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Web Angular Js Developer Resume

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Miamisburg, OH


  • Around 7 years of experience in software industry with complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process which includes Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation and Production Support.
  • Passionate about creating well - architected solutions; well-versed in the latest web technologies, such as SASS, node.js, AngularJS, and NoSQL.
  • Experience with Ajax (Single-page interface; XPath targeting; Comprehensive event model; State and the observer pattern)
  • Strong OOD/OOP skills, experience with software development principles, Agile methodologies, and applying modern design patterns
  • Experience with JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JSON, and XML
  • Experience with JS testing frameworks (e.g. Karma, Jasmine, Mocha)
  • Experience with application scaffolding tools, automation & development tools, and dependency management (e.g. Yeoman, Bower, npm, grunt)
  • Experience with Node.js and design/development of RESTful APIs
  • Experience with client side JS MVC frameworks (e.g. AngularJS, Ember, Backbone)
  • Familiarity with GIT source control.
  • Worked on design and development of variety of projects - client/server and multi-tier Java/J2EE projects.
  • Extensive experience in developing web page quickly and effectively using jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Web Design, Bootstrap and experience in making web pages cross browser compatible
  • Proficient in developing web page quickly and effectively using, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and JQuery and also experience in making webpage cross browser compatible.
  • Excellent programming skills in JAVA and J2EE technologies including JDBC, Servlets, JSP, XML, Enterprise Java Beans and PL/SQL.developing applications using servers like WebSphere, WebLogic, JBOSS and Tomcat
  • Great exposure in developing Java/J2EE based Web applications, loosely coupled Distributed applications using Web Services (SOAP, JAXB, WSDL and JAXP), XML-RPC.
  • Experience with open source technologies like Spring, iBatis and developing Model-View-Control Architecture (MVC) applications using Struts and Spring MVC.
  • Worked with SDLC methodologies like Agile/Scrum, and extensively worked in test driven development using J-unit.
  • Expertise in creating Conceptual Data Models, Process/Data Flow Diagrams, Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams, State Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams & Activity Diagrams.
  • Excellent analytical, problem solving and interpersonal skills. Ability to learn new concepts fast. Motivation to work for a challenging project. Consistent team player with excellent communication skills.


Languages: Java, C, SQL, PL/SQL, JavaScript, JRules BAL,, Python

Java EE 5 Technologies: EJB 3.0, JSP, Servlets, JPA, JTA, JNDI, JMS, JAXP, JAXB, JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, SOAP, WSDL, JAX-RS(Jersey 1.5), JSF 1.2, GIT

Databases: Oracle 9i/10g, PostgreSQL 9.0, MySQL, DB2, Sybase, H2

Web Technologies: JSP, Servlets, JDBC, ASP.Net, HTML, JavaScript, XHTML, CSS, XML, JQuery, Linq, HTML5, JSON, AJAX

Servers: Jboss-4.2.3.GA, Apache Tomcat 5.5/6.0, Apache http server 2.2, Weblogic 10.3

IDE: MyEclipse 8.0, Eclipse Helios, Flex Builder 3.0, Flash Professional CS3Net Beans, RAD, JBuilder, WSAD, Microsoft Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010.

Frameworks: Spring 3.05(ORM, AOP, JMS), Struts, Hibernate 3.6.0, Hibernate Spatial 1.0, Apache log4j 1.2, Junit 4.8, Mockito 1.8, Jersey Test

Operating Systems: Win NT/2K/95, Linux, Unix, Solaris, Mac OS

Others: JAMon 2.4, JIRA, Maven, Ant, Xpath, JDOM, JUnit, Jenkins, Microsoft Office, ArcGIS Desktop, SubVersion, Infinitest, CruiseControl


