Full Stack Developer (angular 5/6, Node.js) Resume
Oak Ridge, NJ
- Over 5.5 years of experience as a Full Stack Web Developer, featured in creating dynamic web applications using MEAN and MERN - stack technologies including Angular 2+, React.js Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.
- Proficient in developing Single-Page Applications (SPAs) using TypeScript/Angular 2/4/5/6/7 and React 15/16.
- Built Angular applications using Typescript to create Routers, Directives, Components, Services, Observables, Pipes, Reactive, and Template-driven forms with multiple components protected with Router Guards.
- Extensive experience in Front-End development with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES5/ES6, jQuery, AJAX, Material Design, Bootstrap 3/4, and Font Awesome.
- Expertise in third-party UI design libraries such as Angular Material, NG Bootstrap, and PrimeNG to better suit different Front-End requirements.
- Highly Proficient in developing SPAs using React 16 and NPM packages including Webpack, Redux, Redux Thunk, React Router DOM, Style Loader, Radium, Emotion, etc.
- Experienced in building React applications using JavaScript ES6 to create Class and Functional Components protected by Switches that checks user identities stored in States and dynamically authenticated and authorized users before corresponding components are rendered.
- Expertise in using States and Lifecycles to design React data flows.
- Used Bootstrap, Media Queries, and Flex to do Responsive Web Design.
- Highly Proficient in Server-Side Development with Node.js and third-party NPM modules including Express.js, CORS, Body-parser, Bcryptjs, Mongoose, and JSON Web Token.
- Familiar with REST API designing in a Node.js and Express.js environment, and API testing with Postman and cURL.
- Experienced in modern databases including MongoDB and SQLite/PostgreSQL.
- Used NPM packages including MongoDB and Mongoose to integrate MongoDB database into applications and perform CRUD and aggregation operations on collections.
- Familiar with project management tool Jira and communication tools Skype Enterprise and Slack.
- Used version control system Git along with VS Code/GitLens to troubleshoot existing code and merge conflicts, and integrated Jenkins with Git to automate testings
- Experienced in all stages of Software Development Life Cycles as well as working in Agile development, participating in sprints/iterations, and Scrum meetings.
- Experienced in deploying both static files of Front-End SPAs and Back-End Node.js Applications with Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- Have excellent communication, interpersonal, and presentation skills with attention to detail, and open to new technologies.
Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Python
Front-End Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES5/ES6, Angular 2/4/5/6/7, RxJS, React 16, AJAX, Axios, JSON, jQuery, Bootstrap 3/4, Font Awesome
Server-Side Technologies: Node.js, Express.js, Django, Flask
Database Systems: MongoDB, Redis, SQLite, PostgreSQL
UI Frameworks: Material Design, Angular Material, PrimeNG
Editors/IDEs: Vim, Visual Studio Code, Atom, Typora
Version Control: Git, Github/Bitbucket
Agile Development: Skype Enterprise, Jira, Microsoft Azure, Slack
Unit Testing: Jasmine, Mocha, Karma, PhantomJS
Operating Systems: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
Other Languages/Technologies: C/C++, Bash/Zsh, Powershell, Jenkins
Confidential, Oak Ridge, NJ
Full Stack Developer (Angular 5/6, Node.js)
- Developed the full stack web application with Angular 5/6, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.
- Used Angular CLI for modularizing and bundling the application.
- Implemented Angular Routing to navigate between components.
- Designed, Built, and Maintained reusable UI components.
- Used structure directives like *NgFor to build templates and attribute directive like NgClass to dynamically manipulate CSS stylings of components.
- Create customized Directives to implement a sticky header of data tables.
- Used @Input, @Output, @Viewchild decorators, and local reference to do component communications.
- Used template-driven form and implemented form validation ensuring that user inputs were passed to the backend in correct formats, minimum length limit of a password, and format limit of email address; and also used a reactive form to validate user’s inputs.
- Used Http Client Module to send Asynchronous Http Requests (GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, DELETE) to fetch, add, update, and delete data.
- Implemented customized Pipes to filter the data before displaying it to users.
- Developed HTML template views with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 4, Font Awesome, Angular Material, and Angular 5/6.
- Designed various components from scratch using TypeScript/Angular 5/6.
- Used RxJS library to implement customized observables and listeners to simplify asynchronous calls to REST APIs.
- Built EventEmitter to solve the issues of component communication with a third-party library like Angular Material.
- Developed REST APIs using Node.js, Express.js, Body-parser, etc. to serve the client-side application JSON data.
- Used Bcryptjs to hash user’s password for login and signup controllers in Node.js.
- Implemented authentication with JSON Web Token (JWT) - attaching JWTs in response if login succeeds, storing it to user’s local storage, and checking JWTs in request headers for each data API call.
- Handled code optimization and cross-browser compatibility to run the application seamlessly in Chrome, Safari, IE, etc.
- Used MongoDB Atlas as the database for the application and used Mongo Compass and Mongo Shell to maintain the database.
- Used ng test to run unit tests with Angular modules in the client-side.
