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Sr.devops Engineer (cloud) Resume

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Charlotte, NC


  • More than 8+ years of experience in Information Technology industry in various roles with excellent experience in Software Integration, Linux Administration, Configuration, Production support, in - depth knowledge of Cloud Computing strategies & expertise in the areas of Build and Release management, CI/CD Pipelining, DevOps Engineer Build & Release Management, Cloud Services like AWS, Microsoft Azure and Development for several market-driven international organizations.
  • Worked on various IaaS platforms like AWS, Azure and VMWare.
  • Led migration of Virtual Machines to Azure Virtual Machines for multiple global business units.
  • Prepared capacity and architecture plan to create the Azure Cloud environment to host migrated IaaS VMs and PaaS role instances for refactored applications and databases.
  • Worked on Data Factory Editor, to create linked services, tables, data sets, and pipelines by specifying JSON definitions for these artifacts.
  • Deployed Azure IaaS virtual machines (VMs) and Cloud services (PaaS role instances) into secure VNets and subnets.
  • Setup Azure Virtual Appliances (VMs) to meet security requirements as software based appliance functions (firewall, WAN optimization and intrusion detections).
  • Having Experience Resolving Azure AD issues relating to Office 365, Active Directory to Azure AD and CAIDM to Active Directory.
  • Manage Identity Access management of Azure Subscriptions, Azure AD, Azure AD Application Proxy, Azure AD Connect,Azure AD Pass through Authentication.
  • Having Experience Configuring and managing Azure AD Connect, Azure AD Connect health, Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
  • Hands on experience in amazon web services which includes Cloud Formation, Elastic load balancer, Elastic Beanstalk, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, IAM, Route 53, Dynamo DB, EC2 Container Service, Lambda
  • Experience in provisioning, configuring and troubleshooting of various AWS cloud services such as EC2, S3, RDS, ELB (Load Balancers), ASG, SNS, VPC, Route53, Application discovery service, Security Groups, IAM, Cloud Watch, Cloud Front, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation Templates, Ops Work.
  • Extensive knowledge on AWS migration services like snowball, direct connect, kinesis data firehose.
  • Experience in real-time monitoring and alerting of applications deployed in AWS using Cloud Watch, Nagios, and Splunk.
  • Experience in Converting existing AWS Infrastructure to Server less architecture (AWS Lambda, Kinesis),deploying via Terraform and AWS Cloud Formation templates.
  • Experience in creating S3 buckets in AWS and creating custom policies for access management for the clients using AWS IAM (Identity Access Management).
  • Hands-on experience on Azure Cloud services (Laas & Paas), Management tools, Migration, Storage, Network &Content Delivery, Active Directory, Azure container service, VPN Gateway, Content Delivery Management, Azure Storage Services, Azure Database Services.
  • Provided consistent environment using Kubernetes for deployment scaling and load balancing to the application from dev through production, easing the code development and deployment pipeline by implementing Docker containerization with multiple namespace.
  • Experienced in working on DevOps/Agile operations process and tools area (Code review, unit test automation, Build & Release Automation, SCM, Environment, Service, Incident and Change Management).
  • In-depth understanding of the principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM) in Agile, SCRUM, Waterfall methodologies.
  • Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm, and Created reproducible builds of the Kubernetes applications, managed Kubernetes deployment and service files and managed releases of Helm packages.
  • Experienced in implementing tools like Docker, and Chef/Ansible.
  • Experience in creating Docker containers leveraging existing Linux containers and AMI’s in addition to creating Docker containers from scratch.
