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Cloud Solution Engineer Resume

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Middletown, NJ


  • Skilled IT professional wif 7+ years of experience in Cloud Infrastructure management and Developing.
  • Certified 70 - 533 Implementing Confidential Azure Infrastructure Solutions Engineer, Transcript ID Anonymous//Transcript/Validate.
  • AWS console usage and hands-on experience wif EC2, Lambda, IAM, VPC, S3, SNS, Route 53.
  • Expertise in System and Server administration of Windows Environments.
  • Experience in dealing wif Windows Azure IaaS - Virtual Networks, Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, Express Route, Traffic Manager, VPN, Load Balancing, Application Gateways, Auto-Scaling.
  • Experience in managing Confidential Windows server infrastructure and data-center operations by effectively planning, installing and configuring the IT infrastructure to achieve high availability and performance.
  • Worked in S3, EC2, ELB, Glacier, VPC, Cloud watch, IAM & Roles, Cloud Formation, Cloud Front, Route 53, Elastic Beanstalk, Auto-Scaling, RDS, Dynamo DB.
  • Worked on Continuous Integration CI/Continuous Delivery (CD) pipeline forAzureCloudServices.
  • Experience in managing computer data centers through machine-readable definition files.
  • Virtualized the servers using Docker for the test environments and dev-environments needs and configuring automation using Docker containers.
  • Expertise in setting up servers from scratch on clustered environment and load balancing.
  • Planning and implementing Disaster Recovery solutions, capacity planning, data archiving, backup/recovery strategies, Performance Analysis and optimization.
  • Experience in managing Azure Storage Accounts.
  • Experience in migrating on premise to Windows Azure using Azure Site Recovery and Azure backups.
  • Experience on installing and configuring SSL certificates in web servers.
  • Usage of Log analytics service to monitor cloud and on-premises environments.
  • Working knowledge on Azure Fabric, Micro services in Azure.
  • Expertise in setting up a cluster environment for load balancing, high availability and DR of Windows servers.
  • Experience in Creating ARM templates for the Azure Platform.
  • Ability to create scripts usingAzurePowerShell during for automation and build process.
  • Good working experience in Azure Logic apps, Service Bus, Document DB and SQL Database.
  • Experience in working wif Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 Active Directory and Administration.
  • Experience in automating day-to-day activities by using Windows PowerShell.
  • Worked on Azure App Insights, Alerts and Log Analytics for Monitoring as part of OMS.
  • Excellent ability to describe systems, design flow charts, & budgets for costing and reporting.
  • Migration of existing application workloads to a Cloud platform dat scale across multiple data centers.
  • Strong persuasive leadership qualities and ability to coordinate resources and initiatives quickly.


Cloud Platform: Confidential Azure (IaaS & PaaS), Amazon Web Services

Scripting: Confidential Windows PowerShell, ARM (Json) Templates, PowerShell DSC

CI/CD Tools: Chef, Docker, GIT

Operating System: Windows2012 R2/2008 R2Servers, Windows Server2000/2003 Windows 10/ 8/7/Vista/XP, Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, Centos& Mac OS.

Directory Services: Active Directory (2008/2012) Administration.

Databases: MySQL, SQL server

Hypervisors: Confidential HYPER-V and VMware ESXi 4.x and 5.x.


Confidential, Middletown, NJ

Cloud Solution Engineer


  • Worked on MicrosoftAzure(Public) Cloud to provide IaaS support to client. Create Virtual Machines through Power Shell Script andAzurePortal.
  • Manage and Create Storage Account and Affinity Group inAzurePortal.
  • Capture an image of a Virtual Machine.Attaching a Disk to a Virtual Machine. Manage and create Virtual Network and End Points inAzurePortal.
  • Deploying VM's, Storage, Network and Availability groups/sets through PowerShell Script.
  • Creating Storage Pool and Stripping of Disk forAzureVirtual Machines. Backup, Configure and RestoreAzureVirtual Machine usingAzureBackup.
  • Configure Window Failover Cluster by creating Quorum for File sharing inAzureCloud.
  • Convert existing Virtual Machine from Standard to Premium Storage Account. Patching and Validating of Virtual Machine inAzure.
  • Experience in using Azure Vault keys to encrypt keys and small passwords.
  • Experience in managing computer data centers through machine-readable definition files.
  • Coordinating wif Confidential for increasing subscription limit like- Core limit and Cloud Services. Handling and Resolving Client's Issues remotely.
  • Client Interaction over the Phone or Emails to provide instant response. Extensively created stored procedures, functions, Triggers, indexes and Views.
  • Responsible for full development life cycle, including design, coding, testing and deployment.
  • Performed a review of the technology team and worked wif leadership to define a growth plan to meet product development demands.
  • Providing updates business partners in a timely manner and documented technical and programming specifications.
  • Experienced in storage of all the data Confidential one place wif no constraints (ADLS) and orchestration of workflow where data is in cloud.
  • Usage of Log analytics service to monitor cloud and on-premises environments.
  • Worked on CI/CD pipeline for Azure cloud services.
  • Virtualized the servers using Docker for the test environments and dev-environments needs and configuring automation using Docker containers.
  • Used Team foundation server for maintaining source and documentation control.
  • Utilized NSGs for layer 4 Access Control List (ACLs) for incoming and outgoing packets.
  • Leveraged VNet system routes and underlying route table dat holds Local VNet Rules, On-premise Rules, Internet Rules and IP Forwarding as design basis
  • Used firewall appliance where requirements call for layer 7 security models.
  • Involved in deployment and post production support for the application.

