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Ui/mean /full Stack Developer Resume

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Orlando -, FL


  • Around 9 years of extensive experience in the field of Web Applications development using HTML 4.01/5, CSS (2/3), XHTML, JavaScript, JQUERY, Angular JS, Node JS, Express JS, JSON, JAVA, J2EE.
  • 4+ years of experience in Mean Stack (Mongo DB, Express JS, Angular JS, Node JS)
  • Expertise in creating the user validations forms and using the RESTful services for sending the data to the server.
  • Worked on AWS to integrate the picture files to the UI and worked for the backend development using Node.js and Mongo DB.
  • Good knowledge of MVC and Flux architectural pattern and its implementation in user interfaces.
  • Working experience on integrating back - end technologies (Node JS) with JavaScript frameworks (Angular JS) and JQuery by using AJAX and JSON.
  • Expertise in AngularJSframework and its ability to create simple and scalable code for SPA.
  • Expertise in using Angular JS directives, Controllers, Filters, Services, Temples, Events and Injectors.
  • Good experience in creation of angular custom directives Filters and Services.
  • Used Angular modules like Angular-animate, Angular-Cookies, Angular-Filter, Angular-Mocks, Angular - Resource, Angular- Route, Angular-Sanitize, Angular-Touch and Angular-Ui-Bootstrap.
  • Used Node Package Manager (NPM) to manage the modules and used it to install useful tools such as Grunt, Express, underscore.js, require.js, crypto.js, passport.js, mongoose, mongo.js, body-parser, bcrypt.js and socket.io.
  • Extensive use ofNodeJS, ExpressJS, and Mongo DB along with Mongoose.JSto create server side applications
  • Expertise in working on AWS to integrate the Server and Client side code
  • Experience on working with CSS background, layouts, lists and links, Positioning, Float, Align, Pseudo-class, Pseudo Elements, Dimension, Box model, texts, borders, margin, padding, and tables.
  • Worked on writing grunt, gulp tasks for build scripts, minified and bundled the JavaScript code.
  • Working knowledge of Jasmine, Karma, Protractor, Chai, Mocha JavaScript unit testing frameworks.
  • Good Understanding of RDBMS through Database Design, writing queries and stored procedures using databases like Oracle 10g, MySQL and SQL Server.
  • Experience in CSS3 properties for gradient, border radius, and animation.
  • Experienced in writing Server Side Components - Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) Session and Entity Beans, Remote Method Invocation (RMI) for distributed computing applications, access remote servers and invoking database with Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).
  • Experience with creating and reviewing UI design specifications, prototype development, and conducting usability tests to ensure quality assurance.
  • Knowledge on Microservices architecture.
  • Worked onCreating Security Roles, Micro Strategy User Groups and Users, assigning security roles to Users and Groups.
  • Involved in developing Servlet based services for cross region system communication.
  • MicroStrategy scripting for automated reporting object deployment.
  • Extensive experience in designing and developing enterprise applications for J2EE platform using MVC, JAVA, JDBC/ODBC, JSP, Servlet, Struts, EJB, Hibernate, Java Mail, JNDI, Apache Ant.
  • Experience in the user interface with Rich Internet Applications (RIA's) using with web authoring tools and IDEs for development like Eclipse, IntelliJ, Web Storm, Brackets, Sublime and Net Beans.
  • Good experience in Testing (Unit Testing, Regression Testing, System Testing and Sanity Testing)
  • Experience in configuration management systems like SVN and GIT-HUB and experience in both Waterfall & Agile development methodologies.


UI Web Technologies: HTML, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, XHTML, XML, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, JSON, Twitter Bootstrap, Angular JS,Express JS, Node.js

Languages: JAVA, Servlets 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, JSP 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, JDBC 4.0, AJAX, Web Services, REST, SOAP

IDE, HTML Editor: Eclipse IDE, Web Strom, Web Matrix, Notepad++, Adobe Dreamweaver

Web/App Servers: Apache Tomcat 5.0.25, HTTP Web Server, JBoss.

