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Full Stack Developer Resume

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Minneapolis, MN


  • Having around 6+ Years of experience as a front end and full stack development using Angular and MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, NodeJS) stack.
  • Worked with Functional Programming, Object Oriented programming and other paradigms with JavaScript - ES5/ES6/ES7/ES8 .
  • Experience with Ramda and Functional Programming - Pure functions, Function composition, Immutable data, Currying, Partial Applications and declarative programming.
  • Experience with asynchronous programming like RxJS - subjects, observers, observables and operators .
  • Created front end application using React.js reusable components. Used JSX with ES6 to define components. Worked with lifecycle of react components including state management, dom event handling and forms.
  • Used Redux for state management using Store, Actions and Reducers. Used pure functions to create reducers.
  • Used Fetch API and Axios for making HTTP calls. Worked with many redux middlewares and third party react components.
  • Experience with React Native and Jest for native apps development.
  • Created a REST API using Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB using Redis Cache for performance.
  • Extensively used Node modules - lodash, request, body-parser, fs, events, promises, mongoose, redis and socket.io and async to implement the API.
  • Created Express.js models which use Mongoose models to query, create, update, and delete from MongoDB.
  • Extensive experience with AngularJS - SPA (Single Page application) using MVC Framework UI-Router, Modules, custom directives using Angular-UI components, services ($resource) and RESTful services.
  • Developed Angular factories, and used Angular promises API for making async calls and used $resource as a factory to interact with RESTful API.
  • Used JavaScript data visualization framework (D3.js) to display the information in a chart view.
  • Experience in using various jQuery UI controls like Accordion, Tabs, Dialog, and drag and drop, corresponding Event handlers, jQuery plugins.
  • Experience with ES5, ES6, ES7 and ES8 features like closures, hoisting, prototypes, block scoping, rest, spread, reduce, destructuring, classes, promises, iterators, generators, async, await, maps and sets.
  • Good understanding of design patterns - IIFE, Module, Revealing Module, Prototype, Revealing Prototype patterns.
  • Extensive experience with HTML5 API’s - Forms API, Location API, Storage API, Web Workers, Canvas, SVG, Video, Offline and IndexedDB API.
  • Worked on Mobile-first responsive web design using Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 4 Grid System and CSS3 Grid System, used font awesome, SVG sprites, Media Queries, Fluid Layout, Responsive Images and Typography.
  • Experience with CSS3 preprocessors such as SASS and used styled-components with ReactJS.
  • Implemented Nightwatch.js automation for UI, Jasmine, Mocha, Chai, Jest, Enzyme and Sinon for testing and assertions.
  • Used Babel as transpiler, Webpack for bundling and worked on CI/CD process with Git, Gerrit, Jenkins, Docker, AWS and Google Cloud.


Web Technologies: HTML 4.0/5, CSS2/CSS3, JavaScript, RxJS, ReactJS, Redux, React Native, Enzyme, Jest, jQuery, JSON, AJAX, XML, XHTML, DHTML, AngularJS, MVC, DOM, Express.js, Bootstrap, SASS and Webpack.

Databases: SQL, Oracle, MySQL and MongoDB.

Application Servers: Node.js, Apache and Nginx.

IDEs worked on: Notepad++, Visual Studio, WebStorm, Sublime, Brackets

JavaScript Libraries: jQuery, jQuery UI, Underscore, Express.js, Request, Angular UI, PassportJS, Material-UI, Video.js, Lodash, Request, Async, Google Fonts.

Version Control: SVN and GIT.

Programming Languages: Java and JavaScript (ES5/ES6/ES7/ES8).


