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Node Js Developer Resume

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Cambridge, MA


  • 8 Years of experience in designing and developing User Interface (UI) applications using HTML 4.0/5, CSS2/CSS3, JAVASCRIPT, TYPESCRIPT, JQUERY, AJAX, Angular JS (1.X/2.0), Node.js, React JS, Redux, JSON AND XML.
  • Extensive use of Angular JS 1.X/2.0, React JS, Node JS, Express JS, and Mongo DB along with Mongoose.JS to create server - side applications.
  • Expertise in developing single page applications (SPA) using Angular JS, Backbone JS, React JS and Redux.
  • Expertise in using Angular JS directives, Controllers, Filters, Services, Temples, Events and Injectors.
  • Thorough knowledge about Angular JS Features like Two Way Binding, Custom Directives, Controllers, Filters, Services and Project Architecture; React JS Features like Components, Lifecycle methods, Unidirectional data flow using the Flux Architecture.
  • Good experience in using Reacts JS, components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Used Node Package Manager (NPM) to manage the modules and used it to install useful tools such as Grunt, Gulp, Groovy, Express, underscore.js, require.js, crypto.js, passport.js, mongoose, mongo.js, body-parser, bcrypt.js and socket.io.
  • Experience in using Ember.js for making Ajax calls (GET, POST, DELETE, PUT) for triggering or fetching data from Restful API's provided by the backend team.
  • Expertise in creating the user validations forms and using the RESTful services for sending the data to the server
  • Expertise in RESTful, SOAP web servicesto integrate between Application to Application.
  • Good experience on working with CSS Background, padding, table, Animations, Pseudo classes and Layouts, positioning, border, margin, Pseudo elements and CSS behaviors including the Box model.
  • Worked on AWS to integrate the picture files to the UI and worked for the backend development using Node.js and Mongo DB.
  • Good knowledge of MVC and Flux architectural pattern and its implementation in user interfaces.
  • Created migration process for migrating over from legacy systems.
  • Solid working experience in various IDE's: Notepad++, Sublime Text, IDE, Eclipse, visual studio, WebStorm, WebMatrix.
  • Worked on writing grunt, gulp, groovy tasks for build scripts, minified and bundled the JavaScript code.
  • Experience in Version Control tools like CVS, GIT, SVN and Clear-Case for Source Code version management.
  • Working knowledge of Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, Chai and JavaScript unit testing framework
  • Good Understanding of RDBMS through Database Design, writing queries and stored procedures using databases like Oracle 10g, MySQL and SQL Server, MongoDB.
  • Familiar with Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) methodologies including Waterfall, Agile/Scrum. Involved in Scrums and Sprints in Agile methodology for project management.
  • Ability to work effectively while working as a team member as well as individually.
  • Good in communicating with clients, customers, managers and other teams in enterprise at all levels.


UI Web Technologies: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, SASS, LESS, XHTML, XML, JavaScript, TypeScript, AJAX, JQuery, WordPress, JSON, Bootstrap, Angular JS 1.x/2.0, React JS, Express JS, Node.js, Uri JS, D3 JS,GitHub.

IDE Editor: Eclipse6.0.1, Eclipse, Notepad++, Dream weaver, Visual Studios, Sublime Text3, NetBeans, WebMatrix, Web Strom.

Databases: Oracle 10g/11g/12c, DB2 8/9 UDB, MySQL 3.x/4.1/5.0, SQL Server 2000/2005 Spunk data storage (Big Data), MONGO DB.

Frameworks: Angular JS (1.x/2.0), Node JS, Backbone JS, React JS, Express JS, Uri JS.

Languages: C, C++, JAVA, MySQL, C#, VB.Net, ASP.Net, web Services.

Debugging Tools: Chrome Elements Inspector, Firebug, IE Tester.

Application/webservers: IBM Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, BEA WebLogic 8.1, HTTP Web Server.

Testing Tool and Logging Frame Works: Junit3.8/4.0, Load runner, Jasmine, Karma, Selenium, Easy Mock.