Database: MONGO DB, Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g, SQL Server 2000, 2005 & 2008; IIS 6.0/7.0, My Sql

Operating Systems: Windows NT Server/9x/2000/XP/Windows 7/8

Methodologies: Agile, Rational Unified Process (RUP), UML


Confidential, Orlando - FL

UI/Mean /Full Stack Developer


  • Good experience in developing web applications with Single Page Applications (SPAs) framework using AngularJS.
  • Involved in developing the UI layout and front end programming as per requirement.
  • Daily programming with Bootstrap, Angular, Node.JS, and Express.
  • Experience in developing applications using Angular JS -Bootstrap like Grids, Toolbars, Panels, Combo-Box and Button.
  • Designed and developed the layouts using CSS 3, Box model and HTML 5.
  • Defined and developed the presentation layer of the application using HTML5, CSS 3and Ajax.
  • Produced content pages with CSS 3layout and style markup presentations and also used JavaScript methods and properties.
  • Used AngularJS Http Request to read data from web servers and process JSON data to render in the UI.
  • Built Angularjs 2components, UI services to consume rest services using Component based architecture provided by Angular 2.
  • Worked on Angular JS directives, Controllers, Filters, Services, temples, Events and Injectors.
  • Have created the angular custom directives, Filters and Services.
  • Angular 2 can be used to increase the speed and performance of the applications.
  • Worked on Angular JS, which combines web applications with Model View Controller capability to make development and testing of code efficient.
  • If an application is a heavy load, then Angular 2 keeps it fully UI responsive.
  • Angular 2 makes server side rendering for fast views on mobile.
  • Created TypeScript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by Angular 2.
  • Used Express Framework to set up middleware to respond to the HTTP requests with the help of Node JS.
  • Implemented Angular 2 component router for navigation.
  • Implemented Angular 2 services to connect the web application to back-end APIs.
  • Implemented modules into Node JS to integrate with designs and requirements.
  • Developed scalable applications using the MEAN (Mongo-DB + Express.JS + Angular.JS + Node.JS) stack and created POC's for rest service development using Node.JS, Express.JS and MongoDB.
  • Developed a build upgrade application with Swingfor development teams involving tasks like database upgrade replacing command line interface maximally.
  • Extensively worked on Node Package Manager (NPM) to manage the modules and used it to install useful tools such as Grunt, Express, underscore.js, require.js, crypto.js, passport.js, mongoose, body-parser.
  • Developing CSS Style for web page using LESS Structure and implemented routing and SPA application using Angular.js.
  • TypeScript has the ability to compile down to a version of JavaScript that runs on all browsers.
  • Typescript makes easy to support the developer productivity with tooling.
  • Developed REST services using Node-JS, Express-JS, Body-Parser, Mongoose, Underscore-JS and other node modules to serve the web application with JSON data.
  • As a backend developer I was responsible for creating RESTFUL Web Services using Node.js & Express.js
  • Created various Mongo-DB collections and wrote services to store and retrieve user data from the application.
  • Wrote test cases, created specs, page objects and undergone End-to-End testing for whole application using Protractor for AngularJS on Node-JS command line
  • Developed JavaScript and optimized existing scripts for efficiency.
  • With responsive design to create one well-planned site to deliver an optimized experience in context to each device or screen size.
  • Applied optimization techniques to reduce page size and load times to enhance user experience using sprites.
  • Worked onCreating Security Roles, Micro Strategy User Groups and Users, assigning security roles to Users and Groups.
  • Involved in developing Servlet based services for cross region system communication.
  • Interacted with Testing Team, Scrum Masters and Business Analysts for Fixing of Issues
  • Validated the code using W3C Mark-Up validation and also checked for the cross-browser compatibility using Cloud
  • Extensively worked with JavaScript cookies.
  • Used Object Oriented Programming concepts to develop UI components that could be reused across the Web Application
  • Redesigned user interface HTML frameworks with Bootstrap and refined CSS styling.
  • Initialized and loaded high charts in pure JavaScript form with in an angular controller.
  • Created web pages using Media Queries and Angular JS that cater to Android and IOS web platforms
  • Used Node.js NPM module Grunt to run tasks and build properly the project (compile, minify etc.)
  • Created Angular components like controllers, services, directives and forms to collect different user data and implemented form validation in Angular.js.
  • Used Jenkins for the build process to generate the rpm-build, Continuous integration and version control is done by GitHub.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Angular 2.0,TypeScript, Node.js, Express JS,Mongo DB,Grails, Bootstrap, NPM, Grunt, Jasmine, Mocha.js, JIRA, Jenkins, Maven, Git Hub, Web storm,Agile

