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Webpage Developer Resume

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Sewell, NJ


  • Over 6 years of extensive experience as a Front - End/Web UI developer in E-commerce, Media and Financial Domains.
  • Expert in developing web page quickly and effectively using, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, AngularJS and JSON.
  • Extensive experience in DOM manipulation using JavaScript, jQuery.
  • Working experience on integrating back-end technologies with JavaScript and JQuery by using AJAX and JSON.
  • Expert in developing web pages for different device like Mobile, IPad, and Desktop using Responsive Web Design and Bootstrap.
  • Consuming Restful services using HTML, XML, AJAX, JSON, JavaScript, jQuery.
  • Extensive Knowledge in developing Single Page Applications (SPAs) using various JavaScript frameworks like Angular.js, Backbone.js, Underscore.js and Bootstrap.
  • Strong in Web designing technologies like HTML5, XHTML, JavaScript, CSS3, JQuery, Backbone.js, Ajax and JSON.
  • Experience in CSS3 properties for gradient, border radius, and animation etc.
  • Have good experience in MEAN Stack applications.
  • Solid knowledge of using relational databases including MySQL, Oracle or NoSQL like MongoDB.
  • Experience in using various IDE's like Web Storm, Visual Studio, Sublime text 2, Atom and Eclipse
  • Generated Responsive Pixel perfect webpages based on key combs of Adobe illustrator.
  • Expert in Debugging issues using Firebug/Developer Tool.
  • Use npm and bower to manager packages.
  • Use gulp for script concatenation and minifaction, and Sass compilation.
  • Strong experience in using version control software such as: SVN and Git, GitHub and BitBucket.
  • Excellent work experience in Agile/Scrum process and Sprint Planning, daily standup to sync up with Team for current sprint status, self-motivated, team player.


Programming Language: JavaScript, C/C++, SQL

Web Technology: HTML 4.01/5, CSS (2/3), XHTML, JavaScript, JQuery, Node.js, Backbone.js, Express.js, AJAX, XML, JSON and Bootstrap

Database: MongoDB, MySQL, SQLite

Operating System: Unix/Linux, Windows, Mac OS

IDE: Sublime Text 2, Eclipse, Web Storm, Atom

Version Control Tools: Git, SVN, BitBucket

Web/Application Servers: Apache Maven, Node.js

Testing framework: Karma, Jasmine, PhantomJS, CasperJS

Design Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, AutoCAD, Painter

Project Management Tools: JIRA, Gitlab, Slack


Confidential - Sewell, NJ

Webpage Developer


  • Participate in developing a Single Page Application using AngularJS as front - end framework and JavaScript in conjunction with HTML5, CSS3, with front-end UI team.
  • Implement this application in MVC architecture with AngularJS, and associate all the models, controllers, and views.
  • Responsible for creating single page application and combining all partial components together with UI Router.
  • Use ngStorage, ngCookies modules and $sessionStorage and $localStorage, $cookies to store data and communicate with different controllers.
  • Use $q and promise to handle asynchronous calls, for example, using $http request to retrieve information of related cars as JSON data across Restful web service.
  • Implement form validation to realize functions such as login, registration.
  • Realize pagination, searching and sorting using filter.
  • Use Google Maps Geolocation API to get users' location information
  • Using Google Analytical API to track users behavior and preference.
  • Use one-way binding to deal with large list to improve performance.
  • Help browsers interpret the code using Vendor Prefixes.
  • Deploy Bootstrap to apply responsive utilities and appropriate positioning of elements to the website.
  • Write SASS to make code reusable and more efficient to maintain.
  • Use npm and bower to manager packages
  • Use gulp for script concatenation and minifaction, and Sass compilation.
  • Use Karma/Mocha for unit testing.
  • Conduct testing using testing tools such as Chrome Inspector.
  • Version control with Git Hub.
  • Help UI/UX Design using Adobe Photoshop.
  • Maintain application stability and analyze the performance after it is published.
  • Finish the technical document and report.

