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Web Developer Resume

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Wichita, KS


  • Over 4 Years of professional experience in Software Development Life Cycle as aUI developer in developing professional web applications using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular JS/2, Bootstrap, and React.js and Node.js.
  • Web Technologies - AJAX, JavaScript, JSON, and jQuery.
  • Experience in CSS3 preprocessors styling such as SASS and LESS.
  • Good understanding of source code version control like Git-Hub for maintaining versions.
  • Strong Experience in dealing with CSS Animations, Backgrounds, Layouts, Positioning, Text, Border, Padding and CSS Box Model.
  • Experienced in working Angular 2 with backend services.
  • Experience in creating dynamic web interfaces using Angular 4.
  • Expertise in Manipulating the DOM using directives in Angular 4.
  • Deep Knowledge in consuming HTTP services and Handling HTTP errors properly.
  • Built re-usable components in Angular 2.0.
  • Proficient in Formatting data using pipes and Custom Pipes in Angular 4.
  • Expertise in Building template-driven and reactive forms in Angular 4.
  • Hands on Experience in Adding routing and navigation in Angular 4.
  • Added Forms Validators Attributes in Angular 4.
  • Used @ngbootstarp for Bootstrap components.
  • Expertise in developing Responsive Web Design, Grid Framework Applications using Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Involved in designing, developing and testing the web application by using the HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap.
  • Expertise with HTTP Service, Web Service and Remote Object for data sending and retrieval.
  • Hands on experience developing Responsive Web Design using Bootstrap and CSS media queries.
  • Experience with Document Object Model (DOM) and DOM Functions to use in interact with objects in HTML, XML.
  • Worked closely with the product, QA teams and supportUIimplementation efforts.
  • Expertise in creating Single Page Applications using Angular 2 and Angular 4.
  • Experience with HTTP Service, Web Service and Remote Object for data sending and retrieval.
  • Experience in using various IDEs', Notepad++, Eclipse, Sublime Text, Brackets, Web Storm and Visual Studio.
  • Experience working with JavaScript frameworks Angular JS/2/4.
  • Experienced in designing Using Web Standards.
  • Experience in popular JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, and JQuery, Jasmine with automation tools like Grunt, and Gulp.
  • Experience in using Sass/SCSS for Creating more flexible designs in less time.
  • Used variables to store colors, sizes, fonts and more to avoid repetition and make designs more flexible and reusable using Sass/SCSS
  • Proficient in JavaScript and AJAX calls. Expertise in jQuery plugins and Angular components.
  • Experience working with different data formats like Object, JSON and different JSON Media types.
  • Experience in developing various screens for the front end usingReactJSand used various predefined components from NPM and Redux library.
  • Worked extensively in Agile Development process.
  • Experience in Applications using AJAX, Object Oriented (OO) JavaScript, and JSON.
  • Implementation of generated documentation and obtain key performance indicators from business users.
  • Having Strong written and verbal communication skills.
  • Involved in Understanding functional specifications and developing creative solutions to meet business requirements.


Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, XML, XHTML, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, JSON, Jasmin, Karma.

JavaScript Libraries: Angular 2 &4, jQuery, Angular.js, Node.js, React.js, Bootstrap.

IDE & Tools: Eclipse, Web storm, Photoshop, Notepad++, Brackets, Sublime Text2, Microsoft Visual studio, Net Beans.

Development Tools: Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe Illustrator

Browsers: IE9, Mozilla Fire Fox, Opera mobile Browser, Chrome, Safari

Web Services: RESTful, SOAP, XML. HTTP Web Server

Databases: SQL Server, My SQL server

Version Control: SVN, Git-Hub

Desktop Tools: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and MS Access

Methodologies: Agile, Waterfall

Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8, MAC OS X


Confidential, Wichita, KS

Web Developer


  • Experience in developing Single Page Application (SPA) with Angular 4 and Web API.
  • Skilled working with data formats such as JSON.
  • Responsible for writing Angular 4 code that calls server-side APIs over JSON.
  • Highly proficient in unit testing with TDD.
  • Developed UI screens using excel sheets and a picture.
  • Utilized core Angular 4 features such as HTTP, Data Binding, Forms, Services and Dependency Injection.
  • Used HTML5, CSS3, TypeScript and Angular 4 to design a user-friendly and multi functionality interface.
  • Responsible for writing CSS and interested in using newer technologies such as SCSS.
  • Developed the Single Page Application using Angular Directive, Routing, Service, Component, Pipe and Module.
  • Responsible for handling large data and binding huge data which returns from backend.
  • Used Angular 4 custom Directives for reusable DOM manipulation and Services to implement Dependency Injection.
  • Used Angular 4 build-in template expression to perform two-way data binding.
  • Knowledge on building the application and deploying it in Azure web server.
  • Have Experience with browser differences and limitations and client- side performance.
  • Familiar with debugging tools for Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
  • Coordinated my work across teams to build a seamless feature.
  • Looked at a UI mockup and implement it using JavaScript, HTML, Angular and CSS.
  • Communicated thoughts on my own and others’ designs and implementations in a friendly and encouraging way.
  • Worked independently or as part of a team.
  • Experience working in an Agile environment.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Angular 4, Node.js, AJAX, Bootstrap, jQuery, MySQL, Agile, JSON, Eclipse, Karma, Jasmine, Git-Hub, MS Office, MS excel, Web Storm, and Eclipse.

