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Senior Ios Developer Resume

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  • 10+ years of experience in software industry, designing and developing results - oriented, useable and robust standalone and mobile applications using diversified technologies, starting from VB, Visual C++, moving on to C# and then since 7 years developing highly readable and easily maintainable source code for many mobile applications in Objective C and Windows CE.
  • 3 years of experience in complete design, development, implementation, testing and maintenance of distributed, multi-threaded and multi-processing Desktop, Client/Server and mobile applications using Microsoft .Net Framework, C#.Net, VB.Net and ASP.Net.
  • Experienced in using Cocoa/Cocoa Touch with Objective C using Xcode for iOS native applications.
  • Proficient knowledge of Objective C and hands on with Swift.
  • Expertise in all stages of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Experience in using various design patterns such as Singleton, Abstract Factory and MVC, to standardize the application architecture.
  • Expertise in implementing agile methodologies for iterative software development like Scrum apart from traditional methodologies like Test-driven and Waterfall model.
  • Expertise in Object Oriented Design Patterns.
  • Hands-on experience with Xamarin/PhoneGap.
  • Experience in using SOTI’s MobiControl tool - a powerful Mobile Device Management solution.
  • Experience in consuming RESTful web services for data communication and service integration.
  • Experience with data parsing forms (XML and JSON) to dynamically display data on iPhone/iPad.
  • Expertise in Data Access methods like ADO.Net, ADO, RDO, DAO and Relational databases.
  • Experience in using WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) in implementing SOA (Service Oriented Architecture).
  • Expertise at MS SQL Server and Oracle 10g.
  • Strong commitment to organizational work ethics, values based decision-making and managerial skills.


Programming Languages \Web Technologies: C, Objective-C, Swift, C++, VC++, C#, VB, \VB.NET, ASP.NET, REST and JSON \Java, SQL\(hands-on)\

Mobile Technologies \Scripting Languages: IOS, Windows CE\Java Script, VB Script, and PHP\

Markup Languages \Databases: HTML, ASP, CSS, XHTML, XML, XSL and \Core Data, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server \DHTML\ 2000/2005/2008 \

Development Tools \Domains: Xcode 3.0 till latest 8.3.2, Visual Studio 6/8/\Health Care IT, Merchandising Services \10, Eclipse\Sector and Communications & Interoperability\

Data Access \Application Servers: ADO.NET, ADO, LINQ\Microsoft IIS\

Development Methodologies \ETL Tools: Agile, Test-driven, Waterfall, Scrum\PDI 5.3.0 (Kettle)\

Other Tools \Operating Systems: Execute Query, DBeaver (Database tools), \IOS 10.3, macOS, Linux (hands-on), SOTI s MobiControl tool, GITHub, GitLab, \MS-DOS, MS Windows (95, 98, 2000, \Source Tree, SVN, AEGIS (unit test), \XP, 7, 8)\Coverage Tool, Beyond Compare 3, JIRA \Tool (for issue tracking and project tracking), \Axosoft (Project Management tool)\