Environment: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS, JQuery, SASS, Bootstrap, JSON, AJAX, Git, Npm, Bower, Gulp, Adobe Photoshop, Karma, Mocha, Chai, MVC, JIRA, Webstorm

Confidential - New Brunswick, NJ

UI Developer


  • Responsible for development of the web pages from mock - ups.
  • Involved with all stages of Software Development Life Cycle.
  • Designed user interface using AngularJS, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript.
  • Worked with business analysts to understand their business models and goals.
  • Developed single page, mobile-first, cross-device/cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing AngularJS, JavaScript API.
  • Coded dynamic and browser compatible UI web pages using JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, JQuery, Ajax and responsive design in MVC environment.
  • Involved in developing HTML and AngularJS for client side presentation and data validation on the client side within the forms.
  • Implemented search functionality for Internal Application using AngularJS.
  • Responsible for all client side UI Validation and implementing Business logic based on user selection using jQuery, jQuery UI and AngularJS.
  • Created pages for Login using single sign on, main page containing favorites and page for continuous integration configuration.
  • Created animation effects during the data load, waiting for the Ajax response using AngularJS, React.JS.
  • Interact with other developers and end users to design and implement new features throughout the framework.
  • Developed Responsive web design using Media Queries and Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Debugging using firebug & web developer tools on Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.
  • Prototyped several versions of possible UI approach to provide choices to the business.
  • Good Understanding of Document Object Model (DOM) and DOM Functions.
  • Developed page layouts, navigation, animation buttons and icons.
  • Developed core component of Analytics with AngularJS.
  • Fixed bugs in the previous versions.
  • Testing and Maintenance.

Environment: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, XML, Backbone.js, Bootstrap, Bitbucket, JIRA, Webstorm.

Confidential - Jackson, NJ

UI Developer


  • Worked on an application on agile base development cycle with a weekly release schedule. Also involved in complete SDLC life cycle - Designing, Coding, Testing, Debugging and Production Support.
  • Worked closely with Business Analysts and Product team in understanding the technical requirements of each project and prepared the use cases for different functionalities and designs.
  • Developed single page web application using JavaScript framework, AngularJS.
  • Development of code using JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript libraries such as JavaScript, jQuery, and Prototype plus relevant coding standards.
  • Involved in implementing all components of the application including database tables, server-side Java Programming (JSP Templates) and client side web programming.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON, XML and JQuery.
  • Worked with QA team on daily basis in fixing the reported bugs/defects and checking cross platform compatibility.
  • Created Cross-Browser compatible and standards-compliant CSS-base page layouts.
  • Migrated content from existing website to a new, database driven website, utilized in house Content Management System.
  • Designed table-less layouts using LESS CSS preprocessor and appropriate HTML tags as per W3C standards.
  • Created optimized graphic websites and application interfaces using HTML and CSS.
  • Handled all aspects of the web applications including maintaining, testing, debugging and deploying.

Environment: HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, JSON, XML, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Git, Atom.

Confidential - Morristown, NJ

UI Developer


  • Designed and developed Web pages using HTML, CSS including AJAX controls, JSON and XML.
  • Built Web pages that are more user - interactive using AJAX, JavaScript, LESS, Bootstrap.
  • Develop front end and back end web applications with the help of HTML/HTML5.
  • Worked on functionalities like External mail, Filters Pop up Mail, and Sorting.
  • Applying CSS styles to create left and top nav of the web page.
  • Designed, developed and maintained an automatic e-mail form using CSS.
  • Accomplished and launched enterprise solution for customer survey and analytics using backbone.js, jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Responsible for website user interface design, contributing to content, layouts, navigation, interaction flow and terminology. Collaborating on paper prototyping, specifications and graphical design using various tools.
  • Used JavaScript for custom client-side validation.
  • Collaborated with application developers to ensure UI designs are implemented and tested correctly.
  • Designed business applications using web technologies like HTML, XHTML, and CSS based on the W3C standards.
  • Fixed bugs in the previous versions.
  • Maintain records on the work done and report the status to the managers.
  • Document the entire new project to assist during troubleshoot.
  • Involved in raising the change requests and entering all the production issues into the remedy system.

Environment: HTML, CSS, Javascript, iQuery, JSON, AJAX, Apache Maven, IE 6, 7, 8, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Sublime Text, Git.

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