanced (3-4 Years) AngularJS, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, SASS & LESS, Bootstrap Intermediate (1-2 years) ReactJS, NodeJS
Testing Tools: Jasmine, Karma, Chrome Developer Tools, IE Developer Toolbar
Databases: Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB
Version Control: GIT, SVN
IDE & Text Editors: Eclipse, MS Visual Studio, Webstorm, Sublime, Notepad++
Other Languages: Java, C/C++, SQL
Confidential, New York, NY
UI Developer
- Responsible for creating efficient design and developing user interfaces using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS, React.js, LESS, SASS, AJAX and JSON.
- Built Single Page Applications using AngularJS MVC Framework and React.js.
- Worked with CSS layouts, CSS background, CSS text, CSS border, CSS margin, CSS padding, CSS positioning, pseudo elements and CSS behaviors.
- Decreased number of HTTP requests and load time of web pages using CSS Sprites.
- Precompiled the LESS files into CSS files using Gulp build.
- Implemented functionality like Advanced Search, Navigation Menus, Forms, Sorting in React.js.
- Utilized the Angular UI Router to handle navigation to access different pages in the application.
- Used various JavaScript and JQuery libraries for form validation and other interactive features.
- Consumed Restful web services with AJAX calls, and worked with JSON format data.
- Implemented GET/POST integration with java backend using Angular http service.
- Created and ran unit tests with Jasmine & Karma, and used Firebug and chrome developer tools for debugging JavaScript and code refactoring.
- Built Typescript modules with webpack, managed packages with NPM and set grunt tasks under Node.js environment.
- Maintained the codes with version control system Git.
- Worked with server-side developers, test engineers, project managers, technical leads, and business analysts through the whole SDLC.
- Worked in Agile process, two-week Sprints and daily Scrum meetings to discuss the development experience with JIRA Task Board.
Confidential, New York, NY
UI Developer
- Designed and developed web applications using AngularJS framework, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Lodash, D3, AJAX and JSON.
- Created reusable custom AngularJS Filters, Directives and Services for web applications.
- Designed and implemented navigation bars, drop down lists and side navigation bars using open source library like Angular Material.
- Developed AngularJS filters in the view templates for the text manipulations.
- Created the overall layout design that meet cross-device compatibility using Bootstrap.
- Involved in building RESTful APIs with AJAX calls to interact with the MongoDB database.
- Manipulated complex collections involved within business logic using JavaScript library Lodash.
- Worked with D3 JavaScript library for visualizing data using web standards.
- Used Karma and Jasmine for compiling and running unit tests.
- Utilized Babel for backwards compatibility of JavaScript code (ES6 to ES5).
- Utilized GIT for project management and version control.
- Worked closely with the team of architects, business system analyst and back end developers to gather requirements and enhance the application functionality and new features.
- Worked in the Agile Environment, and participated daily scrum meetings.
Confidential, Jersey City, NJ
Front End Developer
- Designed and developed dynamic and browser compatible single page application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and AngularJS.
- Designed CSS based page layouts that are cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant.
- Created well organized result in web pages by developing AngularJS controllers, directives, services, and route providers.
- Utilized Angular factories and services for dependency injection.
- Developed various $scope methods including $watch(), $digest() and $apply() to implement two way data binding in Angular.
- Manipulated HTML, CSS in jQuery and created the page's dynamic using AJAX and JSON.
- Created and consumed RESTful APIs to implement AJAX calls and updating dynamic functionality of HTML and manipulating DOM in JavaScript and jQuery.
- Ran the application on the grunt server using Node.js.
- Participated in Agile development, and involved in daily scrum meetings to discuss the design and work progress.
Web Developer
- Designed and implemented web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and XML.
- Redesigned page layouts, navigation, presented designs and concepts to the clients and the management to review.
- Responsible for CSS integration for custom client versions.
- Added modal dialog in web pages to get user input and request by JavaScript and XML, and validated the user input using jQuery validation plugin.
- Implemented a light weight customizable jQuery plugin for styled appearance.
- Tested and debugged codes using Chrome Developer Tools and IE Developer Toolbar and Firebug.
- Optimized images for web page display, and feature item slides using Adobe Photoshop.
- Used Tortoise SVN as the version control system to maintain the update.