Confidential, Tampa - FL

UI/Mean /Full Stack Developer


  • Worked on an Agile (Scrum) Development Team to deliver regular updates to business team and project managers.
  • Designed web application layout and form using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Used local Storage to store & retrieve insensitive user data during transition between the different pages
  • Involved designing in web pages using HTML 5, XHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, Angular.js,NodeJS, express.js, SASS, Mongo DB, Bootstrap3, Underscore.js.
  • Delivered Node.js and socket.ioreal-time socketcommunication video function.
  • Designed and developed an application for file sharing among remote hosts using socket programming.
  • Responsible to Style, look and feel of the web page with SASS that extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variable, mixing, operations and functions.
  • Using AngularJS, created custom directives for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format in UI.
  • Made extensive use of promises in AngularJS for application control flow.
  • Configured Webpack to execute linters, magnifiers, pre/post-processors, tests, transpilers, etc. based on build target.
  • Implemented Routers & History in Single Page App (SPA).
  • Developed multiple POCs to create an interface between Backend to Frontend by using MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js.
  • Worked with mongoose.jsfor database communication with MongoDB.
  • Implemented Angular UI router and replaced ng-route internal angular module.
  • Used Express Framework to set up middleware to respond to the HTTP requests with the help of Node.JS
  • Implemented modules into Node JS to integrate with designs and requirements.
  • Implemented client side Interface using Angualr.js and with use of Underscore JS for JavaScript templting, function binding, creating quick indexes (Did in two projects)
  • Developed Bootstrap responsive web application pages using Angular.JS services, controllers and directives for front end UI and consumed RESTful web service API.
  • Validate the Https request and response of the REST API using Postman which are generated by the node.js and express.js.
  • Configure and monitor numerous MongoDB and NoSQL instances. MongoDB Schema Design using DB Ref, Manual Ref, Embedded Data Model Design.
  • Responsible to for making the page’s dynamic using AJAX, JSON and JQuery.
  • Handled the status of the project in a timely manner in a clear and concise way.
  • Responsible for transforming design mock-ups to W3C standards compliant HTML pages usingHTML, XHTML, JSP, CSS.
  • Used HP Quality Center to keep track of outstanding bugs to reduce downtime, increase productivity, and improve communication.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript,Angular.js, Node.js, express.js, Mongo DB, Karma, Bootstrap, SASS Agile, SASS, Bower, GitHub, Firebug, REST web services, MYSQL server, Grunt, jasmine, Web Matrix, HP Quality Center.

Confidential, Louisville - KY

UI/Mean /Full Stack Developer


  • Worked on an Agile (Scrum) Development Team to deliver regular updates to business team and project managers.
  • Experience in full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that includes Analyzing, Designing, Coding, Testing, implementation & Production Support
  • Web application designing and development using HTML, CSS and AngularJS, handle services in Node and database in SQL server.
  • Designed the Web application layout and forms using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Worked with business analysts to understand their business models and goals and help define strategy, content, and features.
  • Created and deployed new features to sustain and amend existing applications under MVC pattern using Node.JS, Angular, Bootstrap and Express.
  • Developed the backend by using nodejs, express and MongoDB
  • Developed multiple POCs to create an interface between Backend to Frontend by using MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js
  • Converted PSD mockups into pure hand-written HTML and CSS pages.
  • Manage the development for all phases of the UI web application development from requirements gathering, cross browser testing, and production deployment.
  • Used JavaScript for adding little functionality to the existing application (calendar, tooltips, hiding elements, etc.)
  • Handled all the client side validations, slide show, hide and show controls, dropdown menus and tab navigation using Angular JS
  • Using AngularJS, created custom directives for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format in UI.
  • Developed web page using Angular JS components like controllers, routers, NG app etc.
  • Used Unix Commands for manipulating the data in deployment phase.
  • Created Angular Controller which Isolate scopes perform operations in UI.
  • Designed the Web application layout and forms using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Analyzed business requirements, participated in technical design, development and testing of various modules assigned.
  • Involved in Design, Prototyping, Typography, usability and in collecting the wireframes required for designing the responsive web design pages.
  • Responsible for creating RESTFUL Web Services to serve data to the front-end application in JSON format
  • Co-ordinate with QA for testing, Production releases, Application deployment and integration
  • Developed unit tests using Karma with karma-ng-scenario plug-in.
  • Implemented Model View Controller (MVC) architecture using Struts framework.
  • Involved in Production Support and minor enhancements as per application requirements.
  • Developed the administrative UI using Angular.js and Node.js,
  • Accessed functions in webserver using Restful web-services.
  • Used Node JS for heavy DOM manipulation.
  • Used APIs design pattern for data access through service calls and used spring framework in the application.
  • Used GitHub UI, Git bash to commit, changes to the repository for maintaining various versions of the agile process.
  • Supported in fixing production bugs