Full stack developer

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN


  • Complete exposure with MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) full stack programming.
  • Created reusable components with ReactJS. Used JSX for markup, props and state in the components, life cycle methods, DOM event handling and created forms.
  • Created reusable components with React.js. Used JSX with ES6 to define components.
  • Used Redux for state management using Store, Actions and Reducers. Used pure functions to create reducers.
  • Used Redux middlewares - redux-form, redux-logger, react-redux, redux-thunk and redux-localstorage.
  • Used third party React components - react-video, react-select, react-tagsinput, react-datagrid, react-panels and react-calendar.
  • Used React-Router for routing - Used BrowserRouter for Web and Native Router for mobile.
  • Worked with data visualization framework (D3.js) to display the information in a chart view.
  • Extensively used functional programming - pure functions, immutable objects and declarative programming.
  • Worked on new features of JavaScript(ES6) concepts - modules, arrow functions, let variables, promises, maps and sets.
  • Worked with React Native for native apps development and Jest for testing.
  • Used Fetch API and Axios for making HTTP calls to the server.
  • Wrote Express.js and used MongoDB for persistence and Redis for caching.
  • Built out restful endpoints and lightweight aggregation layers using Node.js Framework such as Express.js, Body parser, cluster, process, winston, redis, jwt, passport.js, mongoose, lodash, async etc.
  • Extensively used Promises and EventEmitter in Node.js to avoid callbacks and more readable code.
  • Used styled-components and glamorous-components to enforce best practices and to remove mapping between styles and components.
  • Used ESLint with Webpack and Node.js plugins to do code cleaning.
  • Worked with Gerrit for code review process. Used Github as the source control.
  • Used WebPack to perform Minification, Bundling and Concatenation.
  • Worked on Configuring the Docker Containers and creating Docker files for various environment.
  • Configured Swagger to interact with a service and Managed application data using volumes and bind mounts using Docker.
  • Worked with Continuous Integration and Deployment using Jenkins and Docker and Used AWS for Cloud storage.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Rxjs, React.js, Redux, React Native, React-Router, ES6, ES7, Lodash, Express.js, D3.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Redis, PM2, Webpack, Babel, Gerrit, Git, Jenkins, Docker and AWS.

Full stack developer

Confidential, Pleasanton, CA


  • Complete exposure with MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, NodeJS) full stack programming.
  • Developed AngularJS SPA application using UI-Router, services, controllers, views and directives.
  • Created REST API with Express.js and used MongoDB for persistence and Redis for caching.
  • Used Mongoose Schema/Model to create CRUD with Express.js controllers.
  • Created module with Socket.IO for web-socket engine to make real-time web application with bi-directional communication.
  • Implemented Routing in AngularJS using $routeProvider and 3rd party UI-Router module.
  • Used Angular UI components such as grid, buttons, carousels, date pickers, modal dialogs and other input components.
  • Extensively used AngularJS Services like $http, $resource, $rootScope, local and session storages, $watchCollection and $apply.
  • Created Custom directives in AngularJS for reusable components.
  • Used $resource as a factory to interact with RESTful backend easily and use it to implement CRUD operations in AngularJS.
  • Completed User Authentication by using Passport.js local strategy.
  • Involved in developing the UI view pages using HTML5 semantic tags. Used layouts with AngularJS directives as Views.
  • Proficient in HTML5 new features like Form Validation, Media, Video, Audio, Canvas, SVG, HTML APIs like Web Worker, Local Storage, Session Storage and CSS2/CSS3.
  • Used Bootstrap CSS Grid System to create responsive layouts, navigation and tables. Also used Bootstrap components like Carousel, datepicker, pagination etc,.
  • Used SASS preprocessor to create importable and reusable style sheets, processed on server-side.
  • Used Grunt to minify, bundle, concatenate Angular project and used JavaScript and node testing library framework as Mocha, Chai and Jasmine.
  • Used Jenkins for CI/CD, Gerrit for code review and Google Cloud for Cloud Storage.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 3, SASS, JavaScript, Ajax, JSON, AngularJS, Angular UI, NodeJS, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Restful API, Web services, Jasmine, Mocha, Chai, Git, Gerrit, Jenkins and Grunt.

