Sr. Business Objects Developer Resume
Columbus, OH
- Seven (7) years of experience in Information Technology with Expertise in Creating Reports Designing and Developing applications using SAP Business Objects 4.0, XI R3.1, XI R2, 6.x, 5.x.
- Strong knowledge of Data warehousing concepts such as OLTP, OLAP, Star Schema, Snowflake Schema and Multi - Dimensional Models for query and analysis.
- Working experience in Universe Designer, Web-Intelligence, Rich Client, Desktop Intelligence, InfoView, Query as a Web Service, Live Office, Xcelsius and Crystal Reports .
- Experience using Oracle 11g/10g/9i/8i, SQL Server 2008, 2005 and 2000 with extensive experience in writing SQL Queries, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Exception Handling and Cursors.
- Excellent data-analysis skills and ability to translate specifications into a working Universe and Report.
- Experience in resolving path problems in joins like Loops and Traps in the universes using concepts of Aliases and Contexts.
- Excellent experience in extensively using Business Objects reporting functionalities such as Filters, Ranking, Alerts, Sections, Breaks, Sorts, Query prompts and Drill filters.
- Extensively used Variables, Drill down, Slice and Dice in making the reports easy for user analysis.
- Strong experience in designing and implementing universes using Business Objects Designer by creating essential database structures, resolving loops, creating classes and objects, conditions and joins, Filters, LOV’s, Aggregate Awareness and testing the integrity of the universe.
- Excellent experience in designing and developing BOBJ Webi Reports such as Sub Reports, Cross tab reports based on base tables, views, Universes and Stored procedures.
- Strong Experience in using Xcelsius in creating Scoreboards and Dashboards for Visual Representation of Data using Live Office as Source connection.
- Expertise in Crystal Reports XI R2/XI/10/9/8.5. Applied several functionalities, used different Data providers and created reports with attractive visualizations using Crystal Reports 2008.
- Knowledge in creating users or user groups in Central Management Console.
- Full life cycle implementation in Business Intelligence projects using Business Objects (Webi).
- Knowledge in installation, configuration, migration and administration of Business Objects XI R2 and the previous versions.
- Ability to handle tasks effectively and work independently as well as a team member.
Tools: Business Objects (4.0/XIR3.1/XIR2/XIR1/6.x/5.x), Designer, Info view, Desktop Intelligence, Web intelligence, Webi Rich client, Live Office, Crystal Xcelsius 2008/4.5, Crystal Reports 2008/XI/Enterprise10, Central Management Console, Central Configuration Manager.
Databases: Oracle 11g/10g/ 9i/ 8i, My SQL, MS Access, SQL Server 2008/2005/2000, DB2, Teradata
Programming Languages: SQL, PL/ SQL, C, Visual Basic .NET
Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Operating System: Windows NT/7/XP/2003/2000/98/95, Linux, UNIX
Packages: MS-office, Visio
Confidential, Columbus, OH
Sr. Business Objects Developer
- Gathered the business requirements from the Business Users and analyzed it to transform into the technical requirements.
- Optimized the existing Universes by resolving join problems, defining hierarchies, setting up aggregate awareness, @Functions, cascading LOV and more.
- Resolved Universe problems like loops, chasm trap, fan trap using Alias and Context.
- Worked on Reporting tools like BOBJ Web Intelligence (Interactive Analysis), and Crystal Reports by accessing different data source like universe and databases.
- Created reports using complex features like Database Delegated (Smart Measures), Hyperlinks, Delegate Search, Data
- Created Webi Reports with extensive usage of Conditions, Filters, Drilling, Functions, Variables, Sort, Ranking, Slice and Dice, Alerts, Sub queries, Prompts and utilized Xcelsius for dashboard reports and graphical presentation.
- Developed Complex Reports using multiple data providers, Union, Intersection, minus and Master/Detail, cross tab.
- Created Aggregates on Info Cubes to improve Query performance.
- Manipulated data through various Dashboard presentation styles such as charts and cross tabs
- Improved the performance of reports and dashboards.
- Showed exceptional analytical skills in understanding the Organizational Structure of the client.
- Involved in support after production for system issues.
- Trained end users with business objects products like Info view and Web Intelligence and BOBJ.
