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Ui Developer Resume

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  • 10+ years of development experience in developing web applications (RIA’s) on both client side and server side using User Interface/User Experience(UI/UX) design patterns, Document Object Model (DOM) API’s, web technologies and frameworks such as JavaScript, AngularJS, BootStrap, etc. involving multiple platforms, development tools and methodologies.
  • Experience in building landing - page UI and component UI based on Mobile-first, Responsive UI design using pure CSS or libraries following W3C Web Standards, accessibility guidelines, browser compatibility rules and best design practices.
  • Experience in developing client-side scalable Single Page Applications (SPA) with MVC and component architecture using AngularJS framework and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques.
  • Experience with programmatic AJAX data connection with RESTful Web Services. Good working knowledge in producing server-side REST/SOAP Web Service data involving WSDL, UDDI and protocols and making back-end data queries to Microsoft SharePoint and MySQL servers.
  • Experience with full Object-Oriented software development life cycle using both Waterfall (UML) and Agile (XP) development methodologies.
  • Experience in Unit Testing, Integration Testing, TDD and writing test cases using popular test runners such as Karma, Jasmine, etc. for AngularJS framework.
  • Good working knowledge with server end technologies such as Spring Boot and Maven.
  • Good knowledge with various JavaScript libraries, such as ReactJS, RequireJS, SystemJS, etc.
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills, time management, teamwork skills and ability to work under pressure, handling multiple tasks.
  • Strong ability and self-motivation to keep up with and adapt to fast-growing technologies, trends and quickly find solutions and develop technical expertise for clients within the shortest timeframe.


Programming Languages: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, CSS pre-compiler LESS, C/C++, Java, UNIX Shell Scripting

Web Technologies & Frameworks: AngularJS 1.6, Angular 2/4, BootStrap 3/4, JQuery, Node.JS, React.JS, XML/JSON, REST/SOAP, AJAX, Microsoft Azure Active Server Authentication Library ADAL/MSAL, Microsoft O365 Integration, Microsoft SharePoint, Jira

IDE & UI Tools: Sublime Text, Notepad++, JSFiddle, Plunker, CodePen, Chrome DevTool, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Office, Adobe CS, Grunt, Gulp

Version Control: Git, VSTS, GitHub

Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows, UNIX


Confidential, MO

UI Developer


  • Developing internal web portal Digital Workplace, serving 46,000 employees worldwide, based on Microsoft O365 and SharePoint as back end, and AngularJS 1.6 as frontend framework using component architecture.
  • Developing widgets and modules for information sharing and communications among users, e.g. Weather Widget, NewsHub, Recent Document, Knowledge Center etc., all using component architecture.
  • Working closely with designer to achieve the best look and feel for the UI using CSS and BootStrap.
  • Migrating and updating Microsoft Azure Active Directory authentication library using MSAL for the data connection with Microsoft Graph API.
  • Building automated deploying scripts using Gulp.
  • Integrating Microsoft SharePoint data source and Microsoft Graph through REST Web Service.
  • Writing functional unit testing procedures and performing browser compatibility test.

Environment: JavaScript, AngularJS 1.6, HTML5, CSS3, REST, JSON/XML, LESS, BootStrap 3, Gulp, Visual Studio Team Service, Git, GitKraken, Chrome DevTool, Microsoft O365, Microsoft SharePoint, Sublime Text Editor 3

Confidential, Pittsburgh, PA

UI Developer


  • Being the only UI developer on the team, working independently to produce visually engaging, enterprise-level user interface for a test framework with REST connection to the backend Spring Boot server.
  • Modernizing the existing framework on both user interface and business logic (wiring) with cutting-edge front-end technologies including HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap 4, JavaScript, AngularJS and browser compatibility, etc..
  • Developing wireframes for test report framework using InVision prototyping tool and other designing tools.
  • Working closely with senior backend developers to achieve the best server-side connectivity.

