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Senior React.js Developer Resume

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Eden Prairie, MN


  • Extensive 10+ years of professional experience in experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), including design, implementation, integration, maintenance, testing and documenting of various web - based, Enterprise, Client/Server and Distributed applications using ReactJS, Redux, React HOC, React Observables, React Promises, Axios, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Angular.JS, Node.JS and XML.
  • Extensive experience in all teh phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dat includes Requirement Gathering, Analysis, Design, Development, Integration, Maintenance and Testing of various client/server and N-tier web applications in Agile and Scrum Methodologies.
  • Extensive experience in developing and designing user experiences of applications using ReactJS, Redux, React HOC, React Observables, React Promises, Axios, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Angular.JS, Node.JS, XML, SASS, LESS, ES6, Saga, Thunk, Webpack, Flex, JQuery, JSON, Ajax, Responsive web design (RWD), JQUERY and Bootstrap.
  • Expertise in ReactJS and working wif React Flux architecture.
  • Professional experience in Web Design and Developing User Interface using Technologies like HTML/HTML5, CSS, /CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, Karma, JSON, AJAX, RESTful Services, Redux, GIT, SVN, React, React Native, Typescript, Webpack.
  • Expertise in UI/Front-End Development, designing, testing and implementing web applications. Implementation of cross browsing techniques and UI testing as part of teh development process to deliver a better product.
  • Experience in implementing Component life cycle architecture, store actions, using socket.io in React-Redux app to handle real time data, installing React Router, Thunk Redux for API calls in React JS.
  • Proficient in developing Single Page Applications(SPA) using JavaScript MVC framework such as React JS.
  • Strong focus on Responsive Web Design, compliance wif W3C Web Standards, applying best practices and leveraging web development by using modern UI/Front-End libraries, frameworks and tools such as HTML4/5, CSS2/3, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, Bootstrap and AJAX.TEMPEffective problem solving skills, outstanding interpersonal skills, excellent in written and verbal communication.
  • Followed Agile SCRUM methodology and used Test Driven Development (TDD) and Used BDD pattern for code quality and good readability standards.


  • ReactJS
  • Redux
  • Axios
  • React HOC
  • React Observables
  • React Promises
  • Saga
  • Thunk
  • Javascript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • AngularJS
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • NPM
  • VueJS
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • ES6
  • Typescript
  • Microservices
  • Bootstrap
  • Ajax
  • UglifyJS
  • SASS
  • LESS
  • Java
  • Rest
  • JSON
  • XML
  • React Native
  • Android
  • JSLint
  • Jira
  • Sublime Text
  • Karma nginx
  • Git
  • GitLab
  • Github
  • Selenium
  • SonarQube
  • Enzyme
  • Mocha
  • Chai
  • TeamCity
  • Visual Studio
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Unix
  • Agile
  • Scrum


