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Senior Eai Developer/admin Resume

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Fort Worth, TX


  • 10+ years of experience on Siebel version 7.x & 8.x.
  • In - depth knowledge in Siebel development right from requirement analysis to implementation. Extensively worked in requirement analysis, high level and low level designs, implementation and documentation.
  • Proficiency in Customization of objects in Business Object Layer and User Interface.
  • Worked on Siebel Call Center, Siebel eChannel, Siebel Loyalty.
  • 9 Years of Experience in Siebel Tools and Configuration.
  • 5+ Years of Experience in Siebel EAI, WFs, BS, eScripting, RCR, Runtime Events, Siebel UCM.
  • 3+ Years of Experience in Siebel EIM (Import, merge and delete), UNIX Shell Scripting, PL/SQL.
  • 2+ Years of Experience in Siebel Admin (Admin, Upgrade and Db Migration)
  • One Year of Experience in Siebel Open UI, Haley and BIP.
  • Extensive development experience with Siebel tools and Configuration, Siebel Administration, Siebel upgrade and migration, EAI - XML, SOA-WSDL/Web Service, EAI-JMS Integration, WFs, EIM, eScripting and UCM.
  • Expertise in Siebel Tools, EAI troubleshooting, debugging, performance tuning, Runtime Analysis, SQL trace, extended Syntax Check and locating bugs within the stipulated time.
  • Proficient in UNIX shell scripting.
  • Exposure to Siebel Marketing.
  • Experience in Agile Methodologies.
  • Sound command over End to End Siebel upgrades and database migration.
  • Strong knowledge in setting up new Siebel environments.
  • Knowledge in Integrating Siebel and Avaya CTI 7.0.
  • Skilled in handling Huge Data deletion from Siebel database.
  • Extensively worked in moving the environments in and out of segmented environments.
  • Extensive Oracle 9i/10g, PL/SQL development experience.
  • Involved in Integration between Sales Force and Siebel.
  • Exposure to Sales Force Cloud Technology.
  • Experience in Siebel Open UI and exposure to OPA.
  • Possess excellent time management skills in tackling various issues.
  • Strong analytical ability coupled with a high degree of motivation.
  • Experience in interacting directly with customers and end users at client site for development, enhancement, and management activities.
  • Project execution responsibilities include Preparing Technical design documents, Unit Test Scripts, code review sessions, System Integration testing and deployment plan.
  • Good at understanding business requirements, having an analytical approach in problem solving and working towards improved customer experience.
  • Played a good team lead role to share and take initiative to prepare my team members to live up to the business expectations and standards.


CRM: SIEBEL 8.1/8.0/7.8/7.7/ Siebel 7.5.2, Sales Force CRM

Horizontal/Vertical: Siebel Call Center, Siebel Marketing, Siebel Sales, Siebel eChannel, Siebel eLoyalty, Siebel Loyalty

Operating Systems: UNIX, Windows 2000/XP

Languages: C, C++, JAVA

Script / Markup: HTML, eScript, SOAP, UNIX shell scripting

RDBMS: Oracle 10g, Oracle 11g, DB2 UDB

Tools: BI Publisher, JIRA, Rally, Control-M, HP Quality Center, HPSD, Haley


Confidential, Fort Worth, TX

Senior EAI Developer/Admin


  • Involved in Siebel Upgrade (IRM Process) from to
  • Fixed upgrade issues and stabilized the environment.
  • Installed Siebel UCM on separate servers after upgrade.
  • Defined Survivorship rules.
  • Configuring SSA Data Matching for Siebel UCM.
  • Designed and developed MQ and EAI JMS based integration connector to insert and update PNR date on Siebel end coming from Sabre system.
  • Configured EAI JMS listener components and Connection and Data handling Subsystems as part of the integration setup.
  • Design and Built complex custom workflow involving EAI Data mappings, EAI Siebel adapters, EAI XML Converters, XSLT Transformation BS, Transcode BC, Siebel Operations etc.,
  • Built EAI Outbound Web service to SABRE system to Retrieve PNR information and used complex XSLT transformations to process the response XMLs.
  • Built EAI Inbound Web service to integrate QUIK system with Siebel to perform waivers.
  • Developed Asynchronous mass update functionality using WF Policy which helped user to save huge amount of time.
  • Created VBC based LOV which uses complex business logic to form the drop down LOV values.
  • Stabilized the application by fixing high priority production defects.
  • Developed different applets, BC, BO, views and screens to meet business requirements.
  • Used different user properties at Applet, BC, BS levels.
  • Configured personalization rules to display applets/views based some conditions in PRM portal application.
  • Created Run Time Events (RTE) to meet certain requirements.
  • Created RCR to invoke WF for sending information to external system, making auto-renewal payments etc.,
  • Created Run Time events to trigger BS and WF.
  • Configuring rules using HALEY engine.
  • Used complex eScript to call Haley Engine BS and parsing the response XML and insert the data in Siebel.
  • Developed common Outbound WF to which includes, reading Web service information, querying Siebel DB using EAI Siebel adapter, converting Siebel message to external IO format using XSLT / EAI Data mapping, Invoke Web service, get the response, transform the response into internal IO format using data mappings/XSLT and used EAI Siebel adapter to insert the data into Siebel DB. This common WF will be used by 6 different applications.
  • Used different BS like EAI Siebel Adapter, EAI XML Converter, XML Converter, EAI XSLT Service, EAI Data Transformation engine etc.,
  • Configuring Loyalty Promotion rules and Loyalty engine.
  • Developed Common WF to invoke the Loyalty engine from different place of the application.
  • Modified web template and CSS files to change the look and feel of the eChannel application.
  • Developed complex email templates using XSLT features.
  • Used SOAP UI to test the Web Service Integration.
  • Created EIM import IFB files to load Account, Channel Partner and Address information into Siebel System from VISION system.
  • Created and modified BIP templates using BIP desktop client Word.
  • Used bursting concept of BIP to invoke, generate PDF and send to customers.
  • Unit and System Integration testing
  • Coordinating QA, UAT and Performance testing.
  • Configuration and Coding for Defect fixes for the defects rose during QA, UAT.
  • Performance Tuning for transactions taking long time.
  • Periodic Monitoring of the deliverable status with team on daily basis.
  • Enabled Open UI for Call Center application
  • Configured Manifest administration and Developed PM/PR files.

