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Sr. Ui/ux Developer Resume

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Maryville, TN


  • Over 6 years of experience as aUIDeveloperwithUXdesign with extensive experience in developing Websites and User Interface Applications using Web Technologies.
  • Extensive experience in designing professional User Interactive (UI) web applications using with the help of HTML, HTML DOM, DHTML, XML, XHTML, XSL, XSLT and CSS.
  • Experience in working on CSS Background, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border, CSS margin, CSS padding, CSS table, Pseudo classes, Pseudo elements and CSS behaviors in CSS.
  • Strong exposure to UX design along with a strong background working in Wire - frames (Prototypes, Mock-ups, Storyboard and User Flows) and Screen Mockups Prototype.
  • Advanced responsive web development experience with Angular JS and React JS including authoring complex directives, services, controllers, and filters; working with animations, routing, states and resource.
  • Expertise in client scripting language and server side scripting languages like JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, bootstrap, Node.JS, Knockout JS and Angular JS.
  • Experience in designing the user interactive web applications and Rich Internet Applications(RIA’s) using with web authoring tools like Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 and AJAX.
  • Extensive experience in web analysis, design and development and implementation in Client / Server technology.
  • Experience in both Waterfall & Agile development methodologies.
  • Extensive responsive web design frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation 4
  • Strong experience in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques in order to develop web applications.
  • Expertise in using XML/JSON and AJAX to link with back-end applications.
  • ELearning - Frame work Designs, Simulations, Flash Banners and demo using Flash and Captivate.
  • Experience with mobile frameworks: Phone Gap and cardova for iPhone, Android and windows phones.
  • Expertise in client scripting language and server side scripting languages like JavaScript, jQuery,
  • JSON, DOJO, bootstrap, Node.JS, Angular.JS, backbone.JS, Require.JS, React.JS, Ext.JS, Action Script, JSF and JSP.
  • In depth experience at one time or another with AngularJS, jQuery, jQuery UI, Backbone.JS, Underscore.JS, polymerJS and Node.JS.
  • Experience in developing applications in 3-Tier architecture like Presentation Layer, Business Layer and Data Layer.
  • Experienced the server side Java Script like Node.js, The creation of Web servers and Package manager like (Node Package Manager) NPM. Worked with task runners like Grunt, Gulp task runner.
  • Experience in Unit Testing (UIT) frameworks like Jasmine/Karma/Mocha.
  • Written SQL Queries to interact with Oracle and MySQL database.
  • Strong experience in working on JavaScript environment like MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node).
  • Design and standardize the Restful API urls and parameters for efficient integration between front end and back end.
  • Strong experience with Cross Browser Compatibility issues and Optimization for web, including CSS Sprites and best practices.
  • Well experienced in using version control systems subversion (SVN), Visual source Safe and team Foundation Server (TFS).
  • Experience in working MVC Architecture and also in using version control(SVN).
  • Re-developed a single page application using AngularJS, which was supported in IE 9, 10, 11, Firefox, Chrome.
  • Experience the NoSQL database like of DOM (Document-oriented Model).
  • Involved in designing the user experience interfaceUI/UX strategy,UIrequirements, converting findings intoUIdesigns.
  • Strong Experience in designing and developing the business web applications by “Hand-Coding” methodology with the help of HTML, HTML5, DHTML, XHTML, XML and CSS3 based on the W3C standards
  • Experience in handling Internet Information Server (IIS), Apache, Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), TCP/IP and SMTP protocols.
  • Modernized DNP’s current Photo Kiosk software, and designed DNP’s next generation Photo Kiosk software and standards to be used on 21,500 kiosks worldwide.
  • Expertise in using CSS Sprites to increase the efficiency of web pages and knowledge of Backbone.js and Jquery Mobile.
  • Excellent experience in developing web pages complacent with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and ability to apply W3C web standards with great craftsmanship.


Web Technologies: HTML, HTML5, DHTML, XHTML, CSS3 and XML

Scripting Languages: JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, JSON, BackboneJS, AngularJS, KnockoutJS, ReactJS, Bootstrap

IDE,HTML Editor: Eclipse IDE, Notepad++, Adobe Dreamweaver, Visual studio 2015

UI Tools & Technologies: Adobe Flash with Action Script 3.0, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe Illustrator CS5, Microsoft Visual Source Safe web/App Servers: Apache Tomcat, HTTP web server