Environment: JavaScript, AngularJS 1.6, HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap 4, REST, JSON/XML, JQuery, Git, Jira, Invision, Chrome DevTool, REST API, Spring Boot, MySQL, Sublime Text Editor 3

Confidential, Boca Raton, FL

UI Developer


  • Maintaining and developing a web portal, which was designed to support Enterprise Interaction System(EIS) containing product information and marketing data.
  • Strong involvement in the front-end development using technologies such as AngularJS, JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, etc. and back-end web service connection using SOAP/XML. Responsibilities also involve compilation, co-ordination of design of EIS, adding software functionalities, developing appropriate code structures to solve specific tasks, working on Salesforce backend to retrieve and update data into the repository, and updating issues assigned in JIRA and committing source code in GitHub.
  • Writing test case using Jasmine and perform unit tests, integration tests, acceptance tests and system validation.
  • Constructing site maps according to the requirements, creating user personas to discover target users’ wants and needs, and creating flowchart of navigation structure and user experience.
  • Collaborating with other software developers, business analysts and software architects in planning, designing, developing, testing, and maintaining web based applications built on various web technologies and frameworks using a variety of user-centered interactive design methodologies and objective evaluation techniques.
  • Assisting in the collection and documentation of user requirements, development of user stories, and estimates, interacting with project stakeholders to develop storyboards and UX workflows/prototypes. Responsibilities also involve presenting mockup for client approval in respect to the new layouts and intended functionalities.
  • Providing stylization and theming customizations and ensuring cross-browser compatibility across a variety of supported browsers.
  • Placing visual elements with various web technologies, selecting type interface elements eligible for various resolutions using exact colored schemes and keeping interface intuitive and free of clutter.

Environment: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, CMS, XML, XSL, XSLT, MVC, JQuery, TCP/IP, IIS, Section 508 standards, JIRA, Git, Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, AngularJS, Node.JS, AJAX, SOAP/XML, Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Flash, Action Script 3.0, Adobe Illustrator CS5, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Jasmine, Microsoft Office Suite

Confidential, Washington, DC

UI Developer


  • Developed and optimized graphic prototype web sites and application interfaces using web technologies and frameworks such as HTML5, CSS3, JSON/XML, DOM, JavaScript, AJAX and AngularJS etc. based on the W3C standards, implemented the persistence layer and the MVC architectural pattern using Hibernate-ORM and Spring framework with the help of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques.
  • Developed the user interactive and data-driven web applications and Rich Internet Applications (RIA’s) with the help of Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 and Content Center professional tool, designed UI patterns, UX patterns, GUI designs, page illustrations, and user conceptual designs, templates and banners using Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Adobe Illustrator CS5, and Developed designs in securing the application using form-based authentication using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery.
  • Defined new validations through AngularJS for the form field validation implemented through HTML5, CSS3, JQuery and AngularJS in a front-end responsive grid layout and used SOAP UI for testing the web service.
  • Developed the Buttons like popup windows and the modal windows by using the JQuery and BootStrap which can easily manipulate modal windows alerts, tooltips, scroll spy, Pop over, button, type head, etc.
  • Solved browser compatibility issues and tested each and every web application on popular web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome.
  • Tested using Jasmine and performed unit tests and performance tests using JUnit, wrote highly testable code for Node.JS persistence layers, and evaluated system performance and validated MongoDB solutions.
  • Coordinated with the QA group for testing activities and with Production Support team to resolve the solution

Environment: CSS, HTML5, CMS, XHTML, DHTML, XML, XSL, XSLT, JavaScript, ORM, MVC, JQuery, TCP/IP, IIS, Visual Studio ‘08, Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, AngularJS, Node.JS, AJAX, SOAP, MongoDB, Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Flash, Action Script 3.0, Adobe Illustrator CS5, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Jasmine, MOCHA and Microsoft Office Suite

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Web/UI Developer


  • Involved in the requirement gathering phase in order to gather the requirements from the client program manager, dealing with user experience (UX) team to continuously accommodate changing user requirementsInteracted with UX teams to understand customer needs to design online user experiences, ensuring ease of navigation and simplicity of design, and converted business requirements into technical requirements in preparation for high level design document and functional specifications.
  • Involved in complete User Interface (UI) designing and coded the web site in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and developed client-side AJAX application with JQuery controls that use XSLT, XPath, JavaScript OOP to bind objects and retrieve them via JNDI interface.
  • Implemented user friendly UI design with HTML, CSS and JavaScript for client-side validation and form submission functions and PHP for server-side scripting for web development, created Stored Procedure, Trigger, Cluster indexes for database access and events, and built databases using phpMyAdmin for internal projects.
  • Implemented a common styling with the help of CSS across entire application that controls color, layout, width, height, font size, images size and accomplished other graphic related features.The front-end development also extended to designing and modifying images and banners as per the client requests using Adobe Create Suite CS5 and Microsoft Visio.
  • Design and implemented new features and software components for the front end of a large web application supporting user data access and user authorization, co-operating in development and finalization of initial design of the project and worked closely with content managers and designers to resolve issues.
  • Co-ordinated with QA group for testing activities, supported the deployed applications through debugging, testing and bug-fixing, conducted cross browser compatibility check and standard compliant page layouts, e.g. Section 508 Compliance, and thoroughly performed unit testing using Karma and Jasmine.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JSON, XSLT, JavaScript, AJAX, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Visio, PHP, MySQL, JNDI


