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Lead Webui /php Developer Resume

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Dallas, TX


  • Overall 14+ years of IT experience with recent 7 years focused primarily on PHP developments.
  • Extensive experience developing enterprise and government grade web applications using PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, HTML 4, HTML 5, CSS 2, / 3, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, Ajax, MySQL, MariaDB.
  • Large experience with Linux environment development using LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
  • Experienced configuring servers for development and production mode based on Apache with CentOS and RedHat Linux distributions.
  • Strong experience with Responsive Web Design both with native CSS and/or using frameworks like Bootstrap 2, Bootstrap 3, Foundation 5 and Foundation 6.
  • Large experience creating Frontend development with HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript native, jQuery and Ajax as well as with new frameworks MV* like AngularJS 1,1.6, AngularJS 2, ReactJS, CoffeScript and BackboneJS.
  • Generate well - structured software using Object Oriented Design to provide more efficient usage of the code and faster application response.
  • Experienced generating UI/UX interfaces with a heavy focus on User interaction, to allow a better experience for the end user.
  • Over 10 years of experience programming to databases, mainly SQL based engines like MySQL, SQL Server, MariaDB, Oracle database, and NO-SQL databases like MongoDB.
  • Deep knowledge in Model View Controller (MVC) architecture used in Framework based Web Application Development systems.
  • Experience with most used MVC PHP frameworks including Laravel 5, Symfony 2, Symfony 3, CodeIgniter 2, CodeIgniter 3, Zend Framework, PHPcake.
  • Over 10 years working with e-commerce sites on platforms like osCommerce, Magento, Oxid, Prestashop.
  • Knowledge of coding standards like PSR-X and SOLID principles to create a better software and more efficient web applications.
  • Largely worked with Design Patterns using Object Oriented Programming (OOP) principles to create a more stable and useful system.
  • Highly Experienced debugging and optimizing MySQL queries reducing their running time and increasing the efficiency
  • Experience in the role of SCRUM Master working with a small team managing meetings and leading the team to meet deadlines successfully.
  • Experience using graphic design tools like Photoshop and Corel Draw to create UI and stationary design.
  • Seasoned debugger for websites with high traffic volume, finding bugs and fixing them across multiple servers and releases.
  • Expert in email marketing and experience developing the full email system from the ground up, including spam management and millions of daily deliveries.
  • Experiences developing cache systems with different layers of data handling.
  • Very skillful at planning, laying out and executing the creation of Business Intelligence dashboards that allows the management to take better decisions


Programming Languages: PHP, Html, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, ASP, ASP.net, C#, Python, XML, REST API, SQL, ReactJS, NodeJS, AngularJS

Database: MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, MariaDB

Backend Frameworks: Laravel, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, NodeJS, Symphony

Operating Systems: Linux redhat, Linux Ubuntu, Windows all versions, Mac OS most versions.

Frontend Technologies: Javascript, jQuery, ajax, ReactJS, AngularJS, CSS 2/3, HTML 4/5, Bootstrap, Foundation

Version Control: Git, SVN

Agile Methodologies: SCRUM, Kanban board

Project Management: Atlassian tools (Jira, hipchat, bamboo, confluence, stash, sourcetree)


