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Ui Developer Resume

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Sunnyvale, CA


  • Skilled IT Professional wif proven success in maintaining multiple e - projects & experience in implementing high performance user interfaces and web applications.
  • Around 6+ years of experience in developing the front end/web applications using HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, JSON, Node JS, AngularJS and ReactJS.
  • Specialized in development and implementation of Application, mobile and Web based Technology Solutions.
  • Experience in developing web pages in Responsive Design using Bootstrap and adapt to the changing environment.
  • Expertise in working wif the JavaScript, prototype JS and various MVC JavaScript frameworks AngularJS, React JS and Node.js.
  • Expertise in developing front-end of the applications using JavaScript, CSS, XML, HTML5, AngularJS and ReactJS.
  • Extensive experience in developing web page quickly and effectively using jQuery and also in making web pages cross browser compatible.
  • Thorough understanding of CSS principals wif a clear ideology for managing maintainable, scalable and cross-browser code.
  • Worked on Typography, Notifications, Timeout functions, cards, Dialogs, Forms, Tables, Switches, Icons, Dashboards, Widgets, Charts and buttons for developing Bootstrap 4 usingAngular2.
  • Created single Page Application wif loading multiple views using route services and adding more user experience to make dynamic by usingAngularJS2.0 framework and Node JS.
  • Worked onAngular2.0 by consuming RESTful web services & UsedAngular2.0 forms like Template Driven forms and Modern Driven (Reactive) forms to perform form validations both on server and client side.
  • Experience working on scalable environment using Agile/SCRUM, Test driven development (TDD) methodologies.
  • Ability to write well-documented, well-commented, clear and maintainable efficient code for web development.
  • Adapted Model-View-Controller (MVC) frameworks for developing web applications.
  • A result-oriented professional wif good communication, leadership, team management, analytical and coordination skills.
  • Expertise in implementing the business rules in different layers like UI, services and backend database.
  • Experience in all stages of testing namely Functional testing, Performance testing, Integration testing, Regression testing and User Acceptance testing.


Web Technologies: HTML 4.0/5, XHTML, CSS2/CSS3, JAVASCRIPT, JSP, JQuery, JSON, AJAX and AngularJS, ReactJS.

Framework: JQuery, AngularJS, Backbone JS, ReactJS

IDE & Tools: Eclipse2.x/3.x., NetBeans IDE 7.4,RAD 9.0.1

Application Server: Apache Tomcat 5.5/6.0, WebLogic Application Server, WebSphere

Languages: Java, SQL

Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8, Linux RHEL6/CentOS, Mac OS X


Confidential, Sunnyvale, CA

UI Developer


  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided byAngular2.
  • CreatedAngular2components, implemented Interpolation, input variables, Bootstrapping, ngFor, ngIf, Router Outlet, binding the click event, Component decorator, binding to the hidden property.
  • Involved in extensive HTML coding dat implements web applications, prototypes, user interface, and websites for clients.
  • Designed and Implemented the enhanced development platform by doing POC using frameworks likeAngular2, Node JS, Npm, Spring MVC REST API. Embedded new NPM build wif in maven build to reduce the impact of current build process and halp run builds seamlessly on the existing infrastructure.
  • Making validations, session maintaining using HTML5 validations and bootstrap session maintaining option.
  • Wrote extensive HTML, CSS (2/3) and JavaScript code to build dynamic pages using IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Coded pages wif best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques.
  • Participates in team meetings wif the UI team and the end user webmaster corporate clients to understand the needs of new implementation and participates in daily team meetings and weekly scrum meetings.
  • Used GIT for version control and RADAR for defect tracking.
  • Involved in Agile process, two week Sprints, and daily Scrums to discuss the development of the application.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Angular2, Gulp, GITLAB, IntelliJ IDEA, NPM.