UI Developer



  • Used AngularJS as framework to create a Single Page Application (SPA) which can bind data to specific views, synchronize data with server and two-way binding.
  • Injected AngularJS $http, $q as the promise library for asynchronous data operation.
  • Good with scope isolation, transclude, templating, in creating (elements, attributes, classes) using custom directives.
  • Developed AngularJS Custom Services/Factory for reusable functionality, Custom Directives to provide shared components.
  • Improved dependency injection for modular development and component isolation using AngularJS.
  • Used link function to define directive’s API and attached event listeners to DOM elements, watching model properties for change, and updating the DOM.
  • Used $http, $location, $log, $q, $timeout, $window services using dependency injection, logging and location operations.
  • Implemented HTML5 feature like semantics, local storage, data list, required attribute and sliders.
  • Created various Mixins, Variables,mixins, nesting, import,Custom Fonts and Directives in SASS.
  • Implemented CSS3 features like CSS3 Media Queries, Pseudo-classes, multi-column layout, gradients and web fonts.
  • Used CSS Sprites to decrease the number of HTTP requests and load time of web pages to improve page performance.
  • Involved in Agile process, monthly Sprints, and daily Scrums to discuss the development of the application.
  • Experience with Grunt to perform minification, compilation and linting.
  • Worked with source version control tool Git to manage the code repository.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, SASS, DOM, Bootstrap, JavaScript, AngularJS, Angular UI, AJAX, Restful API, JSON, Git and Grunt.

Software UI Developer



  • Worked with HTML5, CSS3, XML, JSON, JavaScript, jQuery and jQuery UI for developing user interface.
  • Used JavaScript and jQuery to extend website functionality and performance.
  • Used jQuery UI controls as Accordion, Tabs, Dialog and used jQuery mobile data attributes to create mobile friendly pages.
  • Created custom jQuery plugins for file upload, date control and drag and drop using Client templates.
  • Specially working with AJAX data consisting of JSON/XML/JSONP responses, parsing the same and presenting on the UI layer.
  • Developed code to call the web service/APIs to fetch the data and populate on the UI using jQuery/AJAX.
  • Used Mobile-first responsive grid layout using Bootstrap.
  • Extensively used Media Queries, Fluid Layout, Responsive Images and Typography.
  • Used SASS for create style themes using variables, mixins and nested styles.
  • Extensive used jQuery - CSS3 Selectors, Sizzle API, DOM traversal, manipulation and event handling.
  • Utilized Modernizr extensively to build HTML5/CSS3 based page layouts that are cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant.
  • Developed certain features of the application functionality i.e. CRUD (Create, read, update, delete) features using Require.js and Responsive Design.
  • Debug the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Nodes using DOM and DOM Functions.
  • Worked in Scrum Methodology - attended daily stand-ups, Sprint planning, Sprint retro and Sprint review meetings.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, Modernizr, Require.js, Responsive Design, AJAX, DOM, Firebug, Web services, XML and JSON.

Software Engineer



  • Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX and JSON .
  • Analyzed requirements and designed the task flow using flow charts and independently designed flow between pages of the UI .
  • Designed and developed code using HTML, XHTML, CSS, DOM and DHTML .
  • Utilized JavaScript to improve overall design and to update a portion of a GUI page thus reducing bandwidth usage and load time in web pages to get user input and requests.
  • Created HTML pages from mockups and visual wireframes, working closely with design / product eam.
  • Worked in the development and adherence of User Interface look / feel, schemes and layouts.
  • Designed and created standards-compliant web pages that are interactive, attractive and intuitive
  • Produced semantically appropriate, standards compliant markup, and produced rich user interfaces Created web content and tested all the websites with multiple browsers, operating systems and screen resolutions.
  • Performed validation of completed sites, which included debugging and testing code.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, XML, DHTML, XHTML, Ajax and JSON.

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