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Express JS, Angular JS,NodeJS, Mongo DB, SQL, JQuery, Handlebars, RWD, Eclipse, WebMatrix, Web Strom, JSP,, MS Office, HP Quality Center, GitHub and Jenkins


Web/ UI Developer


  • Handled all the client side validations, slide show, hide and show controls, dropdown menus and tab navigation usingJQUERY.
  • Responsible for transforming design mock-ups to W3C standards compliant HTML pages usingHTML, XHTML, JSP, CSS.
  • Involved in developing the UI pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, jQuery, and AJAX also interfaced with third-party vendors to customize UI/UX solutions for web verticals.
  • Developed front end along with pages for user interactions and for the entire website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Expertise in developing GUI based application with JavaApplets and Swings.
  • Developed UX design patterns (interaction patterns, navigational patterns) and Used jQuery and AJAX for service calls on pages to interact with the server for information.
  • Used AJAX, JSON to send request to the server to check the functionality of the website. Testing the website on multiple browsers with their old as well as latest release.
  • Developed page layouts, navigation and presented designs and concepts to the clients and the management to review.
  • Redesigned the existing site and to create new interfaces using Eclipse/Notepad++ as editor for designing pages.
  • Debug the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Nodes using DOM and DOM Functions using Firefox and IE Developer Tool bar for IE and was responsible for website development and deployment on Apache Tomcat.
  • Created SQL queries to perform insert, update or delete operation on MySQL database.
  • Created and optimized graphic prototype websites and applications interfaces using HTML and CSS.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON and XML.
  • Implemented and designed user interface for web based customer application
  • Developed components to fetch the data from the back end using AJAX and jQuery and Used SVN for Version Control and analyze the response of JSON to update DOM.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, JSTL, XML, XHTML, Eclipse, Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, SVN, Adobe Photoshop CS5 and MS Office.


Java Developer


  • Implemented and designed user interface for web based customer application
  • Developed components to fetch the data from the back end using AJAX and jQuery and Used SVN for Version Control and also analyze the response of JSON in order to update DOM.
  • Analysis of the requirement stories. Design Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams.
  • Preparation of design strategy documents for all the impacted systems and Low level design for server
  • Used Spring Framework for Dependency injection and integrated with the Spring Web Flows.
  • Used Hibernate as ORM tool to store the persistence data into the DB2 database.
  • Involved in writing SQL & PL SQL - Stored procedures, functions, sequences, triggers, cursors, object types.
  • Involved in developing app using Spring MVC and also used other modules of Spring DI & AOP.
  • Involved in implementing Programmatic transaction management using AOP.
  • Used Hibernate with JPA for attaining Object Relational Mapping
  • Building, Deployment and Configuration Management of the source code to WAS servers.
  • Designed and developed authentication process by using OAuth2.
  • Code quality check using PMD.
  • Wrote JUNIT test cases to test the functionality of the code by using Mock Framework.
  • Used SOAP UI tool for testing web services connectivity.
  • Used Git Hub to Check-in and Checkout the code.
  • Used Log4j framework to log/track application.

Environment: Core Java, J2EE, CSS, Spring, Hibernate, HTML, XML, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, Angular JS, Bower, Gulp, EJB-3.0, Rational Software Architect (RSA), Mongo DB, WAS, Unix, REST Web Services, SOAP UI, Maven, Apache Tomcat Server, JUnit, Jenkins, Log4j, Check Style, PMD, Find bugs.

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