Confidential, St. Joseph, MO

UI Developer


  • Designed and developed web-based applications layout and user interaction scenarios using HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery and CSS3.
  • Created and manipulated HTML, CSS in jQuery as well as making the page's dynamic using AJAX, XML, and JSON.
  • Updated the application with new features of Angular 4.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by Angular 2.
  • Used Angular.JS, jQuery and JavaScript for front end web designing.
  • Designed Frontend with in object-oriented JavaScript Framework like Node.js and Angular 2.
  • Designed and developed various Web forms using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Created custom elements, HTML imports, shadow DOM to allow fully encapsulated custom elements by using Angular 2.0.
  • Worked on some of the new features of Angular 4 like new if else syntax, ng-templates, form validators, Router etc.
  • Development of the interactive UI's for the front-end users using the front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Worked with advanced JavaScript concepts like Closures, Prototype and Inheritance.
  • Developed single page applications using Angular 2, Typescript, web pack and grunt.
  • Worked with Angular routers, forms, modules, DOM, events, expressions, controllers, filters and Http Request.
  • Designed and Developed web applications using CSS pre-processors.
  • Used Angular 2.0 as framework to create a Single Page Application (SPA) which can bind data to specific views and synchronize data with server.
  • Involved in building a high efficiency Dynamic Single and Multiple Pages Web Application using Angular 2, NodeJS, HTML, HTML5, Java Script, Bootstrap, jQuery and CSS.
  • Usage of JSON for faster and impulsive responses.
  • Responsible for client-sideUIValidation and implementing Business logic based on user selection using jQuery, and Angular 2.
  • Implemented Observables and Promises for Retrieving data.
  • Transformed Responses with Observable Operators.
  • Used Angular 4 features like ng-template, ngIf with else.
  • Simplified Adding search parameters to an “HTTP request” using Angular 4.
  • Used “compare with” directive for comparing options from a select in Angular 4.
  • Handled all aspects of the web application including maintaining, testing, debugging, deploying and printing.
  • UsedNode.jsNPM module Grunt and Gulp to run tasks and build properly the project (compile, minify, concat etc.).
  • Performing unit testing using Jasmine and Karma, along with integration testing Chrome Inspector to fix bugs and worked closely with QA.
  • Co-ordinate with QA for testing, Production releases, Application deployment and integration.
  • Involved in Production Support and minor enhancements as per application requirements; HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular2, Ajax, Agile Methodology, Windows.
  • Worked through cross browser compatibility issues with layout and styles for all new CSS that was implemented.
  • Refine and iterate user experience by designing and implementing new modules and interfaces in a complex, responsive site.
  • Tested cross browser functionality and fixed major layout bugs for supported browsers
  • Involved in daily SCRUM meetings to keep track of the project status.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Angular 2 and 4, Node.js, AJAX, Bootstrap, jQuery, MySQL, Agile, JSON, Eclipse, Karma, Jasmine, Git-Hub, MS Office, Web Storm, and Eclipse.

Confidential, Overland Park, KS

UI Developer


  • Developed Single Page application usingReact JS for better rendering performance.
  • Created reusable presentational components usingReact JSframework to render to the UI and used Redux as the container to maintain the state of the application.
  • Used CSS for styling and Bootstrap for developing responsive Website.
  • Used CSS pre-processor SASS for styling the application.
  • UsedReact JS for templating for faster compilation and developing reusable components and stableReact components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.
  • Experienced inReact JS and working withReactFlux architecture.Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application.
  • Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Developing various screens for the front end usingReactJSand used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and redux library.
  • Implemented client-side Interface usingReactJS.
  • Worked on cross browser compatibility issues and fix the bugs pertaining to various browsers.
  • Designed the front-end applications, user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies like HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.
  • Used Bootstrap components for responsiveness in web pages.
  • Co-ordinate with QA for testing, Production releases, Application deployment and integration.
  • Involved in Production Support and minor enhancements as per application requirements; HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular2, Ajax, Agile Methodology, Windows.
  • Using advanced level of jQuery, AJAX, JavaScript and CSS layouts.
  • Involved in requirements gathering, analysis, design and development of the application.
  • Used JavaScript for validating the input given to the user interface.
  • Implemented AJAX to speed up web applicationusing jQuery, JSON.
  • Handled all aspects of the web application including maintaining, testing, debugging, deploying and printing

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSP, jQuery, React JS, AJAX, JSON, Eclipse, Windows OS, Bootstrap, Web storm, and Agile.


UI Developer


  • Developed theUIpages using HTML, Bootstrap, XHTML, DOM, CSS, JSON, JavaScript, jQuery and AJAX.
  • Strong knowledge on developing Single Page Application-SPA using Angular.js.
  • We have followed with Agile and Scrum development methodologies
  • Created images, logos and icons that are used across the web pages using Adobe Photoshop.
  • Responsible for redesigning the existing site to create new interfaces.
  • Brief experience on implementing the Angular JS in creating animations based on CSS classes.
  • Accelerated more efficient handling of web designing using HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and extensively used Table-less Design in CSS for positioning.
  • Involved in writing SQL Queries, Stored Procedures. Implemented applications in JavaScript and MySQL.
  • Involve in code generation, executing unit test cases.
  • Developed Page layouts, Navigation and presented designs and concepts to the clients and the Management to review.
  • Extensively used Bootstrap for page responsive ness.
  • Developing custom HTML elements usingangular JSdirectives.
  • Used MVC (Model View Controller) to design the application.
  • Developed CSS, SASS styles on all the pages of the application and positioning of objects etc.
  • Used GIT for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to Git-Hub.
  • Responsible for fixing any bugs logged by QA team during code build phase.
  • Designed the table less web applications using CSS and with the help of and tags as per W3C standards.

Environment: HTML4/HTML5, CSS2/CSS3, JavaScript, JQUERY, Angular.js, AJAX, JSON, Bootstrap, Node.js, XML, Eclipse, SASS, Git-Hub, My SQL, and MS Office.

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