Collaboration Tools: SVN, CVS, JIRA, Team Viewer, Google Docs\


Confidential, Texas

Senior iOS Developer


  • Developing communications, interoperability and resource sharing iOS native apps.
  • Design and develop iOS applications on iOS 8,9, and 10.3 using Objective-C, Core Data and Xcode 8.3 for various iPhone/iPad models.
  • Extensive use of Cocoa Touch Framework, which includes UIKit, Foundation, and Storyboards to build universal applications.
  • Assign tasks and guide team members to achieve the set sprint goals.
  • Participated in sprint planning meetings and help set team goals and velocity.
  • Conducted discussions with development team manager and team leads on how to improve code quality.
  • Established coding standards for fellow team members.
  • Discussed and helped fellow associates understand the importance of code review process and establishing coding and design standards with a detailed presentation.
  • Consuming RESTful web services for data communication and service integration.
  • Using Lumberjack for high performance and granular logging, which helps in troubleshooting various issues with app crashes and also to know how exactly the user is using the app.
  • Using APNs for sending notifications to users’ apps.
  • Using ARC for memory management in the apps and using Instruments tool to debug and detect memory leakages.
  • Hands-on experience in using XML, JSON parsing and location framework.
  • XML Response parsing using the NSXMLParser and NSXMLParserDelegate.
  • Integrated web components using UIWebView/WKWebView.
  • Experience in using various design patterns such as Singleton, Abstract Factory and MVC, to standardize the application architecture.
  • Distributing the applications to clients through Adhoc/In-house distribution.
  • Involved in all stages of SDLC started from requirements gathering to Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Deployment of the releases.
  • Communicate with the user(s) regarding their application needs and be responsible for support and enhancements of active systems.
  • Provide support for the resolution of production problems.
  • Perform moderately complex bug verification, release testing and beta support for assigned tasks
  • Research problems discovered by QA.
  • Research new technology or development tools to remain informed of current technology.
  • Maintain clustered servers for SQL databases and multiple replication servers.
  • Highly involved in go forward architecture for existing and future mobile applications and business processes.
  • Communicate weekly with Global Business Analysts and gather requirements for global service integration.
  • Performed gap analysis with existing architecture and future vision of the organization.
  • Investigated and outlined the flaws in existing architecture.
  • Initiated discussions with team leads and architects and outlined the list of redundant services/functionality.
  • Re-designed and refactored existing iOS code to adhere to the iOS CODING standards.
  • Participated in sprint planning meetings and help set team goals and velocity.
  • Involved in all stages of SDLC started from requirements gathering to Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Deployment of the releases.
  • Worked on memory leakages and performance enhancement of the app using Instruments.
  • Built reusable code (static libraries) and custom frameworks for the app.
  • Publishing the apps to app store.

Environment: iOS 8, 9, 10.2,10.3, Objective-C, Xcode 8.3, Core Data, XML, JSON, Cocoa Touch, MapKit, GITHub, GitLab, AccuRev

Confidential, Oak Brook, IL

Senior iOS Developer


  • Taking over the existing app and code from a third-party company which developed and maintained iOS apps for Confidential ’s
  • Highly involved in go forward architecture for existing and future mobile applications and business processes.
  • Communicate weekly with Global Business Analysts and gather requirements for global service integration.
  • Performed gap analysis with existing architecture and future vision of the organization.
  • Investigated and outlined the flaws in existing architecture.
  • Initiated discussions with team leads and architects and outlined the list of redundant services/functionality.
  • Re-designed and refactored existing iOS code to adhere to the iOS CODING standards.
  • Participated in sprint planning meetings and help set team goals and velocity.
  • Involved in all stages of SDLC started from requirements gathering to Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Deployment of the releases.
  • Worked on memory leakages and performance enhancement of the app.
  • Publishing the apps to app store.

Environment: IOS 8.3, Objective-C, Xcode 6.3, GIT (SourceTree), JIRA

Confidential, Plano, TX

Senior Mobile Device Programmer, iOS Developer


  • Design and Develop iOS applications on iOS 8.3 using Objective-C, SQLite and Xcode 6.3 for various iPhone models.
  • Assign tasks and guide team members to achieve the set sprint goals.
  • Participated in sprint planning meetings and help set team goals and velocity.
  • Conducted discussions with development team manager and team leads on how to improve code quality.
  • Established coding standards for fellow team members.
  • Discussed and helped fellow associates understand the importance of code review process and establishing coding and design standards with a detailed presentation.
  • Using SQLite Database with the FMDB wrapper.
  • Consuming RESTful web services for data communication and service integration.
  • Using Lumberjack for high performance and granular logging, which helps in troubleshooting various issues with app crashes and also to know how exactly the user is using the app.
  • Using APNs for sending notifications to users’ apps.
  • Using ZbarSDK suite for reading barcodes to pull product info.
  • Using ARC for memory management in the apps and using Instruments tool to debug and detect memory leakages.
  • Hands-on experience in using XML, JSON parsing and location framework.
  • Experience in using various design patterns such as Singleton, Abstract Factory and MVC, to standardize the application architecture.
  • Distributing the applications to clients through Adhoc/In-house distribution.
  • Deploying and monitoring the apps and their usage through third party device management tools such as Afaria and Mass360 (cloud based).
  • Writing store procedures, scheduling scripts, triggers and fine-tuning queries on MS SQL SERVER 2008.
  • Used ETL tool - PDI (Pentaho Data Integration), code named “Kettle” to extract, transform and load data from various outside data sources into our projects.
  • Involved in all stages of SDLC started from requirements gathering to Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Deployment of the releases.
  • Communicate with the user(s) regarding their application needs and be responsible for support and enhancements of active systems.
  • Provide support for the resolution of production problems.
  • Perform moderately complex bug verification, release testing and beta support for assigned tasks
  • Research problems discovered by QA.
  • Research new technology or development tools to remain informed of current technology.
  • Maintain clustered servers for SQL databases and multiple replication servers.

