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Ui Developer Resume

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Santa Clara, CA


  • 7+ years of development experience with excellent knowledge in HTML/HTML5, XHTML, DOM, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX and JSON, MONGO DB and their behavior on different browsers.
  • 5+ years of experience in AngularJS, Backbone.js, RequireJS in development of front end/UI portals.
  • Great hands on project experience with JavaScript MVC such as AngularJs and Backbone.js.
  • Strong experience in troubleshooting, debugging and modularizing the existing code.
  • Deep understanding of Object Oriented JavaScript programming and JavaScript MVC framework.
  • In - Depth knowledge/Experience of Web 2.0, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS3, W3C Standards.
  • Good experience in Development, Implementation and testing in various application architectures, including E-Commerce, B2B, Distributed Applications, Internet /Intranet.
  • Proficient with Eclipse, Sublime Text, Notepad ++, Net Beans, Visual Studio 2010/2012, CSS3, Bootstrap, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver.
  • Extensive experience in various UI widgets using JavaScript libraries like angular.js, backbone.js, Require.js, Ext.js, and Node.js and developing Rich Internet Applications RIA.
  • Involved in daily SCRUM meetings to keep track of the ongoing project status and issues.
  • Excellent problem identification skills through JUnit, Log4j.
  • Worked on CSS Background, CSS Positioning, CSS Text, CSS Border, CSS Margin, CSS Padding, CSS Table, Pseudo Classes, Pseudo Elements and CSS Behaviors in CSS.
  • Ability to write clear, well-documented, well-commented and efficient code for web development.
  • Strong problem-solving, organizing, communication and planning skills, with ability to work in team environment.
  • Good written and oral communication skills and Interpersonal skills with a strong ability to excel through collaboration with team members.
  • Used jQueryUI controls as Accordion, Tabs, Dialog and used jQuery mobile data attributes to create mobile friendly pages. Created custom jQuery plugins for file upload, date control and drag and drop using Client templates.


Web Development: HTML5, SASS, CSS3, JavaScript, Servlet, JSP, jQuery, PHP, JSON, JDBC, AJAX, XML, XHTML, DHTML, ASP.NET, DHTMLX MVC, DOM,, Bootstrap, Wordpress, W3C Standards and Section 508 Compliance.

JS Frameworks: Angular.js, Backbone.js, Date.js, Node.js,underscore.js

Application Frameworks: Spring, Hibernate

Operating System: Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X

Application Servers: Apache Tomcat, Web Logic, Web Sphere, http-server, nginx

Programming Languages: C, C++, JavaScript, SQL, java

Databases: PL/SQL (oracle), MySQL, MSSQL

IDEs worked on: Notepad++, Sublime, Visual Studio, Eclipse,cloud9

Debugging Tools: Firebug, BugZilla, (internet explorer)

Software Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Balsamiq mockups

Others: SVN, GitHub, RESTful web services


Confidential, Santa Clara, CA

UI Developer


  • Responsible for developing theUIpages using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JSON, and jQuery, Ajax.
  • Developed Page layouts, Navigations and presented designs and concepts to the clients and the management to review.
  • Used firebug, IEdevelopertoolbar and chrome canary tool for debugging java script and fixing issues.
  • Styled using CSS3 to maintain the uniformity of the all the screens though out the application and positioning of the screen objects.
  • Designed and implemented quick search using Angular.js for articles based on number of likes.
  • Implemented responsive web design using media queries and bootstrap.
  • Used JQUERY plug-ins to implement features as a light box, galleria, sliders and other intuitive features.
  • Converted wire frames to HTML prototypes, created forms to collect and validate data from the user in HTML and JavaScript.
  • Responsible for checking cross browser compatibility and hence worked on different browsers like safari, Internet explorer, Firefox and Google chrome.
  • Fixed bugs, developed pages and styled in a table-less environment.
  • Developed mobile cross-browser web application for real-time location sharing utilizing Angular JS, JavaScript API.
  • Used Angular JS to implement rich functionality in various pages: form validation, CRUD, grid, search, sort, pagination, multi-selection, tags-input, advanced directives, authentication, server-side proxy, unit tests, cloud integration, slide pages, users switch etc.
  • Defined new validations through Angular JS for the form field validation implemented through HTML and Used AJAX, JSON to send request to the server to check the functionality of the website
  • Involved in developing web Page Applications and Implemented custom directives to reuse the code using Angular JS.
  • Developed Web API using Node JS and hosted on multiple load balanced API instances.
  • The application was built on Node JSusing the template system. We utilized for CSS development and unit tests were developed with Mocha.
  • Managed projects with Grunt task runner and combined with Bower package manager to installJavaScript latest version of libraries based on running in the Node.js environment.
  • Worked closely with back-enddevelopersto find ways to push the limits of existing Web technology in service of creating the best possible user experience.
  • Involved in writing jQuery-based Ajax requests using jquery.get or jquery.ajax and jQuery.post.
  • Collected data from focus group and created JSON files to query on Mongo DB
  • Used CSS Sprites to decrease the number of HTTP requests and load time of web pages.
  • Managed code with unit tests and GitHub.
  • Developed unit test for each new feature implemented using Mocha and Chai testing frameworks.
  • Used JIRA for task assignment, bug tracking and fixture.