  • Deployed Docker containers through Kubernetes to manage the micro services using its nodes, ConfigMaps, selector, Services, Pods
  • Experience designing and deploying container-based production clusters using Docker, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, OpenShift and knowledge in Apache Mesos.
  • Experience in configuring and managing Chef Master Server, upload cookbooks through knife, test recipes in Kitchen and other chef tools like Supermarket, Foodcritic and Inspec and building workflows with Chef Automate.
  • Written Teraformtemplates, Chef Cookbooks, recipes and pushed them onto Chef Server for configuring EC2Instances.
  • Installed/Configured/Managed Puppet Master/Agent. Wrote custom Modules and Manifests, downloaded pre-written modules from puppet-forge. Upgradation or Migration of Puppet Community and Enterprise.
  • Used Puppet server and workstation to manage and configure nodes, experienced in writing puppet manifests to automate configuration of a board range of services.
  • Experienced in writing Puppet manifests to automate configuration of a broad range of services. Used Puppet server and workstation to manage and configure nodes.
  • Experience in working on version control systems like Subversion, and GIT and used Source code management client tools like Visual SVN, Tortoise SVN, SVNx, UberSVN, Stash, SourceTree, GIT Bash, Github, GIT GUI and other command line applications etc.
  • Experience in using Nexus and Artifactory Repository for MAVEN and Ant builds.
  • Configuring, automation and maintaining build and deployment CI/CD tools GIT/GIT Lab, JENKINS, Docker registry/daemon, Nexus and JIRA for Multi-Environment (Local/POC/NON-PROD/PROD) with high degrees of standardization for both infrastructure and application stack automation in AWS cloud platform. Orchestrating CI/CD processes. CI/CD tools Dockerized and infrastructure setup in Vagrant, AWS, and VPCs.
  • Extensive experience using MAVEN, ANT, and Xcode as build tools for the building of deployable artifacts from source code.
  • Extensively worked on JENKINS for continuous integration (CI) and for End-to- End automation for all build and deployments.
  • Ability in the execution of XML, Ant Scripts, Shell Scripts, Perl Scripts, Power Shell scripts and JAVA Scripts.
  • Experience in working with Tracking Tools like JIRA, Red Mine, and Bugzilla.
  • Efficiently used Project Management Tools like Base Camp, MS Project, MS Share point and Atlassian Tools. (JIRA, Confluence, Stash, Source Tree, Crucible)
  • Documented, Implemented and Maintained program level processes and desk level procedures to perform tasks complaint with Software Configuration Practices.
  • Proficient in Shell, Python and Perl scripting language for automation CI/CD.
  • Hand-On experience in Implement, Build and Deployment of CI/CD pipelines, managing projects often includes tracking multiple deployments across multiple pipeline stages (Dev, Test/QA staging, and production).
  • Implement CI/CD tools Upgrade, Backup, Restore, API call, DNS, LDAP and SSL setup.
  • Knowledge about Networking Protocols and Servers.
  • Extensively worked with configuring and management tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible and expertise in developing Recipes, Manifests and Playbooks in Ruby and YAML scripts to automate the environment.
  • Expertise in Installing and configuring application server Oracle Fusion Middleware SOA Suite 12c and web Server Apache 2.x for Dev, Test and Performance and Prod environments.
  • Maintained, administer and troubleshoot Identity and Access Management (11g R2) instances across various environments.
  • Migrated Oracle Forms and Reports Portal v11gR2 to Oracle Forms and Reports 12c on Linux and Windows 2012R2
  • Ability to write and debug scripting like Shell, Python, Ruby, Perl, JavaScript and Applied servers like Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere, JBOSS to deploy code Implementation of JIRA to track all issues pertaining to the software development lifecycle and integration of JIRA with repositories such as Subversion and GIT to track all code changes.


