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Sr. Ios Developer Resume

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Herndon, VA


  • Results - oriented software developer with 8+ years of experience in developing Rich User Interface applications, integrating with various Databases and Client-Server applications.
  • 4+ years of expertise in iPhone/iPad application development using Objective-C, Swift, Cocoa Touch, Xcode.
  • Experience with Interface Builder, Instruments, Mobility Tester and Static Analyzer including development, debugging, profiling, optimizing, and build process
  • Implemented a new logging framework by replacing teh existing framework which enables more insight in to teh logs at teh time of bug fixing
  • Hands on experience in Network protocols, Mac/Pc to iPhone data syncing
  • Good working experience with teh RESTful APIs to consume web services in both JSON as well as XML formats by using parsers such as NSXML Parser and NS JSON Serialization, parsing with both SBJson and LibXML
  • Strong noledge in implementing Core Frameworks - UIKit, Core Data, MapKit, Core Location, Core Graphics.
  • Proficient in source control with Git, SVN, Mercurial.
  • Experience managing application flow using Storyboard and XIB files.
  • Used XML parser, JSON, CSV to retrieve data for display on teh iPhone/iPad from server, created and customized Views, Table Views, Collection views, action sheets, segmented controls, Tab Bars and Navigation Bars.
  • Experience in application and web development with emphasis on HTML/ HTML5, XHTML, DHTML, XML, CSS 2/3, AJAX, DOM, JavaScript, jQuery, and JAVA technology.
  • Expert in working with cutting edge front-end technologies/ framework and libraries like JQuery, Prototype, XHTML, DHTML, OO JavaScript, JSON, DOM, CSS, XML/XSLT, AJAX.
  • Experience in designing websites with W3C standards using HTML4/ 5, CSS2/ 3 to get best cross-browser user experience for long-term user retention and engagement.
  • Professional in creating Templates, Mockups and Prototypes, Web Interfaces, Layouts and Flow of Future Pages.
  • Working Experience in implementation of teh SDLC process with different project management methodologies including Agile and Scrum.
  • Good understanding of Memory Management: ARC and non-ARC in iOS development.
  • Developed teh applications as per specs. This included core development using various iOS frameworks and test drive development using framework.
  • Capable of analyzing teh business requirements, software requirement specifications, functional design documents to write technical design documents and unit test plans.
  • Proficient in programming languages & Web Technologies such as C, C#, CSS, XML, PHP, HTML, Java, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS3.
  • Worked on MVC design architecture, cocoa design patterns and concepts like delegation, protocols and categories.
  • Understanding of Apple iPhone App store requirements, HIGs, iTunes Connect, iOS Provisioning Portal (Certificates, App IDs, Provisioning and Distribution) and testing on real device.
  • Experience on NS Operation threads, GCD and blocks to perform multi-threaded development.
  • Worked with UI Design on Storyboard and interface builder.
  • Coordinated with teh QA team during teh process of making teh code move to staging server and testing teh application for teh several test cases and defect testing.
  • Excellent communication, organizational skills, attention to detail and teh ability to meet tight deadlines.
  • Experience in implementation of teh SDLC process with different project management methodologies including Agile.


Programming Skills: Swift, Objective-c, C,C++,C#, Java, JavaScript

Mobile Operating System: IOS,WINDOWS MOBILE, IPad

Web Technologies: HTML 4/5,CSS 2/3, J Query, Angular JS, PHP

Operating System: Mac OSX, Windows XP, Windows 7, Linux.

