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Full Stack Python Developer Resume

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Erie, PA


  • 5+ years of experience as a full stack developer wif proficiency in analysis, design and test web applications using Python, Django, Angular and Node.js
  • Proficient understanding of Django Object Relational Mapping (ORM) and creating web application using Django Framework
  • Hands on experience in developing and implementing RESTful API using Django Rest Framework, Node.js and Express framework
  • Experience in performing various operations for functionality using Django Rest Framework
  • Experience in developing web application applying Model Template View architecture using Django framework
  • Knowledge of session management, cache management, user autantication and JSON Web Token in Django Framework
  • Experience working wif various operations in SQL and NoSQL databases like MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle and MongoDB
  • Experience in creating Single Page Application (SPA) wif Angular using Modules, Components, Router, Directives and Reactive Forms
  • Experience in using built - in Pipes and generating reusable custom Pipes in Angular to display teh data in proper format
  • Experience in Angular Services to fetch data and Observable operators to filter data by consuming APIs, experience on JWT and OAuth2 for Rest API Security
  • Skill in frontend development using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Bootstrap
  • Strong knowledge of machine learning models like Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, SVM, Random Forest and Neural Networks
  • Familiar wif python libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, Pandas and Matplotlib
  • Knowledge of scraping technologies such as BeautifulSoup4
  • Strong foundation in OOP principles, and writing extensible, reusable, and maintainable code
  • Familiar wif Waterfall methodology in Software Development and experience in Agile methodology tools like JIRA
  • Experience in deployment of web applications using AWS EC2, S3, RDS, Elastic Beanstalk and Lambda Functions
  • Experience on Serverless services like AWS lambdas for S3 event to generate Notifications
  • Familiar wif version control system like Git and experience in creating automatic unit tests using PyTest


Programming Languages: Python, Java, SQL, C++, R

Databases: MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, MS SQL, MongoDB

Web Developments: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, REST, JSON Web Token (JWT)

Frameworks: Django, Angular, Node.js, Express, Spring

Libraries: Pymysql, Pymongo, Pillow, re, Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, MatplotlibRequest, BeautifulSoup, boto3

Tools:, Operating Systems: Pycharm, Eclipse, WebStorm, Visual Studio Code, PostmanMySQL Workbench, Compass, Git, Windows, Ubuntu

Cloud Services: AWS, EC2, Bitnamy, RDS, S3, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud9, Lambda Functions


Confidential, Erie, PA

Full Stack Python Developer


  • Designed teh high-level architecture and developed using Python and Django for backend, Angular for frontend and MySQL for database.
  • Integrated MySQL by using Django ORM to modify teh models and perform CRUD operations.
  • Created RESTful API using function-based view and class-based view in Django Rest Framework.
  • Generated Serializer to convert Model instances and querysets to data in JSON format.
  • Used Django rest framework routers to design various endpoints connected views and URLs.
  • Used Json Web Token in Django for user autantication and localstorage in Angular to store data in browser.
  • Consumed teh API using Angular service in teh frontend.
  • Used Observable operators like map, filter and reduce to manipulate teh data retrieved from teh API.
  • Generated Angular components, directives, pipes and used router module to design teh single page application.
  • Created Angular Reactive form and Template-driven form to validate user input data on frontend.
  • Developed professional UI using HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap for responsive design.
  • Worked wif Pytest for unit testing and tested Rest API for retrieving and passing JSON data by creating HTTP request using Postman.
  • Collaborated wif team using GitHub for version control.

Environment: Python, Django Rest Framework, Angular, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, GitHub, PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, Postman

Confidential, Philadelphia, PA

Full Stack Developer


  • Connected teh MySQL database and teh application server using Django ORM.
  • Utilized Django Migrations for propagating changes made in teh model into teh database schema.
  • Developed Restful API for all teh functionalities implemented in teh project using Function based Views and Class based Views in Django.
  • Created CRUD methods (get, post, put, delete) to make requests to teh Django API server and tested Restful API using Postman.
  • Developed Token-based Autantication and Security using Django built-in autantication.
  • Generated Modules, Components, Services and Directives in Angular.
  • Used built-in and custom Pipes in Angular for displaying data in a particular format.
  • Applied front-end validation using Angular Reactive Forms.
  • Implemented HTML5, CSS and jQuery to develop user interface.
  • Used Bootstrap to create responsive and interactive views.
  • Deployed teh application on AWS and used git as teh version control system.

Environment: Python, Django Rest Framework, Angular, MySQL, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, Postman


Full Stack Developer


  • Connected teh backend wif MongoDB by using Node.js.
  • Utilized Mongoose to create model Schema and perform teh CRUD operations.
  • Created a RESTful API server using Node.js and Express and handle HTTP Request/Response calls using Router module.
  • Used JWT and OAuth for autantication wif Passport.js.
  • Applied email confirmation for order placement using Node.js.
  • Consumed teh API for fetching data from database using Angular services.
  • Extensively used Angular Router to build single page application to navigate through multiple modules.
  • Used Angular reactive forms and validations to validate teh user input.
  • Developed UI using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and used Bootstrap to make teh application responsive.
  • Tested Restful API using Postman and performed test cases using Pytest.

Environment: Angular, MongoDB, Mongoose, Node.js, Express, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Visual studio code, Postman


Python Developer


  • Wrote and executed various queries in python using Pymysql package to manage data in MySQL database.
  • Involved in creating data models in Django and used Django Migration to modify teh database.
  • Developed function-based Views and class-based Views for logic control.
  • Designed Templates in Django wif template language.
  • Responsible for creating Django forms to collect input data from teh user, used CSRF for security.
  • Used Django built-in Users and Groups module for authorization and authorization.
  • Implemented Django Session for better performance of teh web page.
  • Developed teh templates using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript.
  • Used Numpy and Pandas to clean and preprocess data.
  • Involved in unit test by creating test cases using Pyunit.
  • Used Git as version control software.

Environment: Python, Django, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, MySQL, PyCharm, MySQL Workbench

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