  • Designed and implemented a lead discovery web application using Typescript,ReactJS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MVC, and Web API.
  • Utilized Swagger Module and Node.js for developing RESTful Web services.
  • Experienced in using Tag Management, Web Analytics and Metrics platforms like Adobe Analytics, Dynamic Tag Management (DTM), Webtrends, event tracking to capture website traffic and optimize.
  • Responsible for configuring and tracking performance reports from Adobe Analytics and organizing and formatting raw data in daily, weekly and monthly reports for metrics to be used to analyze current business performance.
  • Utilized Adobe analytics and Omniture in the quantitative a qualitative analysis of campaign performance.
  • Knowledge in using NPM, Gulp and Grunt for package management and installation.
  • Working wif ES6 features. Used Babel, webpack, React JSX presets.
  • Involved in all the stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Requirements, Analysis, Implementation, Integration, Testing and development.
  • Involved in redesigning the entire site wif CSS styles for consistent look and feel across all browsers and all pages.
  • Following Scrum methodology to track the project details and updating the development status everyday in the SCRUM.

Environment: HTML, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, Adobe Analytics, OO JavaScript, React JS, Node Js, webpack, Ajax, JSON, JSP, JQuery,React, DOM,GITLAB,IntelliJ IDEA, NPM.

Confidential, San Francisco, CA

UI Developer


  • Designed a responsive website using Bootstrap grid system to layout contents dat fit different devices including mobile, tablet and desktop using HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, CSS3 preprocessor styling LESS, Bootstrap and AngularJS.
  • Developed single page web application using JavaScript framework AngularJS.
  • Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop up Screens.
  • Played a vital role in defining, implementing and enforcing quality practices in the team organization to ensure internal controls, quality and compliance policies and standards.
  • Used Angular.js framework where data from backend is stored in model and populated it to UI.
  • Established basic website structure using ReactJS framework and web-pack module bundler.
  • Build stable React components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages
  • Implemented AJAX functionality using jQUERY, JSON and XML.
  • Unit testing of application at development phase to make sure of the functionality on different devices using Jasmine in AngularJS.
  • Developing CSS Style for web page using LESS Structure.
  • Making validations, session maintaining using HTML5 validations and bootstrap session maintaining option.
  • Wrote extensive HTML, CSS (2/3) and JavaScript code to build dynamic pages using IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Coordinated wif the teams for QA and issue tracking and bug fixing.
  • Tested pages for cross-browser compatibility for Safari, Chrome, Firefox and IE by cross browser hacks and requirements.
  • Ran the standalone front end application in Gulp task runner.
  • Participates in team meetings wif the UI team and the end user webmaster corporate clients to understand the needs of new implementation and participates in daily team meetings and weekly scrum meetings.
  • Identified the way to increase the search engine optimization (SEO) and social media friendly.
  • Used GIT for version control and JIRA for defect tracking.
  • Involved in Agile process, two week Sprints, and daily Scrums to discuss the development of the application.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, AngularJS, AJAX, Gulp, Jasmine, Protractor, GIT, IntelliJ IDEA, NPM, JIRA.

Confidential, Minneapolis,MN

UI Developer


  • Developed all the UI pages using HTML5, CSS3, JSON, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax and AngularJS MVC framework.
  • Designed and developed ReactJS component required for the project
  • Implemented content switching using ReactJS routing and fetched data through asynchronous call.
  • Developed single page web application using JavaScript framework AngularJS.
  • Used Angular.js framework where data from backend is stored in model and populated it to UI.
  • Converted data from database into JSON or XML format files and retrieve useful information using AJAX calls to display them on the browser.
  • Worked closely wif backend engineers implementing RESTful services into the front-end.
  • Developed a Responsive Web Design version based on Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Develop, debug, and profile cross platform, accessible, and responsive web-based sites and applications for multiple devices using Bootstrap.
  • Implemented RWD to our design & development process increasing conversion rates by 400%.
  • Responsible for setting up AngularJS framework for UI development. Developed HTML Views wif HTML5, CSS3, JSON, AngularJS and RequireJS.
  • Used Bootstrap and AngularJS in effective web design.
  • Create complex JIRA workflows including project workflows, screen schemes, permission scheme and notification schemes in JIRA.
  • Debug the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Nodes using DOM and DOM Functions.
  • Utilized SASS preprocessing for resilient and more maintainable CSS styling and sprites.
  • Used Node.js as a proxy to interact wif Rest services and also interacting wif Database.
  • Extensively used the build tools like GRUNT and Jenkins.
  • Expertise in using source code control systems such as GitHub, SVN.
  • Successfully executed the entire test cases and fixed any bugs/issues identified during the test cycles using Jasmine/Selenium.