Confidential, Miamisburg, OH

Web Angular JS Developer


  • Involved in Software development life cycle (SDLC) of application from design phase to implementation phase, testing, Deployment and maintenance phase.
  • Participated in daily Scrums with the whole team to discuss about the progress of the application development, specks to be taken care and specks that already completed.
  • Involved in web UI designing using HTML 4/5, XHTML, CSS 2/3, SASS, JQuery UI, and JavaScript. Extensively used Tableless Design in CSS for positioning as well as making the pages dynamic using AJAX, XML and JSON.
  • Experience with Responsive Web Design (RWD) and used responsive design frameworks such as Bootstrap, foundation etc.
  • Utilized Modernizer extensively to build HTML5/CSS3 based page layouts that are cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant.
  • Worked on CSS Background, CSS Positioning, CSS Text, CSS Border, Pseudo classes, Pseudo elements etc.
  • Designed the table less web applications using CSS and with the help of and tags as per W3C standards.
  • Developed screens with different UI widgets including grid, nested grid, with pagination, sorting and filtering using Angular JS.
  • Worked with Angular.js to create single page application with reusable views and controllers
  • Developed single page applications using AngularJS 1.4.9 that were integrated with the back-end REST-FUL Services using AJAX to perform GET and POST data to backend servers
  • Made the application responsive using bootstrap media queries to optimize the web application to work on cross-device performance, including mobile, desktop, tablets and phablets, with an emphasis on time to start render.
  • Involved with bug fixing on functionality, performance and designing issues with JavaScript and JQuery.
  • Implemented various Validation Controls for form validation and implemented custom validation controls using Object Oriented JavaScript. Done client side validations using Java Script, AJAX.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON, XML andJQuery.
  • Developed views and Controllers using Spring MVC Framework.
  • Created the Service WSDL’s for the finalized set of services with the corresponding operations and designed the corresponding SOAP-UI Test Cases.
  • Writing unit tests using Jasmine with karma.
  • Tested the UI code with testing tools like Firebug, Firebug Lite, Chrome inspecting tool or safari web inspectors and IE Developer Toolbar.
  • Have done browser testing, knowledge of cross-browser/cross-platform compatibility. Also tested the application on multiple browsers with their old as well as latest releases.
  • Configured with gulp.js to test the JavaScript with JSHint, run unit tests with Jasmine-Karma, compile SASS and concatenate, minify and Gzip the source code for deployment.
  • Involved in configuring the GIT repository and maintain the version control using GIT.
  • Well versed with scrum methodologies and estimation (JIRA).
  • Used Backbone.js and ReactJS to create Controllers to handle events triggered by clients and send request to server.
  • Worked upon the dashboard for the project which contained a variety of charts using High Charts. “High charts” an easy way of adding interactive charts to the web site or web application to represent the data.
  • Implemented Hibernate in the data access object layer to access and update information in the Oracle Database.

Environment: Jdk 1.6/1.7, HTML5, CSS3, JAVA Script ECMA5, MyBatis, JavaScript, JQuery, DHTML, MVC, DOM, JSON, angular.js, Backbone.js, Require.js, Ext.js, AJAX, log4j, Tomcat and Eclipse Luna. JAX-WS 2.2, XML, Spring 3.0, Hibernate3, CXF 2.0, IBM Websphere 6.1/7.0, Oracle Database 11g, ClearCase, PL\SQL, SOAP-UI 4.0.1.

Confidential, Deerfield, IL

Web Angular JS Developer


  • Involved in the analysis, design, and development and testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using agile development methodology with bi-weekly iterations or sprints.
  • Demos were given every two weeks to the business teams involved with the project.
  • Designed dynamic UI and browser compatible pages using HTML5, DHTML, CSS3, JQuery and JavaScript, and followed Web 2.0 standards..
  • Worked with CSS background, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border, CSS margin, CSS padding, Pseudo elements and CSS behaviors.
  • Enhanced user experience by designing new web features using MVC Framework using Struts, Spring frameworks.
  • Developed Responsive Web Pages (RWD) using Media Queries .Used Bootstrap and media queries to create a responsive website that fit all users and devices from desktop to tablet and mobile phone.
  • Designed and developed DAO layer to retrieve data using Hibernate and Service layer using restful web services.
  • Developed Master pages, layouts, Navigations and presented designs and concepts to the clients and the management review.
  • Used JS testing frameworks like Karma, Jasmine, Mocha for implementing unit testing.
  • Used application scaffolding tools, automation & development tools, and dependency management (e.g. Yeoman, Bower, npm, grunt)
  • Used client side JS MVC frameworks (e.g. AngularJS, Ember, Backbone).
  • Used GIT as source control repository for storing the updated code.
  • Worked closely with Product and Design team members on a modern technology stack grounded in node.js, with an MVC-based javascript framework (currently AngularJS) delivering data from our REST-based APIs.
  • I built out our first product using React.js, which allowed us to render pages on both the client and server using the same codebase.
  • Worked on optimizing our sites for cross-device performance, including mobile, desktop, tablets and phablets, with an emphasis on time to start render.
  • Multiple J-unit test cases were written for different scenarios as we followed TDD.
  • UsedjQuery pluginsforDrag-and-Drop,Widgets, Menus, User Interface andForms.
  • Research, develop and propose new technologies to improve or benefit the system architecture.
  • Developed presentation layer using HTML5, jQuery, Angular JS 1.2, Bootstrap3.0.
  • Designed and developed Angular 1.2.0 services/directives reusable components.
  • Developed Angular controllers to make AJAX calls using JSON.
  • Developed Java Beans with Hibernate for necessary transactions like fetching the required data, updating the customer information.
  • Successfully executed the entire test cases and fixed any bugs/issues identified during the test cycles.
  • Used DHTMLX, HTML5 and JavaScript to develop UI for the system. CSS3 was used for enhancement. Extensively used DHTMLX components to develop functionalities, suchastree grid, charts.