Confidential, Eden Prairie, MN

Senior React.JS Developer


  • Created React.js components using JSX and Virtual DOM Followed Redux Architecture for unidirectional data flow and manage teh data in React and Make HTTP requests in React & Redux.
  • Implemented and developed various screens for teh frontend using React.js and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and redux library.
  • Processed JSON data from RESTful web service by using axios to get resources from teh database and populated data to teh client side.
  • Elegantly used React-Router techniques Axios service to retrieve data from server synchronously in teh background wifout interfering wif teh display and existing page in an interactive way.
  • Used React JS to build encapsulated components dat manage their own state, then compose them to make complex UIs and Used ES6 and JSX wif react for component development.
  • Used CSS, Reactjs, Redux, saga, Thunk, react HOC, Material-UI, React Bootstrap, Axios, flux, mobx, nextjs, sass, less, Lodash for applying style in entire applications.
  • Developed Single Pages Application using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, React Async Await, Nextjs, GraphQl, Expressjs, NodeJS, Socket, LESS.
  • Developed JavaScript and jQuery scripts to interface wif other social network tools like Twitter and developed views to show leading matrices in Drupal.
  • Developed teh web-based Dashboards for different users using teh latest web technologies like Angular, Typescript, JavaScript and CSS preprocessor SASS and bootstrap and Node JS and ES6 features.
  • Developed cross browser compatible RWD wif use of HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap and jQuery Mobile.
  • Built both static websites and dynamic applications using semantic HTML5, SCSS & Less, JavaScript and React.
  • Developed UI, Virtual Objects (VO) and models by using FlashCS3, AJAX, and Action Script.
  • Designed and developed web pages using wif HTML5,Type Script,AMD,AWS,CSS3, Ajax.
  • Responsible for writing and implementation of React.JS, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, TypeScript, AJAX and JQuery to interact wif web Services and user controls.
  • Website was developed in CodeIgniter(MVC) Framework in PHP and Bootstrap Framework and Google Material Design was used for teh frontend.
  • Developed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML5, CSS3, Angular 6, ES6/5, Typescript and Bootstrap.
  • Managed side TEMPeffects in redux code wif sagas (redux-saga) in order to maintain function purity in action creators.
  • Used Redux Thunk middleware to allows write action creators dat return a function instead of an action.
  • Used CORS to allow websites to share resources across domains safely and securely.
  • Developed web pages complying wif Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and ability to apply W3C standards.
  • Implemented wif security vulnerable fixes - Cross Site Scripting (XSS), Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Forceful Browsing, Request Token, Password Maintenance using OWASP framework.
  • Involved in making teh application Responsive using CSS, Bootstrap and used LESS pre-processor.
  • Implemented JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for creating tokens to assert claims in teh application and thus providing authentication of RESTful services.
  • Utilized Visual Studio IDE while designing and implementing teh user interface.
  • Created new web pages for current and new programs using Sublime Text Editor and JavaScript.
  • Implemented Webpack for bundling jquery and other third party library files and babel was implemented to use EcmaScript features.
  • Used JSLint for static code analysis for JavaScript.
  • Developed automation test cases using Java and Junit on Eclipse for web 2.0 Ajax application.
  • Built teh Web API on teh top of Flask/ Bottle framework to perform REST methods. Used MongoDB and MySQL databases in Web API development.
  • Designed deployment system using Nginx for web requests to multiple node applications.
  • Used GITLab for code repository and maintaining current and historical versions of teh source code.
  • Worked wif Github and XCode for Debugging and use Gitlab for teh code review and reported Progress.
  • Used React.JS to make webpages rendering faster using virtual DOM and took part in testing teh application components using JEST, React test utils, Enzyme and mocked http calls.
  • Responsible for writing various test cases using Jest and Enzyme for teh application code.
  • Involved in writing test plan using Shallow, Chai, Mocha and Enzyme to ensure completeness in teh unit testing code coverage.
  • Developed Integration test cases using Protractor to test teh web application using Mocha and Chai.
  • Developed/maintained UI automation framework and designed/implemented automation tests using Selenium and Team Foundation Server.
  • Developed teh different components of application such as JSPs, Servlets, EJB’s using Web sphere Studio Application and used CVS for version control. Implemented Selenium IDE wif java script for Web apps.
  • Designed and developed application using Scrum an iterative and incremental agile software development methodology.
  • Used a React/Redux front end and GraphQL/AWS backend to build a SAAS platform for users.
  • Implemented a CI/CD pipeline wif Docker, Jenkins and GitHub by virtualizing teh servers using Docker for teh Dev and Test environments by achieving needs through configuring automation using Containerization.
  • Kubernetes Orchestration container ( EKS) focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance and auto-scaling.
  • Used TeamCity and Octopus for build and deployment automation.
  • Involved in coding for teh presentation layer using Bootstrap.Js,, React.js, JavaScript, AJAX, XML and XSLT.
  • Created JIRA Support Project/Agile board to track support issues and worked on a queue of JIRA tickets to address system issues, user requests, etc. on a daily basis.
  • Used HipChat, Zoom and Slack for communication wif team members.
  • Developed and performed test cases using Karma in teh unit test, and used teh Protractor and Enzyme. Also, wrote unit tests using Jest and Enzyme for test-driven development. Utilized MinifyJS and UglifyJS for file minification and compression.
  • Developed a mobile UI application using React Native and Redux.
  • Made use of Swift extensive features and enhanced syntaxes to make teh code cleaner and safer.