Environment: HTML5/HTML, CSS3/CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, JSP, JSON, DOM, AngularJS, bootstrap, MVC, Adobe Fireworks, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, AJAX, XML

Confidential, Appleton, WI

Web/UI Developer


  • Responsible for the overall layout design, color scheme of the website using HTML5, XHTML and CSS3 and Responsible for creating detailed wireframes and process flows.
  • Primarily use a custom CanJS library to build an internal library application Legal team utilizing the standard MVC pattern.
  • Created usability prototypes for the UI screens using AngularJS, JavaScript and jQuery
  • Developed different jQuery component in MVC micro architecture framework which internally use various design pattern such as singleton, command, delegate, etc.
  • Developed UI using HTML5, CSS3, ExtJS, Bootstrap, jQuery, AngularJS and JSP for interactive cross browser functionality and complex user interface.
  • Involved in designing and implementing Web2.0 Rich UI for the Self-service Application using jQuery Ajax framework and Widget based JavaScript programmed model.
  • Developed HTML prototypes and UI deliverables, such as wireframes, flowcharts, screen mock-ups, and interface design specifications.
  • Designed Front end wif in object oriented JavaScript Framework like AngularJS, Node.js and Ext JS.
  • Using Twitter Bootstrap, Angular Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3 for Layout and Design.
  • Worked on prototypes for Responsive design.
  • Used Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flex for implementing application and designing graphics and images.
  • Wrote extensive HTML, CSS and JavaScript code to build dynamic pages using Eclipse
  • Designed DOM based interactive to reprogram selected links and adopted WCAG 2.0 standards for HTML and XHTML and W3C standards for CSS as well.
  • Worked upon the dashboard for the project which contained a variety of charts and drag gable components using JQUERY UI Library.
  • Used AJAX for implementing part of the functionality for Customer Registration, View Customer information modules.
  • Used agile methodology for the software development.

Environment: HTML5, HTML4.01, CSS3/CSS2, JavaScript, jQuery, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Node.js AJAX, JSON, ExtJS, AngularJS, Bootstrap


Web/UI Developer


  • Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML, DHTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Coded extensively in jQuery to make rich internet web pages and created custom date picker on the website.
  • Developed mockups and prototypes using HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery and AngularJS.
  • Experience in cross browser compatibility check and thoroughly performed unit testing and integration testing.
  • Created and optimized graphic prototype websites and applications interfaces using HTML and CSS.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact wif APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON and XML.
  • Implemented and designed user interface for web based customer application.
  • Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop up Screens.
  • Developed JSP pages using JSTL and Struts specific tag libraries.
  • Developed Action Classes and configured Struts 2.0 framework.
  • Implemented proof of concepts of Spring MVC.
  • Designed business applications using web technologies like HTML, XHTML, and CSS based on the W3C standards.
  • Re-designing/ developing the main website to improve user experience and add new functionality.
  • Worked on the website from start to finish to give it a new look using HTML5/CSS/JavaScript.
  • Responsible for creating the screens wif table-less designs meeting W3C standards.
  • Involved in extensive HTML coding.
  • Developed CSS styles to maintain the uniformity of all the screens throughout the application and positioning of screen objects.
  • Developed page layouts, navigation, animation buttons and icons.
  • Applied industry best practices and standards when project requirements are lagging.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, MySQL and Windows XP.


JavaScript Developer


  • Designed and developed Web pages using HTML, CSS and XML.
  • Developed data insertion forms and validated them using JavaScript.
  • Validated input values to make sure dat they will be accepted before they are submitted to the server.
  • Used JavaScript to update a portion of a web page thus reducing bandwidth usage and load time and add modal dialog in web pages to get user input and requests.
  • Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop up Screens.
  • Developed JSP pages using JSTL and Struts specific tag libraries.
  • Developed Action Classes and configured Struts 2.0 framework.
  • Implemented proof of concepts of Spring MVC.
  • Worked closely wif third party vendors.
  • Ensured dat all components of the application are platform and browser compatible.

Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, jQuery, JSP, Agile methodology.

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