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Front-end Ui Developer Resume

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San Francisco, CA


  • 7 plus years of diverse experience utilizing JAVA tools in Business, Web and Client - Server environments using latest Java/J2EE technologies with skills in analysis, design, development.
  • Extensive experience in Java Server side programming, Client/Server technology and Web based software development using J2EE and XML.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to positively interact with clients, peers and senior members to communicate technical issues and corrective actions.
  • Knowledge and good understanding of SQL and PL/SQL. Experience in working with Stored Procedures, Functions, Packages and DB Triggers.
  • Experience in developing Client-Server/N-tier/ Web-Development using Servlets, XML, SAX, DOM, HTML, DHTML, Ajax, JQuery, CSS and Java Script.
  • Proficient in Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) technology such as JMS, Web Service, SOAP and IBM Web Sphere MQ Series.
  • Extensive development experience in Java, Web logic Portal, Spring framework 2.x, Struts framework 1.x/2.x, Enterprise Java Beans 2.x, JDBC 3.x, JSP 1.x, JSF, Servlets 2.x with MVC architecture.
  • Expertise in Client Side Designing and Validations using XSLT, CSS, Bootstrap, SAS, JSP.
  • Experience in Struts Framework, Spring Framework, Apache Wicket, Ofbiz Framework and JSF.
  • Knowledge on developing and designing enterprise web portals using Weblogic Workshop for Weblogic platform.
  • Experience in writing test cases using JUNIT
  • Experience in various development tools like Oracle JDeveloper 10g/9i, Eclipse, WSAD and RAD.
  • Experience in Version Control tools like Rational Clear Case, VSS, SVN, CVS and MKS.
  • Experience in Build tools like Ant and Maven.
  • Extensively worked in Requirement Analysis/gathering and documentation.
  • Experience in various SDLC phases like Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and Implementation.
  • Experience with object oriented modeling - UML. Familiar with various software methodologies, design patterns.


Languages: JDK 1.4/1.5/1.6, J2EE, Python,SQL/PLSQL,C, C++

J2EE Technologies: Servlets 2.1/2.2, JSP 1.1/1.2, EJB 1.x/2.x, JMS, JDBC 1.x/2.x, JNDI, XML, AJAX, Web Services, JSF 1.2

Frameworks: Struts 1.x/2.x, Spring 2.x(AOP, MVC, Security, JDBC), Weblogic Portal 8.x/9.x/10.x, and Hibernate 2.x


Application & Web Servers: BEA Weblogic 7.0/8.1/9.2, Apache Tomcat 5.X/ 6.X, IBM Web Sphere MQ-Series, JBoss 4,5.0X

IDEs/Utilities: Eclipse3.x, JDeveloper9.x/10.x, PL/SQL Developer, Weblogic Workshop 8.x/9.x Putty, Star UML, TOAD, SQL Developer

Databases: DB2 6.x/7.x, Oracle 8i/9i/11g, SQL server 2000/2005

Operating Systems: Windows (NT,2000/XP,7), UNIX, LINUX, Solaris, AIX

Build Tools: Ant, Maven, GNU make

Issue Tracking Tools: Jira, Service manager 7

Version Control: Tortoise SVN, Clear Case, CVS, Serena Version Manager

Others: MS Office, HTML, Log4j, CSS, SASS, XSL, XSLT, XPATH, Oracle Coherence Gemfire, Jenkins, Agile methodologies, JavaScript, Unix Shell scripting, PERL scripting


