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Frontend Ui Developer Resume

5.00/5 (Submit Your Rating)

Jacksonville, FL


  • 9 Years of Experience in developing web applications and interactive software products using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, Angular 2, AJAX, XML, JSON, node.js, React.JS, Redux, Responsive Web Design and Bootstrap.
  • Proficient in developing web page quickly and effectively using: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Angular JS.
  • Good experience working on CSS Background, CSS Positioning, CSS Text, CSS Border, CSS Margin, CSS Padding, CSS Table, Pseudo Classes, Pseudo Elements and CSS Behaviors in CSS.
  • Experience using AJAX to create interactive web applications, mainly focusing at increasing performance.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, RESTFUL Web Services using AJAX, JSON.
  • Good experience in JavaScript MVC frameworks Angular JS, Angular2, Node JS, Backbone.js and React JS.
  • Expertise in JavaScript both client and server - side scripting languages like jQuery, Angular.js, Angular2, Node.js.
  • Experience in using Angular JS for creating user interface and single page web applications.
  • Expert in creating Templates, Mockups and Prototypes, Web Interfaces, Layouts and Flow of future pages.
  • Built interactive charts using D3.js.
  • Experience in making Responsive web pages using Bootstrap and media queries.
  • Implemented Presentation layer using CSS Framework, Angular JS (1.5, 2), Wire-framing and HTML5.
  • Experience in Ext JS, React JS, Node.js and Responsive design.
  • Experience in developing website content and managing content management systems.
  • Used JIRA for bug tracking and issue tracking.
  • Experience in version control tools including GIT and SVN.
  • Designed and coded application components in an agile environment utilizing a test-driven development approach.
  • Working knowledge of popular Service management systems like Jenkins.
  • Worked in close cooperation with project managers and other functional team members to form a team effort in development.
  • Expertise in analyzing the DOM Layout, JavaScript functions, Cascading Styles across cross-browser using FireBug, Developer Tool Bar.
  • Involved in daily SCRUM meetings to keep track of the ongoing project status and issues.
  • Highly motivated, reliable analytical problem solver and troubleshooter with strong attention to detail.
  • Demonstrated ability to complete projects in deadline-oriented environments.
  • Excellent analytical and communication skills with capability to handle modern technologies.


Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, JSON, AngularJS, Angular 2, ReactJS and JSP.

JavaScript Libraries: jQuery, AngularJS, BackboneJS, React.JS, node.js.

Database: Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL, PgAdmin.

IDE & Tools: Eclipse, WebStorm, Intellij Idea, Visual Studio Notepad++, Sublime Text.

Version Control: SVN, (torisan svn) and GitHub, Bitbucket.

Debugging Tools: Firebug, Chrome Developer toolbar, IE Developer Toolbar, Angular Bata rang.

Operating System: Windows, MAC, Linux.


Frontend UI Developer

Confidential, Jacksonville, FL


  • Design develop and test HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery and React.JS that meets accessibility and web browser standards for website.
  • Designed CSS templates for use in all pages on the website working with CSS Background, positioning, text, border, margin, padding, and table.
  • Applied optimization techniques to reduce page size and load times to enhance user experience using sprites.
  • Developed user interface by using the React JS, Flux for SPA development.
  • Implemented react JS code to handle cross browser compatibility issues in Mozella, IE 7, 8, 9, Safari and FF.
  • Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application.
  • Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Used Web services (SOAP and Restful) for transmission of large blocks of XML/JSON.
  • Worked on responsive design and developed a single ISOMORPHIC responsive website that could be served to desktop, Tablets and mobile users using React.js.
  • Maintained states in the stores and dispatched the actions using Redux.
  • Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality using React-Drag gable.
  • Component for UX-Library consisted of Button, Checkbox, Input, Icons, Toggle Button, Dropdown, Multi-Level Dropdown and many more.
  • In Phase Two, worked closely with the Back-End team to display data using the Custom Components, library Components and Redux.
  • Used Middleware, Redux-Promise in application to retrieve data from Back-End and to also perform RESTFUL services.
  • Added Dynamic Functionality by creating and dispatching Action Creators that deployed Actions.
  • Created and used Reducers that received said Actions to modify the Store State Tree.
  • Optimized animation logic with optimistic functions to increase performance in rendering.
  • Worked with backend engineers to optimize existing API calls to create efficiencies by deprecating unneeded API calls.
  • Called the Restful web services calls for POST, PUT, DELETE and GET methods.
  • Have worked on AWS for fetch the pictures files from AWS to UI.
  • Used React flux to polish the data and for single directional flow.
  • Used Object Oriented Programming concepts to develop UI components that could be reused across the Web Application.
  • Extensively used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to GitHub Basis.
  • Extensively used debugging tools such as Firebug and IE Dev tools to investigate the issues and fix the bugs. Used JIRA as the bug tracking system to track and maintain the history of bugs/issues on every day.
  • Monitoring the offshore work and providing technical help to the offshore team for their JIRA tickets.
  • Interacted with Testing Team, Scrum Masters and Business Analysts for fixing of Issues.
  • Performed the System Testing, Regression Testing for Complete UI after fixing the Issues which are reported by Testing Team.