Environment: Java 1.6/1.7, Weblogic Application server 6.x, MQ Series, IntelliJ, IDEA IDE, Jreports, Mongo DB, LDAP, Spring, Fitnesse testing framework, JMS, JUnit, Jenkins, Oracle10g,Maven, Git.

Confidential, Scottsdale, AZ

Application Developer


  • Gathering Business Requirements from business.
  • Involved in supervision and coordination with offshore development team including code reviews and resolving roadblocks.
  • Developed the UI layout and front-end programming for web application that matched requirements with help of JSF framework, XHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, and Primefaces 4.0.
  • Developed Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Web Services.
  • Created web services using SOAP.
  • Write detailed description of user needs, program functions, and steps required to Develop or modify computer programs.
  • Enterprise Service Bus configuration, development, testing and deployment with Oracle SOA suite.
  • Experience in Developing Web Apps by Using Angular Js. And Knowledge in Tlerik platform.
  • WSDL, XSD & XSLT are utilized for customization of customer based web services Java Integration with ILOG Jrules to allow for business rules in corporation in design of data communication model.
  • Involved in the bug fixes and system testing activities.
  • Worked on Oracle SOA EM console to resolve defects in the application.
  • Worked in an Agile environment. Actively participated in scrum meetings and updating Rally regarding the tasks and time spent on each tasks.
  • Used J2EE design patterns like Value Object Pattern, Business Delegate, service locator, and session façade, Singleton, Factory and DAO.
  • Developed many JSP pages, used JavaScript Library, jQuery UI for client side validation and created some pages using Swing and AWT.
  • Created session EJBs that retrieved information from the Oracle database.
  • Implemented Java Message Services (JMS) using JMS API.

Environment: JDK 1.6, JAVA EE 1.5/1.6, EJB 3.0, WebLogic 12c, Oracle 11g database, AngularJS, Tortoise SVN, XHTML, Prime Faces, CSS3, Oracle SOA 12g.


Application Developer


  • Involved in analysis and design phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Used Agile SCRUM methodology for focusing in end user requirements.
  • Developed UML use-case, class, object, sequence, collaboration, and activity diagrams using UMLet.
  • Applied/Implemented core J2EE patterns such as: MVC, Business Delegate for resolving common design problems.
  • Developed the application using Eclipse as the IDE and used eclipse standard/plugin features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting version control (SVN).
  • Developed the client tier components using HTML, XML, JSP, JSF, standard JSP tags, JSTL tags, view helper classes, java beans JavaScript, and AJAX.
  • Involved in the integration of Spring for implementing MVC
  • Developed code obtaining bean references in Spring IOC Framework
  • Used EJB Session beans to develop the Business Logic
  • Configured the MDB as a subscriber for receiving the messages
  • Parsed XML documents and using XPath and JAXP
  • Processed XML documents using XSL and XSLT for generating PDF output files.
  • Developed persistence layer modules using EJB Java Persistence API (JPA) annotations and Entity manager.
  • Extensively used JUnit to unit test and developed code in a strict Test Driven Development mode.
  • Participated in SQL schema development and PL/SQL stored procedures.
  • Used gulp.js to compile SASS, minify and Gzip the JavaScript, minify resulting CSS and HTML for integration into the existing mini site.
  • Deployed the application in the WebSphere application server

Environment: J2SE 6, J2EE 5, Spring 2.5, UML 2.0, Eclipse 3.0, EJB 3.0, JPA, Hibernate 3.0, UMLet 9.0, HTML, XML, JavaScript 1.8, AJAX, JSP 2.1, Servlet 2.5, JSF 1.2, XSLT, JAXP, DB 2, WebSphere 6.1, Maven 2.0, JUnit 4.3, Log4J 1.2.15, SVN 1.3


Application Developer


  • Involved in the design and development of the application using Casper Framework.
  • Used Casper Framework (Command Bean, Command Mapper) JSP Tag Libraries (HTML, Bean, and Logic) for executing client request.
  • Custom tag libraries were used to encapsulate enterprise-specific logic and structures.
  • Java Beans centralized commonly used data and eliminated unnecessary database access.
  • F and configured a data source with connection pooling on
  • Application server.
  • Used Mapper classes to retrieve a particular type of data which would be used across application in various places.
  • Extensively developed SQL, PL/SQL components for the application.
  • Handled database development using Oracle server.
  • Extensively used JUnit to unit test and developed code in a strict Test Driven Development mode.
  • Extensively used ANT, validation files, tag libraries and resource bundles.
  • Participated in the design of framework and developed Use Case Specifications, Use Case Diagrams, Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams. Rational Rose was used as a UML design tool.
  • Ensuring quality through design and code reviews, and testing.
  • Coordinated work between Onsite and Offshore teams.
  • UAT support.

Environment: JDK 1.4, J2EE 1.4, Casper, JUnit, XML, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, Eclipse, Rational Rose, JBoss 4.1, Toad, SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle 9i, Ant 1.6, Windows NT/2000, Unix.

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