Confidential, Dallas, TX

Lead WebUI /PHP Developer


  • First responsibility was take very broad instructions and make them into a tangible system with capabilities to send thousands of emails required by the shop.
  • Create connections to Amazon Web Services Simple Email Service to be able to send emails and manage the daily and hourly sending quota.
  • Programming in Reactive design by using Vetx Technologies and React JS in the front-end side
  • I had to find a way to get notified about spam complaints, soft and hard bounces and develop mechanisms to handle all of them in the most transparent way.
  • One key element of the system was the creation of a tracking system that allows us to know which emails are being opened and clicked, and from them, track the user behavior all the way until the sale is completed.
  • Creation of a custom email designer with dozens of options.
  • Create RESTful web services usingAngularJS 1.x, 2.x.
  • Highly specialized mechanism of tagging and filtering system to target specific users based on a whole range of attributes and activities for marketing emails
  • Email marketing system that allows to mix dozens of emails based on preferences and activity of the user.
  • Transactional mails integration to the email system in order to use it across all shops within a centralized place inside our ERP.
  • A customizable control panel was created to display BI reports and statistical controls
  • Transfer of the email creation from the developers to the designers, giving more flexibility and speed to the whole process.
  • Cold calling email system to follow up automatically to leads in a very customizable and personal manner.
  • Creation of tables designed to handle the largest amount of data, in the range of dozens of millions of records.
  • Working at the front end layer with backbone, marionette, requireJS, Angular, bootstrap and other related frameworks.
  • Integration of API to our product recommendation system to gather user based recommendations by email.
  • Fully customizable Business Intelligence Dashboard with widgets and dozens of customization options.
  • In order to understand all the activity that is originated or affected by mails, I had to craft more than 20 different custom KPI that gather info from many of the cross-shop systems.
  • This project was completely backend based and the goal was to make it totally transparent to users who might not notice the change until they feel the increased quality and uniformity across all emails sent by the shops.

Environment: PHP / MYSQL / AWS API / jQuery / HTML5 / JSON / CSS3, ReactJS, AngularJS1.x 2.x, Bootstrap, Marionette, Backbone, RequirejS

Confidential Dalls, TX

Senior WebUI Developer/PHP


  • Development of two shops made from the ground up, this required months of work and caused the creation of dozens of custom modules that affect many of the functionalities of the framework.
  • I created the second version of the cache used in the shop, which increased the performance of the site from over 5 seconds load time, to 1.2 seconds average, making the site the fastest it had been in years.
  • Another key responsibility within the shops was the monitoring of errors and warning to solved ASAP and avoid glitches in the user’s experience.
  • Developed the various feature of the application using front end technologies like Backbone JS and React.Js.
  • Implement functionality based on html 5, jQuery, smarty, css 3 and PHP, depending of the scope of every change made.
  • Creating Single Page Applications by using Angular 1.x
  • Other self imposed responsibility was the search of performance-weak queries that can be optimized and remove bottle necks in the day-to-day operations.
  • Also I was responsible of making the sessions more stable across servers and protocols.
  • Report progress on the functionalities requested through a Kanban board created in Attlassian Jira Software.
  • Implement new modules created under PHP MVC architecture with MySQL database support including tables, views and procedures.
  • Analytics and pixel tracking was implemented and tested by me, this required the integration of many third party applications and several export feeds generated multiple times daily.
  • Development of algorithms to measure and compare the articles relevance based on multiple factors like offer, free shipping and many more.

Environment: PHP MVC / MySQL / MariaDB / OXID Framework / Smarty / HTML5 / CSS3 / jQuery / Foundation Framework, AngularJS, BackboneJS and ReackJS


Software Architect


  • Project planning, Kanban board creation and definition of steps of development.
  • Suggestion of many features to best suit the needs to manage complex projects within the system following the standards of the different methodologies.
  • Creation of the Kanban board module, including draggable items, responsive columns and shared time tracking functionality.
  • Infrastructure setting including server configuration with multiple libraries that make it possible to match nodeJS with PHP.
  • Developed Widgets using JavaScript(AngularJS), jQuery, JSON, XML, HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Implementation of a reverse Ajax calls started from the server to the client through Socket.IO to allow the user to see in real-time what their peers are working on.
  • UsedReactJSto create custom components for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format. DevelopedReactJSforms to manipulate text within HTML5 views.
  • Configuration of a queue ticketing system for internal communication between the browsers and the server.
  • Normalized database design using MySQL Workbench to create the E/R designs and database specification.
  • GIT repositories configuration with autodeployments to the server that allowed for a faster development and debugging cycle.
  • Definition of framework to use and templating usage. This allowed a faster development cycle and granted us dozens of visually amazing tools at our reach.
  • Dashboard creation with real-time graphs.
  • Creation of a forecasting module based on the number and complexity assigned to each ticket and the project’s history to forecast the end of the project.
  • Creation of Use cases using UML to determine the possible escenarios and expected outputs that line up with the customer’s needs
  • Designed and maintained web forms and validations in PHP code. Implemented a series of upgrades to global forms that gave more stability and security to the info processed.
  • Third-party API integrations using PHP and JSON to display external information and access of services.
  • UI/UX design and development using Javascript, jQuery, ajax and CSS3
  • Theme system allowing the user for dozens of variations including full responsive mode, fixed-widht, color schemes, wide/narrow/top menu bar, background textures, and color schemas.
  • Front End development with HTML5 and CSS3 with responsive design based on Bootstrap 3.2 for adaptation to mobile browsers
  • User level security with adapting menus and funciontalities.