Environment: IOS 8.3, Objective-C, Xcode 6.3, SQLite (with FMDB), C#.Net, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Microsoft Visual Studio 8.0/10 Professional, Tortoise SVN, and Beyond Compare 3, PDI (Kettle) tool, Axosoft

Mobile Device Programmer



  • Developed and maintained windows mobile applications in C# .Net and MS SQL SERVER 2008, on various windows platforms. These applications are used on CN50 Intermec scanners, HTC and Treo mobile phones.
  • Developed Win forms using C#.Net.
  • Used LINQ extensively.
  • Developed WCF services using C#.Net.
  • Wrote store procedures, scheduling scripts, triggers, and fine-tuning queries on MS SQL Server 2008.
  • Used ETL tool - PDI (Pentaho Data Integration), code named “Kettle” to extract, transform and load data from various outside data sources into our projects.
  • Involved in all stages of SDLC started from requirements gathering to Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Deployment of the releases.
  • Communicated with the user(s) regarding their computer application needs and be responsible for support and enhancements of active systems.
  • Independently developed computer applications involving moderately complex batch and interactive processes.
  • Performed moderately complex systems analysis and development activities on applications software, which may require some research.
  • Provided support for the resolution of production problems.
  • Performed moderately complex bug verification, release testing, and beta support for assigned tasks.
  • Researched problems discovered by QA.
  • Researched and understood the requirements for an application, including target environment, performance criteria, and competitive issues.
  • Researched new technology or development tools to remain informed of current technology.
  • Developed solutions to the problems.
  • Used SOTI’s MobiControl tool - most powerful Mobile Device Management solution, to deploy releases and manage devices remotely.
  • Maintained clustered servers for SQL databases and multiple replication servers.

Environment: iOS 8.3, Objective-C, SQLite, Xcode 6.3, .NET Framework 4.0, C#.Net, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Microsoft Visual Studio 8.0/10 Professional, Tortoise SVN, and Beyond Compare 3, PDI (Kettle) tool, SOTI’s Mobi Control tool

Confidential, Kansas City, MO

Software Engineer


  • Understanding the project and new requirements, changes, and coordinating with other teams.
  • Interacted with solution designers and at times directly with clients, for requirement analysis and contributed to system study and analysis.
  • Involved in all stages of SDLC started from requirements gathering to analysis, design, implementation, testing, and deployment of the releases.
  • Developed UIs, Business Logic, and Business Object Layers using C# in Visual Studio 6.0/10.0 framework.
  • Developed Win forms using C#.Net.
  • Used LINQ extensively.
  • Worked on optimizing the order search algorithms so that the user is presented the order search results in a few milli seconds.
  • Developed Custom Controls and User Controls as per the project requirements.
  • Involved in bug fixing in the frontend code and back-end scripts
  • Handled the work requests in all front-end and middle-tier modules.
  • Established the overall functional requirement and implementing the front-end interaction with middle tier services.
  • Used JIRA tool for issue tracking and project tracking to improve code quality and the speed of development.
  • Used the appropriate techniques, standards and resources to accomplish development tasks and goals.
  • Performed unit and functional testing, health checks for the delivery of quality programming artifacts. Wrote unit tests.
  • Used Feature Tracker and Tortoise SVN for version controlling of source code.
  • Used AEGIS code coverage tool to generate coverage reports.
  • Implemented agile methodologies like Scrum apart from traditional methodologies like Test-driven and Waterfall model, for iterative development of software.
  • Involved in packaging and release management of the projects to clients.
  • Mentored the new associates in the team and involved in knowledge sharing with colleagues.
  • Development and support of Cerner's leading edge clinical and management information systems. Understanding user requirements, providing input to functional design, developing applications, testing systems, and troubleshooting across Cerner's entire family of solutions. To accomplish this we use C# and SQL (CCL - Cerner’s proprietary, patterned after SQL-like programming language), using Oracle database.
  • Offered full-time job at the end of the internship.

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