- Used Angury to debug the Angular application.
- Optimized development process with the Agile methodology using Git and Slack.
- Used Jira to track the progress of the whole project and wrote test cases for stories/tasks.
- Involved in various stages of the development lifecycle including application designing, development, and debugging.
Environment: TypeScript/Angular 5/6, HTML5/CSS3, Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js, Multer, Git, and UNIX-like/Linux.
Confidential, New York, NY
Full Stack Developer (React 15+, Node.js)
- Developed a full stack single page application with React 15/16, Redux, Node, Express, and MongoDB (MERN Stack).
- Worked with architects to decompose the project and determine the use of Stateful and Stateless components to better meet the requirements.
- Used prop-types to ensure the correct types of passed props that enhance the UX.
- Implemented UI with third-party libraries like Radium, ClassName, and Emotion.
- Ejected the application and used CSS Loader with Webpack to implement CSS Modules that encapsulate actual CSS stylings within component scopes with actual class names generated in a hashed schema.
- Configured CSS Loader to export hyphen-delimited class names in lower Camel Case for better code management and readability with the use of CSS Modules.
- Used Redux to create a global state (the center store).
- Implemented protected and nested routing of components with Router, NavLink, Switch, and Redirect supplied by the package React Router Dom.
- Used State to define data of the input fields and created a Check Validation method to perform Form Validation ensuring correct data types and formats.
- Maintained Parents and Children Components in terms of dynamically displaying views with Props and Redux.
- Updated and refactored existing code with ES6 features including class, let, const, arrow functions, and spread operators to make the components more readable and reusable.
- Used Axios to define HTTP Requests in Action Creators which conditionally dispatches Actions to the Reducer in order to asynchronously update the store.
- Properly applied Lifecycles of Stateful components to boost the performance of the application.
- Implemented Front-End Interceptors for global Error Handling and Authentication of API calls (attaching JWT in each subsequent request from the authenticated user).
- Implemented Back-End data APIs with the use of Node, Express, and Mongoose.
- Used Bcrypt to hash passwords for login and signup.
- Used JSON Web Token to identify logged-in users and developed a Node.js middleware that ensures data APIs only sends data to those authenticated requests carrying JWT in the headers.
- Implemented MIME Types Validation with Multer.
- Deployed the application with S3 and Elastic Beanstalk cloud services from Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- Used Jira to track the progress of the project and wrote test cases in a Test-Driven Development (TDD) environment.
- Designed the structure and maintained the Git repositories and access control strategies.
- Administrated the Git workflow and troubleshoot merge conflicts.
- Participated in an Agile environment and involved in multiple stages including Full-Stack Development, Unit Testing, and Deployment.
Environment: React 15/16, Redux, Webpack, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, jQuery, Node, MongoDB, NPM, Visual Studio Code, and Git.
Confidential, New York, NY
Full Stack Web Developer
- Developed dynamic and browsers-compatible webpages with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Bootstrap, and jQuery.
- Used Node.js and Express.js in the backend for data APIs.
- Enhanced UX design by applying Responsive Web Design techniques such as media query and flex-box along with form validation.
- Wrote and refactored JavaScript in object-oriented fashion to build reusable modules and applied to debug tools.
- Used JSON for calling web services and getting responses.
- Connected Backend to a MongoDB database with the use of Mongoose.
- Used Git and Github repository for code management and version controls.
- Participated in Scrum meetings.
- Involved in Unit Testing and Integration Testing.
- Participated in maintenance and production support.
Environment: Node.js, MongoDB, HTML 5/CSS 3/JavaScript ES6, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, Agile Methodology, and Git.
Confidential, NJ
Full-Stack Developer
- Wrote non-functional HTML/CSS pages from wireframes and reviewed UI/UX with UI architect and business units.
- Implemented UI and Front-End functionalities with JavaScript and jQuery.
- Implemented AJAX functionalities with jQuery, JSON, and XML.
- Worked closely with the business analysts in interpreting the technical requirements and preparing use cases for different functionalities and designs.
- Designed jQuery components for the customer service application.
- Developed REST APIs using Node.js to perform CRUD operations.
- Involved in all aspects of the application including testing, debugging, deploying, and maintaining.
Environment: HTML/CSS/JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, Node.js, and MySQL.
Confidential, New York, NY
Django Web Developer
- Designed the UI with static HTML/CSS webpages using Bootstrap.
- Built Django HTML templates based on data interpolation along with the UI designs.
- Created data models using SQLite.
- Designed controller functions that dynamically render the views with data models.
- Used Redis to cache the static files and boosted the performance.
- Used PIP to install and generate a list for dependencies.
- Used virtualenv to isolate dependency scopes from different projects.
- Used Git to manage branches and versions.
- Implemented WebSocket connections for chatting feature.
- Applied Cookies to save user identification and authorization.
- Used Nginx to host the public files.
Environment: Python/Django, SQLite, Redis, WebSocket, jQuery, Bootstrap, and HTML/CSS/JavaScript.