Environment: Siebel Call Center, Siebel eChannle, Siebel Loyalty, Siebel eLoyalty, Siebel 8.1, Oracle 10g, JMS, MQ, Siebel Web Service, BIP, UCM,Siebel Tools, PL/SQL, eScript, Workflow.

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN

Senior Developer


  • Installed new Siebel UCM application on separate environment.
  • Implementation of unique messaging exchange between integrated systems.
  • Integration with new source systems in short durations.
  • Customization of Rules for data survivor ship and Matching
  • Review configuration of Siebel User Interface for master entities data capturing.
  • Automation for Batch Uploads end to end process
  • Suggested alternatives to minimize some of the frequent data quality related requests.
  • Configuration and Coding for Defect fixes for the defects rose during QA, UAT.
  • Configuring JMS Receivers and Web services for both Inbound and Outbound Integrations
  • Working on WFs and Business Services.
  • Worked on EIM Import and Delete processes.

Environment: Siebel 8.0, PL/SQL Developer, Microsoft Office 2003/2007, Control-M 6.4, HPSD and Quality Center, Siebel Tools, eScript, Workflow, UCM, Oracle 10g, Siebel Callcenter, Sun Solaris 10

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN


  • SIEBEL server installation & configuration, Patch management
  • Siebel version upgrade.
  • Setting up Siebel tools, Mobile/dedicated client
  • SRF, Repository migration. DDL synch.
  • Performance tuning
  • Supporting Production environment which includes
  • Maintaining high application availability
  • Planning and co-coordination of production release.
  • Daily health checks which includes regularly checking status of servers & components. Checking status of JOBs/RCRs/ Tasks. Server resource monitoring(CPU/Memory/Disk space)
  • Supporting all planned & unplanned outages
  • Supporting Test and Development environments which includes
  • Setting up tools/mobile client for developers
  • Extracting local databases for developers
  • Migrating SRF/Repository from Development to Test environment
  • Deploying non repository items
  • Supporting performance testing in Test(QA) environment
  • Supporting all planned & unplanned outages
  • Set up and support Siebel remote. This includes registering user as mobile client, extracting local database, creation of packager, upgrade kits etc
  • Set up email profiles. Configuring and managing communication management component group
  • Configuring & managing Workflow Management component group. Create WF monitor agents as per requirement.
  • Integrating other applications with Siebel. Mainly OBIEE/BIP/Web Methods. This includes configuring symbolic urls, WSDL imports/exports etc.
  • Installing and configuring document server
  • Database refresh activity
  • Setting up SSO/LDAP authentication
  • Automation of daily migration/monitoring activities by writing shell scripts or batch jobs
  • Resolving all adhoc issues, if issue is not related to Siebel then assign it to correct work-group.
  • In case of issues preparing RCA & RCCA documents
  • Keep all stake holders updated with progress in case of issues as per SOP.
  • Opening SR with oracle in case of critical issues
  • Co-coordinating with different teams
  • Provided the solution to move data from DB2 to Oracle, which can be implemented in less down time as it is important to the Client
  • Worked with database team to analyze the impact at database level.
  • Prepared HLD and LLD
  • Prepared design plans and user manuals for future reference and guidance
  • Installed Siebel Schema in Oracle 10g database.
  • Re-pointed enterprise to Oracle 10g from DB2 without reinstalling.
  • Export the data from the DB2 UDB tables into flat files.
  • Developed UNIX shell script to invoke SQL Loader import process for multiple tables in parallel to reduce the downtime.
  • Tuning batch jobs (EIM) as per Oracle 10g.
  • Modified UNIX shell scripts for EIM process as per Oracle 10g

