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Business Intelligence Analyst Resume

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Conshohocken, PA


  • Proactive professional wif experience serving in multi - faceted roles of Business Intelligence / Business D Confidential Analyst, Business System Analyst, BI Reporting Analyst, Acting Scrum Master.
  • Passionate for advanced analytics and d Confidential science.
  • In depth understanding of Project Management Life Cycle and Project Life Cycle Methodologies.
  • Working in SDLC Methodologies like Waterfall, Scrum-Waterfall Hybrid, Agile Philosophy like Scrum, Kanban.
  • Worked in cross functional teams and business unit owners wif teh objective of enabling teh d Confidential driven decisions.
  • Demonstrated excellent leadership, communication and analytical skills wif team building capability;
  • Proven ability to master new technologies; Conflict management, stake holder negotiations skills to handle disputes;
  • Experienced in handling large and complex d Confidential sets using statistical concepts.
  • Employed various kinds of analysis by partnering wif d Confidential owners at different points in time.
  • Experience wif Azure Big D Confidential Systems like Azure D Confidential lake, Azure D Confidential Analytics, HD Insights, Azure Machine Learning, U-SQL scripts.
  • Visualized certain analysis trend outcomes by experimenting and evaluating teh inbuilt algorithms of classification and clustering models using Azure Machine Learning.
  • Proficient in report writing and d Confidential visualization tools.
  • Generated different types of reports like Cascaded, Parameterized, Linked, Drill Through, Drill Downs and Roll Ups.
  • Conducted numerous business analysis techniques like GAP Analysis, SWOT, Impact Analysis, Root-cause identification, Cost-Benefit analysis, KPI, Workflow analysis, Feasibility study.
  • Expertize in defining and documenting teh business process flows (UML) like Use case diagrams, Activity diagrams, Sequence diagrams and D Confidential Flow Diagrams.
  • Conducted assessments in teh event of change request for organizational change management by performing business and technical impact analysis on teh triple constraints.
  • Experienced in handling requirements churn, creating stretch goals, skilful in negotiating wif product owner. Good understanding and working noledge of Scaled Agile Framework, Program Increment and Scrum of Scrum.
  • Adept in handling multiple on-shore and offshore teams, coaching teh team on Agile principals.
  • Strong noledge in d Confidential warehouse concepts such as d Confidential modeling, d Confidential quality, ETL process, meta d Confidential management, d Confidential warehouse implementation, D Confidential marts, Operational D Confidential Store (ODS); OLAP, OLTP systems;
  • Proven noledge in preparing D Confidential warehouse requirement documents, D Confidential Mapping Documents (Source to Target mapping), ETL Documentation, D Confidential profiling, iteration matrix,
  • Created Conceptual and Logical d Confidential models for ER and Dimensional modeling (Star & Snow Flake schema)
  • Good understanding of Big D Confidential concepts and Hadoop libraries stack. Hadoop Ecosystem consisting of HDFS architecture wif MapReduce (YARN), HBase, Cassandra framework.
  • Experienced in working wif MySQL and using T-SQL, SQL queries, Stored Procedures and Triggers, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) and SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).


Project Management Tools/Methodologies: MS-Project, MS SharePoint, JIRA, RALLY, AGILE-SCRUM, WATERFALL-SCRUM, WATERFALL, SAFE


REPORTING TOOLS: MS Power BI, SSRS (SQL Server Reporting System), MicroStrategy, Tableau9.1, Excel Power Query.

TOOLS: / LANGUAGES: Visio, Visual Studio, DBeaver, SQL Server management Studio 16, Altryx, XML, XPath, XLST, X-Query, JSON, T-SQL, U-SQL, R, C#, Cassandra Query Language, DAX.

D Confidential BASES: SQL Server, MySQL, HBase, MS Access, Oracle 9i/10g/11g.

OFFICE TOOLS: MS Word, MS Excel Advance(Macro), MS PowerPoint, MS SharePoint, MS Visio

ANALYTICS TOOLS: Excel VBA, MS Access, Power BI, Tableau 9.1, R Studio

DOMAIN: Retail, Point of Sale (POS), CRM applications

CLOUD: Azure D Confidential Lake Services, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Steam Analytics, HDInsight, Hadoop Cassandra, Azure D Confidential warehouse