Environment: React, Redux, Axios, ES6, React HOC, React Observables, React Async Await, React Promises, Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Ajax, Bootstrsap, SCSS, Typescript, Saga, Thunk, Angular, CORS, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, XSS, cross-origin resource sharing, SASS, LESS, JWT, Java, MongoDB, Webservices, Rest, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Visual Studio, Sublime Text, Webpack, NPM, nginx, GitLab, Github, Enzyme, Mocha, Chai, Selenium, SonarCube, Chrome Developer Tools,Scrum, Agile, AWS, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernestes, TeamCity,XML, JSON, GraphQL,Jira,, Linux, Mac,Slack, Babel, JSLint, UglifyJS, React Native, iOS, Android, Kotlin, Swift


Sr. React.JS Developer


  • Used React JS wif Redux to create a single page web application wif efficient data flow between teh client and server and used to create Controllers to handle events triggered by clients and send request to server.
  • Implemented front end GUI screens using React JS and used various predefined components from NPM and redux library.
  • Developed new Widget-app module for MMD 2.0 using React.js wif Redux architecture and ES6.
  • Involved in processing JSON data from RESTful web service by using Axios to get resources from teh database and populated data on teh UI and used Redux-Saga as middleware.
  • Developed teh web-based Dashboards for different users using teh latest web technologies like Angular, Typescript, JavaScript and CSS preprocessor SASS and bootstrap 4 and Node JS and ES6 features.
  • Used JavaScript/J-query to perform client side validations on Visual Force pages and to improve teh performance of teh User interface.
  • Creates rich web UIs dat merge wif back-end components using JavaScript and AngularJS 4, 6 in conjunction wif HTML5 & CSS3 and Used Material Design library for Rich UI/UX designs.
  • Used teh responsive utilities of teh Bootstrap frameworks to facilitate teh design displaying properly on different devices
  • Involved in front-end UI responsive testing and debugging wif HTML5, CSS3, SCSS framework for different platforms such as desktop.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component based architecture provided by Angular.
  • Made secure web app and protected from Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) by using JavaScript. Resolved CORS issues by setting proper client and server-side headers.
  • Worked on color contrast to satisfy WCAG standards.
  • Developed enterprise grade web applications for various clients using latest technologies like Angular 4/5, NodeJS, HTML 5, CSS3, SASS, LESS, jQuery, Bootstrap and other JavaScript technologies.
  • Implemented multiple J2EE web service projects using Java, REST, SOAP, Spring, WebLogic and Websphere in production. Implemented application using Visual Studio Code, CSS, Angular CLI and Restful Web API.
  • Designed UI patterns and developed applications wif teh halp of Eclipse, Sublime text and Adobe Dreamweaver.
  • Developed native android application using Android SDK (Java and Kotlin) in an Agile (Scrum and Kanban) environment.
  • Design, developed of many PL/SQL batches using JAVA wif connectivity to Oracle for data maintenance/handling.
  • Developed and tested modules of Web & Mobile based Video Streaming app. Used NoSQL MongoDB for storing non-relational data.
  • Developed and maintain automated tests using teh TestNG framework in conjunction wif Selenium and Java to support web applications.
  • Debug teh application using Chrome Developer tools to traverse teh documents and manipulated teh Nodes using DOM.
  • Implemented teh AWS S3 infrastructure for Big Data environment for data analytics.
  • Developed single page applications and Micro services, using NodeJS and React libraries and Manage continuous integration and deployment for microservices in teh AWS platform using (Kubernetes Cluster, Docker, Nginx Proxy, Nexus, Jenkins and GitLab).
  • Created and managed a Docker deployment pipeline for custom application images in teh cloud using Jenkins.
  • Involved in writing configuration centric files/modes for various services using XML capabilities and also wrote message bundles for spring, camel and JAX-RS.
  • Used JIRA for Bug Tracking and JSLint for ensuring quality code.
  • Utilized JIRA for Bug Tracking, JSLint to maintain consistent style amongst all teh developers and GIT for version control. Maintained client communications including email, slack, and daily standups.
  • Used Android Content Providers for implementing features like sending E-mails, SMS, etc. from teh app and designed GUIs for these applications. Integrated wif different Android and IOS versions.
  • Responsible for Linux shell scripting and debugging as legacy application used cronjobs to set off processes.
  • Use Pivotal Tracker and HipChat to communicate wif development team in entirely remote environment.
  • Used HipChat and Lync for inter-personal communication amongst team members.
  • Developed Servlets and JSPs based on MVC pattern using Struts framework and Spring Framework.
  • Configured Hibernate, Spring and MyFaces (JSF) to map teh business objects to MySQL Database using XML configuration file. Developed Web Services to communicate to other modules using XML based SOAP and WSDL.
  • Used GIT for version control and handled unit testing using Jasmine and Karma.

