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Project Manager Resume

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  • me have extensive experience successfully managing mission - critical projects within a PMO structure, which had to be completed ”yesterday”.
  • me have a sound background and adherence to business processes and procedure. me am innovative, diplomatic and delivery focused with an eye for detail and design.
  • me have consistently demonstrated the ability to form a cohesive project team, provide challenging assignments and increase the skill level of project team members.
  • me possess excellentprojectscheduling and estimation skills and a strong working knowledge of MSProjectand MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Visio).
  • me have extensive experience managing a wide range of development projects including: Corporate Financial Systems, Package Workflow, Package Movement and Human Resources many of which utilized either Web-based, or Client-Server based technologies.
  • me have successfully managed an infrastructure project and several strategic studies.
  • me also possess strong hands-on skills (e.g., Logical Database Design, Business Analysis, Testing, etc.) and utilize these skills as necessary during the course of a project.
  • As a senior Management Consultant, me have served as an Engagement Manager on many projects, and have generated a significant amount of “pull-through” revenue in a marketing support role.



Project Manager


  • Client Needs Assessment - identifies a series of initiatives, related to client onboarding, correspondence and reporting, client interactions and financial planning, which form the basis of the future client experience.
  • Client Experience Model - depicts a future-state client experience model and strategy utilizing personas, journeys scenarios and storyboards, to illustrate the key components of a differentiating and engaging client experience.
  • Client Experience Business Strategy - documents the rationale for the initiatives identified in the Client Needs Assessment, and provides a high-level strategic outline of the approach and business programs required to enable a reasonable client experience transformation.


PMO Project Manager


  • Storage Services Migration - Managed the planning, design, installation and data migration of the Tier 1 (BMAX and DMX3), Tier 2 (Clariion), and Tier 3 (Centerra) Storage Environments at the new Disaster Recovery Data Center.
  • Distance Simulation Feasibility Study - Managed the planning, design and implementation of a project whose objective was to determine the feasibility of continuing to use synchronous mirroring for the Mainframe, AIX and VMware environments between the Primary Data Center and the new DR Data Center. The project utilized a Fibre Channel SAN Emulator (Anue), to simulate the expected latency associated with the increased distance between the Primary and DR Data Centers.
  • Monitoring and Operations - Managed the planning, design and implementation of a project whose objective was to design the layout of the Console Room and Support Area at the new DR Data Center, and to organize the installation of the Monitoring Tools / Management Systems needed to support the DR environment.


Project Manager


  • Supported the management of a fifteen person project team.
  • Was solely responsible for working with DRM to develop the logical data model and physical database design.
  • Interfaced with User Representatives, Business Analysts, QA Testing and all other Support Teams as necessary.
  • Provided guidance to the Project Leader

Project Manager


  • Managed a fifteen person project team.
  • Prepared project estimates and reported project status to management on a weekly basis.
  • Worked with end users to identify detailed business requirements and prepared appropriate documentation.
  • Supervised the design team during the development of the high level architecture and the detailed technical design.
  • Was solely responsible for working with DRM to develop the logical data model and physical database design.
  • Interfaced with User Representatives, Business Analysts, QA Testing and all other Support Teams as necessary.

Role: Project Manager


  • Managed a twenty person project team.
  • Prepared project estimates and reported project status to management on a weekly basis.
  • Supervised the design team during the development of the high level architecture and the detailed technical design.
  • Worked directly with DRM to develop the logical data model and physical database design.
  • Interfaced with User Representatives, Business Analysts, QA Testing and all other Support Teams as necessary.

Project Manager / Engagement Manager


  • Staffed and managed a six person project team.
  • Prepared project estimates and reported project status to management on a weekly basis.
  • Tracked Project Cost estimates for this Fixed-Price project and reported status to my consulting firm on a monthly basis.

Project Manager / Engagement Manager


  • Staffed and managed a ten person project team.
  • Worked with end users to identify detailed business requirements and prepared appropriate documentation.
  • Was solely responsible for working with DRM to develop the logical data model and physical database design.
  • Prepared project estimates and reported project status to management on a weekly basis.
  • Tracked Project Cost estimates for this Fixed-Price project and reported status to my consulting firm on a monthly basis.

Project Manager


  • Staffed and managed a twenty five person project team.
  • Prepared project estimates and reported project status to management on a weekly basis.
  • Worked directly with DRM to develop the logical data model and physical database design.
  • Interfaced with User Representatives, Business Analysts, QA Testing and all other Support Teams as necessary.

Project Manager / Engagement Manager


  • Staffed and managed a twenty five person project team.
  • Prepared project estimates and reported project status to client management on a weekly basis.
  • Interfaced with User Representatives, Business Analysts, the DBA Group and all other Support Teams as necessary.
  • Tracked Project Cost estimates for this Fixed-Price project and reported status to my consulting firm on a monthly basis.

Project Manager / Engagement Manager


  • Staffed and managed a twelve person project team.
  • Worked with end users to identify detailed business requirements and prepared appropriate documentation.
  • Supervised the design team during the development of the high level architecture and the detailed technical design.
  • Was solely responsible for working with DRM to develop the logical data model and physical database design.
  • Prepared project estimates and reported project status to client management on a weekly basis.
  • Tracked Project Cost estimates for this Fixed-Price project and reported status to my consulting firm on a monthly basis.

Project Manager


  • Developed functional specifications for several subsystems
  • Supervised a team of six designers
  • Created and maintained the Project Plan


Project Manager / Engagement Manager


  • Staffed and managed an eight person project team.
  • Worked with end users to identify detailed business requirements and prepared appropriate documentation.
  • Supervised the design team during the development of the high level architecture and the detailed technical design.
  • Was solely responsible for working with DRM to develop the logical data model and physical database design.
  • Prepared project estimates and reported project status to client management on a weekly basis.
  • Tracked Project Cost estimates for this Fixed-Price project and reported status to my consulting firm on a monthly basis.


Project Manager


  • Served as JAD facilitator during the development of the functional and technical design of the system
  • Prepared project estimates and reported project status to management on a weekly basis.
  • Supervised the design team during the high level architecture and detailed design phase of the project.
  • Managed a twenty five person programming team during the construction phase of the project.
  • Evaluated COMSHARE and ACUMATE, DSS Software Products to determine their suitability for the project.

Project Leader


  • Participated in the feasibility, business analysis and system design phases of the project, and prepared the appropriate documentation.
  • Prepared project estimates and reported project status to management on a weekly basis.
  • Supervised the design team during the high level architecture and detailed design phase of the project.
  • Managed a ten person programming team during the construction phase of the project.
  • Developed training program for the end users.

Senior Architect / Project Leader


  • Evaluated several General Ledger packages to determine their applicability.
  • Interviewed end users to develop functional requirements.
  • Developed the technical architecture, transaction screen design and flows are report designs.
  • Worked with DRM to develop the logical data model and physical database design.
  • Supervised eight programmers during the construction phase of the project.
  • Developed training program for the end users.

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