Operating Systems: Windows 2000, Windows XP (Prof), Win 7, Linux

Methodologies: Agile, Rational Unified Process (RUP), UML

Back end Languages: PHP, Java/J2EE, ASP.NET

Databases: SQL, NoSQL, Oracle


Confidential, Maryville, TN

Sr. UI/UX developer


  • Developed retail phone pages for POS on windows 10 using HTML5, CSS3 and SCSS
  • Developed data-bindings to the views and a reusable UI component library using Typescript, JQuery and knockout JS.
  • Based on wireframes and design, created HTML templates for Desktop and Mobile site.
  • Re-designed phone views for POS that it was available through the web(cloud POS) and desktop(MPOS), used Typescript with Knockout JS
  • Implemented Angular JS concepts like Controllers, Services, Modules and filters for data binding and have knowledge on Backbone JS.
  • Used AngularJS 2.0, a JavaScript framework to bind the data to the HTML using directives like ng-app, ng-model and ng-bind directives.
  • Used Phonegap while building hybrid apps. Built various native features using PhoneGap. E.g.: Video recording playback from within the app HTTP HTTPS .
  • Implemented view model bindings using knockout binding handlers.
  • Used the Java Collections API extensively in the application as security protection for XML, SOAP, REST and JSON to make a secure Web Deployment.
  • Provided middle-tier RoR integration and testing.
  • Converted the XMI code to Angular JavaScript.
  • Used D3.JS for data visualization in this application.
  • Provided environmental configuration and setup of Oracle VM running RoR and Apache/Tomcat
  • Used WinJS 4.0 controls for adding several functionalities to the application (like Date picker, Pivots, App bar, Tile list elements, Fly outs, common header etc.)
  • Worked on Browser Compatibility and tested web application (cloud POS) on popular web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
  • Wrote, shot, edited, and voiced promotional videos for internal and client-facing events and demosVidyoRoom and VidyoRoom SE:
  • Used Hibernate mappings, relationships between tables and entity classes to access and update information in the database.
  • Developed the Buttons like popup windows and the modal windows by using the JQuery.
  • Worked on several deliverables to introduce new features to the POS application.
  • Implemented a large part of the UI dynamic functionalities using CSS, jQuery, jQuery UI, Knockout JS, Typescript, and HTML.
  • Developed a fully functional prototype application using JavaScript (jQuery and Backbone.js) and Bootstrap, connecting to a REST-ful server on a different domain.
  • Used Eclipse 3.0 as IDE, Maven as the build tool and Clear Case for the version control.
  • Worked on SQL queries with Oracle SQL developer to select/insert/update/joins etc. for test/development purpose in local environment.
  • Designed and developed many PL/SQL batches using JAVA with connectivity to Oracle for data maintenance and handling.
  • Made use of bootstrap sass for styling purposes and involved in creating responsive design with media queries.
  • Multi-cultured Team Player with complete flexibility to work independently as well as in a team and have quick grasping capabilities to work with the newly emerging technologies.
  • High proficiency in design tools such as Axure RP, Balsamiq Mockup, Sketch, Photoshop, and Illustrator.
  • Designed Responsive Web pages using Media Queries.
  • Developed unit test cases and functional test cases using Mocha.
  • Communicated updates in daily in-person scrum meetings.

Environment: CSS, HTML, SCSS, ASP.NET, C#, Typescript, JavaScript, Bootstrap, SQL, JQuery, IIS, knockout JS, JSON, TFS, visual studio 2015.

Confidential, Norcross, GA

Sr. UI/UX developer


  • Designed the Web application layout and forms using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
  • Used AngularJS as frameworks to create single page applications (SPA) which can bind data to specific views and synchronize data with server using Sass, Less, Bootstrap.
  • Developed elegant tables with sorting and filtering functionality using ng-table plugin using Node.js
  • Good Understanding and knowledge with Node.js, Spring MVC, REST API.
  • Developed the user interactive web applications and Rich Internet Applications (RIA’s) using with the help of Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.
  • Utilized Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver and Illustrator for the front-end UX design such as web pages, graphics.
  • Developed responsive applications using Bootstrap.JS, Node.JS and D3.JS which allowed the same application to be optimized for both mobile and desktop resolutions.
  • Implementation of a form designer module for a web based system, in order to allow the users to create their own forms, using YUI, JQuery and JavaScript frameworks.
  • Worked on JQuery extensively for various user interactions, front-end validations and other visual effects.
  • Worked on AJAX functionality for dynamic data binding for data grid, accordion, Ajax driven menu tabs using back end service calls and consumed both JSON and XML data inUISide.
  • Worked with clients to develop layout, color scheme for their website and implemented it into a final Interface design with the HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
  • Good Knowledge of data storage and data retrieval using SQL and NoSQL
  • Developed data formatted web applications and deploy the script using HTML5, XHTML, CSS and Client side scripting using JavaScript.
  • Developed custom directives in AngularJS for the application independent components like sticky header for window or table, custom dropdowns, tables, checkboxes, radio buttons, notifications, chevrons, graphs, date pickers, pagination etc.
  • Wrote code to fetch data from Web services using JQUERY AJAX via JSON response and updating the HTML pages.
  • Designed website using HTML5 and CSS with desired ‘old and clean’ look, under a very aggressive deadline.
  • Used YUI to convert simple JavaScript utilities to complete internet widgets.
  • Designing web pages for HTML files that supports AJAX component, Rich design time UI to use AJAX libraries such as Dojo, jQuery.
  • Extensive experience in Development, Implementation and testing in various application architectures, including E-Commerce, B2B, Distributed Applications, Internet /Intranet.
  • Worked on Browser Compatibility and tested each and every web application on popular web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome.
  • Coordinated with the quality group for testing activities and Production Support team to resolve the solution.
  • Designed front end web applications by writing HTML code with the help of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques.