Environment: React, Redux, Axios, ES6, React Promise, Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Ajax, Bootstrsap, SCSS, Angular, CORS, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, XSS, cross-origin resource sharing, Java, MongoDB, NOSQL, Webservices, Rest, NodeJS, Visual Studio, Sublime Text, NPM, Grunt, gulp, websphere, Jest, Selenium, Chrome Developer Tools,Scrum, Agile,AWS, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernestes, JSON, XML, Jira, Linux, hipchat, JSLint,, iOS, Android

Confidential, SAN FRANCISCO, CA

Sr. UI Developer


  • Developed a fully functional prototype application using JavaScript (jQuery and Backbone.js) and Bootstrap, connecting to a REST service hosted on AWS using API Gateway and used DynamoDB.
  • Developed data insertion forms and validated them using JavaScript.
  • Developed a single page, UI-first, cross-device/cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing Angular.JS, JavaScript API.
  • Created various UI components for different web pages using HTML, and Javascript.
  • Designed and implemented a UI update for a server repair software tool in HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Designed and developed a 3D visualization and modeling app in HTML5 + WebGL.
  • Used teh latest HTML5 elements for video playback, content rendering using semantic tags such as article, section etc.
  • Built out a large WordPress site utilizing advanced CSS techniques like Flexbox, plus numerous jQuery-based UI elements.
  • Performed layout of web pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript libraries, SASS/SCSS Compass.
  • Converted Photoshop PSD files into fully-functioning websites using CSS frameworks such as Zurb Foundation and Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Developed internal auxiliary web apps using Python Flask framework wif CSS / HTML framework.
  • For Responsive Web design used Bootstrap to build grids, layouts and components. Used Bootstrap components like dropdown menus, navigation bar, alerts, and labels.
  • Redesigned user interface HTML frameworks wif Bootstrap and CSS styling.
  • Involved in designing web pages using SCSS and using React.js components extensively.
  • Used SCSS/COMPASS, JavaScript and struts validation framework for performing front end validations.
  • Used TypeScript to reduce teh number of lines of traditional JavaScript files and Integration of TypeScript to teh whole project.
  • Used AngularJS as framework to create Single Page Applications which can bind data to specific views and synchronize data wif server.
  • Implemented multiple J2EE web service projects using Java, REST, SOAP, Spring, WebLogic and Websphere in production. Implemented application using Visual Studio Code, CSS, Angular CLI and Restful Web API.
  • Designed and developed used XSLT transformation components to convert data from XML to HTML, Used XML SAX API for parsing XML.
  • Developed an application security infrastructure based on JSON web token (JWT) and Microsoft Azure's gateway authentication mechanism.
  • Used JIRA and Crucible for creating change tickets and handling production bugs and development tasks
  • Installed and configure a Linux server to publish applications and teh DataBase.
  • Used HipChat for internal messaging.
  • Implemented Hibernate for teh ORM layer in transacting wif Oracle database. Extensively used Oracle programming using SQL and PL/SQL.
  • Responsible for teh development, monitoring, upgrade, installation of DB2 and tuning of a large scaled database in DB2.
  • Used Eclipse IDE and IntellIJ for designing, coding and developing applications.

