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Programmer Analyst-specialist Resume

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Kansas City, MO


  • Goal oriented, success driven IT professional equipped with 7 years of experience implementing software projects across financial, retail and insurance domains.
  • Demonstrated full stack development experience primarily using Java/J2EE technologies
  • Possess reputation for quality and timely delivery of software through strict adherence to timelines and industry wide best practices.
  • Effective communication with clients and stakeholders on diverse range of project related matters
  • Key participant in all the phases of software development life cycle and Good team player.


Operating systems: Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 10, Mac OS X V10.5 and V10.6, ubantu 10.04.4 LTS, Android Honeycomb 3.0 and 3.1

Programming languages: C, C++, Java, SQL

J2EE Technologies: JDBC, JSP, Servlets, JNDI, JMS, JPA

Web services: SOAP, RESTful

Databases: Oracle 10g and 11g, DB2, MySQL 5.x, IMS DB, SQLite, MongoDB

IDEs: RSA, Eclipse, My Eclipse, Net Beans, STS

Tools: and Utilities: QMF, TOAD, SPLUNK, SOAPUI, Jenkins, Hudson, Apache ANT, Maven, ECLEmma, Corbetura, Rationalrose, Sharepoint, Teamforge, HP - ALM, Mantis

Version control: SVN, CVS, Github

Application Servers: Websphere, Weblogic, Pivotal-tcserver, Apache tomcat, JBoss

Web servers: Apache HTTP server

Content management systems: Adobe CQ, Reddot

Web frameworks: Struts, Spring

Java persistence frameworks: Hibernate, Open JPA

Web technologies: Javascript, Jquery, Ajax,HTML5, CSS3, Angular JS, Node Js, Express JS, HTML, XML, JSON, DOM, SAX, JAXB, Jackson

Caches: Gemfire cache, EH cache

SDLC: Agile, Waterfall, Test driven development (TDD)


Confidential, Kansas City, MO

Programmer Analyst-Specialist


  • Development of RESTful web services with spring and JAX-RS to exchange JSON data.
  • Used AngularJS to read JSON data from the services and to perform client validations
  • Used Spring framework (Spring-core, Spring-REST, Spring-JDBC, Spring-MVC, Spring-Boot, Spring-Batch and Spring-Security) extensively to support various work flows within the application
  • Designed and developed code to strengthen passwords which includes expanding mandatory requirements in length, special characters and numbers and also to implement password hashing
  • Made improvements to legacy code to minimize the calls to external firms resulting in reduced costs.
  • Developed Junits using Spring DB unit and Mockito and completed integration with Maven
  • Developed a POC with Javascript technologies (HTML, CSS, Javascript and AngularJS on the client side and Node JS and Express JS on the server side with a non relational and NoSQL database MongoDB)
  • Gained experience working on SVN, STS, Maven, Ant, Jenkins, DB2, oracle, embarcadero, HP-ALM, teamforge, sharepoint, pivotal-tc server and Apache - Http server

Confidential, Bentonville, AR

Programmer Analyst


  • Implemented System Oriented Architecture (SOA) using IBM’s R4SC design pattern.
  • Designed services in UML using IBM’s CTE plug-ins
  • Developed a sync service between legacy (Mainframe and IMS) and OMS (Java/J2EE and DB2) for transfer of data between the two databases
  • Designed and developed a RESTful web service with JAX-RS to pass XML data
  • Implemented Hibernate framework using Spring-ORM support
  • Developed Junits and used ECL EMMA to achieve desired code coverage.
  • Involved in defect fixes, offshore team guidance and weekly meetings with business team and store manages
  • Gained experience on Agile process, RSA, R4SC, IBM-CTE,SVN, QMF, Mantis, Hudson, Maven and Websphere application server

Confidential, Bloomington, IL

System Analyst - Web


  • Design and development of a SOAP based Web service using Apache Axis following top down approach
  • Development of a SOAP web service client as a model in Spring-MVC implementation
  • Development of view pages using JSP and Javascript
  • Junit development to achieve code coverage using corbetura.
  • Production support and enhancements in existing SOAP services
  • Extensive use of Statefarm’s internal tool suite for deployment process
  • Worked on middleware processes including setting up of environments and test data.
  • Weekly reports to the manager on production support and development tasks
  • Environment includes RAD, SVN, Soap-UI, Weblogic application server, JBoss, Ant, Hudson, HP-ALM and sharepoint

Confidential, Irving, TX



  • Development of an application for Android platform
  • Used Android SDK tools for development
  • Performed manual, performance and endurance testing
  • Participant in client meetings on a weekly basis presenting reports on various phases of development
  • Demos to the team and managers at the end of development cycles on a consistent basis.
  • Created a detailed report on automation test tools available in the market judging them on performance, ease of use, cost, training and maintenance.
  • Written extensive technical and end user guides on a number of products in the client’s portfolio

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