Database: SQ lite, Core data, Microsoft SQL, Mongo Db

Scripting Language: Linux / UNIX Internals, JSON,SOAP, REST

Frame Works: UIkit, Map Kit, Cocoa Touch, AV Foundation, Core Data


Confidential - Herndon, VA

Sr. iOS developer


  • Used teh Image Kit framework where images can crop or annotations can apply.
  • Created models in MVC and delegation for updating model information.
  • Worked on Xcode 6, Objective-C, Cocoa pods, Mac Yosemite & Mavericks for developing teh Share builder by native IOS application for iPhone
  • Improved teh print settings and image editing options to customize as per end user.
  • Working in redesigning and implementing using swift.
  • Integrated different SDK's and API's where teh documents can access from E-mails and drives to take print.
  • Consumed web service calls using JSON parsing included in teh project.
  • Developed Navigations between views using UI Navigation Controller.
  • Created Table Views to list different printers nearby available and can choose teh necessary printer by teh user.
  • Worked on UI Document Interaction Controller where teh policies related documents can view by customers.
  • Added animations between UIViews for smooth transitioning.
  • Worked on UI Print Interaction Controller where teh instances represent a print job.
  • Involved in code reviews with co developers and testers and resolved 100% of issues.
  • Improved teh performance of teh application by proper memory management using multi-threading.
  • Integrated teh third party library files with help of CocoaPods.
  • Followed teh agile methodologies to implement teh application.
  • During development of project, tracked teh issues using JIRA
  • Fixed teh critical bugs and improved teh response of teh application.
  • Each task of teh development worked in sprints and accomplished teh tasks within deadlines.
  • Participated in daily stand up and grooming meetings.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams in testing and development.

Environment: iOS 9.0, XCode8.x, core data, objective-c, swift, storyboard, foundation framework, UIKit framework, MVC design pattern, JSON, auto layout.

Confidential -Winston-Salem NC

iOS Application Developer


  • Responsible for tech design and architecture of teh project and working with user experience design team, business analysts, and clients to create teh needed requirements artifacts.
  • Designed teh application's architecture using MVC, Singleton and Delegation design patterns.
  • Extensive use of singleton and web service response classes for storing of data.
  • Involved in designing teh database architecture using Core Data framework.
  • Implemented swipe gestures using UI Gesture Recognizer to allow smooth transition between screens.
  • Built iPhone Application dat uses UI Table View Controller, UI Tab Bar, UI Navigation Controllers, UI Image View.
  • Integrated iPhone application with applications across all aspects of teh client: performance, memory management, debugging.
  • Multi-Threaded some of teh tasks like downloading images, utilization Logging in iOS by running tasks in a separate thread using GCD blocks and NSOperation Queue for optimizing teh performance.
  • Used JSON Parsing and have excellent noledge of it.
  • Created Custom UI Table View cells with different styles to accommodate teh UX/UI requirements.
  • Consumed JSON web service to fetch teh data, reformatted teh data to group teh departments under a parent product group and bind it to teh customized Table View.
  • Worked on iPhone SDK and Internet connection Protocols.
  • Upgraded to storyboards and given ARC support to improve performance and source code organization.
  • Heavy use of API calls deeply revolving around teh use of JSON responses and encrypted data.
  • Developed unit tests for testing specific functionality and logic.
  • Fixed bugs as documented by QA team.
  • Used Instruments to fine tune teh app performance and memory management.
  • Formatted teh Data as per Business rule to display in UI.
  • Created notifications to detect teh autorotation in teh customized sub views.
  • Followed a work data flow principle for design and development.
  • Worked closely within a cross functional team of testers and developers.
  • Worked with GDB and Xcode for debugging.
  • Worked with Subversion to checkout and update teh codebase changes.
  • Followed scrum methodology, an agile development model with 30 day sprints.

Environment: iOS 7.0/8.0, iPhone, Mac OS X, Objective C, Xcode 6.x/7.x, Cocoa Touch Framework, Core Graphics, JSON, Agile Scrum Methodology, SVN.

Confidential - Phoenix, AZ

iOS Developer


  • Implemented all of teh screen designs decided upon according to teh requirements.
  • Designed teh registration screen of teh application where teh user can enter teh user name and password.
  • Designed an app dat was engaging and easy to use.
  • Responsible for Creating Models and Services in conformance with teh WSDL's provided.
  • Responsible for Service Integration Development and Testing.
  • Web services deployment and testing on rest client.
  • Created teh complete database using Core Data.
  • Created a custom UI Application class and edited main.m to track if teh screen was at all tapped in order to confirm if teh app was in active use, usage was to lock teh app by logging out after certain time passing. Used App Delegate to also tell if teh app had been in teh background for over 5 min.
  • Experience on Map kit and Core Location.
  • Quartz core to make custom drawing and shading on certain layers, top navigation bar was custom shading.
  • Worked extensively on table view controller and made customized table view cells according to teh client requirement.
  • Pre-fetching data for different views for smooth screen transitioning.
  • Followed a work data flow principle for design and development.
  • Worked closely within a cross functional team of testers and developers.
  • Worked on web service calls, XML and JSON parsing included in teh project.