Software Developer


  • Designed, developed and maintained J2EE based projects for clients with different business goals all over the world.
  • Worked very closely with team members and clients to generate best solutions and business logics to meet the business goals, using the most efficient development methodology and the most advanced Java enterprise technologies and tools including WSAD, VisualAge for Java 4.0, ERwin, UML/Rational Rose, JBuilder, ANT, TogetherJ, Junit, XML Spy, etc. as well as DBMS (Oracle 8i/9i) administration such as performance tuning and optimizing, etc.
  • Developed a B2C project for UBA, a company in uniform manufacture. The project is based on DRP (Distributing Resource Planning) methodology, implementing Struts framework and supporting I18N. Responsibilities include system analysis which involves use case and activity diagrams; Development and deployment of Struts-based web tier applications; Data modeling which generates database structure, SQL documents for further system development; Design of an asynchronous logging service framework using JMS and IBM MQ Series; Preparation and Execution of unit testing using JUnit.
  • System environment includes WebLogic 8.0, Oracle8i, Windows 2000, and Solaris.
  • Developed WebHealth, an on-line medical system for government. The project is an Internet based n-tier enterprise application. The data tier is designed using Oracle or DB2. The business tier is implemented using EJB with OOP design patterns. The presentation tier is accomplished using JSPs, Servlets, Applets and HTML/DHTML, XML, etc. The application interface is presented to its customers through a web site and a customer interacts with the application using a web browser. Responsibilities also include the provision of session management and security management solutions with Encryption/Decryption and Digital Signature.
  • System environment includes WebSphere 4.0, Oracle 8i, and Windows 2000.
  • Developed a J2EE application for NTT Inc., a well-known media company in Japan, to organize their digital media data in commercial fields, which allows TV subscribers to select their favorite TV commercials through a remote controller. Sub-systems include Channel Management Plan (CMP) which performs the actions on Channel maintenance (create/update/delete); System Management (SYM) which provides employee’s account registration and cancellation; Sponsor Management System (SPS) which provides sponsor registration, input and update advertisement functions; File Maintenance System (FMS), the supplementary system for SYM, corresponding to physical directory and filing maintenance. Responsibilities also involve system analysis; Design and implementation of data access component; Preparation and execution of unit testing script using Junit framework.


Software Developer


  • Designed and developed BWClient, a GUI client side configuration utility which connects to company’s flagship product Confidential Firewall Server through local area network for remote administration. BWClient was developed using Java Applet and JFC (Swing) technologies based on Java multi-threading model, which provides facilities to remotely administrate and configure the firewall server. Well-known features include configuring DNS, SMTP mail server, news server, etc., defining and enabling services and proxies, controlling access to services, configuring Secure Server Network (SSN) and VPN, etc.. BWClient also provides useful diagnostic functionalities such as configuring technical support access, monitoring system activities, viewing logs and performing network diagnostics.
  • Worked very closely with QA and product manager to develop new features and patches. Responsibilities also involve developing and debugging back-end server-side programs using C/C++ on UNIX system (BSDI).


System Administrator


  • Managed and maintained mission-critical network infrastructure, defining security policies and procedures on the production firewall. Responsibilities also involved local and remote administration of proxy server, SMTP mail server, DNS server, LDAP server and NT Server.
  • Researched and implemented multiple VPN tunneling protocols (IPSec, SmartGate and PPTP) through commercial firewalls.
  • Built and maintained TCP/IP network for different departments, including setting up test networks for developers and setting up network printing services.
  • Maintained production server computers including OS upgrading, applying patches, software installation and configuration backup/restore. Responsibilities also involve configuring and trouble-shooting employees’ personal workstations.
  • Performed perimeter security analysis using proprietary tools, e.g. port scanner, network sniffer, etc., and generating reports.

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