Environment: SAP Business Objects XI 3.1, Crystal Reports 2008, XCelsius 3.5, Web Service Connections, Oracle, Toad, Sharepoint, Microsoft office 2007, Windows XP.
Confidential, Deerfield,IL
Business Objects Developer
- Gathered the information and interacted with the end users to understand the business requirements and specifications.
- Involved in analyzing, documenting business requirements for developing universes and reports.
- Designed,Developed and Maintained Universesby defining joins, cardinalities between tables applying contexts and alias tables toremove cyclic dependencies
- Used@functions like @select, @where and @promptfunction to create prompts for dynamic selection of values by the user.
- Developed Business ObjectsUniverses with classes,objects, condition objectsand developedhierarchies.
- Imported existing users, groups, categories, WebI documents,connections, universes andrestrictions to BO XI environment using Import Wizard.
- Tracking, Input Controls and Merge Dimensions to improve the readability of the report and handle User requests for report generation
- Created different Universe Connections to access Test database, Development database.
- Linked data frommultiple data providers, using free hand SQL and functionalities like Combined Queries.
- Manipulated data through various Dashboard presentation styles such as charts, cross tabs, slice and dice, prompts, nested loops, and filters. Implemented Cascading prompts in Universe for filtration in filters.
- Enabled and disabled different serversinCentral Configuration ManagerandCentral Management Console
- Developed and distributed reports usingDesktop IntelligenceandBOBJ Web Intelligence in BO XI/XIR3.1environment.
- Involved inSQL tuningto improve the performance while generatingAd-Hoc reports.
- Createduser conditionsandFiltersto improve the report generation. Also usedAlertsto improve the readability of the report.
- Scheduled Webi reports on daily basis and exported them in Excel/PDF format.
- Worked on Data Validation and Verification checking for all BO Reports/Dashboards.
Environment:Business objects XI R3.1, XI (CMC, Designer, Desktop Intelligence, Import Wizard, LCM, Report Conversion Tool and WebI Rich Client), Xcelsius 2008, Crystal Reports 2008, Oracle 10g and MS Office.
Confidential, Dallas, TX
Business Objects Developer
- Translated business needs into data analysis, and reporting solutions for different types of information consumers.
- Modified Universeafter analyzing areas of business and user requirements
- Developed several reports with consistent drill-down functionality including Drilldown Reports, Summary Reports and Master Detail Reports.
- Converted the existing full client reports to WebI reports usingReport Conversion Tool.
- Developed Custom Functions, Manual Running Totals, and Complex Formulae for Reports.
- Created variables and defined formula to capture user responses to a prompt and to display document information for BOBJ WebI reports.
- Used breaks, calculations, sorts, filters and sections to enhance data presentation.
- Created reusable report templates to maintain a uniform standard across all the reports.
- Created User Objects including Dimensions, Details, Measures and created hierarchies in several classes.
- Set up hierarchies and defined Scope of Analysis in the Universe for providing drill down/ drill through options in the reporting environment.
- Created Condition Objects in the Universe to restrict data.
- Improved performance of the reports by using the @Aggregate Aware function.
- Used various @Functions like @Prompt (for user defined queries), @Where (For creating conditional filters), and @Select (to simplify maintenance and ensure consistency of code).
- Created List of Values for user Defined Objects (UDO).
- Used Hyperlinks to link multiple reports to global Reports (Audit report to Summary Report, and summary report to detail report) for Financial Reporting System.
- Created simple query filters, prompted filters and complex filters to restrict data in reports.
- Migration of management reports from version 8, 9, 10 and XI in Crystal Reports.
- Developed PL/SQL routines like Packages, Stored Procedures, Cursors and Functions using dynamic SQL.
- DevelopedDashboardsinInfoviewto accomplish launching various Reports.
- Involved in the migration of business objects ver. 6.5 to XI.
Environment: BO XI R3.1, Crystal Reports Xi, Crystal Enterprise 9.0/10.0, Web Intelligence, Info view, Oracle 11g/10g, PL/SQL, SQL*Plus.
Confidential, Memphis, TN
Business Objects Consultant
- Interacted with the business users and gathered the user requirement and understood the current reporting system.
- Involved in understanding and analyzing of Universe for reports generation.
- Defined Joins and Cardinalities on tables manually in the universe and created Classes and Objects as per requirements.
- Responsible for setting up the Database connections.
- Created multiple universe and document domains for development, testing and production environments.