Operating Systems: Linux, UNIX, Windows, MAC OS

Infrastructure as Service: AWS, Azure, OpenStack

Containerization Tools: Docker, Kubernetes, Openshift

Virtualization Platforms: VMWare, Virtual-Box, Vagrant

Databases: SQL Server 2010/2008/2005, MS Access, Oracle 11g/10g

Configuration Management: Chef, Ansible, Puppet

Reporting Tools: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), Crystal Reports.

Application Servers: WebLogic, Apache, Apache, IIS 7.0, 7.5

Monitoring: Splunk, ELK, Sumologic

Version Control: Git, BitBucket, Mercurial, SVN, TFS

Scripting Tools: Python, Shell, Ruby, Bash, Power shell

Build Tools: Maven, Ant, SaltStack

Ticketing tools: JIRA, service-now


Confidential, Charlotte, NC

Sr.DevOps Engineer (Cloud)


  • Responsible for Implementation, design, architecture, and support of cloud-based server and service solutions.
  • Mapped workloads to the capabilities of Microsoft Azure for public, private and hybrid clouds. The roles and responsibilities include:
  • Choosing the VM or Service as per the requirements.
  • Provided high availability for IaaS VMs and PaaS role instances for access from other services in the V-Nets with Azure Internal Load Balancer.
  • Prepared capacity and architecture plan to create the Azure Cloud environment to host migrated IaaS VMs and PaaS role instances for refactored applications and databases.
  • Experienced in configuring Cloud platform such as Virtual Networks Multi-site, Cross-site, VMs, Azure AD, Load Balancers, Azure SQL, Cloud Services, etc.
  • Implemented high availability with Azure Classic and AzureResource Manager deployment models.
  • Designed Network Security Groups (NSGs) to control inbound and outbound access to network interfaces (NICs), VMs and subnets.
  • Setup Azure Virtual Appliances (VMs) to meet security requirements as software based appliance functions (firewall, WAN optimization and intrusion detections).
  • Utilized NSGs for Layer 4 Access Control List (ACLs) for incoming and outgoing packets.
  • Having Experience in Configuring and Managing Azure AD Connect, Azure AD Connect health, Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
  • Managed multiple AWS accounts with multiple VPC's for both production and non-prod where primary objectives included automation, build out, integration and cost control.
  • Hands-on experience on AWS and its infrastructure including EC2, AMI, ECS, Elastic Cache, Elastic Search, RDS, VPC implementation, IAM, KMS, WAF, Cloud Trail, CloudWatch, S3, Cloud Front, AWS CLI scripting, ELB, Route 53, Lambda, Dynamo DB, Elastic Beanstalk, SQS, SNS and Security group management.
  • Templated AWS infrastructure as a code using Terraform to build staging and production environments.
  • Experience in using Kinesis to analyze and stream data into AWS.
  • Implemented an AWS Lambda function in Python and Go which daily updated data on SQL server as consumer for AWSKinesis Stream and monitor possible alerts.
  • Used Cloud watch to monitor resources such as EC2, CPU memory, Amazon DB services, Dynamo DB tables, Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes to set alarms for notification or automated actions and to monitor logs for a better understanding and operation of the system.
  • Hands on experience in creating Docker containers and Docker consoles for managing the application life cycle.
  • Experience in setting up the automated build on Docker HUB, and also managed Docker orchestration usingDocker Swarm.
  • Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm, and Created reproducible builds of the Kubernetes applications, managed Kubernetes deployment and service files and managed releases of Helm packages.
  • Provided consistent environment using Kubernetes for deployment scaling and load balancing to the application from dev through production, easing the code development and deployment pipeline by implementing Docker Containerization with multiple namespace.
  • Managed continuous delivery in Micro services architectures. For those Micro services developed the infrastructure with Docker containerization.
  • Create CHEF Automation tools and builds, and do an overall process improvement to any manual processes.
  • Installing and configuring chef by registering the nodes with the chef server.
  • Writing cookbooks, uploading them to chef server and executing them on the nodes by running chef-client. Created virtual environments via vagrant with chef-client provision.
  • Very good understanding and working knowledge of Orchestrating Application Deployments with Ansible.
  • Creation and maintenance of content for the Ansible community, and implementation of Ansible modules based on customer and community requirements.
  • Used Ansible as Configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploys critical applications, and used Ansible Tower to monitor automation activity and manage cloud infrastructure.
  • Written and used Ansible playbooks to manage Web applications & modules for Ansible customizations.Developed Chef Recipes to configure, deploy and maintain software components of the existing/new infrastructure.
  • Deploy and monitor scalable infrastructure on Amazon web services (AWS) & configuration management using Chef and Ansible.
  • Installed administered and configured JENKINS Continuous Integration tool.
  • Responsible for designing and deploying best SCM processes and procedures.
  • Responsible for design and maintenance of the Subversion/GIT Repositories, views, and the access control strategies and performed all necessary day-to-day Subversion/GIT support for different projects.
  • Used Ant, MAVEN to perform daily and weekly Software Builds.
  • Analyze and resolve compilation and deployment errors related to code development, branching, merging and building of source code.
  • Develop and enhance the automated configuration management system.
  • Maintain and enhance current build procedures for all software development projects.
  • Deploying JAR and WAR files to a Java web server
  • Maintain build system and automate build process for different applications.
  • Deploying Java Enterprise applications to Apache Web Server, JBoss Application Server.
  • Created Instances in Apache Web Server and JBoss Application Server in QA and Production environments.
  • Configured Apache web server instances in Citrix Netscaler for QA and Production environments.
  • Automate deployment and release distribution process with Shell, AWK, and Perl etc.
  • Worked with Oracle Database Admin to keep all the specified tables as assigned by developments in sync for every release.
  • Used Oracle to connect to various databases and to check for the invalid objects after and before each release.
  • Posting the build on time & following it up the testing team on posted builds until the specified release goes LIVE.
  • Skilled in using bug tracking systems like JIRA, Remedy.