Methodologies: Agile, Rational Unified Process (RUP), UML Water fall


Confidential - Cambridge, MA

Node JS Developer


  • Extensively used GIT for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to GitHub.
  • Work closely with web and mobile designers and translate their designs into websites, apps, HTML emails, and interactive experiences
  • Developed backend web services usingNodeJS and stored dependencies using NPM.
  • Created and developed the internal AngularJS (1.x/2.0) framework applications projects. Unit testing with Jasmine.
  • Created and deployed new features to sustain and amend existing applications under MVC pattern using Node.JS, Angular, Bootstrap and Express.
  • Developed Mean Stack from scratch including Mongo DB server setup andExpressJS server development.
  • Constructed web pages for application using MVC, Java Script, JQuery, React JS, NodeJS, Express JS, Karma, Jasmine.
  • UsedNodeJS for the communication to the server through Restful API and added user validations & permissions by using it.
  • Developed RESTful web service at back end by using Node JS andExpress JS
  • Created forms to collect and validate data from the user in HTML5 and JavaScript.
  • Worked on RESTful APIs using Express JS and Node JS. Implemented mock services in Node JS with the help of modules using Node JS server.
  • Optimized the code developed by working closely with Information Architects and Developers and produced a team driven holistic product that led to top notch user experience.
  • Built web HTML templates for high traffic and complex data driven website.
  • Exposure to React.JS library while creating homepage for the web applications being developed.
  • Created, edited and maintained sites implementing responsive design and themes using front-end development frameworks including Bootstrap.
  • Worked closely with back end team to implement HTTP calls to Restful APIs and updated fancy graphic element of HTML in Angular JS.
  • Worked with various MVC frameworks such as Angular and JQuery.
  • Worked directly with client/program staff to gather requirements to design and develop elegant solutions.
  • Created rapid prototypes of interfaces to be used as blueprints for technical development.
  • Used Jasmine framework to write Unit test cases for the web module. Also, used different developer tools respective to the browser to debug the code.
  • Debugging and troubleshooting existing code by using Firebug, Fiddler, and Chrome Developer Tools.
  • Provided maintenance and development of bug fixes and patch sets for existing web applications using Firebug, Firebug Lite and Chrome/ Safari Web Inspectors.

Environment: HTML5, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular.JS1.x/2.0, Node JS, Express JS, Ext JS, Uri JS, Adobe Dreamweaver, Jasmine, Jenkins, MySQL and REST Web Services, Microsoft Visio, WebStorm, GIT, Agile, MongoDB, MEAN Stack.

Confidential - New York, NY

UI Mean Stack Developer


  • Developed and tested website using the MEAN (MongoDB + Express.JS + Angular.JS + Node.JS) stack.
  • Worked on Front end by using Angular JS, React JS and JavaScript.
  • Extensive use of Angular JSfor developing the SPAs (Single Page Applications) for internal application/tool
  • Designed a login mockup with token-based authentication for user using the MEAN stack.
  • Worked with Angular JS AngularJS routers, forms, modules, Dom, events, expressions, have created the angular custom directives, Filters and Services.
  • Created custom directives in Angular JS for re-usable components (multi-field form elements, background file uploads)framework, JavaScript and JQuery in conjunction with HTML5, CSS3 SASS and LESS.
  • Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Developed the overall layout design that met cross to device compatibility using Bootstrap.
  • Built Angular.JS framework including MVC architectures, different modules, specific controllers, templates, custom directives, and custom filters.
  • Use React JS to create more responsive webpages, which can be compatible with all the browsers and compatible with the different devices.
  • Transform data and analyses into accurate but visually striking interactive visualizations components using D3, Float, and High charts.
  • Design the CRUD functionality with RESTful API and MongoDB.
  • Used Backbone.js and React JS to create Controllers to handle events triggered by clients and send request to server
  • Involved in the production of interface to oversee client menu and Bulk overhaul of Attributes utilizing AngularJS,Node JS, Ember JS, Express JS, React JS and JQuery.
  • Created Single Page Application with loading multiple views using route services and adding more user experience to make it more dynamic by using Angular.JS framework.
  • Applied multiple built-in directives such as ng model, ng clicks into Angular.JS applications.
  • Worked on Cassandra clusters in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud and migrated data between environments.
  • Created custom filters which could format data in different ways based on requirements and involved in two-way data binding technique with styling from Bootstrap.
  • Developed front-end code with Ajax call in Angular JS and jQuery to retrieve data as JSON Object from controllers in back-end RESTful Server, then display the well-organized result in web pages by writing Angular JS controller, directives, services, and route providers. Also, used Angular.js filter to make the data searchable and sortable.
  • Built up multiple specific modules to encapsulate records component, field's component, panel's component, and workflow component.
  • Converted data from database into JSON or XML format files and retrieved useful information using AJAX calls to display them on the browser.
  • Solved Cross Browser Compatibility challenges and processing responsiveness.
  • Created and managed all hosted or local repositories through Source Tree's simple interface of GIT client, and collaborated with GIT command lines and Stash.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, LESS, Angular.JS, React JS JavaScript, Node.JS, MongoDB, Express, Bootstrap, AJAX, JSON, GIT, Grunt, WebStorm, Agile, Jasmine, CVS, Jenkins, MySQL and REST Web Services, Microsoft Visio.