Environment: HTML 5, CSS3, Sass, Less, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Ajax, React JS, Redux, Flex, My SQL, XML, XSL, XSLT, JSON, Git hub, Restful API, AWS, JIRA, Jasmine and Web Strom.

Frontend UI Developer

Confidential, New York, NY


  • Designed and developed the UI layout and front-end programming for web application that matches the wireframes using the latest HTML5, CSS3 and Angular JS.
  • Worked with the Architecture teams to implement upgrade of Angular 1.5 to Angular 2.0.
  • Extensively used all the new HTML5 features like local storage, new input attributes, Canvas and SVG, audio and video etc.
  • Used new CSS3 features like multi-column layout, gradients and web fonts, transform and transpose and media.
  • Developed and designed the agent portal using framework Angular2.0 along with CSS3, HTML.
  • Performed various Validation Controls for form validation and implemented custom validation controls with JavaScript and with AngularJS using custom directives
  • Used twitter Bootstrap for creating responsive web design for varying screen sizes and devices.
  • Transformed values display within a template by using pipes of Angular 2.
  • Creating a responsive web application integrating Twitter Bootstrap with Angular 2.0 and media queries
  • Good experience in implementing MVC frameworks like Angular for AJAX data calls using the $http service.
  • Implemented UI by adapting Angular 2 framework with Typescript, HTML/HTML5, and SCSS.
  • Worked on all the latest Angular concepts like creating custom directives, components, services, $http service, factory's, $watch and $apply etc.
  • Worked with all the Angular modules that are not part of the standard release like ui-route, angular-paginate etc.
  • Replaced existed Angular JS code with Angular2 code, which decreased number of lines of code for a web application which increased performance.
  • Worked on responsive design and put forward a proposal of doing away with device-specific apps and developing a single responsive website that could be served to both desktop and mobile users.
  • Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML5/HTML, DHTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Worked on consuming JSON and XML object creation, parsing on both clients as well as server side.
  • Analyzed and parsed the response of JSON/XML in order to update DOM.
  • Worked with the SASS/SCSS pre-processor to simplify writing the CSS styling.
  • Used Angular2 for delivering user experiences such as high performance, off-line accessibility and zero-step installation
  • Developed a single page, mobile-first, cross-device/cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing AngularJS, JavaScript API.
  • Handling cross browser/platform compatibility issues (IE, Firefox, and Safari) on both Windows and Mac and debugged using tools like Firebug.
  • Developed dynamic responsive Web Design by integrating Angular JS with Bootstrap which is further integrated with Web Services.
  • Performed unit testing using the open source Karma/Jasmine/protractor framework.
  • Worked on the agile methodology and used Scrum in implementing the project.
  • Used JIRA as a tool for project tracking and management where we update the daily tasks performed.

Environment: AngularJS, Angular2, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, SASS/SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Usability Testing, Agile methodology, Web Storm IDE, Gulp, GIT, Karma, Jasmine.

Web UI Developer

Confidential, Columbia, MD


  • Designed the front-end applications, user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies like HTML, XHTML, and CSS.
  • Web designing & development using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React JS and Ajax.
  • Developed React JS pages, Web services calls and AJAX calls for the application
  • Used React JS in development of the web application to bind the data/model that is being retrieved from a database through services provided in a controller to the view using scope.
  • Participated with end users and business analyst to understand the business requirements.
  • CSS styles were developed in order to preserve the uniformity of all the screens throughout the application and positioning of screen objects.
  • Implemented MVVM architecture using Redux Architecture with React JS.
  • Responsible for design and development of web pages from mock-ups (PSD).
  • Worked on Front end by using JavaScript.
  • Developed user interface by using the React JS, Redux for SPA development.
  • Implemented client-side Interface using React JS.
  • Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Redux concept.
  • Develop various screens for the front end using React JS and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and Redux libraries.
  • Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Redux concept.
  • Build React components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.
  • Responsible for developing a front-end application using React JS and Redux architecture for internal team’s productivity use.
  • Experienced in React JS and working with React Redux architecture.
  • Working with React Router for developing Single Page Applications SPAs.
  • Worked on responsive design and developed a single ISOMORPHIC responsive website that could be served to desktop, Tablets and mobile users using React.js.
  • Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality using React-Draggable.
  • Thoroughly performed unit testing and integration testing.
  • Extensively used SASS (Syntactically awesome style sheets) while styling with CSS3.
  • Used Firebug for debugging and for element styling.
  • Wrote services to store and retrieve user data from the Mongo DB for the application on devices.
  • Used Bugzilla and Red mine as the bug tracking system to track and maintain the history of bugs/issues on everyday basis.
  • Involved in daily SCRUM meetings to keep track of the project status.
  • Used web based GIT repository manager with issue tracking features.
  • Extensively used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to GitHub.
  • Made the application responsive using Bootstrap and CSS Media Queries.
  • Worked with CSS Icons, CSS Pseudo-class, CSS Pseudo-element, CSS Image Sprites, CSS background and CSS3 Shadows to give some additional effects.
  • Responsible for checking cross browser compatibility issues and hence worked on different browsers like Google chrome, Internet explorer, Firefox and safari.
  • Involved in implementing Queries to the backend MongoDB database using Http service to fetch JSON contract.
  • Experienced in implementing CRUD database operation on such as MongoDB.
  • Worked with Bit Bucket for recording the progress and later for version control.
  • Used Jasmine and Karma as end to end testing tools for debugging and software quality insurance.
  • Worked with Business Analysts for requirement gathering and requirement analysis.
  • Created Use cases, ER diagrams and user flow control.
  • Involved in documentation by writing the technical documents for the project. Also, part of the presentation team to the company's executives.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, React JS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, JSON, REST APIs, Angular JS, Git, MongoDB, Jasmine, Karma, Sublime.