Environment: Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Ajax, Bootstrsap, SCSS, Typescript, AngularJS, UX, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, XSS, Java, Spring, Hibernate, Struts, PL\SQL, Oracle, DB2, Webservices, Soap, Rest, Eclipse, jboss, Selenium, Jasmine, Karma,Agile, AWS, JSON, XML, Jira,Linux, hipchat, iOS, Android


JavaScript Developer


  • Used JavaScript for developing UI Components like Editable drop down, data-driven menu customizations.
  • Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript codes to build web forms and simulate process for web application, page navigation and form validation.
  • Involved wif bug fixing on functionality, performance and designing issues wif JavaScript and JQuery.
  • Involved in working wif process owners to develop workflow, implement teh workflows in Service Applications and administer teh tools and enhanced requests by JavaScript.
  • Developed interactive UI's for teh front-end users using teh front-end technologies like HTML5, CSS3, XML and JavaScript. Analyzed current Mainframe system and designed new GUI screens.
  • Developed GUI screens for XTT & LD application using JSP, HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Created and/or revised WordPress theme assets for single and multi-page sites using CSS, HTML5 and plugins.
  • Designed and developed Windows 8 Apps using HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Developed and tested many features in an AGILE environment using Ruby on Rails, HTML5, PHP, JavaScript and Bootstrap.
  • Used Bootstrap and AngularJS UI Bootstrap for creating rich, Responsive UI Screens for varying screen sizes and devices, worked wif Responsive Web design using Bootstrap.JS
  • Developed features in an agile environment-using HTML, Angular.JS, SCSS using JavaScript for client side validations.
  • Working on CSS3 and SCSS elements to create pixel perfect html pages and making sure all teh pages are responsive on all teh supported devices.
  • Used Typescript to generate client side JavaScript Code and created components and custom directives.
  • Developed teh Reusable templates using HTML5, DHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, handlebars.
  • Performed Unit testing using Jasmine, Karma, Chai to fix bugs and experience on TDD Iterative and Incremental development, and Automate test using tools like Selenium and protractor.
  • Designed AWS CloudFormation templates to create custom sized subnets to ensure successful deployment of Web applications and database templates.
  • JSON is used for serializing and deserializing data dat is sent to or receive from JSP pages.Developed user interface using JSP, AJAX, JSP Tag libraries and Struts Tag Libraries to simplify teh complexities of teh application.
  • Used Jira webhooks to notify teh app or web application when certain events occur in Jira like alert any remote application when an issue is updated or when sprint is started.
  • Deployed teh applications in Linux servers using deployment scripts.
  • Developed Oracle PL/SQL Stored Procedures and Queries for Payment release process and authorization process.
  • Implemented DB2 Security, Locking and Concurrency Control.
  • Used Eclipse PHP for code editor.
  • Developed ANT scripts to build and deploy teh application in teh JBoss Application Server.
  • Designed Use Cases using UML and managed teh entire functional requirements life cycle using waterfall model.