Confidential, San Francisco, CA

Front-end UI developer


  • Implemented a generic way of parsing messages using Java Generics and that ensured the parser is picked up at runtime depending on the message type.
  • Message Type is derived using Xpath based look up. Used Factory Design Pattern for selecting the appropriate parser for each message.
  • Designed a generic table structure for storing multiple message formats in DB2.
  • Query in memory Oracle Coherence which was distributed across nodes to cache configuration and product related information.
  • Ensured that transaction is maintained while processing the message and none of the message gets lost using Spring Transaction Manager.
  • Involved in writing code to transform XML documents using JAXP (SAX and DOM Parsers) and XSLT.
  • Used Spring along with the Spring Integration Framework to do the message flow in the component. This enables lot of parallel processing with in the component.
  • The batching of the results of the messages while persisting to DB2 was important, so we used Spring JDBC template for persisting the results.
  • Used Agile methodology in designing and developing the modules.
  • Worked on High Volume Transaction Processing environment to process more than 10 billion messages per day.
  • Ensured the scalability of the component, to cater to a high volume and yet maintain the order of processing. This involved lot of Multithreading for each of the functionality.
  • Used Messaging queues (JMS) for point to point communication.
  • Wrote a JMS message listener with a retry logic for retrieving messages from IBM MQ Series.
  • Whenever an exception occurs, the components retry the messages 3 times before sending it to the error or discarding it depending on the configurations.
  • Made synchronous/asynchronous TCP request to another component to get the portfolio related information needed for processing the message.
  • Developed Trade based User Interface using JSP, XML, HTML5 and Backbone.js.
  • For Form validation, and better user interaction on the UI, we have used Javascript Jquery library.
  • Implemented upload functionality in UI, so that trades can be uploaded in CSV format in an excel. Used Jquery for validating and posting this to the server.
  • Used CSS3 to display the trade information as a grid in the UI.
  • Used Sass as a CSS Preprocessor and Bootstrap for achieving responsive web designs.
  • Any requests made from the UI to the backend for data, server would return the data in JSON format.
  • The backend web server was based on Jakarta Struts which supported REST.
  • Used Struts validator framework to validate user input.
  • Created WSDL for the web services to be deployed using bottom-up approach.
  • The Authentication was important part of the Web Service, within the firm we mostly used user Id based Kerberos token authentication.

Environment: Spring Integration Framework, DB2, DOM, Xpath, XML, XSLT, JDBC, Java/J2EE, Jakarta Struts, Hibernate, HTML5, Maven, Eclipse IDE, JSP, Clear Case, JSF, SOAP, Ajax, JavaScript, Backbone.js, JUnit, JSON, ESB, JMS, Oracle Coherence, Apache Ant, CSS3, Bootstrap, Sass, Web Services.

Confidential, Santa Clara, CA

Front-end UI developer


  • Design DB2 tables, which are used for easy addition and Configuration for a recon
  • Using Spring JDBC Template Write Data Fetch from DB (for query as well as procedure) and from file using buffer readers.
  • Since Read is Faster than write, we implemented Producer-Consumer pattern, with read thread being Producer, writer thread being consumer.
  • By having more writer threads, we archived Multithreading in the component.
  • Batched the Results before Persisting the Data fetched into a table.
  • Write the procedure for various Databases like MYSQL, Sybase, DB2 to fetch the data from table as needed by the recon.
  • Used Spring to do the database Connections, Transaction Management and for sending and receiving byte messages Over MQ.
  • Developed UI for viewing the recon results (MATCH, MIS-MATCH) using HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap.
  • Developed MVC design pattern based User Interface to view the Recon data using JSP, XML, XSLT, HTML and Struts.
  • Involved in Writing components to export the Recon Results to an Excel on the UI,
  • Used JSF framework in developing user interfaces using JSF UI components for setting up new recons.
  • Developed JavaScript functions for front end validations. The frontend would request backend for data and server would return the data in JSON format using JQuery Library.
  • Front end would display the results, with various counts (same, missing, or duplicate) .
  • UI has the ability to fetch the recon data for a given date at a client level. The Client List is auto-populated on the UI using AJAX request, made to the server using Jquery .

Environment: Java j2ee, Spring, JDBC, Xml, JavaScript, Jakarta Struts, DOM, Hibernate, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Bootstrap, Eclipse IDE, Maven, REST, JUnit, JSON, JQuery, EJB, Jenkins, Apache Ant, SOA, Ajax, JSP, JSF, Clear Case, Web Services