Environment: Siebel 8.0, PL/SQL Developer, Microsoft Office 2003/2007, ControlM 6.4, HPSD and Quality Center, Siebel Tools, eScript, Workflow, UCM, UDB DB2, Oracle 10g, Siebel Callcenter, Sun Solaris 10

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN

Siebel Admin


  • Impact analysis of the application and database due to upgrade.
  • Helped client to define requirements and prepare requirement specifications
  • Prepared HLD and LLD
  • Prepared design plans and user manuals for future reference and guidance.
  • Siebel 8.0 Upgrade POC in a separate environment.
  • Siebel Installations on new Solaris 10 and windows 2003 servers
  • Installed and administered multiple Siebel environments DEV/ TEST/ UAT in Siebel 8.0. Completed a full upgrade of Siebel from 7.5.2 to 8.0. Included upgrade of Siebel Servers, Databases, and Siebel Repository and Web clients.
  • Setup of environments (stage, training and prod) in segmented environment to comply under the GLBA act.
  • Performed upgrade activities Pre Upgrade tasks, Upgrep, Merge Repository, Post Merge and Upgphys.
  • Perform dry run in sandbox environments to fine tune the upgrade scripts.
  • Worked on configuration and WF changes as part of upgrade
  • Helped offshore in modifying EIM batch jobs as per Siebel 8.0.
  • Provided solution for extracting Audit Trail information into flat files.
  • Had setup and administered complete Siebel 8.0 PROD and UAT environment with clustered gateway configuration and load balanced web and Siebel application servers..
  • Designed and created a EIM Conversion program for importing million plus records to Siebel DB. Created Workflows and business services for post import processing to set up primary Ids on imported data.
  • Set up eDocument server for eDoc processing. Added new iebel server to an existing enterprise. Designed new templates and customized eDoc processing for member correspondences.
  • Customization of Rules for data survivor ship and Matching
  • Review configuration of Siebel User Interface for master entities data capturing.

Environment: Siebel 8.0, Call Center, DB2,Oracle 10g, Siebel Tools, eScript, Workflow, VBC, UCM, Sun-Solaris,, PL/SQL Developer, Microsoft Office 2003/2007, ControlM 6.4, HPSD and Quality Center

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN

Siebel Developer


  • Impact analysis of the application and database
  • Helped client to define requirements and prepare requirement specifications
  • Prepared HLD and LLD
  • Prepared design plans and user manuals for future reference and guidance
  • Configuration, creating/modifying applets, Views, Screens, BCs, BOs, WF and Business Services based one new requirements and enhancements.
  • Create VBC based integration (EAI) with TSYS system to show the Credit Card customer information in Siebel UI.
  • Developed EAI HTTP Transport service to pull the TGR Account information from ADW in real time.
  • Created EAI Inbound Web Services to publish a service to external system to access the TGR Guest Information.
  • Created EAI Outbound Web Service to send and update the Service request information as when created to other internal system in realtime.
  • Worked on different BS like EAI Siebel Adapter, EAI XML Converters, XML gateway as part of VBC and Inbound Web service integration.
  • Developed/Modified complex WFs like eMail response WFs.
  • Developed eScripting for various complex solutions like loading Users through excel, parsing Siebel message/ XML message, getting latest email from assigned queues for a user etc.,
  • Setting up the document server on windows machine to generate and merge the correspondence.
  • Modifying eMail Response WF based on requirements.
  • Integrating Siebel with Avaya CTI 7.0.
  • Creating Communication templates for CTI Integration.
  • Setting Communication profiles and Response groups to receive and send emails.
  • Used Communication outbound manager to send emails.
  • Working on Siebel UCM application which includes data survivor ship Customization and Matching
  • Review configuration of Siebel User Interface for master entities data capturing.
  • Integration with new source systems
  • Preparing shell scripts in UNIX and Pl/SQL to load the flat files into Temporary tables perform data cleansing and load into EIM tables.
  • Developing EIM import IFB files to load account contact and address information coming from mainframe source systems.
  • Prepare EIM Merge IFB files to merge duplicate contact records which were loaded from multiple systems.
  • Prepare EIM delete IFB files to delete historical account, contact, service request and Activities based on the defined criteria.
  • Debugging EIM Import related issues by analyzing EIM component logs.
  • Performed Admin tasks like SRF migration, bouncing components etc., in development server for UNIT testing.
  • Created RCR to invoke WF which updates the SR and activity information.
  • Created Run Time events to trigger BS and WF based on events.
  • Setting up Siebel Tools/Clients for new team members.
  • Support QA and UAT phases.

Environment: Siebel 7.5.. Siebel Call Center, DB2, Siebel Tools, eScript, Workflow, VBC, Siebel UCM, Windows, Sun-Solaris, PL/SQL, Microsoft Office 2003/2007, Control-M 6.4, HPSD and Quality Canter.

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