Environment: Visual Studio, Confidential Azure, Log analytics, MongoDB, Powershell, IaC, ADLS, ADF, Vnet peering, Vault key, File share, ACL, Vnet, SQL Server 2008, Docker, Chef.

Confidential, Boston, MA

Azure Consultant


  • Build, Test and Deploy applications for hardware and software configuration on servers
  • Handle deployment workflow including provisioning, load balancing, and health monitoring
  • Design Network Security Groups (NSG) and subnets
  • Develop and maintains the Resource groups and instances
  • Azure VMs, Networking (VNet, Load Balancers, App Gateway, Traffic Manager, etc.)
  • Azure Service Fabric, Containers
  • Azure Resource Manager, ARM automation
  • Azure Key Vault, Encryption and Security.
  • Experience wif Confidential Azure, Azure Resource Management templates, Virtual Networks, Storage, Virtual Machines, and Azure Active Directory.
  • Drive end to end deployment of various Components on theAzurePlatform.
  • Modification of certs, password and storage accounts on the cloud platform.
  • Setting up and administer service accounts.
  • Frequent use and application of technical standard, principles, theories and concept of cloud components.
  • Provide solutions to a variety of technical problems of moderate scope and complexity.
  • Create and modify PowerShell and XML (for application gateway configuration) files.
  • Deployment of SQL components in Confidential PowerShell scripts
  • Diagnose nodes dat has reached an inoperable state
  • Remote Support of Window Server 2012.

Environment: Confidential Windows Azure, Windows server 2012/R2/2013, SQL server, Windows PowerShell, VNet, Elastic Stalk, Azure Load Balancer, NSG, Confidential Azure Storage.

Confidential, Houston, TX

Cloud Engineer


  • Solutions Consultant responsible for architecture decisions and tasks for ongoing migration efforts.
  • Identifying opportunities to improve infrastructure dat effectively and efficiently utilizes the MicrosoftAzure, Windows server 2008/2012/R2, Confidential SQL Server, Confidential Visual Studio, Windows PowerShell,Cloud infrastructure.
  • Worked on Amazon Web Services (EC2, ELB, VPC, S3, IAM, Cloud Front, RDS, Route 53, Cloud Watch, SNS).
  • Architect, develop, plan and migrate servers, relational databases (SQL) and websites to the Confidential Azure cloud.
  • Deployed Azure IaaS virtual machines (VMs) and Cloud services (PaaS role instances) into secure VNet’s and subnets.
  • Provided high availability for IaaS VMs and PaaS role instances for access from other services in the VNet wif Azure Internal Load Balancer.
  • Script, debug and automate PowerShell scripts to reduce manual administration tasks and cloud deployments.
  • Bootstrapping instances using Chef and integrating wif auto scaling.
  • Automated application packaging and deployments though Chef.
  • Configure, Implement, Secure and support Virtual Network and best security practices for single and multi-regional data centers.
  • Function as Linux Systems Administrator for managed services. Setup/Managing Linux Servers on Amazon (EC2, EBS, ELB, SSL, Security Groups, RDS and IAM).
  • Setup/Managing VPC, Subnets; make connections between different zones; Blocking suspicious IP/subnet via ACL.

Environment: AWS, EC2, Auto-scaling, Route 53, VPC, S3, SNS, Windows server 2012/R2/2013, SQL server, Confidential Visual Studio 2012, PowerShell, Chef.


Sr. Systems Engineer


  • Involved in designing Platform architecture for internet and Intranet app projects and managing the application availability.
  • Deployed and Maintained windows phone applications on azure cloud technologies.
  • Created clusters on IIS web servers using Network load balancing and managed net scale clusters including configuring clusters in Akamai global traffic management.
  • Performed Power Shell scripting for Active Directory and Exchange.
  • Develop Power Shell scripts to automate locating and correcting accounts wif provisioning issues.
  • Develop Power Shell scripts to perform pre-migration assessments of Active Directory and server states
  • Worked on SQL server 2005/2008, creating the databases, roles, security, writing queries, setting up SQL mirroring, running SQL jobs and troubleshooting connectivity and network related issues.
  • Worked on backups, restores, troubleshooting SQL server connectivity failure issues from middle tier, troubleshooting SQL database locking, blocking issues.
  • Documentation of installation guides during platform upgrades and application migrations.

Environment: AWS, Windows server 2008/2012/R2, Confidential SQL Server, Windows PowerShell.


Engineer (Windows Admin)


  • Designed from scratch and led migration to a new 2008 R2 domain, including migration of all user accounts, computer accounts, and Exchange mailboxes.
  • Created powershell scripts to halp wif day to day management of Active Directory and Exchange inboxes.
  • Spearheaded end-user upgrade of all PCs wif Confidential Windows 7.
  • Implemented new security protocols, including forcing password standards for company users.
  • Responsible for monitoring HP virtual classes, including 24hour support for late night emergencies.
  • Managed in house classroom and prepared PCs for different software classes using Symantec Ghost.

Environment: Active Directory, Confidential Windows 7, Powershell.

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