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Ui Developer Resume

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  • Over 7 years of diverse experience in the field of Web Application Development including Client/Server with proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular.js, Backbone.js, jQuery, AJAX, and JSON.
  • Extensive experience in developing professional User Interactive of Web applications with the help of HTML, XML, XHTML, JavaScript and CSS
  • Experienced in applying the latest development approaches including MVC in the browser, event - driven applications using AJAX, Object Oriented JavaScript, JSON, JSONP, and XML.
  • Experienced in designing various forms, tooltips, menus, tabs, widgets that support drag-and-drop, animated effects, data and time selector and many others using jQuery.
  • Experienced in GUI Development using HTML, CSS, aesthetic development, Graphic development, JavaScript, Mustache template and Bootstrap.
  • Strong experience working in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle of Backbone.js where I was involved in developing the apps from the scratch to the complete product
  • Experienced in Illustrator, Dreamweaver, optimizing websites to new browsers, handling cross browser compatibility issues, optimizing performance, and designing website layouts in Photoshop and converting them from PSD to HTML.
  • Designed the table less web applications using CSS and with the help of tags as per W3C standards.
  • Experience on working with CSS Background, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border, CSS margin, CSS padding, CSS table, Pseudo classes, Pseudo elements and CSS behaviors in CSS.
  • Experienced with Eclipse IDE, Subversion and MVC.
  • Excellent communication skills, team player, quick learner and self-motivated.
  • Experienced in managing daily communication with an offshore development teams.


Operating System: Windows, Linux, Mac

Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JavaScript, Backbone.js, Angular JS, Node JS, Webstorm, XML, AJAX, JQuery, JSON

Editors: Eclipse for Java, WebStorm, Sublime, JBoss Developer Studio, IntelliJ Idea 14

Database: My SQL, Oracle, Java EE Development

Other Tools: GitLabs, Github, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Version One, Agile Methodology, Grunt, Gulp, Maven


Confidential, CA

UI Developer


  • Worked on the enhancement of application with new features as described in Confluence and did the development successfully
  • Worked in developing analytics with the help of core metric tagging and checking on page usage statistics
  • Worked with Angular JS in creating various application specific directives and filters to show the search related results.
  • Successfully solved the defects and issues by tracking them in Version One and able to push into master repository
  • Worked on Angular Data grid and also Angular custom services and components to create customized behavior to DOM
  • Performed RESTFUL service calls to back end and consumed JSON objects for promises and callbacks, then represented the results with Angular JS expression to view.
  • Proficient in CSS, SASS or LESS for dynamic styling of application and also applying custom styles, tooltips and overlays.
  • Performed successful code reviews, and also did page performance enhancements and improved the time of page load
  • Used the Handlebars JS and Mustache JS to write the templates and also perform the conditional display of messages and errors with partials.
  • Involved in daily standups and also in correcting some of the pixel perfect designs with feasible and non-feasible options and made creative to agree on the changes.
  • Made use of Foundation framework for achieving the responsive web behavior even in mobile web development
  • Made use of React JS components to render the pages faster and integrated Angular JS controllers with React JS components

Environment: Angular JS, React JS, Foundation, SASS, RESTFUL Web-services, Handlebars JS, Mustache JS, Jenkins, Gitlabs, Grunt, Sublime Text Editor.

Confidential, NEWARK, DELAWARE

UI Developer


  • Worked with wireframes to develop mockup models and also developed business and functional requirement documents.
  • Developed applications in Angular JS and Bootstrap and deployed into development, Test and production environment successfully, and experienced the usage of CSS processor LESS.
  • Worked on making AJAX calls to connect the database using restful web-services and also worked on integrating the middleware to the front end.
  • Used AngularJs and Handlebars.js framework where data from backend is stored in model and populated it to UI.
  • Created AngularJs Controller Which Isolate scopes perform operations in UI.
  • Using AngularJs created custom directives for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format in UI.
  • Worked with media queries and mobile UI development to customize the View
  • Worked on the MVC architecture of Angular JS in developing the apps, controllers and directives which are totally customized to meet the needs of the application
  • Developed the custom directives and apps for easy use of the packages and implementation of JSON
  • Implemented agile methodology for faster development and implemented CSS aesthetics for awesome graphics and tiles.
  • Created hybrid applications using apache Cordova which provide the best user experience on the phone applications and are compatible with various operating systems of smart phones like Android, IOS, Symbian and so on.
  • Created the test cases using Karma, Jasmin as the platform for testing the application on Phone-gap and also the desktop version of the application.
  • Ran the standalone front end application in Grunt Server, used Google Chrome for debugging the application and conducted Code Reviews.
  • Managed source control and version control using GITHUB and project status tracking using JIRA.
  • Used Webstorm as the IDE for custom development and implementation