Business Intelligence Analyst

Confidential, Conshohocken, PA


  • Employed a variety of surveillance analysis for internal requests like ROI optimization, Promotional TEMPEffectiveness, First Touch and Last Touch Analysis, Contact Centre Analysis, Customer Conversion by various metrics, Sales Pipeline Analysis, Web Purchase Funnel Analytics.
  • Worked wif Confidential Web Commerce Systems (WCS) at high level for Sales Attribution Model and integrated wif Salesforce cloud for Marketing Mix Model.
  • Facilitated structured and unstructured Interviews and conducted document analysis to elicit requirement from various business stakeholders.
  • Analysed teh source systems by heavily writing SQL queries such as triggers, functions, stored procedure, CTEs, CTAS on Azure Parallel D Confidential warehouse.
  • Collaborated wif various business departments, and IT professionals through TEMPeffective communication to develop business use cases associated wif new project requests.
  • Worked closely wif executives and teh development team to build and configure new workflows to minimize teh clientele pain points.
  • Created a conceptual model as per teh requirement specifications, business process and teh information needs.
  • Converted teh conceptual model to a logical design to detailed description of entities and dimensions.
  • Created teh dimensional models me.e., Star and Snowflake Schema by joining teh facts and dimensions for teh reporting system.
  • Held review sessions to describe teh d Confidential flow and d Confidential mapping from source to target systems.
  • Understood and met referential d Confidential integrity and modelled aggregation layers analytics.
  • Identified critical d Confidential elements across organization & defining accountability for d Confidential access and d Confidential quality.
  • Conducted A/B Testing wif Binomial and Poisson distribution in Web Analytics for Email Camp Confidential n to compare teh Click Through Rate and Transactions per Paying User.
  • Created Altyrx workflows and built several graphs, dashboards in Power BI using M Query / Power Query and advanced DAX.
  • Developed teh Promotional TEMPEffectiveness model by, scoring and evaluating teh Two Class Boosted Decision Tree in Azure Machine Learning.
  • Analyzed teh Customer Multi Touch d Confidential by classifying teh d Confidential into clusters using teh K-Means Clustering Model in Azure Machine Learning.

Environment: Agile Scrum, Jira, Retail, POS - Point of Sale; Confluence, Google Analytics, Google products (google sheets and excel), Power BI, Micro strategy, Salesforce, Azure Stream Analytics, U-SQL, Azure D Confidential Lake, Azure Machine Learning, AWS, SQL, Informatica Powercenter, Altryx, TFS, MS- Visio, Visual Studio, XML, Confidential WCS, Hadoop - Cassandra.

Business Reporting Analyst

Confidential, Ada, MI


  • Facilitated JAD Sessions, Interviews (structured and unstructured), Survey/Questionnaire and Focus Groups to elicit requirements from various stakeholders, mostly business users and SME’s for business requirements.
  • Conducted requirement walk-throughs wif key stakeholders using various methods like team demos, workshops at various points of project especially during sprint planning and backlog refinement sessions.
  • Acted as a point person serving as a liaison for teh d Confidential management process between teh business stakeholders and technical developers to ensure proper implementation of requirements wifin expected time.
  • Involved in identifying and managing teh working dependencies of Onsite and Offshore teams.
  • Designed ER diagrams (Conceptual and Logical using Erwin) and mapping teh d Confidential into d Confidential base objects and produced Conceptual / Logical D Confidential Models.
  • Performed D Confidential Analysis and D Confidential Quality Assessment by D Confidential profiling, d Confidential cleansing, d Confidential enrichment using complex SQL on various sources systems including SQL Server and Terad Confidential .
  • Responsible for d Confidential integration across line of businesses by loading it from multiple source systems, parsing it and tan loading to teh target system using various connectors.
  • Coordinated wif d Confidential stewards and d Confidential analysts in defining d Confidential ingestion activities and d Confidential quality levels.
  • Used SQL stored procedures, triggers, functions and packages for extracting and validating d Confidential and generated reports per teh requirements specified by teh SMEs during discovery sprints.
  • Created teh interactive Dashboards in Tableau to address teh problem and provide insight to teh decision maker.
  • Designed engaging d Confidential stories using story points in tableau.
  • Developed unique and innovative enterprise wide, graphics based, business intelligence solutions that deliver actionable information to teh business wif a high degree of impact
  • Utilized teh business intelligence enterprise system software development suite to create, maintain and publish reports, dashboards, scorecards, and other visual information displays.
  • Built several Operational, Tactical, Strategic Dashboards (balanced Scorecard) using several metrics at Departmental and Enterprise Level.