- Experience in creating and maintaining Secured, Shared and Personal connections.
- Tested the integrity of the universe by indentifying and resolving loops by using aliases and contexts.
- Involved in the performance tuning of the SQL queries by restructuring the Joins, creation of indexes etc.
- Involved in setting up of Aggregate awareness to enhance the performance of SQL transactions.
- Created complex reports using the functionalities like Slice and Dice, Drill Down, Alerts and Formula based on the user requirements.
- Created Master Detail and Cross Tab reports to view the data in an analyzed way and created Hierarchies to provide the drill down functionality to end-users.
- Used different data providers like Oracle, Excel sheets, SQL server for the creation of Full Client reports.
- Involved in analyzing, design and implementation of security models such as row level and object level data security and role based security.
- Enhanced the Performance of the Dashboards by manipulating and using complex formulas on the Universe and Excel.
- Used dynamic visibility and Excel functions to control and manipulate the data.
- Developed the Reports using the universes as the main Data providers and writing the complex queries including Sub Queries, Unions.
- Created report level contexts in Web Intelligence and Desktop Intelligence reports.
- Used Broadcast Agent for scheduling and distributing the documents.
- Gave my thoughts and ideas to the data-modeling team in designing a new data mart for future reporting applications.
Environment: Oracle 10g, Business Objects XI 3.1/R2, Business Objects Enterprise XI, Business Objects Designer, Infoview, Web Intelligence, and Desktop Intelligence, MS SQL server, Windows 2000/NT.
BO Developer
- Gathering system requirements from Business Owners and Business Users.
- Designed, developed, deployed and maintained Universes Using Business Objects Designer Tool.
- Understanding the banking domain with capital market.
- Created the Business Objects data model selecting and joining tables, indicating cardinalities, creating aliases to resolve the loops, subdividing into contexts and creating the objects which are grouped into classes and tested them for efficient report generation and correct mapping of the objects.
- Involved in creating Repository, creating Users and User Groups using supervisor module and creating Universes using Business Objects Designer.
- Created reports for different departments like Risk Management, Loan Admin and Accounting.
- Created the reports (Master/Detail, Cross tab, Chart templates) in Business objects using the universes as the main data providers and writing the complex queries including sub queries.
- Deployed and scheduled reports through Broadcast Agent.
- Developed Webi Reports and deployed through Info View.
- Involved in creating dashboards for higher level management that can perform drill down action for the detailed view of the report.
- Migration of the existing version of Business Objects 6.5 to XIR2.
Environment: Windows 2000/NT, Business Objects 6.5.1/XIR2, Web Intelligence, Designer, Info View, Oracle 9i.
Business Objects Developer
- Participated in gathering the requirements for analysis and structured Business Intelligence platform based on user requirements.
- Analyzed report requirements and developed critical corporate reports based on the Technical functionality.
- Developed and supported Business Objects reporting system for various Business units such as Marketing, sales and Production.
- Created new Ad-hoc Reports using Desktop and Web Intelligence.
- Worked with multiple data providers and linked these data providers based on the requirements.
- Created reports using Business Objects functionalities like Queries, Sections, Group values, Breaks, Filters, Conditions, Alerter, Ranking, slice & Dice, Drill functions, Sorting, Formulas, etc.
- Maintained and Modified existing reports according to needs of users.
- Created templates for standardizing the structure of corporate documents
- Created charts and graphs to produce the net profit or gain for the marketing department.
- Designed Crystal Reports for product, customer, and vendor details.
Environment: Business Objects 6.1(Desktop Intelligence, Web Intelligence), Crystal Reports 8.0, SQL Server 2000, Windows NT.
Database Developer
- Involved in the analysis of project requirement and the designing of the project.
- Created relational database structures, tables, views, synonyms, primary keys, foreign keys, and indexes.
- Involved in the installation, configuration, and maintenance of Oracle 8i.
- Created Database Triggers, Stored Procedures, Functions and Packages.
- Used SQL Loader for data loading.
- Modified existing forms, reports, and graphs according to the specifications.
- Involved in Creating Unit Test Plans and Integrated Test Plans for testing the developedprograms.
- Optimized queries using rule based & cost based approach.
- Tested all the new and modified program units.
Environment: ORACLE 8i, SQL, PL/SQL and Windows.