Confidential - Middletown, CT

UI/Mean Stack Developer


  • Worked on application center screens and developed interactive professional and dynamic user interfaces using CSS3, HTML5, XHTML, JavaScript, JQuery, and Angular.JS.
  • Redesigned UI screens for developing table-less layouts using CSS selectors.
  • Extensively used Angular.JS to achieve MVC architecture to control the flow of the application and decouple the views from the business logic.
  • Involved in web development consulting focused on the MEAN stack (Angular.js, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB).
  • Expertise in design and development of web applications using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, Backbone.JS, Express.JS, Node.JS, and Bootstrap.
  • Extensive knowledge in developing applications in a single page applications (SPAs) using various JavaScript frameworks like Angular.JS, Node.JS.
  • Integrated MongoDB and Spring communication and established data mappings and used MongoDB repository and Spring Mongo template for persistence.
  • Involved in writing JQuery-based AJAX requests using JQuery.
  • Developed Web Services for sending and obtaining data from different applications using REST, such as Loan Applications, to transfer data from Branch Server to Head Office Server.
  • Worked in all phases of the SDLC, including requirements analysis, design and development, bug fixing, supporting QA teams, and debugging production issues.
  • Developed JQuery code using XML Http Request Adapter to send an AJAX request to the server-side code and implemented a call back function for handling results.
  • Styling pages with CSS3.pixel level layout for sophisticated and rich user interfaces.
  • Designed and developed web-based products using Express.JS, and Node.JS.
  • Involved in team meetings with corporate Webmaster's UI Team for understanding needs in new implementation and involved in daily team meetings and weekly Scrum meetings.
  • Implemented AJAX calls for better web-based User Interface.
  • Created Unit test cases for the Angular application using Jasmine to test individual functions/modules.

Environment: HTML5/4, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript, Angular.JS, AJAX, XHTML, Adobe Photoshop CS, JQuery, GIT, Agile, Backbone.JS, Express.JS, Node.JS, MEAN Stack


UI Developer


  • Design and development the Front-End applications, user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery.
  • Worked on feature developments for the Growth team and projects handed down from the executive team, focusing primarily on HTML, CSS and JavaScript development.
  • Used JavaScript for custom client-side validation and DOM manipulations.
  • Involved in developing HTML and JavaScript for client-side presentation and data validation on the client side with in the forms.
  • Developed non-functional HTML, CSS pages from the mock ups and involved in UI review with UI architect and Business Units.
  • Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript codes to build web forms and simulate process for web application, page navigation and form validation.
  • Front-end is designed by usingHTML, CSS, JSP, JQuery and Spring MVC.
  • Implemented AJAX functionality using JQUERY, JSON and XML.
  • Worked closely with Business Analysts in understanding the technical requirements of each project and prepared the use cases for different functionalities and designs.
  • Designed new classes and functionalities using various JQUERY components for CRM application for customer service.
  • Wrote Object Oriented JavaScript to create modules and extensively debugged with Firebug and other debugging tools.
  • Tested cross browser compatibility issues between multiple browsers.
  • Facilitated discussions with Systems Analyst to identify technical requirements.
  • Developed and designed the various screens and its architecture in accordance to UI Specs.
  • Handled all aspects of the web application including maintaining, testing, debugging, deploying and printing.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap Adobe Photoshop, JSON, AJAX, PHP, MySQL


UI Developer


  • This product currently being used by the hospital personnel for handling patients, moving stock across different stores in the hospital.
  • Responsible for designing and development of Web pages using HTML, CSS including Ajax controls and XML.
  • It has features like module restriction based on user group, automatic user logoff, restricted user logon on more than one node, automated allocation and de-allocation of tasks to the logged in users.
  • It also includes various modules like Registration, Billing, Pharmacy and Nursing desk.
  • Worked with clients to develop layout, color scheme for their website and implemented it into a final interface design with the HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
  • Created webpages according to client's guidelines and standards throughout the development and maintenance of the website using HTML, XHTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Extensively used CSS to change the styles to be used in future web layouts and debugging the errors issues with CSS
  • Designed web pages using XHTML and CSS/CSS3.
  • Tested application on Internet Explorer 6.0 and above, Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome to achieve Cross Browser Compatible Issues.
  • Converted Photoshop documents to table-less semantic XHTML, CSS.
  • Performed Validations of XHTML and CSS (using Firebug, HTML Tidy, W3C validator).

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSP, Ext JS, Web 2.0, Agile, JSON, JQuery, SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle, Windows XP.

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