Environment: iOS 6.0 iPhone SDK, Mac OS X, Objective C, XCode 5.x, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa framework, JavaScript, JQuery, Adobe CS5 Suite (Photoshop, Dreamweaver), MapKit, Core Location, AV Foundation

Confidential - Oklahoma City

iOS Application Developer


  • Involved in understanding teh business, current process and requirements.
  • Worked with teh project manager to support project plans and appropriate resource and time allocation.
  • Conducting code reviews for teh development team.
  • Worked extensively on table view controller and made customized table view cells according to teh client requirement.
  • Used NSXML- parser for parsing after downloading data from server using RESTFul calls.
  • Used Core data Framework for local storage purpose in SQLite in few primary projects.
  • Worked extensively with Objective C and cocoa frameworks including Core data, foundation, core animation and UIKit.
  • Integrated various Restful Web services call to application using asynchronous NSURL calls and NS URL Session for background downloading.
  • Test suite creation and maintenance in SOAP UI PRO.
  • Designed and developed teh Touch Screen UI for iPad using HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Followed Agile Methodology in developing teh enterprise application.
  • Worked with Photoshop CS5 for image editing and alterations.
  • Worked with UI Framework for teh applications at hand.
  • Provide ongoing maintenance of programs and interfaces.
  • Assist in teh development of user guides and training documentation.

Environment: iOS 5.0, Mac OS X 10.6.x, Objective C, Xcode4.x, XML, Agile Methodology, HTML5, CSS, SOAP, JavaScript, jQuery.


Android Application Developer


  • Used theAndroidSDK and related APIs for teh mobile application.
  • Designed Front Page and Categories section screens using Photoshop.
  • Handled user sessions and populated user information on teh screen.
  • Used SQLite database for storing items.
  • Bright Cove API was used for video streaming in teh application.
  • Used JDBC for database connectivity and data retrieval.
  • Used JSON for easy data storage and exchange.
  • Used GIT for Version Control System.
  • Used Content Provider to switch from one activity to other activity easily.
  • Used Menus and Views to view, display and search teh items list.
  • Involved in System Testing using JUnit testing framework.
  • Testing of teh application in Android Emulator and few Android based mobile phones
  • Used background Services to continuously check for incoming messages even after application shut down.
  • Used several types of views in teh form, including Date Pickers and dynamic Spinners.
  • Develop projects in teh area of multimedia web service oriented solutions, management system, logistics using Google maps and Sensors.

Environment: AndroidEclipse, SDK, JDK, SQLite database, Content Providers.


C C++ Developer


  • Analysis of teh Functional Specifications and Business Requirements.
  • Prepared Design and Development Deliverables.
  • Worked on teh Low Level and High Level Design Documents.
  • Designed and developed solutions using C, C++, Multi-Threaded, Shell Scripting.
  • Using IBM Rational ClearCase as code repository and IBM Rational ClearQuest as Defect management system.
  • Working on teh development of a cloud based multi-media applications streaming platform using C++ and Java under Linux environment.
  • Using Oracle SQL Developer for Database Activities.
  • Peer reviews of teh Design and Source Code (C, C++, and Shell Scripts).
  • Developed and Executed teh Module Test Cases on Unit and Integration Testing environments.
  • Worked on Support System Testing, Acceptance (UAT) Testing and Production changes.
  • Debugging and Troubleshooting production issues.
  • Work as a product client team developer on a variety of platforms including Windows, UNIX and Linux distribution using C.
  • Designed, coded, implemented and tested new features and modules for teh derivatives system as part of an Agile team.
  • Specified, prototyped, developed and tested an object-oriented, multiplatform C++ framework containing support to: data structures, common algorithms sockets, threading.
  • Successfully collaborated with cross-functional teams in design and development of software features for enterprise satellite networks using C/C++
  • Modified C++ programs to support compliance rule automation for a large number of compliance rules for client accounts for both pre and post trade compliance purposes and manage leverage using a large number of metrics like industry exposure, security type, long/short positions, currency / securities / options / futures, credit ratings etc.

Environment: C, C++, TCP/IP Sockets, STL, Red Hat Linux, POSIX threads, HP Unix, rpm, C/K/Bourne/bash shells, Perl, SVN

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