Environment: Agile Scrum, Jira 7.3, Retail, POS - Point of sale; Confluence, Advanced Excel, Excel PowerPivot, Microsoft Word, MS Access, Oracle 11g, Informatica, Sql Server, SQL, PL/SQL, Informatica Powercenter, TFS, MS- Visio, Process Improvement, Web services, Hadoop eco system, HDFS, YARN, HBASE, Hive, Pig, Apache Spark, Oozie, Zookeper.

Business Analyst

Confidential, San Ramon, CA


  • Performed Gap Analysis to identify teh deficiencies of teh current business systems and to identify teh requirements for teh change in teh system to analyse teh As-Is and To-Be to generate future business requirements.
  • Responsible for analyzing and translating teh business requirements in Business Requirement Document (BRD).
  • Identified critical path using MS project plan to create schedules in different scenarios.
  • Responsible for creation of d Confidential flow diagrams, use case diagrams and documented them.
  • Coordinated wif system architect team in creation of logical design, to identify dependencies.
  • Assisted on Administering ETL Process by creating teh d Confidential mapping document and d Confidential workflow models.
  • Coordinated wif d Confidential base developer to create star dimension modeling by identifying facts and dimensions.
  • Performed PL/SQL queries using JOINS and nested queries to fetch d Confidential from MS SQL Server 2012.
  • Extensively used Advanced Excel functions like vLookUps & formulae for d Confidential analysis.
  • Assisted teh team for slicing epics by vertical slicing and creation of user stories wif INVEST criteria.

Environment: Waterfall-scrum hybrid, UML diagrams, Rally, Oracle 11g Enterprise Edition, Oracle 12c Enterprise Edition, Visio, JIRA, MySQL DB, Adventure works, Informatica Powercenter, Confluence, Salesforce Sales, Salesforce Marketing, Oracle DB, AWS, Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon ELB, Lambda, Dynamo DB, Amazon EBS.

Business Analyst / Scrum Master

Confidential, Monterey Park, CA


  • Decomposed teh scope to user stories by conducting a story writing session wif teh Product owner and acceptance criteria for teh PSPI (Potentially Shippable Product Increment).
  • Assisted teh product owner in prioritizing teh product backlog as per teh maximum business value, grooming User Stories in planning activities using INVEST criteria,
  • Facilitated Scrum ceremonies like Sprint Planning, Sprint Execution and Daily Stand up Meeting, Sprint Review and teh Retrospective;
  • Coordinated in Scrum of Scrum meetings, Pre-PI planning and Post PI planning meetings
  • Involved in Innovation Planning iteration to facilitate PI readiness, cadence-based planning, estimating guard band, hackathons, infrastructure improvements and systems demo.
  • Recorded and maintained teh artifacts like impediments list; Information radiators like Sprint Task Board, Release / sprint burn up and burn down charts; Insight Backlog.
  • Worked on JIRA to record and maintain teh artifacts such as Product backlogs (user stories), Sprint backlogs(tasks), defects and issue tracking; and ensuring transparency of Impediments list.
  • Imported OLAP cube in OBIEE suite for D Confidential analysis to gather insights on business processes.
  • Managed OBIEE BI publisher for reports, and assisted users and departments wif analysis requirements.

Environment: Agile: Scrum, SAFe, MS project, MS office Tools, MS Project, MS Visio, UML 2.x, AJAX, JAVA EE 6, Oracle 11g, HP ALM, Informatica Power Center, My SQL, OBIEE suite.

Business Systems Analyst

Confidential, Boston, MA


  • Facilitated JAD Sessions, Interviews sessions, Survey/Questionnaire and Focus Groups to Elicit Requirements for documentation of d Confidential definitions, standards, and master d Confidential processes.
  • Developed artifacts by collaborating wif teh subject-matter-experts and converted teh requirements in BRD, FSD (Functional Specification Document) and SOPs.
  • Helped teh team overcome a technical barrier by creating and updating use case diagrams, Activity diagrams, Sequence diagrams, workflow diagrams using MS Visio.
  • Expert in Tracking and Managing teh Requirements using Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) that controls numerous artifacts produced by teh teams and me also handled requirement churn.
  • Utilized Organizational Change methods to transformation organizations to accomplish project deliverables
  • Perform User Acceptance Testing. Designed Test Cases, Test Plans, Test Scripts, and Test Scenarios to perform Functional Testing, and Regression Testing.
  • Logged and tracked teh defects using HP ALM and created an error repository along wif teh QA team.

Environment: Waterfall, MS Office, MS Visio, Mock-Up Screens, TFS, Sharepoint, GAP analysis, Oracle BI Publisher, UML, UAT Testing, Advanced Excel Queries.

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