Environment: AWS (EC2, VPC, ELB, S3, Amazon RDS, Cloud Trail and Route 53), Docker, Kubernetes, Chef, Ansible, JIRA, Terraform, CVS, ANT, Bamboo, MAVEN, Puppet, Subversion, JENKINS, Oracle 10g, Remedy, Confluence, Shell Scripts, Apache Web Server, JBoss Application Server.

Confidential, Rockville, MD

DevOps Engineer (cloud)


  • Planning and designing the solution to implement, using AzureFiles Share.
  • Configuring the IIS service to deploy the web applications on balanced environment.
  • Create and configuring a balanced environment for FTP server and used PowerShell for this activity.
  • Design and Implementation of Firewall appliances (Barracuda WAF/NG) in Azure and configure the same for IDS/IPS and to establish VPN connections.
  • Identity & Access Management: Azure Active Directory,Azure Identity, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • Plan, deploy, monitor, and maintain AWS cloud infrastructure consisting of multiple EC2 nodes and VMware Vm's as required in the environment.
  • Created automation and deployment templates for relational and non-relational databases including MS SQL,MySQL, Cassandra and MongoDB can be used in AWS RDS.
  • Created AWS cloud formation templates to create custom-sized VPC, subnets, EC2 instances, ELB's, securitygroups.
  • Used API Gateway to visually monitor calls to the services using cloud watch, so you see performance metricsand information on API calls, data latency, and error rates.
  • AWS EC2 and Cloud watch services. CI/CD pipeline management through Jenkins. Automation of manual tasksusing Shell scripting.
  • Proficient in using Docker in swam mode and Kubernetes for container orchestration, by writing Docker filesand setting up the automated build on Docker HUB.
  • Used Docker for running different programs on a singleVM.
  • Worked on Installation and Configuration of ChefServer and Chef-client (Nodes)
  • Deployed and maintained infrastructure using Chef Cookbooks and Recipes.
  • Deployed Puppet, Puppet dashboard for configuration management to existing infrastructure
  • Manage the configurations of nodes using Chef, configured Jenkins builds for continuous integration and delivery. Automated webserver content deployments via shell.
  • Used Ansible to setup Continuous Delivery Pipeline. Deployed micro services, including provisioning AWS environments using Ansible Playbooks. Expertise in Ansible Playbook, YAML for Maintaining Roles, Inventory Files and Groups Variables and Extensively worked on Jenkins.
  • Installed/Configured/Managed Puppet Master/Agent. Wrote custom Modules and Manifests, downloaded pre-written modules from puppet-forge. Upgradation or Migration of Puppet Community and Enterprise.
  • Used Puppet server and workstation to manage and configure nodes, experienced in writing puppet manifests to automate configuration of a board range of services.
  • Setup automation tools such as python and Nexus across multiple projects of the waterfall and Agile models.
  • Handled end-to-end deployments across different environments, DEV to PROD, for two projects and their respective five components.
  • In-depth knowledge of Apache Subversion and Jenkins continuous integration server-installation, Configuration, Design and Administration, and integrating these tools with other systems.
  • Experience with serverless architecture Route53, Lambda, S3
  • Developed Ant and Maven scripts to automate the compilation, deployment, and testing of Web and J2EE applications
  • Experience on Amazon visualization server and deployment codes with the setup of build Machine.
  • Participated in configuring and monitoring distributed and multiple platform servers using Puppet. Used Puppet server and workstation to manage and configure nodes.
  • Experience in managing virtual instances and disks using Puppet.
  • Automated application deployments using UDeploy through all environments.
  • Installed Udeploy server and agents from the scratch and imported multiple applications into the UDeploy server and used lambda for serverless CI/CD pipelining.
  • Provisioned the Chef nodes and deployed the cookbooks to chef server through UDeploy.
  • Automating server configuration/management with Chef.
  • Maintained all development tools and infrastructure and ensure availability for a 24/7 development cycle with teams.
  • Used Ant to perform daily and weekly Software Builds.
  • Create the Virtual Machine cluster and load balance for VM's using PowerShell.
  • Creation, Installation, and Administration of Red Hat Virtual machines in VMware Environment.
  • Resolved system issues and inconsistencies in coordination with quality assurance and engineering teams.
  • Installed, administered and configured Jenkins Continuous Integration tool.
  • Implemented Python, Shell scripting.
  • Experienced in writing shell scripts to automate the administrative tasks and management.