Environment: CSS, HTML, CMS, XHTML, DHTML, XML, XSL, GIT, YUI, XSLT, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, IIS,508 standards, Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, AJAX, Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Flash, Action Script 3.0, Adobe Illustrator CS4, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop CS4 and MS Office Suite

Confidential, San Jose, CA

UI/UX Developer


  • Developed the user interactive web applications and Rich Internet Applications (RIA’s) using with the help of Adobe Dreamweaver CS4.
  • Worked with Adobe Flash module by using Action Script 3.0.
  • DevelopedUIon mobile web platform using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JavaScript validations and JSON.
  • Design a graphics heavy website based on the company’s requirements using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. built web application using Polymer, node.js, express.js, SASS and gulp.js for build management. Distributed through the App Store using the Cordova Platform.
  • Familiar with Mobile Web Development using jQuery Mobile and Twitter BootStrap
  • Organized the content and updated the content through Content Management System (CMS).
  • Designed mockups, GUI layouts by using HTML, DHTML, XHTML, XML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Used CSS, CSS3, XHTML, HTML, HTML5, XML, DHTML, Ajax, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS and mobile frameworks.
  • Experience in working with GIT environment.
  • Developed data formatted web applications and deploy the script using HTML, XHTML, CSS and Client side scripting using JavaScript.
  • Worked on browser compatablity and tested each and every application on popular web browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Chrome.
  • Created User Interface in DOJO/AJAX and Struts2 tags for different customized screens for each type of Provider.
  • Used Angular JS framework for building web-apps and is highly efficient with PHP framework as well as using Restful services.
  • Implemented Microsoft ASP.Net AJAX Extender Controls like Calendar, Tab Control and Update Panel controls to provide a rich and user-friendly user-interface.
  • Designed the business logic and implemented it by creating interfaces, abstract classes, static classes and sealed classes.
  • Writing Stored Procedures and Batch Queries in SQL Server.
  • Worked with the Flash with the PHP is used to connect the data base and to pass XML formatted data to flash.
  • Implemented Presentation layer using CSS Framework, AngularJS.

Environment: CSS3, HTML5, CMS, XHTML, DHTML, XML, XSL, XSLT, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery, IIS,508 standards, Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, AJAX, Adobe Creative Suite, GIT, Adobe Flash, Action Script 3.0, Adobe Illustrator CS4, Adobe Fireworks, polymer JS, Adobe Photoshop CS4 and MS Office Suite.


Web Developer


  • Designed the web pages by using HTML, XHTML, and CSS and deploy the script using with JavaScript.
  • Worked on web site analytics like Omniture.
  • Developed secured web applications by using client scripting such as JavaScript and JQuery.
  • Wrote external CSS file, which linked to the HTML file to increase the traffic of the web site.
  • Developed the application logos and images by using Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Illustrator.
  • Developed the Rich Internet Applications (RIA’s) with the help Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 and Adobe Contribute CS3 and AJAX.
  • Designed the graphic objects, illustrations, images (vector and bitmap) and banners with using Adobe Flash MX and Action Script, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
  • Involved in software coding, testing, and debugging for web presentation layer using HTML and CSS according to internal standards and guidelines.
  • Designed the complete web site based on the W3C Standards.
  • Developed the user interactive web applications and Rich Internet Applications (RIA’s) using with the help of Adobe Dreamweaver CS3.
  • Used browser compatibility standards and principles to perform the website operations.
  • Developed the table less web applications using with CSS and with the help of Tags on W3C standards.
  • Cooperated in development and finalization of initial design of the application and worked with content managers, copywriters and designers to resolve the issues.
  • Developed E-commerce enterprise applications using web technologies like HTML, DHTML, XHTML, DOM, PHP Script, JSP Script and CSS based on the W3C standards.

Environment: CSS, CMS, SEO, HTML, DHTML, XHTML, XML, PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JSP, AJAX, Macromedia Flash MX, Action Script, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, XML, Visio, SEO, Adobe Dreamweaver MX, IIS, and SQL Server 2005.

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