Environment: and Technologies: HTML 5, CSS3, Angular JS, Node JS, Mongo DB, Express JS, Bootstrap, AJAX, JSON, XML, firebug, Eclipse, Brackets, Github, JIRA for Agile development, Mocha, Chai.

Confidential, San Jose, CA



  • Developed Login/Registration/Edit of user profile integration with community sites using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, ASP.NET.
  • Registration & Edit User Profile for all FTN sites.
  • Developed Project Page module which facilitates editors can select articles displayed in site using Object Oriented Programming.
  • Developed White Paper Display Module which including rate the asset, save for later and email colleague functionalities.
  • Developed the Whitepaper upload functionality. Used advanced JavaScript to create interfaces and help manage cross browser compatibility.
  • Implemented pagination/date calendar using jQuery.
  • Used JS framework such as AngularJs (for data driven apps) and backbone.js (for heavy DOM manipulation).
  • Written CSS and implementing it in the views / layouts as needed.
  • Worked on optimizing SQL queries to improve the loading times of the web pages.
  • Analyzed and improved application efficiency by optimizing.
  • Used Firebug, Firebug Lite, and IE Developer Toolbar for debugging and browser compatibility.

Environment: Windows, Eclipse, JavaScript, ASP.Net, HTML5, DHTML, CSS3, jQuery, AJAX, AngularJs, backbone.js, Jasmine, Firebug, Firebug Lite, and IE Developer.

Confidential, Saddle River, NJ

Web Developer


  • Developed and designed the various screens and its architecture in accordance toUISpecs following client branding standards
  • Involved in complete Agile/SDLC - Requirement Analysis, Development, System and Integration Testing.
  • Create and maintain web pages using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQUERY and also responsible for Designing of Web pages including Ajax controls and XML
  • Involved to create different cross browser compatible user interactive web pages, using web technologies like HTML5, XHTML, and CSS3.
  • Worked with HTML4/5, CSS2/3 background, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border, CSS margin, CSS padding, Pseudo elements and CSS behaviors.
  • Followed MVC Structure to develop Application.
  • Extensively worked in defect maintenance of Front End issues.
  • Organized the internal site for managing environments, and project details using HTML, CSS3, JavaScript and JQUERY easing the scrolling pages to tabbed template structure.
  • Edited web pages for achieving design goals with CSS3, JavaScript and JQUERY.

Environment: HTML5, HTML, CSS2/3, Less, JavaScript, JQUERY, JSP, Bootstrap, Angular JS, AJAX.

Confidential - Peoria, IL

UI Developer


  • Working as an application developer, experienced with controllers, views and models in Backbone.js.
  • Designed and developed the application to be responsive for desktop, mobile and tablets using HTML, jQuery and JavaScript, Ajax, SASS.
  • Used Angular.js, Backbone.js and Handlebars.js framework where data from backend is stored in model and populated it to UI.
  • Used Sublime for developing code modules in the development environment.
  • Used NPM, GRUNT for UI task runner and mastered in using the GRUNT commands for building and deploying the project.
  • Implemented validation for the various form fields such as email and telephone etc.
  • Experienced debugging and solving cross browser compatibility problems.
  • Worked independently with minimal assistance and worked across multiple aspects.
  • Involved in daily meetings to keep track of the on-going project and issues.

Environment: Angular.js, Backbone.js, Handlebars.js, JavaScript, Underscore.js, Ajax, JSON, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, SASS.

Confidential, Melville,NY

Jr Web Developer


  • Developed Login and registration forms using HTML and CSS.
  • Involved in designing and implementing Web2.0 Rich UI for the Self-service Application using jQuery Ajax framework and Widget based JavaScript programmed model.
  • Involved in implementing java rendering framework which manages the pages on the server side.
  • Involved in developing the Validations across the application using jQuery Validator plug in.
  • Involved to transport data using XML.
  • Involved in implementing the UI to support all the major browsers.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQUERY, AJAX, JSON, XML.

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