Environment: PHP / MySQL / Socket.io / NodeJS / MongoDB / Memcache / HTML5 / CSS3 / jQuery / AJAX, Bootstrap 3.2, AngularJS


Senior Web UI/PHP Developer


  • Development of 100% of the first version of the system, including server setup, database design, code implementation and documentation.
  • Project planning of the second version with dozens of improvements.
  • Worked focused on MVP (Minimum Viable Product) of new requirements to facilitate faster feedback from the customer since this was a multi-location/multi-dependency environment, otherwise things would have become messy way, way faster.
  • Implementation of GIT versioning control around the middle stage development of the version 2.0.
  • Front end design using responsive framework HTML Kickstart with html5, CSS3, jQuery, ajax, jQuery UI, datatables.
  • Creation of the first geolocation system with basic capabilities in filter, and marker clustering options.
  • Databases creation under normalization and naming standards.
  • Setting up of an external file server to increase the capacity of the server and response time.
  • Analysis and aggregation of the cities diagnostics, distilled from over 30 government databases that accounted for a database including over 2 million records and that served to generate over 200 different statistical diagnostics with over 50 pages each. I was also responsible for the creation of the system that generated all those PDF files in bulk.
  • Integration and configuration of a Ticket Support System with email piping capabilities to allow users to open and follow up tickets all within their email inboxes.
  • Role and permissions system for custom access and easy control for 19 different user types and over 20 large modules, all with their own submodules.
  • Design and implementation of a control system to allow the applications to move through 17 different states and be assigned always to the right person. This was a critical step that allowed all the flow to look effortless and as simple as possible.

Environment: PHP / MySQL/ HTML5 / CSS3 / jQuery / Responsive design


Lead System Analyst


  • Documentation of the modules in the system including planning, charts, technical documentation, databases definition, technical design.
  • Definition of testing and deployment stages including server requirements and creation of master data.
  • Creation of technical diagrams of the system including use cases and screen designs.
  • Talking with the customer to receive and uncover necessities that later will become part of the system.
  • Presenting the modules and laying out results.
  • Helping other analyst to best align their designs and documentation to standards.
  • Present results to the whole team in an easy manner
  • Lead a team of 10 analysts

Environment: PHP, GIT version control, MySQL, Javascript, CSS 3.0, HTML 5


Web Master


  • Setup of over 50 blogs using wordpress mainly (other software used include joomla, phpBB, vBulletin, and others).
  • Receive requirements from the sales team and best define the way the pages will be created.
  • Maintain high communication with the design team to create custom graphics that match the themes used for the websites and represent the client requirements.
  • The first years we made many projects based on Macromedia Flash (later Adobe Flash) version 4, 5, MX, MX 2006, 8. Those included from basic banners, interactives, 3d representations, custom animations, frame to frame animations, and dozens of other applications.
  • I personally setup over 150 facebook fan pages with custom landing pages and some with custom applications like shopping catalogue, contest, contact forms, fan-only content, time sensitive offers, and many more.
  • Communication with the Mobile Application Development (ios and android) team to integrate the games and application requested by customers.

Environment: PHP, MySQL, HTML 4/5 CSS 2/3, JavaScriptjQuery, jQuery UI, DataTablesWordpress, Joomla, osCommerce, PrestaShop, Magento, PHPBB, vBulletin, Aweber, GetResponseFacebook Development, FBML, Trello, Asana, Photoshop, SublimeText, cPanel

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