UI Developer

Confidential, Edgewater, NJ


  • Involved in complete Software Development Life Cycle - Designing, Coding, Testing, Debugging, and Production support for the project.
  • Created UI of Web pages with the assistance of HTML5, XML, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Node.js, AJAX, and Angular.js.
  • Used Angular.js as a framework to create Single Page Application (SPA) to improve page performance, which can bind data to specific views.
  • Used Angular.js two-way data binding and $resource services to make calls to the web services and exchange the data between the front-end and back-end.
  • Development of client-side validation techniques using jQuery and Angular.js directives.
  • Developed responsive Web pages using Bootstrap and CSS3 media queries.
  • Worked on SASS to build optimized CSS to work across multiple web pages and styles.
  • Created, edited, and maintained sites implementing responsive designs and themes using front-end development frameworks including Bootstrap.
  • Used Node package manager (NPM) to manage the modules and to install GRUNT tool.
  • Developed modules to retrieve and improve data using Ajax calls by $http service in Angular.js
  • Developed fast loading images using Photoshop CS3.
  • Developed Unit and E2E test cases using Jasmine, Grunt and Node Js.
  • Used CSS and jQuery for the rich user interface.
  • Used Source Tree, GIT for version control for defect tracking.
  • Designed RWD Web pages, which are good for mobiles, tablets, and PC utilizing the framework like bootstrap and CSS media queries.
  • Implemented Angular based views and used Routers to implement logic to exhibit different views.
  • Used $http in Angular.js for consuming RESTful web services.
  • Used Node.js to build a scalable network application where it can handle many connections concurrently.
  • Used Node.js for communication to the server through RESTful API.
  • Managed and administered multiple instances of GIT for version repository maintenance.
  • Used JIRA to manage and track the issues reported by QA and act based on the severity.
  • Involved in Design, Prototyping, Typography, usability and in collecting the wireframes required for designing the responsive web design pages.
  • Designed business applications using web technologies like HTML4/5, XHTML, and CSS2/3 based on the W3C standards.
  • Maintained Cross Browser compatibility and implement Responsive Design using custom media queries, etc.
  • Involved in development of rich user interface components using JSON, Ajax, JavaScript, JQuery and HTML5.
  • Used JavaScript for adding little functionality to the existing application (calendar, tooltips, hiding elements, etc.
  • Installed and Managed Karma using NPM.
  • Developed the administrative UI using Angular.js and Node.js, and Jasmine.
  • Used Node JS for heavy DOM manipulation.
  • Active participation throughout the entire software development lifecycle from project.

Environment: Angular JS, Bootstrap, AJAX, MVC, Node.js, Grunt, Mongo DB, Gulp, karma, JIRA, Protractor, Jasmine, Jenkins, HTML4/5, CSS3, SASS, LESS, Backbone.js, JQuery, JavaScript, JSON,, Photoshop, AGILE, RESTful, JIRA, GIT.

Senior Software Engineer



  • Involved in leading a team of 4 members, design of the web pages, coding in HTML, CSS, Angular JS, JQuery and JavaScript, unit testing and bug fixing.
  • Develops, and leads the creation of UI design/Development, interaction prototypes and support the look and feel
  • Keeping track of tasks, creating guidelines and ensuring that Team Members have what they need to get their work done.
  • Translate requirements into concepts and user experience design.
  • Associate with Design Research to enhance design suggestions.
  • Worked on implementing directives and scope values using AngularJS for an existing webpage.
  • Manage design wireframes, mockups and navigation maps.
  • Imagine complex data sets in easily comprehendible ways.
  • Worked withAngular JSfor creating custom directives for building a Single Page App.
  • Develop overall brand.
  • Extend brand to intuitive interactive model and user experience.
  • Develop clean well executed design concepts.
  • Coordinate with team on design and prototype of new interfaces.
  • Coordinate with UI Programmer to strategize and execute user interfaces.
  • Translate user requirements into usable interfaces aligning with business goals.
  • Clear screen mockups, prototypes and UI design specifications.
  • Develop interaction models and site navigation.
  • Perform UI client presentations at various project stages.
  • Coordinate with business and technology teams, business analysts and developers.
  • Own UI design phase of lifecycle and coordinate with product design and engineering teams.

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