Environment: Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Ajax, Bootstrsap, SCSS, Typescript, AngularJS, UX, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, XSS, Java, Spring, Hibnerate, Struts, PL\SQL, Oracle, DB2, Webservices, Soap, Rest, Eclipse, jboss, Selenium, jUnit, Waterfall, AWS,JSON, XML, Jira,Linux,hipchat


UI Developer


  • Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens / SPA using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.JS and Bootstrap.
  • Involved designing in web pages using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, SASS, LESS, React.js, Redux, Flex.
  • Implemented sensitive Data Glassbox-masking to end users
  • Design React Native components and higher order components.
  • Design UI views wif Flexbox and React Native dimension API.
  • Used React Router for routing teh redux app to connect redux and react to support routes.
  • Worked in using React native components, Forms, Event, Keys, Navigation and Redux concepts..
  • Used CSS and Bootstrap to develop Rich UI Components such as Accordions and Modal Windows using pure HTML 5 And CSS3.
  • Worked on state, specs, props and events to create interactive React JS components.
  • Implemented MVVM architecture using React and Redux framework.
  • Developed teh flux pattern by using redux framework as a core dependency.
  • Experience wif common front-end development tools such as Babel, Webpack, and NPM.
  • Developed UI patterns using NodeJS wif Bower and Yeomen package managers.
  • Used React concepts like JSX (JavaScript Syntax Extension), components, state and props.
  • Extensively used CSS preprocessors like LESS for re-usable style components.
  • Implemented CSS Box Model and styled web pages using CSS preprocessor LESS and implemented Mix ins, functions, custom grid systems
  • Extensively used Bootstrap to implement Bootstrap buttons, forms, paginations, grids, popover scroll spy in webpages. Implemented functionality using Angular2, Typescript and ES6.
  • Developed single page applications using React Redux architecture, ES6, web pack and grunt.
  • Wrote code to handle cross browser compatibility issues in IE 7, 8, 9, FF, Safari and Chrome.
  • Building components library, including Tree, Slide-View, and Table Grid.
  • Has worked on AWS to integrate teh server side and client-side code.
  • Worked wif JASMINE unit test framework to write unit tests for JavaScript code.

Environment: React.JS, Express.JS, Node.JS, Rally, NPM, Redux, CSS3, HTML5, SASS, LESS, Flex, JSON, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, Babel Loader, Web-pack Bundler, DOM, ES6, JSX, GIT, CI/CD, Jenkins, TDD, AWS Amplify CLI.

Confidential, NEW YORK, NY

Software Developer


  • Developing new user-facing features using React.js
  • Building reusable components and front-end libraries for future use.
  • Translating designs and wireframes into high quality code
  • Optimizing components for maximum performance across a vast array of web-capable devices and browsers.
  • Designed, developed and tested HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, React and Redux dat meets accessibility and web browser standards for teh website.
  • Designed, developed and tested HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, React and Redux dat meets accessibility and web browser standards for teh website.
  • Utilized React-Router to create Dynamic Routing.
  • Integrated Multiple react Native Modules Such as react-navigation, react-native-firebase.
  • Insured Code robustness by using TypeScript on React Native Mobile Frontend.
  • Developed Native Modules from Scratch and Native IOS(Which is Objective-C) and Swift
  • Developed Native Android in Java.
  • Build React-Autocomplete for creating google maps location search on teh webpage.
  • Designed CSS templates for all pages of teh website by utilizing CSS Background, positioning, text border, margin, padding, and table.
  • Implemented React Js code to handle cross-browser compatibility issues.
  • Worked wif ECMAScript 6 features. For teh build of JSX and ES2015 (ES6) used Babel, webpack.
  • Utilized Object Oriented Programming concepts to develop UI components dat could be reused across teh Web Application.
  • Created Components for UX-Library consisted of Button, Checkbox, Input, Icons, Toggle Button Dropdown, Multi-Level Dropdown and many more.
  • Utilized Node Package Manager (NPM) to manage modules & used it to install useful tools.
  • Used Object Oriented Programming concepts to develop UI components dat could be reused across teh Web Application.
  • Extensively used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed teh code to GitHub.
  • Used Pivotal Tracker as teh bug tracking system to track and maintain teh history of bugs/issues on an everyday basis.

Environment: React.JS, Express.JS, Node.JS, NPM, CSS3, HTML5, SASS, LESS, jQuery, AJAX, GIT, CI/CD, App zillon Framework, JBoss, Apache Tomcat, Weblogic.

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