Confidential, VA


  • Used agile methodology in designing and developing the modules.
  • Collected User Stories for documenting the requirements of Tracking, reviewing modules.
  • Used Struts validator framework to validate user input.
  • Implemented Singleton Design Pattern by sharing the single service locator object across different Business Delegates.
  • Developed MVC design pattern based User Interface using JSP, XML, XSLT, HTML and Struts.
  • Used Spring AOP for transaction management.
  • Used Apache Axis to generate the web services module.
  • Created WSDL for the web services to be deployed using bottom-up approach.
  • Application is built using standard design patterns such as DAO, Abstract Factory, Singleton, Session Facade, Business Delegate, and MVC.
  • Junit, log4j were used for unit testing and as logging frameworks.
  • Hibernate is used as a persistence mapping technology along with JPA which acts as a wrapper around the Hibernate eliminating the mappings and configuration by annotating the POJO classes with Data Base tables.
  • Participated in and contributed to group sessions, design reviews, and code analyzing.
  • Used svn repository for version control.
  • Used Eclipse IDE for development.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring, Struts, Hibernate, JSP, HTML, SOAP, WebSphere, JBoss, Oracle 10g, Apache Ant, Log4j, Edit plus, RAD, Varnish, Eclipse IDE, Subversion, Web Logic, JUnit, Subversion, Axis, WSDL, Web Services, Visual Paradigm.

Confidential, Saint Louis, MO


  • Used agile methodology in designing and developing the modules.
  • Collected User Stories for documenting the requirements of product catalog, ordering products and Approval module.
  • Used Struts validator framework to validate user input.
  • Developed MVC design pattern based User Interface using JSP, XML, HTML and Struts.
  • Used JSF framework in developing user interfaces using JSF UI components, Validator events and Listeners.
  • Used Apache Axis to generate the Order products web services module.
  • Created WSDL for the web services to be deployed using bottom-up approach.
  • Application is built using standard design patterns such as DAO, Abstract Factory, Session Facade, Business Delegate, and MVC.
  • Junit, log4j were used for unit testing and as logging frameworks.
  • Hibernate is used as a persistence mapping technology by mapping and configuring the POJO classes with Data Base tables.
  • Participated in and contributed to group sessions, design reviews, and code analyzing.
  • Used svn repository for version control.
  • Used Eclipse IDE for development.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Struts, Hibernate, JSP, EJB, HTML, CSS, WebSphere, Maven, Oracle 10g, Apache Ant, JBoss, Log4J, RAD, Eclipse IDE, REST, JMS, Jenkins, Subversion, JUnit, JQuery, Subversion, Axis, WSDL, Web Services.


Front-end UI developer


  • Created quality working J2EE code to design, schedule and cost to implement use cases.
  • Implemented Different Design patterns like singleton, factory and J2EE design patterns like Business delegate, session façade, Value object and DAO design patterns.
  • Involved in writing the database integration code using Hibernate Leveraged the AOP features of Spring framework to handle exceptions.
  • Used Apache Axis for implementing and testing Web Services.
  • Used Spring Framework’s IOC Dependency Injection to inject Service Object using Service Locator Design Pattern into Action Classes.
  • Involved in writing code to transform XML documents using JAXP (SAX and DOM Parsers).
  • Contributed in design and development of Struts/MVC web based application.
  • Used Struts Tiles and Validator framework extensively in developing the applications.
  • Involved in writing JSP and JSF components. Used JSTL Tag library (Core, Logic, Nested, Bean and Html taglib’s) to create standard dynamic web pages.
  • Developed Trade based User Interface using JSP, XML, HTML5.
  • Provided client side validations using Struts Validator framework and JavaScript.
  • For Form validation, and better user interaction on the UI, we have used Javascript Jquery library.
  • Used CSS3 to display the trade information as a grid in the UI.
  • Effectively prepared for and organized technical inspections to review code and design models with peers and software architects.
  • Involved in performing Unit and Integration testing (JUnit). Strictly followed Test Driven Development (TDD Approach) environment using Agile methodologies.
  • Used Clear Case for source Version Control.
  • Used SQL Query Analyzer for writing SQL scripts.
  • Provided the users with training.
  • Deployed the application onto the production boxes.
  • IBM MQ Series provides independent and potentially non-concurrent applications on a distributed system to communicate with each other. Used to achieve SOA.
  • Used ESB for communication between different applications in the SOA architecture.
  • Deployed the application in BEA Web Logic Application Server 10.0.

Environment: Java/J2EE, Spring MVC 3.0, Clear Case, Ajax, CSS, Java Script, Hibernate, Apache Tomcat, Eclipse 3.3, JSP 2.1, JSF, Struts, SOA, JNDI, Log4j, Jira, JUnit 4.5, XML, HTML, JavaScript, Weblogic Application Server 10.0, Oracle 10g, Windows XP and IBM MQ Series.

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