Environment: Ansible, Maven, Oracle WebLogic, Jenkins, Chef, Hudson, Java, Build Forge, Subversion, Ruby, Python, Shell Scripting, API, Ansible, UDeploy, Linux (Ubuntu), Solaris & Windows.

Confidential, Pennington, NJ

DevOps Engineer


  • Created a continuous delivery platform amongst the Development team, RF team and the Field Ops using industry standard open source tools such as Python, GIT, Maven, Jenkins and AWS.
  • Used Kinesis to stream data to AWS.
  • Implemented a Continuous Delivery Framework using Jenkins.
  • Implemented Puppet, Nagios, Docker and DevOps tools.
  • Working knowledge of TCP/IP, UDP protocols in solving network related issues on the servers.
  • Experience with serverless architecture Cloudwatch, DynamoDB
  • Worked with System Engineers, QA, business and other teams to ensure automated test efforts are tightly integrated with the build system and in fixing the error while doing the deployment and building.
  • Using GIT for code reviews during stages of branching, merging and staging.
  • Implemented Continuous Delivery Framework using Jenkins, Puppet, and Maven in Linux environment.
  • Used Ansible as Configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploys critical applications, and used Ansible Tower to monitor automation activity and manage cloud infrastructure
  • Experience in writing modules for creating environments for Dev, and Production to deploy the applications to the servers using Configuration tools.
  • Experience in software Build tools like ApacheMaven, ApacheAnt to write Pom.xml and Build.XML respectively.
  • Experience in writing cookbooks for deployment to various Application Servers.
  • Experienced at Software Development Life Cycles and Agile Programming Methodologies.
  • Experience with Virtualization technologies like Vagrant and VMware and Expertise in LAMP implementation and development.
  • Expertise in installing, upgrading and migrating SCM tools and technologies.
  • Handled deployment of JAR, EAR and WAR files to the respective application server instances.
  • Worked on maintaining Docker Images and containers.
  • Using Jenkins, AWS Code Deploy plug-in to deploy to AWS
  • Experience in testing/development/automation in a Dev Ops role on an agile/iterative project team for the API Gateway.
  • Ability in managing all aspects of the software configuration management process including code compilation, packaging/deployment/release methodology, and application configurations.