Environment: Angular JS, Bootstrap, Phone-gap, LESS, Grunt, Github, JIRA, Version One

Confidential, Irvine, CA

UI Developer


  • Worked on esthetics responsible for successfully implementing bootstrap, and also customizing bootstrap.
  • Developed several custom components using, bootstrap fluidic layout and also tweaked bootstrap for custom layouts, also used angular js data tables and custom directives.
  • Created custom buttons, forms, and also dropdowns that meet the UX standards
  • Reviewed the code that developers wrote and made corrections, by removing inline styles and also creating custom classes to meet inline styles
  • Wrote code in CSS preprocessor LESS and also implemented all the changes in LESS to meet styles.
  • Customized the forms, radio buttons, Checkboxes by extending the bootstrap library, and implemented all the mixins and components in LESS
  • Used Scrum methodology with help of scrum master and understood how scrum works
  • Advanced level in understanding GITHUB and GIT Commands and also making repositories
  • Mastered the GRUNT and GRUNT commands for building and deploying the project. Used Bower for successfully implementing the dependencies.
  • Implemented some of the unit testing, with test cases being deployed and also noted the success rate in an excel sheet.
  • Maintained a Wiki for complete styles and samples for the developers to understand how to implement the codes and also how to write the classes

Environment: Bootstrap, Angular JS, Custom Directives, CSS, LESS, GITHUB, Version-1, GRUNT, BOWER, Node.js Bootstrap fluidic layout


Web Developer


  • Worked as a web services developer and UI developer both front and back end technologies
  • Developed JSONP API calls to effectively pull the data from the API and also to put the data into the API
  • Worked with Brightcove APIs for continuous video streams with latest videos shown on the site
  • Involved in development of single page application using Angular JS, Bootstrap, JavaScript technologies
  • Involved in the requirement gathering, developing functional requirement documentation, creation of application that update on a daily basis
  • Involved in the development of custom map layers on top of ESRI maps to show warnings, alerts and severe weather conditions
  • Developed special maps that are obtained from JSON calls and updated database after warnings are layered on the maps
  • Created routes, controllers, directives, and Angular applications that communicated themselves and also to backend API calls
  • Created login/logout pages to the portal, connected them to backend and developed backend routes and APIs using Google GO programming language
  • Advanced level in GITHUB and GIT commands and versioning of the GITHUB repositories
  • Used Agile methodology using JIRA for bug tracking and tasks updates
  • Used and configured NGINX and Node.js servers for the portal to run on and made them work even for CORS
  • Involved in user permission settings and browser compatibility problems and made use of Require.js for support of Internet Explorer.

Environment: Angular.js, Bootstrap, JavaScript, HTML 5, CSS 3, ESRI Maps, Brightcove APIs, GITHUB, JIRA, JSON, JSONP, Google go, Ubuntu commands and administration, Angular.js Directives.


Web Developer


  • Worked with wireframes to develop mockup models and also developed business and functional requirement documents
  • Developed applications in Angular JS, JSON, and deployed into development, Test and production environment successfully
  • Worked on making AJAX calls to connect the database using restful web-services and also worked on integrating the middleware to the front end
  • Developed the client side error logging mechanism where all the browser errors are logged to the server for clear understanding of errors and performance enhancements
  • Developed the applications that use JQuery draggable and droppable mechanism to drag and drop the fields and folders and change names accordingly taking advantage of responsive design
  • Worked with media queries and mobile UI development to customize the View
  • Worked on the MVC architecture of Angular JS in developing the apps, controllers and directives which are totally customized to meet the needs of the application
  • Developed the custom directives and apps for easy use of the packages and implementation of JSON
  • Implemented agile methodology for faster development and implemented css aesthetics for awesome graphics and tiles.
  • Implemented the customized GIT controller where local JSON remains same while updating the versioning of the application
  • Used Webstorm as the IDE for custom development and implementation
  • Customized the Node.js server to pick the local Package.JSON and run the applications without changing the local paths and variables.

Environment: Angular JS, Node JS, Require. JS, JavaScript, Webstorm, JSON, JQuery, JQuery UI Media queries, HTML 5, CSS with esthetics, AJAX, GIT versioning

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