Environment: S3, AWS Ops Works, Docker, Ruby, Chef, Puppet Master, Elastic Load Balancers, EC2Autoscaling, Linux \Windows


Networking Linux Administrator


  • Main responsibilities include Build and Deployment of the Java applications onto different environments like Dev, QA, UAT, and Prod.
  • Integrated Maven with Shell scripts created in Bash to automate the deployments for the Java based applications. Managed the deployment activities for multiple server instances by enabling password less ssh communication between the servers and utilizing the resync utility in the shell scripts.
  • Hands-on experience on CI tools like JENKINS.
  • Managed Branching and Merging in a multi-project environment.
  • Managed the entire Release Communication and Coordination process.
  • Imported and managed multiple applications in Subversion (SVN).
  • Provided end-user training for all Subversion (SVN) users to effectively use the tool.
  • Involved in backing up a repository, creating a folder and granting user access privileges.
  • Assist our Client in the centralized Build Farm which has the responsibility of creating and maintaining build scripts required by the applications.
  • Automated the Build and Deployment process using WebLogic server.
  • Integrated SVN and Maven with Jenkins to implement the continuous integration process.
  • Performed weekly and on-call deployments of application codes to production environments.
  • Installation, Configuration and Troubleshooting of Routers & Switches and implementing VLANs on Cisco Ethernet switches.
  • Maintaining the Network Infrastructure, including Installation, Migration, and Configuration of Network Client Workstations and managing Local and Domain-wide groups.
  • Configuration and Administration of IP addressing and routing, connectivity, Telnet & FTP, etc.
  • Maintenance of Proxy / Remote Access servers in the networked environment.
  • Configuring DNS and DHCP in a 2003 Domain.
  • Setting up and Configuring Hardware and Software Firewalls.
  • Maintaining ISDN and Leased Line Networks.
  • Setting up RRAS and VPN Connections.
  • Addressing performance bottlenecks and ensuring maximum network uptime.
  • Implementation of the Network (LAN & WAN), Troubleshooting Network problems and conflict.
  • Created Maven, Perl & UNIX scripts for build and Release activities in QA, Staging and Production environments.
  • Experience in partially administering ALM (PIVOTAL TRACKER) for issue management.
  • Working experience on AGILE Methodologies.

Environment: SVN, PIVOTAL TRACKER, Maven, ANT, Jenkins, Hudson, Agile SDLC, DNS and DHCP, Perl & UNIX, LAN & WAN, Troubleshooting


Network Administrator


  • Maintaining the Network Infrastructure, including Installation, Migration, and Configuration of Network Client Workstations and managing Local and Domain-wide groups.
  • Configuration and Administration of IP addressing and routing, connectivity, Telnet & FTP, etc.
  • Maintenance of Proxy / Remote Access servers in the networked environment.
  • Configuring DNS and DHCP in a 2003 Domain.
  • Setting up and Configuring Hardware and Software Firewalls.
  • Maintaining ISDN and Leased Line Networks.
  • Setting up RRAS and VPN Connections.
  • Addressing performance bottlenecks and ensuring maximum network uptime.
  • Implementation of the Network (LAN & WAN), Troubleshooting Network problems and conflict.
  • Created Maven, Perl & UNIX scripts for build and Release activities in QA, Staging and Production environments.
  • Experience in partially administering ALM (PIVOTAL TRACKER) for issue management.
  • Working experience on AGILE Methodologies.
  • Installing, Configuring, Updating and repairing PCs, Operating system optimization, setting up computer security measures.
  • Dealing with Computer architecture, configuring computer networks, troubleshooting a variety of computer issues, deployment and re-imaging machines and End-User Support.
  • Analyze network data to determine network usage, disk space availability, or server function.
  • Configure security settings or access permissions for groups or individuals.Document network support activities.
  • Identify the causes of networking problems, using diagnostic testing software and equipment.
  • Perform routine maintenance or standard repairs tonetworking components or equipment.
  • Create or revise user instructions, procedures, or manuals.
  • Extensive training with Cisco layer 2 & 3 switches, Cisco Routers, Aruba controllers and access points.
  • End-point customer service and trouble shooting skills for desktop clients, Cisco VOIP phones, and network printers.
  • Implement, administer, and troubleshoot Cisco network gear, including routers, switches, firewalls, wireless access points, and monitoring applications.
  • Experience with Virtualization technology, such as VMware vSphere. Creation, management, administration, and maintenance of virtual servers.

Environment: UNIX, PIVOTAL TRACKER, Cisco Routers.

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